WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #16

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One or more of those involved in the searches have been accused (by those in other arenas) of participating in obstructionist and / or misleading tactics.


And all of those accused have been cleared to LEs satisfaction so I think that horse can be buried now.. it's dead we can stop beating it.

Edit to add: "been cleared" I guess is the wrong choice of words. LE is reported to have said "We're comfortable with the information they've shared with us and comfortable with the timeline they've explained"... to me, that means they don't feel they are participating in obstructionist or misleading tactics.

If that changes then I guess I'll go with Breanna to that tattoo parlor and have a matching "STUPID" tattoo put on my forehead.
“Far from being done”
BY JACOB JONES - The Daily World
Wednesday, December 23, 2009 2:50 PM PST

Grays Harbor investigators plan to call in new experts...

Undersheriff Rick Scott announced in a news conference Tuesday that additional missing child experts are expected to review the investigation in the coming weeks...

This kind of explains what they said on the news yesterday about the FBI going to McCleary in early January! Odd thing was, they never posted that story online and it wasn't mentioned on any other news channel. But it makes sense. And can most likely be very helpful.
As quoted from Tuesday's (12/22/2009) news conference story:
Scott said he hopes the third-party review of the investigation by additional federal experts will help narrow some direction for the case, which has suffered from very little physical evidence indicating any specific crime or scenario.

Forensic testing has not tied any physical evidence to Baum so far, Scott said, but many items are still at the crime lab awaiting testing.

“The investigation remains comprehensive,” he said. “At some point we hope to have that one piece of information that’s going to point us in a specific direction.”

I knew items were flagged for LE during searches but as to quantity, who knows.

As I watched the video of that conference, I noticed KK and MK sitting behind the podium area and GHCSO Undersheriff Scott as he spoke to the gathering.

Why was KK and MK seated as such to be in line of sight of the cameras? I assume MB must be so extremely despondent at this point and lacking in strength that KK is filiing a role of 'local family' spokesperson.

Either way ... if I were new to this case and watching that video I might assume that person (KK) behind the podium area is the mother who is suffering the loss. Just seems a bit strange to me. Just strange, nothing more so don't infer anything beyond.

The perp must be feeling quite comfortable. Nearly 6 months have passed and not so much as a currently, publicly announced POI or evidence in focus.
  • Were the attendees (local gov employees and friends) to the party hosted at the VFW that evening interviewed as to their movements before / during / after the party?
  • Who drove to work that evening? Were 'paths to work' traced / searched?
  • Was the Simpson plant operating that eveining? Who is first in / first out? On-site cameras?
  • How large is the safe in the jewelry store? Far-fetched.
  • Did the now-closed market have a walk-in freezer?
  • Are there septic tanks in the area? Searched?
  • Logging shacks, abandoned and active?
  • All parked and non-functional vehicles?
  • UPS / FedEx / DHL / USPS.
  • Construction dumpster.
  • Was anyone taking pictures during the pool party?
  • Were cameras / cell phones belonging to homeowners surrounding the LN house (pool) warranted for search?
Unless the perp had a vehicle immediate to his use, s/he and LB spent at least some time in McCleary that evening, beyond the initial event.


What area(s) of McCleary are typically abandoned or vacant during evening / into-the-weekend hours, to which only one person would have access / key?
Was LE privy to the 'evidence'? Just curious...


Not sure what evidence you are talking about.
Anything that is found and tagged during the searches is reported to LE... whether it was "evidence" or not that is up to LE to decide. We don't determine that out "in the field" or at the search center.
SO's aren't actually considered sex offenders until they are actually reported and/or caught and arrested and charged and convicted for a criminal sexual offense. Sure, technically they don't need to be caught to be considered a sex offender to the public, but those registered SO's obviously have been, and those are the ones most of us focus on. The ones convicted and required to register.

There might be only 2 or 3 registered SO's in McCleary who are known to LE, but then there could be 25-50 or even more who are just as sick or perverted, if not more so, that have just never been caught. And not being caught or being reported means a sicko is never going to be considered a sex offender. And, of course, not getting caught is the biggest reason they continue to offend. We've all heard of stories where children don't tell a grown-up what someone was doing to them for many years out of fear.

So, even though the majority of us agree that some RSO is responsible for Lindsey's disappearance, I wonder just how many un-known pervs live in the area who might be responsible, and are sitting home laughing at us and LE for not thinking to check them. We constantly read about registered SO's but rarely read about those pervs who have done sick things with children for many years but have never been reported, caught, arrested, or convicted.

I'm not sure what to think next... :banghead:

Not sure what evidence you are talking about.
Anything that is found and tagged during the searches is reported to LE... whether it was "evidence" or not that is up to LE to decide. We don't determine that out "in the field" or at the search center.

Regarding the posting and email 'evidence' of those accused of obstructing / misleading.
Regarding the posting and email 'evidence' of those accused of obstructing / misleading.

I can only speak about what is posted about myself.. LE is aware of the accusations by other parties.

Edit to add: Also.. no "evidence" was shared by myself or anyone else in the search center considering (to our knowledge) there hasn't been any found. According to the news article today.. "Scott said he hopes the third-party review of the investigation by additional federal experts will help narrow some direction for the case, which has suffered from very little physical evidence indicating any specific crime or scenario.

