WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #13

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JVK is from Olympia, WA kageykaren! All of JVK's photo's can be found in a PhotoBuucket act.

Here is one of the links for JVK's picture's for Lindsey's case...this will lead you to the other photo albums:

ITA: Thanks so much for your amazing photography! A BIG thanks for taking the time to share your pictures of the area, sites, vigils etc. for Lindsey's threads! They are better than any I have seen posted by the media!

Thanks to all of our local posters for your up to date info going on around town & taking your own time to volunteer in the searches for Lindsey too! You are all angels in my book!

:rose:'s for all of our Lindsey's :angel:'s!!

JVK, you made me hungry!

I can't stay long as I need to sleep due to my ride-along with a county deputy all night tonight...(I'm excited!)

Jennifer, please don't leave us because of things said on other boards. You've earned our respect here and we would miss you terribly! As written on the local tribute thread, I'm amazed at how you guys in a small town have stood up to the stress so far...EVERYONE in that town is personally involved. You can't help it with a town that size. People are going to talk. However, your actions will stand the test of time. I live in a small town and was raised in a small town and that is how it goes.

Stay with us so we can continue to encourage you and lift you up during this process. And that goes to each and every one of you there! :blowkiss: :grouphug:
BTW, I'm not even going to look at other boards. I see good things going on here and don't want to taint what I know with gossip and negative talk. :wink:
I haven't read what DD has stated. The only time I read you mentioned there was in a post from a local gal who lives in another town close by. I did make a post there and included this subject as I thought this local poster was a bit 'over the top' in the way she stated things and she said she does read here too. I don't care who she is. I know you from posting with you all these months and admire you very much.

I did read about another poster who is evidently local who caused trouble but have no idea who that is, and think she posted quite awhile ago. I don't read at IS so I don't have the full scoop. xox

I signed in just so I could say that I wholeheartedly agree! Jennifer, you are the best, really!

JVK, you are a ray of sunshine! Your photos and kind words have a calming effect here and I, for one, am glad you're here.
Jennifer maybe you can help me figure this out. IIRC in several articles and website postings that some form of accounts had been set up for people to donate for any searches for Lindsey. Because of this form of account the FBI monitor these particular accounts fairly closely. Is that b/c of the type of account it is or what? How often are audits done with those particular accounts? My reason for asking is that apparently at the last search event which KlassKids and LRC headed there was so question of lack of funds from the set up accounts? or Are those accounts used only for the searches established by the locals. I hope you can make sense out of what I'm asking b/c financial dealings such as this is way beyond my comprehension.

Novice Seeker

Do you mean, if accounts set up for searching for Lindsey aren't used for searches like the ones with Klaaskids and LRC, then what searches are they used for? I'm curious about that, too.
Did any of you read Tuba's astrology chart for Lindsey today???

Quite interesting & amazing if you ask me....

Bumped it here for everyone...I didn't want you to miss this chart! :winko:

This is the event chart for police questioning a person of interest just after dawn on Friday, September 25 at Command Central.
The chart called Dawn of the Search Warrants was cast for sunrise on that day in that place and is also on this board


You'll have to go to the astro threads to find the earlier chart she referenced in her post!

JVK, you made me hungry!

I can't stay long as I need to sleep due to my ride-along with a county deputy all night tonight...(I'm excited!)

Jennifer, please don't leave us because of things said on other boards. You've earned our respect here and we would miss you terribly! As written on the local tribute thread, I'm amazed at how you guys in a small town have stood up to the stress so far...EVERYONE in that town is personally involved. You can't help it with a town that size. People are going to talk. However, your actions will stand the test of time. I live in a small town and was raised in a small town and that is how it goes.

Stay with us so we can continue to encourage you and lift you up during this process. And that goes to each and every one of you there! :blowkiss: :grouphug:
Don't forget your deflector shield and your ray gun tonight!! You should keep your spare jetpack handy, too. Be safe out there! (Handing Kimster a box of Krispy Kremes to take to her "partner". What if you have to go on a stake out?! LOL)

I agree with what you said about small towns. As I told someone earlier, it is difficult in a small town when LE begins to zero in on one of their own and the town will be divided. Some people will never see it coming or believe it even after an arrest is made. Other people will only want justice no matter who is involved.

