WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #12

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Not asleep. There's a half dozen or more working in the background a bit right now.
Starting over to relook at everything sounds like it might help.
The Simpson Door Plant is still in operation, my brother-in-law works there.
Lindsey's brother is a bit hyper i think and i did see him play-hit but alot of
kids do that. Brother's usually like to harrass thier sisters and maybe Josh
was doing that also. I know my son harrassed my daughter and i wouldn't
have put it passed her to wish he would go away for awhile and maybe she
felt that way too once or twice. But I think thier family life is pretty normal
so i feel it is safe to move on to your next thoughts.
I would like to see how the rehashing goes.

I do believe she knew the person, driving the car, who is (in her mind) in a place of authority. I believe he has a light colored car and he is someone who is right in thier faces and they don't know it.
Starting over to relook at everything sounds like it might help.
The Simpson Door Plant is still in operation, my brother-in-law works there.
Lindsey's brother is a bit hyper i think and i did see him play-hit but alot of
kids do that. Brother's usually like to harrass thier sisters and maybe Josh
was doing that also. I know my son harrassed my daughter and i wouldn't
have put it passed her to wish he would go away for awhile and maybe she
felt that way too once or twice. But I think thier family life is pretty normal
so i feel it is safe to move on to your next thoughts.
I would like to see how the rehashing goes.

I do believe she knew the person, driving the car, who is (in her mind) in a place of authority. I believe he has a light colored car and he is someone who is right in thier faces and they don't know it.

You are right about typical brother/sister relationships. However, those typical sibling relationships don't lead to one going to juvi. For the purpose of going back thru this entire case, IMO the family needs to be relooked at. What do we know about the mother and son? Recently, mom brought Michelle Bart into her fold then a letter is written to the public demanding everyone to follow the rules listed by the mom. It's just my opinion, but the style of that letter seemed familiar. Perhaps someone else wrote it. I simply don't know. It would be great if there are others who have more knowledge about this would be willing to share. There's more that doesn't sit right with me and IMO needs further looking into.

Novice Seeker
Starting over to relook at everything sounds like it might help.
The Simpson Door Plant is still in operation, my brother-in-law works there.
Lindsey's brother is a bit hyper i think and i did see him play-hit but alot of
kids do that. Brother's usually like to harrass thier sisters and maybe Josh
was doing that also. I know my son harrassed my daughter and i wouldn't
have put it passed her to wish he would go away for awhile and maybe she
felt that way too once or twice. But I think thier family life is pretty normal
so i feel it is safe to move on to your next thoughts.
I would like to see how the rehashing goes.

I do believe she knew the person, driving the car, who is (in her mind) in a place of authority. I believe he has a light colored car and he is someone who is right in thier faces and they don't know it.

Yvonne, would you care to share what you have gathered from the family? Like were there friends of Melissa who spent a significant time around the mother and kids? What are Melissa's day's typically like such as frequent contact with LE or are there things that run across her mind daily? Now that Melissa has invited Michelle Bart in what responsibilities has Michelle taken over? Oh, I almost forgot what led to Melissa posting a somewhat harsh letter toward others with the implication anything associated with this case was to remain confidential? Is there a chain of possesion for LE to receive any of this material?

Novice Seeker

Novice Seeker
this thread is missing something to sleuth.....something to pick apart....something to look at close up.....any pics, maps, news stories, video's? that we could jump into? :)

we just need one little tid bit.....maybe its time to write letters again and make some phone calls.....we need to wake up this case :)

Just a heads up, I have been going through the old news videos and want to point out that some of them are starting to disappear. Many of the videos from Fox 13 no longer exist.
Yvonne, would you care to share what you have gathered from the family? Like were there friends of Melissa who spent a significant time around the mother and kids? What are Melissa's day's typically like such as frequent contact with LE or are there things that run across her mind daily? Now that Melissa has invited Michelle Bart in what responsibilities has Michelle taken over? Oh, I almost forgot what led to Melissa posting a somewhat harsh letter toward others with the implication anything associated with this case was to remain confidential? Is there a chain of possesion for LE to receive any of this material?

Novice Seeker

Novice Seeker

I can answer a few of your questions as I have first hand knowledge of them.

*Michelle Bart has not been hired by MB. She has appeared on her own and volunteered to search a few weeks ago. Whether MB is going to "hire" her is not something I've discussed in detail with MB so I can't speak about that.
MB is handling all of her responsibilities herself with the help of family, friends and some volunteers in the community.
*That "somewhat harsh letter" that you speak about was direct from the FBI. From the very beginning we have told searchers that what happens at the searches.. stays at the searches. No information is to be shared. It's in Lindseys best interest right now.
I'm sorry I can't answer your private questions about Milessa Baum.
I don't know anything about her friends but I have also wondered,
only because I feel (my own thoughts) it may be someone
that Lindsey knew.
Thanks to Subway, Gordon's Select Market, Simpson Door Plant, Pepsi NW Beverage, Websleuths crew, S. Potter, McCleary PD, NCMEC, Dawn Davis and Sandy Stafford of LRC, Brad Dennis and Marc Klaas of Klaaskids, 5 cents to 5 bucks, Elma Dollar and anonymous donors for supporting the search for Lindsey Baum.

