WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #7

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Doesn't the eyewitness account (spotting between 5th & 6th on Maple) kind of conflict w/her being near 6th & Simpson?
I must have missed her being spotted near 6th and Simpson (even if it is unconfirmed). Was it discussed here?

Not really, JVK. She could have walked the block over to Simpson. Why is that a conflict? I think it is quite possible she took 5th street myself.
If they found the "hoodie" and her "flip flops" the night she went missing, why did they say she was wearing those items on the lost posters?

I would have thought they would have said she was shoeless and wearing *such and such* tshirt.

I don't think Lindsey made it to the park, park and ride or even on her street. If someone was chasing her behind the Shell.. why would she go towards the park instead of her house? If she was in the park why would she run in the opposite direction towards the Shell instead of her house?
The official police report is what they go by on the posters since it is what LE puts out to the public. If her mother said she was wearing a hoodie and whatever, it is what they write down and it becomes official. A lot of times, they don't go back to change it.

It depends on where the vehicle was parked. If the man and vehicle were between Lindsey and her house where he threatened her...she would run away from him in the opposite direction. If he accosted her behind the station and she broke free to run towards her house...maybe he pushed her into the bushes while trying to grab her.

I tend to believe the story of finding the clothes for various reasons.

Does anyone know if they taped up the area between 5th and 6th on Maple where she was last seen? If not, pretty good indication they wouldn't tape off the other area for any length of time either (they had 7 hours that night to process it). Why they wouldn't let the public in on this information is not unlike LE across the country...close to the vest...only things the kidnapper would know...yada yada yada.

As far as the bike goes...it is a curious story. I can see perhaps the chain breaking, but not pushing it all over town like that either. Since the fight was supposed to have happened behind the station...it was so close to the house and she was still pushing it? Why didn't she just leave it at home when she was there to shower and change? Why take the bike and push it to the station? Or if it was left it at the station on her way to KK's house, why did the brother just leave it?

Her mother said the brother went back out that night searching...did she mention if he was walking or on his bike?

There are a lot of questions concerning the brother and the bike fight. I don't trust the brother.

Is it just me being suspicious or did anyone else find his little one line speech followed up with "Amen" at the vigil a bit odd?
Maybe JVK remembers.. but are there bushes behind the Shell along Mommsen Street? When I think of "behind the Shell" I think of the Mommsen Street because the door into the shell is on the opposite side of that. Is that where "behind the Shell" is in this case, or are they talking about the side facing the park n ride (because if I remember correctly, that is all concrete with no plants).
Maybe JVK remembers.. but are there bushes behind the Shell along Mommsen Street? When I think of "behind the Shell" I think of the Mommsen Street because the door into the shell is on the opposite side of that. Is that where "behind the Shell" is in this case, or are they talking about the side facing the park n ride (because if I remember correctly, that is all concrete with no plants).
On the map you made, it clearly shows a line of bushes which divide the park and ride down to the bridge from the area where the FD and Public Works buildings sit. This is what I would consider to be behind the Shell station even if it sits at an angle.

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On the map you made, it clearly shows a line of bushes which divide the park and ride down to the bridge from the area where the FD and City workers building sits. This is what I would consider to be behind the Shell station even if it sits at an angle.

Ok, I think that is where my confusion is coming from. I thought they meant right behind the Shell, not behind the police station/fire station/city building.

I think if I have time today I might have my husband stop in McCleary on our way home from Seattle and take some more pictures. No guarantees though.. we might be coming back through to late.
With all of the visible zebras having been chased, I keep coming back to one particular horse; her brother.
Course, I also suspected the brother in JBR's case, so...
Where would a 13 yr old hide a body so well that over 3 weeks later, still no sign?

I don't think the brother is even near the radar, let alone on it.
Maybe she walked over to the location of the bike on her way home in order to see if her brother had picked it up and took it home?
Where would a normal 13 year old hide a body? Who knows...one would assume they wouldn't.

Where would a 13 year old who has been in juvie and supposedly shows the arson part of the homicidal triad hide a body? Lord only knows.
OT...looks like they finally brought Tori home.
Lindsey will come home, too, hopefully with a different outcome :(
With all of the visible zebras having been chased, I keep coming back to one particular horse; her brother.
Course, I also suspected the brother in JBR's case, so...
He was my first thought, too. The more I learn about him...the more I have to wonder if my first instincts weren't correct.

As far as where he would hide a body? Being in Juvy, a boy can make some very undesirable friendships. Maybe he wasn't alone when she returned for the walk home. He knew if she left the bike behind the Shell station that she would return to pick it up after their huge fight. He also knew basically what time she would be coming home and she may be alone. He could have waited with friends and ambushed her easily.
I wonder what the cameras showed that night/time as far as activity? I guess it's weird thinking she wouldn't run to the shell station, or scream loud enough for someone getting gas to hear her. Of course, if he came from around the side of the shell, maybe she couldn't get inside..and if she was too out of breath from running, maybe she couldn't scream.
To me, so far, the worst/scariest part about this case is the fact that she was probably chased...not just grabbed and put into a car, but that she literally had to run for her life.
I can't imagine the horror.
I still want to know who was visiting at the friend's house, that knew Lindsey was walking home alone.