JenniferO, you are so dedicated and truly have worked tirelessly. You have given so much time and effort in finding Lindsey. I applaud you! Keep up the great work.

Helpful hint: Don't respond. It is why we say do not feed the trolls. A reaction is all they are after and if they do not get one...they will stop trying to push your buttons. ;)
Did any of you read Tuba's astrology chart for Lindsey today???

Quite interesting & amazing if you ask me....

Bumped it here for everyone...I didn't want you to miss this chart! :winko:

You'll have to go to the astro threads to find the earlier chart she referenced in her post!


I read it but am not sure I understand it. Can you elaborate?
Do you mean, if accounts set up for searching for Lindsey aren't used for searches like the ones with Klaaskids and LRC, then what searches are they used for? I'm curious about that, too.

Dang it, you stated it much clearer and with less words.(Jealous) But, yes that was my question.

Novice Seeker
People need to understand what it takes in order to obtain a search warrant and to put a search of that magnitude together. It is my opinion the reason must have come up during one of the conversations directly with LE from a family member or evidence came to them from another source.

It isn't possible it came from someone spreading rumors or telling tall tales about another person. There has to be some compelling evidence for LE to take to a judge in order for him/her to sign the warrants. If it was so easy to obtain a SW then people would be at risk all the time which is not the case and why we have laws to protect citizens from illegal or unfounded searches.

LE must have Probable Cause. Period.

I'm sure about that too SS, that is probable cause. If the warrants lists a swimming suit, wouldn't that mean it should have been at her house if she did indeed take a shower before heading to KK's but was not found there?
I'm not even going to try to guess what anyone is doing. I know what I have done and what I am doing. And posting lies on the internet is not one of them. I prefer to stay out of that. I like how DD posts on her own forum.. where she has control of the content.

I now see why she never wanted to email though. Everything had to be done on her forums (which I was removed as a member from when I wouldn't give her some information she wanted).. *shrugs*

Like I said, I'm not analyzing this stuff. Lindsey is far to important to me and she is the only thing any of us should be concentrating on. If TG and her son are innocent.. let the LEs figure that out.

I'm *this* close to stopping from posting on the forums. I have always stood behind my word.. I continue to do that, but once my words are taken, twisted and retold incorrectly.. I shut up. That way it can't happen again.

Jen - I've only been a member a relatively short time, and have been in "lurk" mode lately (a *lot going on personally) - but I wanted to pop in to say that if you decided to never post again, it would be a {{{huge}}} and irreplaceable loss for us @ WS!! What you (and everyone else who've been involved with the searches, etc) have accomplished with your determination and heart....is ..well, there are no words big enough! :blowkiss: :clap: I have nothing but admiration and respect for what you do. Please stay!!!

I understand what you're feeling, I've also experienced the frustration, pain and sense of betrayal - at having my words twisted beyond recognition on other boards (of another type). In fact, because of this, I was very hesitant and did a *lot of research on this type of board before deciding to sign up here at WS, a decision that I've not once regretted. WS truly *is, a "class act" and sets the standard for how a board *should be. I am in a state of perpetual awe at the teamwork and what is accomplished here! As far as other boards, well, I don't read them; when I want facts, I know I can get them here from people I've come to trust and respect. Life is far too short to spend it by playing games, or by gleefully spreading lies. JMO

That said, you are 1000% right - Lindsey *is who we all should be concentrating on. I don't post as often as I'd like to - but I do check in daily - and early every morn w/I take my pooch out for her morning "piddle" - I look up at the starlit sky, look for a shooting star and say a prayer for Lindsey, Hasanni, Haleigh, and so many others....that they be found {today}. I "feel" that Lindsey will be found very soon..........praying that it is so!!!
distracted & any others that didn't understand Tuba's chart...if you check after a post they often explain things & will answer questions about their charts....for those of us begininers. They are amazingly accurate in every case they have charted. When I 1st started reading their threads I was lost the more you follow a case in the astro thread & read....you catch on to what they are saying more & more.

Here's a bump of one of her posts further explaining a recent chart......this really helps explain earlier charts after we've had ?'s or they study the chart further. It is very time consuming to read a chart after they are made & often other things due to time constraints aren't noticed by them the 1st time they post about them...even several times later. This is an example & I hope Tuba dosen't mind me bumping this here...I find this to give me hope that Lindsey will be found soo! :crossfingers:

Tuba' Post Bumped:
Today, 09:06 PM
Just examining the Friday charts, it strikes me the police are doing exactly what they ought to be doing and if they continue in this vein, they will wind through. They are so close to a resolution of this case. There are people fronting and aiming to divert suspicion; their very resistance is so strong it's distracting to the investigators but the masks will fall.

