WA - Mackenzie Cowell, 17, Wenatchee, 9 Feb 2010 - #11

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It is the fifth vehicle up from the left, if you include the first car for which you can only see the rear right bumper. This is row of cars along the building. View it on YouTube. There absolutely is someone in the car, and IMO opinion adjusting their rear view mirror and maybe even watching MC.

good catch. But playing Devils advocate, why didnt the car follow? Granted the video wasn't long but as MC was turning you would think the car would start to back out?

Defnitely interesting... Would love to see about 90 more seconds of that footage (before and after)
call the tip line!

LE has "all the video" they want. I am curious if "they" chose what portion was released? Then again, why release it at all? Maybe someone would recognize a vehicle? just thinking out loud....

I actually believe the opposite. The more perps, the more a body is moved, transported, and messed with, the more forensic evidence is left behind. The more likely someone is to talk, or slip up.

A simple scenario, with minimal time spent = less evidence.

I agree this is going to end up being a simple scenario; the more complex, the greater chance of a mistake.

We are not dealing with a rocket scientist; this person watched a couple of CSI episodes and got lucky. This is going to end up being a simple individual with a simple plan.
good catch. But playing Devils advocate, why didnt the car follow? Granted the video wasn't long but as MC was turning you would think the car would start to back out?

Defnitely interesting... Would love to see about 90 more seconds of that footage (before and after)
LE likely has seen it so hopefully has followed up on anything from the video.
good catch. But playing Devils advocate, why didnt the car follow? Granted the video wasn't long but as MC was turning you would think the car would start to back out?

Defnitely interesting... Would love to see about 90 more seconds of that footage (before and after)

Well LE did say in the WW that there was nothing of interest or alarming in the video. Maybe they simply did not see this movement. I had to stare at it non-stop for two full run-throughs of the video. Once you do that on YouTube you absolutely see it. If TechWriter797's speculation is correct, then this perp could have been so fixated on her and a stalker. Maybe he already had the meeting arranged with her at the boat ramp, and left the parking lot shortly after that. He could have been making sure she left work alone.

Maybe related... does anyone still have that 911 call of the Honda Civic out out place up PC?
Well LE did say in the WW that there was nothing of interest or alarming in the video. Maybe they simply did not see this movement. I had to stare at it non-stop for two full run-throughs of the video. Once you do that on YouTube you absolutely see it. If TechWriter797's speculation is correct, then this perp could have been so fixated on her and a stalker. Maybe he already had the meeting arranged with her at the boat ramp, and left the parking lot shortly after that. He could have been making sure she left work alone.

Maybe related... does anyone still have that 911 call of the Honda Civic out out place up PC?

I know- I thought it was odd that they put the video out for the public to look at and then stated that there was nothing of interest in it. I remember reading that one woman called in to say she saw a white truck that looked like a truck in the video with a man inside staring at her. People were really trying to be helpful I think, because that is the impression LE gave us.

Maybe there is something else that has been missed? What other reasonable explanation could there be for them releasing this video, other than to find some clues of what happened to MC?
I'm pretty sure I heard that her bf drives a black Honda Civic, but he was at work until 4:00, and I just heard that in a conversation. It's also my understanding that LE has interviewed him several times regarding a black Honda Civic that was at Shari's, but he has said he wasn't there at all. It made me wonder if MC was at Shari's at some point, with a guy.
I'm pretty sure I heard that her bf drives a black Honda Civic, but he was at work until 4:00, and I just heard that in a conversation. It's also my understanding that LE has interviewed him several times regarding a black Honda Civic that was at Shari's, but he has said he wasn't there at all. It made me wonder if MC was at Shari's at some point, with a guy.

Really?! Well that certainly looks like a black honda civic. I have never seen anyone present it as fact that MC's BF was at work until 4.
Can someone give us out-of-towners an idea where the Shari's is, in relation to the boat dock, Target, and the Hair Academy, please?
I know- I thought it was odd that they put the video out for the public to look at and then stated that there was nothing of interest in it. I remember reading that one woman called in to say she saw a white truck that looked like a truck in the video with a man inside staring at her. People were really trying to be helpful I think, because that is the impression LE gave us.

Maybe there is something else that has been missed? What other reasonable explanation could there be for them releasing this video, other than to find some clues of what happened to MC?

IMO LE released the video because they thought it was benign, that is, would not divulge any evidence, and get public interest so that people would phone in tips...or as I like to say, turn in the neighbor that your pissed off at day.
The buildings-businesses, in front of the parking lot, include two bars, a restaurant, a security type business, a store(not sure what it sells), and the cosmetology school.
Really?! Well that certainly looks like a black honda civic. I have never seen anyone present it as fact that MC's BF was at work until 4.

I don't believe so, but I would think that people know people that work with him the same as WC and MC and JF! He's kinda been off limits. Actually, I do recall somebody way back in the beginning posting that he worked until 4, but I don't think I've read anyone say that they saw him there until 4 that day. IDK. I supposed somebody else could have had his car. What are the odds that a new guy would be driving the same vehicle? If there is somebody that knows for sure what he drives, that would be good to confirm it. As I said, I heard it in a conversation from someone that would know, but that makes it rumor.
Target is about a 5 to 10 min drive north of the Academy, depending on traffic and lights. Shari's is only about 4 or 5 blocks further north from Target. The boat launch is almost due east of the Academy and only a couple of blocks.
Is the Target in a strip mall? Are there other shopping centers or parking areas close by?
Is the Target in a strip mall? Are there other shopping centers or parking areas close by?

Target is right next to the Wenatchee Mall & Penney's and directly behind an Albertson's. Lots of parking lots, although the Target parking lot is not within the parking for Penney's or the rest of the mall. It's specifically Target parking.
About the parking lot video: I don't recall if it has been mentioned that there is someone in a car, in that parking lot. When MC is getting in her car, and driving away, I see a body, moving in a car, along the buildings row. Look at the fifth car, next to a green car. The person has his/her hand outside the window. It kinda looks as if he/she is adjusting the mirror.

Seriously good find! I watched that video multiple times when it was first released and never saw that. In fact, I've never even heard anyone mention that, I only heard mention of the white trucks. Hmmm....who could that have been in that car??
Thank you, ARose. :rose:
Maybe the non released video shows the car following MC?Maybe the guy just looks at her and doesn't do anything else. Maybe.. the police want us to identify the car if we know whose it is. I don't think MC acknowledged the guy, or even saw him.

If this guy followed her, maybe he joined up with her, at the boat dock???
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