WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #9

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First, I must apologize to SS. When she kept referring to "the bridge", I did not realize there is an actual foot bridge at the very back of the Park-n-Ride. Going up and down Mommsen St. lately I have been watching for people, looking at houses, etc. and completely missed this bridge.

So I got a shot of it. It's pretty open underneath and the vegetation is not near as heavy as it is at the cyclone barrier, just before the creek goes into the culvert and under the Shell Station.

Here it is:

Also saw 3 unmarked vehicles that looked to me to be pierce county. They were all driving around the city. I saw Rick Scott the Undersheriff too, talking on his cell phone out in front of city hall. So they are definitely doing something today.

Just an FYI - Comcast is coming over to look at my Internet today. It dropped out yesterday for about 3 hours.
ETA - They were here and hopefully found the problem. I guess tomorrow will be the true test.
Thankyou so much cyberswept! I'v been hangin on waiting for some news. Wonder what kind of in house talks are going on? I also wonder if a family could sue over the Amber Alert for being to general in a time where the first few hrs. are critical? I'm wondering if local LE made a horrible decision based on what they assumed Lindsey was like, due to the 911 calls where they assumed she was dramatic and their uneducated guess of missing children has landed a few in hot water? Hopefully their presence is for a more positive reason like valid tips. Wonder if a second round of lie detector test will be asked of some?
Thankyou so much cyberswept! I'v been hangin on waiting for some news. Wonder what kind of in house talks are going on? I also wonder if a family could sue over the Amber Alert for being to general in a time where the first few hrs. are critical? I'm wondering if local LE made a horrible decision based on what they assumed Lindsey was like, due to the 911 calls where they assumed she was dramatic and their uneducated guess of missing children has landed a few in hot water? Hopefully their presence is for a more positive reason like valid tips. Wonder if a second round of lie detector test will be asked of some?

One can only speculate. I would assume the Pierce County Detectives are being briefed during the first 1 or 2 days, plus given all the tips received and where the local LE is with that.

Personally, I think that if any child went missing, LE would want to err on the side of caution and use the Amber Alert System. It has been said that they don't want to use it to often so as not to "numb" us with alerts, but this is done quite possibly at the expense of a child's life.

I saw no dogs, or people that looked like handlers. I did see several men exit city hall, if they weren't LE I'd eat my hat, and stood talking on the street corner. I hope they are working the tips and if not finding anything, at least eliminating things.
You know cyber in my perfect world I hope their are some plain clothes detectives infiltrating some of the my definition "The sub groups" in around Mc Cleary for their take on the commings and goings around town. Every town has them and they seem to fly under the radar as far as being arrested. Do you know what I'm trying to say? Here in Auburn there are many! You've got your yuppy pot smokers whos connection knows a connection and on. People in that scene are always talking to much oor giggling! LOL! Gotta quit watching Serpico!
Awww, Cyber~ You don't owe me an apology, but I am delighted with the new photo of the bridge! JVK got shots of it from the other side and now we have it "covered". Thanks so much!! It is great to see the relation of where the bridge is located in reference to the ballfield, too.

Great to hear that Pierce County is there and are on the job! Maybe it will bring us some news. It is reassuring to know they are doing something even if it is driving around town. New perspective on old details can work wonders in any case.
Thankyou so much cyberswept! I'v been hangin on waiting for some news. Wonder what kind of in house talks are going on? I also wonder if a family could sue over the Amber Alert for being to general in a time where the first few hrs. are critical? I'm wondering if local LE made a horrible decision based on what they assumed Lindsey was like, due to the 911 calls where they assumed she was dramatic and their uneducated guess of missing children has landed a few in hot water? Hopefully their presence is for a more positive reason like valid tips. Wonder if a second round of lie detector test will be asked of some?
No, the family wouldn't be able to sue over the AA. The guidelines state there should be a description of a vehicle or the perp. We know in this case there was not either. While they are just guidelines, most agencies adhere to them as if they were stringent rules which cannot be broken....and this is where the problem is with getting the AAs out in many cases. They should be used on a case by case basis and they should be retrained to understand guidelines are just that...a guide not a steadfast rule.
Angel Who Cares posted up a new article 7/29/09 in the Media Thread. You can find the link there.