Sorry I hope I'm not offending anyone who dosen't believe or have an interest in our forsenic astrology threads! :blowkiss:

IMO: They are all amazing & gifted forscenic astrologers & am very proud that they are a part of WS's. I enjoy & have learned so much from them about so many things.

Thank you so much angel!!!

sorry....i have been off searching info....on Lindsey.....and wasnt paying attention to the thread :)

im signing off for now....need to get food into little tummy's....but will be back on later....can wait to read on the astro thread!!
<Snipped to save space>

JenniferO, you are so dedicated and truly have worked tirelessly. You have given so much time and effort in finding Lindsey. I applaud you! Keep up the great work.

Helpful hint: Don't respond. It is why we say do not feed the trolls. A reaction is all they are after and if they do not get one...they will stop trying to push your buttons. ;)

I'm taking your advice. Thank you. :)
Jenn, i have been trying to follow all of this that's going on but i for one want to let you know, i've appreciated everything you've done.

if you don't have anything to worry about then just sit back and let it all play out. i know it's got to be tough but i don't know what else to say. the truth will come out. :smile:
Sorry Everyone for being so rude! :blushing: :angel:
I should have been more polite & post the link to Lindsey's Forsenic Astrology thread for all of our new members or for those of us that can get lost when trying to find some threads around here! :crazy:

Forensic Astrology - LINDSEY BAUM missing McCleary,WA 6/26/09
Forensic Astrology - LINDSEY BAUM missing McCleary,WA 6/26/09 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

The astro forum has an excellent thread, that has lists of websites & books for us begs.....helps me out a lot for reference often to some of the terms they use to get a definition from some of the websites!

I'm was so hoping to get soem good news today....Lindsey needs to be found! :prayer:

Maybe just maybe they'll find something in whatever evidence they have taken from the searches this weekend...they had to have had a really good lead to even want to get the search warrants in the 1st place. You can just imagine how many tips they have gotten & check out throughly....that end up not in need of excuting a search warrant at the time of it. Maybe later if things start to add up somewhere that rules it back to the top of the pile of importance.

We all know something put this one way up on their hinky meter & had proof to take it to the judge to sign the warrant. They haven't done anything this lg. scale in a long time...My hope is whatever it is it is leading us all closer to the answer we all have been asking......"WHERE IS LINDSEY?" JMHO

:grouphug:'s & :rose:'s

Jenn, i have been trying to follow all of this that's going on but i for one want to let you know, i've appreciated everything you've done.

if you don't have anything to worry about then just sit back and let it all play out. i know it's got to be tough but i don't know what else to say. the truth will come out. :smile:

yeah, after taking a break and doing other mindless things.. I've calmed down. I've decided i'm not even going to read the other forums anymore.

I'll stick to this one. :)
Thank You So Much!
For All Of Your Loving Dedication To Lindsey!!
JenniferO, JVC, Knox, boondock, scandi, TakeNote, Kimster, (ETA: :slap: How could I forget...Normcar21 Soooo sorry & many other locals I'm sure...!) & All Of Our Local WS's & All Sleuther's Too!!!!!!!


:grouphug:'s & :rose:'s
I'm a little offended that skye/doubledecker is making up lies about me. I have no way to prove them, it's her word against mine so I'm not even going to try. But I will say she is good at twisting truths so I would choose wisely on what I decided to believe.

I did not read the comments from the individuals mentioned but am not surprised that this has happened. I previously posted that I would apologize if my thoughts about a certain individual on this "revelation" ended up without incident.

Now the "incident" appears to be revealing it's nasty little head. I do believe that "twisting truths" would probably be an excellent definition of what is now happening to one of our most valuable posters relative to Lindsey.

There is a whole lotta nasty happening in other forums, IMO, and I believe now that I will do what SS has explained is her way of dealing with such things. I will go beyond that, now, and will simply stay clear, no matter what, of some places that I personally do not appreciate.

Jennifer, you "stay" girl, you are amazing in many excellent ways, and I have absolutely no doubts about your truthfulness.

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