Forensic testing has not tied any physical evidence to Baum so far, Scott said, but many items are still at the crime lab awaiting testing."
And all of those accused have been cleared to LEs satisfaction so I think that horse can be buried now.. it's dead we can stop beating it.

I take issue with the statement made in the above post. Unless she can provide a source for verification and be able to name names of the specific persons who have "been cleared" to LE's satisfaction, I feel her statement should be disregarded on this thread.
I take issue with the statement made in the above post. Unless she can provide a source for verification and be able to name names of the specific persons who have "been clearned" to LE's satisfaction, I feel her statement should be disregarded on this thread.

You are correct.

"been cleared" is probably the wrong choice of words.. LE has been reported to say that they have ruled out Lindseys family.

You can see in this post
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Media Links ONLY - no discussion

Police have ruled out all family members as suspects.

It's been stated (found the link and edited it in) that they are comfortable with KKs alibi and SWs LDT.
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Media Links ONLY - no discussion

The missing girl's mother, who wanted avoid becoming the center of the investigation, voluntarily took a polygraph test. The father of the girl's best friend, Scott Williams, also volunteered to take the test.

"At their requests polygraphs were given to them. They passed those polygraphs. We're comfortable with the information they've shared with us and comfortable with the timeline they've explained," said Grays Harbor County Undersheriff Rick Scott.

Those are the only ones I can think of at the search center who have been "suspects" and are having accusations thrown at them besides myself. And as far as I know I've never been a "suspect". I'm sure LE has checked me out since they have my ID and I've spoken to them on more than one occasion.
What is this regarding? Accused by who?

Since no one is answering this, I'm assuming this is based on unfounded info found on another forum? Well if it is, it's a bunch of BS. Believe what you want but this thread is not for rumors.
Dear Lord,
As I sit here surrounded by family, enjoying the beauty of the season, I can't help but feel sad for Lindsey's family.
I pray that you will grant courage to those who may have info to come forward and speak the truth. I pray that you will give renewed strength to all who are feeling helpless to find Lindsey. I pray that Lindsey is found safe and with time she and her familly will be able to put this all behind them and move on to happier days. I pray that the truths that you know will be known to LE and justice will come to those involved.
I pray that you will fill Lindseys family and friends hearts with peace and comfort.
Awaiting your guidance,
Dear Lord,
As I sit here surrounded by family, enjoying the beauty of the season, I can't help but feel sad for Lindsey's family.
I pray that you will grant courage to those who may have info to come forward and speak the truth. I pray that you will give renewed strength to all who are feeling helpless to find Lindsey. I pray that Lindsey is found safe and with time she and her familly will be able to put this all behind them and move on to happier days. I pray that the truths that you know will be known to LE and justice will come to those involved.
I pray that you will fill Lindseys family and friends hearts with peace and comfort.
Awaiting your guidance,

I just want to say thank you for this prayer and Amen
Dear Lord,
As I sit here surrounded by family, enjoying the beauty of the season, I can't help but feel sad for Lindsey's family.
I pray that you will grant courage to those who may have info to come forward and speak the truth. I pray that you will give renewed strength to all who are feeling helpless to find Lindsey. I pray that Lindsey is found safe and with time she and her familly will be able to put this all behind them and move on to happier days. I pray that the truths that you know will be known to LE and justice will come to those involved.
I pray that you will fill Lindseys family and friends hearts with peace and comfort.
Awaiting your guidance,

Thank you for this... I'm sure the family appreciates this as much as the many friends who have yet to meet Lindsey do.
... figured out what the initials of my username stand for.

Dang! Guess I was all wrong! I thought it stood for "Justa Video King" judging by your pic below. But seriously, I guess I'll stop calling you Jethro now! LOL!

Man, I certainly hope something happens soon! We need to find Lindsey! Along with everyone else, I was really hoping she would be home for Christmas! One thing nice about these cool winter days is how clear the skies are. It's just too bad we aren't searching until next month. Heck, I'm willing to search on my own, but you know how us city boys are so afraid of being in the woods alone! I'm not ready to become wild animal food just yet. I'll text message my cell number to you in case you deleted it from your cell, and if you're ever feeling like going out for a day of searching, any day of the week, just let me know.
It has been brought to my attention that a group of rocket scientists have figured out what the initials of my username stand for.

As much as i've tried to hide my identity by lurking in the shadows of every city block in McCleary, speaking with countless residents, LE & county workers. My plan has failed!

I know people believed that if they visited (a) center on essentially any weekend for the last ~5 months they were meeting me. However that was my evil twin brother Jeremy! hah!

In order to help solve this deep mystery (with a side of continual conspiracy) it is still possible to show up and actually meet the people involved!

JVK is this post really necessary here on Lindsey's thread? I have read what you are referring to, who cares, does posting this information benefit Lindsey in some way? This isn't a thread to address your issues, it's about Lindsey and finding her. Honestly, take it somewhere else.
JVK is this post really necessary here on Lindsey's thread? I have read what you are referring to, who cares, does posting this information benefit Lindsey in some way? This isn't a thread to address your issues, it's about Lindsey and finding her. Honestly, take it somewhere else.

No need to defend my post. Knox is correct. It was not entirely appropriate. I will delete it.

Knox and i have a question in common:

does posting this information benefit Lindsey in some way?

We're both asking the same question yet refer to different information.

One must have a benefit.
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