WA - Mackenzie Cowell, 17, Wenatchee, 9 Feb 2010 - #6

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I noticed this too... if I push the refresh button for a few minutes, the current city comes back up, but it eventually disappears again. I'm thinking this must be a random error on facebook's end.

THANK YOU, wen111! Finally, I got his city to come up. I refreshed the page over half a dozen times and still no city. Opened up a new tab and pasted the link and voila! There 'Tacoma' was!

Thank you! I was beginning to think my mind must be going! :blowkiss:
Can you give me a hint as to the intl's? I would like to see if it is the same person I saw awhile back.

I would bet anything he is NOT under 18.... He may even be old enough to travel to British Columbia without a parent......:blushing:
I've been tossing this around in my head...tell me what you all think. I'm just trying to make sense of this.

I have respectfully snipped the time line from Pu'f post of confirmed details.
My speculation's are in red.

This theory is an absolute accumulation of MOO!!! Pure speculation!!!!

IMHO I don't believe this was premeditated and I don't believe this involved WC.

3:01 PM - Mackenzie leaves the Academy of Hair Design where she works, gets in her car, and drives away.

MOO is after she left MC went to meet a friend, nothing sinister. I believe the meeting was prearranged in the day/days prior to her disappearing. I believe it was a close acquaintance. MOO is MC seemed like a very sweet and gentle young lady. So with that being said, maybe this person needed someone to talk to or maybe this person had a crisis and MC offered to be a shoulder to cry on. Pure Speculation.

3:40 PM - Mackenzie's phone data indicate that she is at/near the Riverfront Park boat ramp. While there, she sent a message to her boyfriend ("hey") and received a message from her boyfriend ("hey").

IMHO I don't think a 1 word text is odd at all. Personally, I have sent many one or two word texts to connect with loved ones and I've had the same done to me. (love you, hi, hey, miss you and so on). If MC was the person who sent the text IMHO if she felt uncomfortable with who she was with at the time she sent that text, she would have texted more. After awhile at the boat launch she leaves with this person willingly and goes to an unknown location. Nothing sinister. On the way, MC decides to make a quick stop to wash her car. After arriving at this unknown location, since she's isn't staying long, she leaves her purse in the car. At some point, maybe MC says something and it's taken wrong and this person is enraged and strikes out at MC and she is killed. ALL Pure Speculation.

5:42 PM- A cell tower bounces a signal off of MacKenzie's phone. This is the final activity on McKenzie's phone. Location has not been released by investigators.

IMHO I think MC was killed by the time her phone pinged. Maybe an unanswered call or text pinged the phone. I think this is where the panic sets in with the killer. (How am I going to cover this up?) This person needs to get rid of MC's car since it was parked in front of his/her house/apartment, hoping no one saw it. With the full intention of completely denying the meeting. (Oh no, haven't seen her, we had plans but she canceled earlier in the day/previous day). MOO is after she was killed, MC's body was placed somewhere near by. Maybe in a shed. ALL PURE SPECULATION. Then the car was driven up PC and left out in the open. MOO is that PC is a huge distraction. ALL PURE SPECULATION, MY OPINION AND NOT BASED ON FACT.
While driving up PC he/she realizes they'll need a ride back down and contacts a trusted friend swearing them to secrecy and asks for a ride. Or, maybe the killer was able to walk as far as Lincoln Park undetected and got a ride there. Maybe he/she walked east and ended up closer to the Humane Society. Maybe he/she headed up Crawford and was picked up near the Wenatchee High School. ALL PURE SPECULATION NOT BASED ON FACT.

8:02 PM Residents report to Rivercom finding a 1997 red Pontiac Grand Prix in Squilchuck area, 2395 Pitcher Canyon Road, parked near a cattle gate. LE uses the registration info on the car to Reid Cowell as the owner, who confirms that his daughter has been out past curfew.

MOO is this person went about their business as usual that evening, being sure to act as normal as possible, knowing they would be contacted by LE. MOO is in the next day or two MC was moved to CB where she was placed by the river to be disposed of. MOO this person knew his/her whereabouts would be examined closely so he/she made sure not be unaccounted for very long at any time after MC disappeared. While in CB on the river bed, he/she wasn't able to complete what was planned, maybe this person vomited. Since this person didn't have a lot of time, MC was covered with some brush. The killer planned on returning as soon as possible as soon as he/she could slip away from the eyes of friends and family. I don't believe this person intended on using a boat, I believe this person wanted to dispose of her right there on the rivers edge.
IMHO, I believe MC's killer acted alone and if anyone else does know anything, all they know is that the killer wasn't where he/she said they were during the crucial time period, and they were asked not to say anything.

Based upon the RUMOR cited, I've been looking over MC's Facebook friend list. There's only one male I can spot as listing Tacoma as his "Current City." I don't know if he's a minor or not, so I'm not even going to put his initials here, but he lists himself as in a relationship with a (in my eye, very) young woman.

She looks young but she is 20. You can find a Myspace for her.
Thinking out loud - (speculation follows about one of the previously discussed brothers)

{Edited to add: You should probably skip to next comment this theory doesn't follow through when the Crescent Bar location is added - unless you think you can fix it.}

* Did one of the jailed brothers come back into town for the recent funeral for what we think is the brother's sister, (the lady who ODed in South Wenatchee)?

* Could this also be the brother that before moving away had worked for JF, (as the semi-confirmed rumor is one of them had in the past)?

* While this brother was employed by JF would MC possibly have met him at one of the work sites and struck up some kind of friendship?

* Now that he is in town and the funeral is over with, does he call up MC, whereupon they decide to hang out after school with her picking him up down at the boat launch?

* Depending on the past relationship, (if any - mind you), they decide to go up to the empty spec house, (which MC may have access to), to hang out? Maybe he had even worked on this house when working for JF and he asks MC for a tour of the finished home?