A recent $6,000 reward for information in the missing girl’s case has produced a new wave of tips for investigators to check out, Scott said. Surrounding law enforcement agencies including the Aberdeen Police Department, and Pierce and Thurston sheriff’s offices sent officers to help perform follow-up searches and interviews.

“We decided we’d try to reach out a bit,” Scott said.

“I don’t want information sitting,” Scott said, explaining extra officers are helping check out tips as soon as possible.

So far, detectives have not found any clues to send the investigation in a “new direction,” Scott said, but they continue to consider all possibilities.

Scott said detectives and extra officers expect to follow up on new tips in town for at least the rest of the week.​

Strong LE presence - New tips coming in generated by the Reward Money - follow-up searches & interviews..... Now That's More Like It!!!!

Thanks Angel Who Cares ~
You know cyber in my perfect world I hope their are some plain clothes detectives infiltrating some of the my definition "The sub groups" in around Mc Cleary for their take on the commings and goings around town. Every town has them and they seem to fly under the radar as far as being arrested. Do you know what I'm trying to say? Here in Auburn there are many! You've got your yuppy pot smokers whos connection knows a connection and on. People in that scene are always talking to much oor giggling! LOL! Gotta quit watching Serpico!

I would say their probably wasn't before this, but I'll bet now there is!

Auburn, home of the SuperMall. Is it still open?
Thankyou so much cyberswept! I'v been hangin on waiting for some news. Wonder what kind of in house talks are going on? I also wonder if a family could sue over the Amber Alert for being to general in a time where the first few hrs. are critical? I'm wondering if local LE made a horrible decision based on what they assumed Lindsey was like, due to the 911 calls where they assumed she was dramatic and their uneducated guess of missing children has landed a few in hot water? Hopefully their presence is for a more positive reason like valid tips. Wonder if a second round of lie detector test will be asked of some?

You are very welcome Kagey. Well you can sue anyone for anything, it's just how well the law or guidelines are spelled out and if they were followed that would be the issue in a court case. As SS so graciously pointed out, they apparently did follow the guidelines. I don't agree with the current ones, but I guess they did what they were obligated to.
Did someone say MALL?
Could LE have been reading here at Webslueths and had a lightbulb moment! The more I have been thinking about my not so serious remark in my post up above I had a lightbulb moment. Maybe some friends from mc Cleary could help dispell my imagination. Hubby and I get gas their comming back from Aberdeen. The only comment I could make about the town not knowing anything, would be that it is hard working community also hit hard by the trickle down effect of the economy. My last visit was on a Sat., late afternoon and the streets seemed so quiet. For some reason I remember the VFW post and it reminded me of my dad. My only other thought was, 'I wonder what kids do here for fun," as I didn't see the rest of town. Do any of you feel that a close community as Mc Cleary has been described, feel that there is a segment of people who think like this, "Don't talk to LE!",keep mouths closed if someone saw something so as not to draw attention to ones self? What has made me ask that came from a friend in law enforcement from Spanaway and he said most LE will tell their family members to, whatever you do don't talk, similar to an attorney. The door to door is what has stirred this question and the officers sticking around till Fri. I was just hoping something solid came up and somebody squeeled that she is being held somewhere. No hate, as I'm just asking very innocently after looking at photos again. We have alot of child missing cases here so this does count as going the extra mile. Isn't this the team that worked on the little girl in Tacoma abducted on fourth of July. LE put alot time in on this. I need to google more on that case because I'v forgotten much of the story. Getting ready to chill!
Could LE have been reading here at Webslueths and had a lightbulb moment! The more I have been thinking about my not so serious remark in my post up above I had a lightbulb moment. Maybe some friends from mc Cleary could help dispell my imagination. Hubby and I get gas their comming back from Aberdeen. The only comment I could make about the town not knowing anything, would be that it is hard working community also hit hard by the trickle down effect of the economy. My last visit was on a Sat., late afternoon and the streets seemed so quiet. For some reason I remember the VFW post and it reminded me of my dad. My only other thought was, 'I wonder what kids do here for fun," as I didn't see the rest of town. Do any of you feel that a close community as Mc Cleary has been described, feel that there is a segment of people who think like this, "Don't talk to LE!",keep mouths closed if someone saw something so as not to draw attention to ones self? What has made me ask that came from a friend in law enforcement from Spanaway and he said most LE will tell their family members to, whatever you do don't talk, similar to an attorney. The door to door is what has stirred this question and the officers sticking around till Fri. I was just hoping something solid came up and somebody squeeled that she is being held somewhere. No hate, as I'm just asking very innocently after looking at photos again. We have alot of child missing cases here so this does count as going the extra mile. Isn't this the team that worked on the little girl in Tacoma abducted on fourth of July. LE put alot time in on this. I need to google more on that case because I'v forgotten much of the story. Getting ready to chill!

