WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #12

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I'm wondering if they can find out which of the timber company property access gates were open when she went missing...then I would focus on those logging roads. There are way too many places people can go around town, but I figure the easier access to a more secluded area, the more likely. I'm especially interested in whether or not there's still a gate at the end of Mommsen...I used to ride my bike over the hill into town and that was my access into McCleary from the backside where I grew up.
I am going to try to keep this thread going today with most of our local members out on the search. We need to be here giving them moral support and positive energy!

If you haven't checked out Mike's photos...please take the time to go through even a few today. Every time someone looks over a photo, it is one step closer to finding Lindsay.
I am going to try to keep this thread going today with most of our local members out on the search. We need to be here giving them moral support and positive energy!

If you haven't checked out Mike's photos...please take the time to go through even a few today. Every time someone looks over a photo, it is one step closer to finding Lindsay.

Agreed, SS !! This is a big day for Lindsey and the locals... let's give them all a hand :clap: and a prayer :praying: : WE'RE COMING TO FIND YOU, LINDSEY !

I've been through almost all the amazing photos... came across the same concerns that have been mentioned by others. MY biggest hit was the same one you (I believe it was you) identified in the ATTN thread (#438).. I hope they are able to check that one out !
It probably is just the foam or whatever the white stuff is in the river which has settled on something, but with no way to magnify it properly...I just can't tell. I would rather be safe than sorry I didn't mention it tho. I miss having my old computer where I had the capability to analyze photos and mark them easily.

I wonder what the searchers are doing now? I wish someone would drop us an update.

Thoughts and prayers are with them as they take on this daunting task to bring Lindsay home.

As a side note: I sure hope someone looks under and around that damn bridge. LOL
good luck to all searching today, my thoughts and prayers are with you.....
Where are you Lindsey?????
Thanks SS for keeping this thread going today. I hope someone checks that bridge for you also! I'm in and out today - but will be checking in when I can.

Prayers to all the searchers and especially to Lindsey. I hope she is found today!

As a side note: I sure hope someone looks under and around that damn bridge. LOL

Trust me, SS, I think every W/S'er over there right now is heading STRAIGHT for that bridge !! :crazy:

I was watching one of the news clips from yesterday, it showed a couple of LE guys (I think it was FBI, but could be wrong) they were walking down the street, (is it 6th or is it main, that ends with the Shell station? I forget, don't have the map in front of me) Anywho, I remember from JVK's photos, if you are walking towards Shell, it was on the left side of street, the long silver barrier-thingy next ot the road, down there it looked all swampy and overgrown, etc....
Well, one of these LE guys just non-chalantly peeked over the barrier, commented to his buddy, and they kept walking. I'm hoping he said "Billy, we gotta be sure to check that place out tomorrow!" .... instead of "Billy, I ain't goin' down there by all them snakes and bugs and grass, it's probably been searched already..." Sorry for the slight O/T, just trying to lighten the mood. I'm sure everyone, LE especially, knows to check those types of areas first and foremost...

Lindsey....im thinking of you today....sending positive energy to you and the searchers!

come home sweet little girl.....your mother is waiting for you......

I'm very curious about something. Since sleuths are questioning the identity of some of the people in the photos at the vigil...Who is the guy sitting at the back on the bench? It's in the photos section here. Thanks. At some point I made a post about an SO who assaulted numerous children when he was an adolescent, in a neighboring town. His whereabouts seem to be unknown. Could someone such as this be loitering around the edges of the vigil?

Thanks. Gotta get off this computer and let my son watch his play through video games. LOL.
Trust me, SS, I think every W/S'er over there right now is heading STRAIGHT for that bridge !! :crazy:

I was watching one of the news clips from yesterday, it showed a couple of LE guys (I think it was FBI, but could be wrong) they were walking down the street, (is it 6th or is it main, that ends with the Shell station? I forget, don't have the map in front of me) Anywho, I remember from JVK's photos, if you are walking towards Shell, it was on the left side of street, the long silver barrier-thingy next ot the road, down there it looked all swampy and overgrown, etc....
Well, one of these LE guys just non-chalantly peeked over the barrier, commented to his buddy, and they kept walking. I'm hoping he said "Billy, we gotta be sure to check that place out tomorrow!" .... instead of "Billy, I ain't goin' down there by all them snakes and bugs and grass, it's probably been searched already..." Sorry for the slight O/T, just trying to lighten the mood. I'm sure everyone, LE especially, knows to check those types of areas first and foremost...