Please, may this child be found soon!!!!!!

I wonder what the cameras showed that night/time as far as activity? I guess it's weird thinking she wouldn't run to the shell station, or scream loud enough for someone getting gas to hear her. Of course, if he came from around the side of the shell, maybe she couldn't get inside..and if she was too out of breath from running, maybe she couldn't scream.
To me, so far, the worst/scariest part about this case is the fact that she was probably chased...not just grabbed and put into a car, but that she literally had to run for her life.
I can't imagine the horror.
My sentiments exactly.
5 DUI's? Hmm ....

Note the age. This is not ML's husband ... but is FL the IVth.


Hi Haddie and thanks for that. It is real close isn't it? How many people from a small town like McCleary have 4 DUI's in a row! Especially that knew Lindsey? At least it is a formidable possibility.

I wish we could find out when ML moved away from 1st street which was quite close to Lindsey's house. Does anyone know if she has posted anywhere in the last few weeks? Kind of odd as she was so verbal in her comments before that!

Reporting in on the quest for the caretakers last name. I've not had success yet. The County does not have a dept for parks and recreation and it is handled within the county management office in Montesano. They gave me the gals name who would know his name and her cell # but she doesn't answer her phone and is at the ORV park managing it but not available right now.

I think she manages the ORV park and there is also a caretaker position who would take care of the upkeep of the property. The gal in the Management office said they have a lady manager who works on site and that is the one I need to talk to. The guy at the desk only knew the name of 'Al' and had no idea of his last name.

I'll post whatever I find out even though he might be on the back burner now with the advent of the new 5x DUI possibility.
Let's say that there were clothes found...still hearsay at this point, and let's say that they were the ones Lindsey was wearing. That leaves very few options for how they got there.
1. She took them off and left them there.
2. She took them off somewhere else and someone threw them behind the Shell.
3. She neither took them off nor left them there herself, someone else did it.

Now, is there a possibility that she took her shoes and hoodie off? Yes, if she had another shirt on underneath. I know at 10, I was shoeless most of the summer, but I don't know enough about Lindsey to say that she was the same way.

If she took them off herself, at KK's for example, and someone dumped them where they found, that doesn't speak well for what may have happened to her and also looks very bad for the person she was last known to be with.

If someone else took them off of her and dumped them, then I fear the absolute worst.

I wonder what shape they were in, I also wonder if LE didn't release that info (if it's true) because the clothes showed stab marks or other evidence that could be used to verify a confession.
The problem (conflict) w/being on 6th & Simpson is that she would've (w/no known reason &/or contact w/anyone that we know of) turned back around and went back the way she came (6th) & then turned (left) onto maple - to be spotted between 5th & 6th on maple.

IMO that just doesn't make sense/add up.

IMO In order for her to be spotted between 5th & 6th on maple but then be heading toward Simpson she would've at least had to have went down 5th. (as SS indicated)


& I'm pretty sure the witness spotted Lindsey on their way to work. Not from their own home.
The guy at the desk only knew the name of 'Al' and had no idea of his last name.

snipped for space...

Someone paid this dude... SOMEONE knows his last name LOL makes me just wanna :banghead:

Thanks for your hard work scandi :D
I wonder what the cameras showed that night/time as far as activity? I guess it's weird thinking she wouldn't run to the shell station, or scream loud enough for someone getting gas to hear her. Of course, if he came from around the side of the shell, maybe she couldn't get inside..and if she was too out of breath from running, maybe she couldn't scream.
To me, so far, the worst/scariest part about this case is the fact that she was probably chased...not just grabbed and put into a car, but that she literally had to run for her life.
I can't imagine the horror.

I was wondering the same about why she didnt scream, or why no one would notice her being chased. It is a small town, when do the folks roll up the sidewalks there..lol ?
I lived in a small town , much smaller then McCleary and the sidewalks rolled up around 7 - 8pm except for the handful of bars that were there. You could walk around everywhere and no one really noticed anything because they were tucked in their house for the night, and the people at the bars were busy inside carrying on and prob. to drunk to notice anything going on outside.
This is where I wonder if there might be a connection with the girl in Tumwater. They approached her and when she started to run they chased her in broad daylight ! What is interesting as well is there was no mention of her screaming for help. I always tell my kids to scream and yell loudly (among other things) if they are feeling threatened by someone. I don't know maybe just the fear of it happening kicks in the flight mode and doesnt make the time to think of screaming, just to get away.
Here is a link to that story again:

snipped for space...

Someone paid this dude... SOMEONE knows his last name LOL makes me just wanna :banghead:

Thanks for your hard work scandi :D

Hi Cajun, It seems to have been all in vain! I just talked to the manager of the park who told me I must have got wrong info as they haven't had a caretaker there since the end of Feb. She was quite hesitant to give me any info even after I threw out BenB's name and then did agree he was the previous caretaker.

It could be they want to keep anything to do with 'Al/Allen' quiet at this point and can certainly understand that. He certainly must exist. It is so odd to get that name from 2 employees of the park, and when I mentioned that name all she said is we have many employees here. xox

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