I can't speak for others but if the police came here with questions, I'd answer them. McCleary is a friendly little town actually. If you were passing through and visited any of the local stores, you could just chit chat to any of the employees like you were old friends. I haven't seen an attitude about not talking to LE. I think anyone involved in illegal activities might have a problem though.
I was talking to a friend tonight and mentioned Lindsey and where she was missing from; she (ever the optimist) said "I hope that no one took her to Seattle. They could get her underground to old Seattle and hide out there for the rest of their lives." Which got me looking and now I get to say it myself. I hope that no one took her to Seattle.

The only reason it crossed her mind is that we have basically a whole city of catacombs and tunnels under the city where we lived and we both share the fear of getting stuck down there for any reason.
I was talking to a friend tonight and mentioned Lindsey and where she was missing from; she (ever the optimist) said "I hope that no one took her to Seattle. They could get her underground to old Seattle and hide out there for the rest of their lives." Which got me looking and now I get to say it myself. I hope that no one took her to Seattle.

The only reason it crossed her mind is that we have basically a whole city of catacombs and tunnels under the city where we lived and we both share the fear of getting stuck down there for any reason.

I don't know if a lot of people realize that NMK.

Did someone say MALL?

Are you close to the Clakamus Mall? I stopped going to the Super Mall unless I need something special at the last minute. The last time I went to the mall the economy woes had just statred effecting malls in general and it was depressing. I was almost wisked away by fast pace alien mall walkers. Today may have been a good day to give another chance.
Thankyou so much cyberswept! I'v been hangin on waiting for some news. Wonder what kind of in house talks are going on? I also wonder if a family could sue over the Amber Alert for being to general in a time where the first few hrs. are critical? I'm wondering if local LE made a horrible decision based on what they assumed Lindsey was like, due to the 911 calls where they assumed she was dramatic and their uneducated guess of missing children has landed a few in hot water? Hopefully their presence is for a more positive reason like valid tips. Wonder if a second round of lie detector test will be asked of some?

I wonder why LE classified Lindsey as a 'run-a-way? Was it due to talks with mom Baum or was it a guess. Imo a 10yo runaway is in great danger and why an AA wouldn't be called is absurd. mho M. Klass has a summer newsletter regarding the AA and what he thinks needs to be changed. You can receive the newletter by signing up at the site and/or donating a few dollars to the cause. I've always found the newsletters pertinent and interesting. mho
Just now on Nancy Grace, Mark Klass (who was being interviewed re: a missing boy, 8, in Boise, Idaho) (where there were 73 registered sex offenders living within 1 mile of his home) mentioned Lindsey, and that she went missing at 9:00 or 9:30 at night...but he also said she was from Utah.


Sandwiched as it was between another story so horrible I can't make myself type it, and another bombshell! Michael Jackson rumor, nobody else probably even noticed.

Who wants to write to Jane?

Okay. I'll do it.
And just when you think you have heard it all with the way some children are treated by their parents, Caylee Anthony for example... comes something else that literally leaves you shaking your head. This is just plain scary!

~WARNING~ This story contains graphic violence committed against a child. Do not read any further if you are squeamish.

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