Hi SCSleuther - I'm also very interested in the woods behind the barrier that goes along the side of the road on 5th and 6th. It leads to the Shell Station. There's a bit of a drop off behind the barriers and then just lots of woods. Hope they check it out!!
I'm very curious about something. Since sleuths are questioning the identity of some of the people in the photos at the vigil...Who is the guy sitting at the back on the bench? It's in the photos section here. Thanks. At some point I made a post about an SO who assaulted numerous children when he was an adolescent, in a neighboring town. His whereabouts seem to be unknown. Could someone such as this be loitering around the edges of the vigil?

Thanks. Gotta get off this computer and let my son watch his play through video games. LOL.

Does that town happen to be Hoquiam/Aberdeen?
Just watched KOMO and saw some searchers and Marc Klaas. It's good to get the story out and hope more can come to search. I wish I could but I have to work :(

Also, what bridge is everyone talking about??
good luck to all searching today, my thoughts and prayers are with you.....
Where are you Lindsey?????

Thanks for the well wishes. I wanted to report to my friends here at WS because I know you are all waiting to hear something. My wife and I were in one of the first groups to go out today. We covered an area just NE of town. They gave us 2 hours to search, but kept searching for another 3 hours to cover the area. Our team was pretty small, there was just the 6 of us. We searched as thoroughly as we could. I believe they wanted teams of 50, but there was just 6 of us there at that time.


When we got back, Jvk was there and getting briefed. He was a team lead I believe and was just headed out as we were getting in.

I met Jen, Mikeb and Brianna from the WS board. All really great people. Jen is very sweet and briefed my team before we went out.

I did ask around and everyone was saying that LE still has no viable leads on Lindsey's disappearance. I was told by more than one person, they don't know very much at all. I was sad to hear that.

I spoke with KK and MB. It was the first chance I have had to speak to MB personally and I can tell you she is on a mission to find her daughter. She has no plans to leave the area and will stay until Lindsey is found.

People from both the Klaas foundation and the Laura Recovery Center were there to help coordinate the searches. I heard them say that 11 of the 20 areas they planned to search had been covered today. I asked about other locations, but they weren't allowed to say.

Hopefully tonight we'll hear from Jvk and he'll have something good to report.

I'll be gone for a bit, but if you have some questions, please ask and I'll try to answer them later. Wish I had better news to report, but I wanted to at least let you all know how things were going.
Just watched KOMO and saw some searchers and Marc Klaas. It's good to get the story out and hope more can come to search. I wish I could but I have to work :(

Also, what bridge is everyone talking about??

Yes, KOMO 4 is still there. I didn't see any other news agencies there today. They would be the one to watch for local news. I believe a woman from the Vidette was there taking photos today too. She was also interviewing Mr. Klaas. I believe I heard him say that he had to be on a plane at 3:00pm and I did not see him when I returned from our search.

The search teams were being organized by Brad Dennis. The searches were well organized and they gave everyone brightly colored numbered vests to wear. They had it set up for 6 different colored teams. We had to register, check-in, were briefed and then introduced to our team leader, who we then followed to the search area. After our search, we were fed and debriefed. They basically wanted any out of the ordinary details from the search and whether we had talked to or seen anyone in the area of our search. We then checked out. I talked with Mikeb for a bit, thanked him for the great photos. I talked to both KK and Brianna who told me LE has no real clues for any direction in the case that they have heard of.

That's all I can think of that happened today.
Oh, I am so glad you stopped by to fill us in, Cyber!! I know you guys must be exhausted.

It is great you got to meet Jen, Brianna, and Mike. At least some WSers were given a chance to get together for a bit. Always good news since we do share a common goal here. :) Happy to hear that JVK was out and on the ball today, too. Looks like we were well represented! Woohoo! WTG, WSers!! :woohoo:

Are they doing searches tomorrow or was the turnout too low today? I just think Saturday would be better for working people.

I didn't really expect to hear they had much on this case, Cyber. It is why I am so glad that KlaasKids and Laura Recovery are there. It helps renew the public's interest and gets her name out even if nothing is found. Remember...finding nothing means there is always a chance she is still alive, too!