Thanks Jen for sharing this group, and thanks to all of those who you highlight! My hopes are that it grows in leaps and bounds.


Double Decker post on this page
Are you referring to this?

I have enough information now I believe I might know exactly where someone should go search...if anyone reads this, is there locally, able to actually go to where I point out, and will put aside all the bs and just go out there, I will tell you where to go.

If so, that is a bit too much, IMO. This is the sort of rumor that really makes my heart dissolve. I apologize if this sort of thing has any credibility. I have very little doubt that I will NOT be apologizing. I will apologize if necessary.
Are you referring to this?

I have enough information now I believe I might know exactly where someone should go search...if anyone reads this, is there locally, able to actually go to where I point out, and will put aside all the bs and just go out there, I will tell you where to go.

If so, that is a bit too much, IMO. This is the sort of rumor that really makes my heart dissolve. I apologize if this sort of thing has any credibility. I have very little doubt that I will NOT be apologizing. I will apologize if necessary.

Yes, That is what I am talking about.

What can it hurt for someone to find out what they know ??
To go look where they say ?

I don't see the problem here ... what if it is all true ?

Would you deny the possibility that maybe someone told this person where to look ?

What if LB is out there and no one talks to this person to find out where to look ??

Are you referring to this?

I have enough information now I believe I might know exactly where someone should go search...if anyone reads this, is there locally, able to actually go to where I point out, and will put aside all the bs and just go out there, I will tell you where to go.

If so, that is a bit too much, IMO. This is the sort of rumor that really makes my heart dissolve. I apologize if this sort of thing has any credibility. I have very little doubt that I will NOT be apologizing. I will apologize if necessary.

I don't know, maybe this person has been told info or something. What if it is true?
Im still very curious if Lindsey was known to have an older boyfriend...in their teens.........

edit: im curious if mom is wondering about someone....that linsdey was close to....some kids hang out with older kids.....i use to hang out with boys all the time....they were my friends....but you just dont know...a girl can get a crush....and the boy wants more.....i do not want to say anything to hurt momB....never would want to do that.....that is one reason why its hard for the family to be involved and read things that are being sleuthed.....
Im still very curious if Lindsey was known to have an older boyfriend...like a teen....that her mother was aware of and aloud her to hang out with.....that keeps bothering me....

I am also curious about one she may NOT have know of. Or a crush on an older guy.
Are you referring to this?

I have enough information now I believe I might know exactly where someone should go search...if anyone reads this, is there locally, able to actually go to where I point out, and will put aside all the bs and just go out there, I will tell you where to go.

If so, that is a bit too much, IMO. This is the sort of rumor that really makes my heart dissolve. I apologize if this sort of thing has any credibility. I have very little doubt that I will NOT be apologizing. I will apologize if necessary.

I have been wondering the same thing for weeks about a unknown boyfriend
another thing someone could try if they have the time and know how .....is to search out old police reports that are public and was around the same time that Lindsey went missing ....and see if anything sticks out.....looking up the old news reports/and video's are a great idea as well.....:)

see if something sticks out to you....or makes you go hmmm...bring it back to the thread so we all can have a look/thought about it.....:)
If some one has a concern they should initiate contact.
Are you referring to this?

I have enough information now I believe I might know exactly where someone should go search...if anyone reads this, is there locally, able to actually go to where I point out, and will put aside all the bs and just go out there, I will tell you where to go.

If so, that is a bit too much, IMO. This is the sort of rumor that really makes my heart dissolve. I apologize if this sort of thing has any credibility. I have very little doubt that I will NOT be apologizing. I will apologize if necessary.

Initiate contact with who ?

What if the have contacted LE and they have done nothing as usual ??

Then who do they go to ?

Or did you mean with you ?
May I add something here? Unfortunately for those of the WS sleuthers who were here...since they/we became involved with the actual search and volunteering, we can't talk about certain stuff. It's frustrating...cuz we hear stuff but can't comment on it. Nor can we come back from a long weekend and talk about it.

We're not all cloak and dagger or leaving info out. It just changes what you can post about once you sign up and volunteer. For me, not a big deal, since I wasn't a huge poster anyway...but for some, it's a harder adjustment. It may come across to some here as not being able to talk about it...not true. You can talk all you want.

Hope that makes some sense :crazy:

But we're hoping all of you can keep sleuthing and posting and validate some things.
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