Hugs to all of the searchers and in particular our WSers!! Job Well Done!!
Gibby~ To make a long story short...there was an old looking wooden bridge I asked JVK to find on his first outing of taking photos. (One of my "feelings") Not only was it there, but it was feet from Lindsay's house. It has become a bit of a joke around here since I have bugged everyone to go search it for evidence. LOL I couldn't resist mentioning it today, but everyone has assured me that it has been searched repeatedly. ;) Hope that clears it up. (There are photos of it on JVK's photo page and also on Cyber's photo page.)
Yes, KOMO 4 is still there. I didn't see any other news agencies there today. They would be the one to watch for local news. I believe a woman from the Vidette was there taking photos today too. She was also interviewing Mr. Klaas. I believe I heard him say that he had to be on a plane at 3:00pm and I did not see him when I returned from our search.

The search teams were being organized by Brad Dennis. The searches were well organized and they gave everyone brightly colored numbered vests to wear. They had it set up for 6 different colored teams. We had to register, check-in, were briefed and then introduced to our team leader, who we then followed to the search area. After our search, we were fed and debriefed. They basically wanted any out of the ordinary details from the search and whether we had talked to or seen anyone in the area of our search. We then checked out. I talked with Mikeb for a bit, thanked him for the great photos. I talked to both KK and Brianna who told me LE has no real clues for any direction in the case that they have heard of.

That's all I can think of that happened today.

I passed the KOMO news van on their way out of town when I was coming home around 5:30...maybe they'll come back tomorrow.
I haven't read the threads, I will. I just wanted to report in.

I wish I could share information but I've been asked not to say anything about the searches themselves.

I can tell you that I met the woman who "broke up the fight" between Josh and Lindsey. And lets just say that the media, once again left out a lot of information and got even more incorrect.

I spent a lot of time today (I was there 10 + hours so I had a lot of time to visit between briefings, mapping and debriefing. lol) with KK and MB. I even got to spend a little bit of time with Josh. It is confirmed that he does have Aspergers. I got to meet Kadence. What a neat dog.

Anyway, I feel good about things that were found today. I hadn't read the report of JVK/Cyberswepts search (I was debriefed out so I passed that on to Breanna or maybe it was Dawn.. to do. lol). I'll read the report tomorrow.. sounds interesting.

It's been a long exhausting day and I will be back there tomorrow morning (it's my 41st birthday.. I would like presents (Dell mini laptop please) and a cake (or as Sandy said a muffin) at 8 am to do it again.

There is so much more I want to say but I can not think straight. I need a long soak in the tub. And a couple of beers.
I haven't read the threads, I will. I just wanted to report in.

I wish I could share information but I've been asked not to say anything about the searches themselves.

I can tell you that I met the woman who "broke up the fight" between Josh and Lindsey. And lets just say that the media, once again left out a lot of information and got even more incorrect.

I spent a lot of time today (I was there 10 + hours so I had a lot of time to visit between briefings, mapping and debriefing. lol) with KK and MB. I even got to spend a little bit of time with Josh. It is confirmed that he does have Aspergers. I got to meet Kadence. What a neat dog.

Anyway, I feel good about things that were found today. I hadn't read the report of JVK/Cyberswepts search (I was debriefed out so I passed that on to Breanna or maybe it was Dawn.. to do. lol). I'll read the report tomorrow.. sounds interesting.

It's been a long exhausting day and I will be back there tomorrow morning (it's my 41st birthday.. I would like presents (Dell mini laptop please) and a cake (or as Sandy said a muffin) at 8 am to do it again.

There is so much more I want to say but I can not think straight. I need a long soak in the tub. And a couple of beers.

you are the best! :blowkiss: Wishing you the happiest birthday ever
1000 flyers asking for more volunteers to come search for Lindsey are going out this weekend on top of pizza box's!

I contacted Bob at the LRC center who put me in contact with Sandy to see what I could do to help this weekend......I wanted to go search by foot but couldn't make it today ....I don't know about the rest of the weekend.....we are still trying......there were about 60 searchers today....but they need at least 300...

Bob mentioned that they had in the past made up flyers and had local pizza places stick them on the top of the pizza box's......a light bulb went off in my head.....hubby was able with permission from Sandy to use part of Lindsey's Missing flyer and cut and paste the info about the search going on this weekend....he then made a great flyer.....i went and had them printed *with a discount from the printers* and took them to the pizza place........

im happy to say that they are being delivered to families homes as im typing

I will post a pic of the flyer as soon as I can ......if my computer will cooperates

i was told by Sandy that the search is still going on sat and sun......:)

forgot to add....the flyers are going out in olympia :)
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