* Whatever the motive may be, ???, does the murder, (and more), take place at the spec house with him moving the body to the CB location because that is another place he had worked?

* MC's car is then dropped off up Pitcher Canyon with the suspect walking home or getting his brother to pick him up? (Could the brother have been involved with more???)

Ok, that's enough -- No matter what angle I try to take with this theory adding the CB location makes this extremely implausible for someone not familiar with CB or in the real estate business -- especially if the body wasn't dropped off immediately - during daylight hours - which I don't think occurred. Besides, why move the body from a murder scene if the scene doesn't link back to you anyway??? Maybe they didn't head north after the car wash, but headed to a location our suspect does have ties to? That still leaves us with the problems of throwing Crescent Bar into the mix. Sorry folks -- this theory isn't panning out, unless we include another player??? Maybe a suspect - with ties to the real estate business - hired the brother to take care of a certain job for him with our suspect remaining the mastermind but also insuring he has a fall-back alibi to leave the blame on the brother(s) should things turn sour?

If we change this around, (lets say the FB friend currently being discussed), we run into the same problem unless this new theory somehow accounts for the suspect(s) having knowledge of the Crescent Bar location - secluded, vacant, foreclosure. (Meaning I really think the suspect(s) really did not want the body found, especially at THIS location).

Edited again to add: I suppose if we change the location of the murder around, (suspect's house?), and then say the body could be stored there until Friday night/Saturday early morning, (someone who lives alone? Or with accomplice?). This could give the suspect(s) time to scout out a location to get rid of the body. Still makes little sense when plenty of out of the way locations in the woods exist not much farther up Squilchuck than where the car was dumped. Yet the murderer scouts out a place in Crescent Bar? Miles away? With the likely need to return with a boat to truly make the body disappear??? I would delete this all, but maybe someone on here can make some sense of it and come up with a better theory -- it wouldn't be that hard - :0
Respectfully snipped...

Yes, there's a panic alarm on the fob.

Also, if the car has been locked with the fob, that turns the anti-theft alarm on. If someone is in the car and unlocks the car from the inside, then it triggers the alarm system, and the result is loud horn honking and all lights flashing. The only way to turn off the alarm is to insert the key into the door and turn it.

Not that this is entirely relevant to this case ....

That is not necessarily true for all Grand Prix's. The lock sequence (and other systems, i.e.: headlights) may be programmed to various criteria. It is possible to set the alarm to not sound from an internal disruption. There also is a 'bump' trigger, which may be enabled or disabled.

'Factory default' settings? Depends on the year, features and firmware revision and updates. Also, dealers reprogram the vehicle for whichever 'sales features' or promotions they want to emphasize.
If you guys would like to compile a list of the "cast of characters" in Mackenzie's murder, that might be helpful for reference.

Please identify people by their initials only, and do not include any minors.

This is a fictional example of how the list might look:

John Smith (JS), victim
PS, victim's wife
MS, victim's adult daughter, age 25


For now, please hold off on compiling a list of potential suspects. I need to do some thinking and checking about that.


No one else seemed to jump on this, so I'll try.

First off, I don't even know all the characters involved so help will be needed.

MC - Mackenzie Cowell, victim
RC - victim's father
WC - victim's mother
JF - mother's boyfriend
CR and DR - brothers jailed after victim went missing (jailed on other charges) believed that CR also goes by middle initial making him RR
I was gonna continue this list but I just got to thinking about JF. We've heard tons about him, but I can't recall how he came up. Anyone care to explain how we know JF is (or was) mother's boyfriend?

And please continue the list for the sake of keeping Hoppy Happy! (I just had to use that line).
Not possible, there are now gates blocking any sort of access both at the top of #2 Canyon, and Stiss. Not sure if they are seasonal or year round but I know they are up right now and were when Mac disappeared.

The car was dropped off near a road. There are other access roads in this area that a person walking could take and easily walk around a gate.

Mission Ridge Ski area is rather close to Pitcher Canyon and there's a lot of snow, however lower in town here it's bare and dry. Back in February, when MC was murdered, the snow was light and possibly on dusting the tops of the hills near Pitcher Canyon Road. IF the person took a straight shot, there would be a mix of mud and ice through the dirt. IF the person WALKED the road - PC Road is paved to a point, would there really be any footprints? Can LE see footprints on dusted pavement going all the way from MC's car to the main road - or was it just a small set of footprints ending at the pavement?
IF the access road is paved between PC road and #2 - 9 miles seems doable on foot when a person has an adrenaline rush from not wanting to be caught. Especially if the person were in shape.
Just to keep the rumor mill up and running, I also heard as soon as she went missing that it involved a boy or boys from Tacoma. I was told that immediately. I didn't want to say it first because I didn't know how good my source was. Now that I have woken up this morning and read all the night time posts, I concur that she was meeting up with a Tacoma person. How far is Tacoma? Might be why her friends were saying "she seemed happier in the weeks prior to her murder"?

MC purposefully met someone she 'knew' at the boat ramp.

They stand outside their parked vehicles, chat, perhaps MC asks the person

I suspect that person had MC drive to PC to 'pick up' something or someone or to 'show her something on the property' or whatever guise. This way, potential witnesses see MC driving her own car through downtown Wenatchee.

Upon arriving at the point where MC's car was eventually discovered, MC sees another vehicle there, either occupied or unoccupied. MC either voluntarily or involuntarily is coerced to transfer to the waiting vehicle and she is driven away from the location.

The intent was to lure searchers towards PC after MC would be reported as being late or missing, while her 'captor(s)' had her on the other side of town.

The pix of the CB property revealed no visible blood but we might suspect LE removed any such evidence, such as retrieving blood-stained dirt, brush or rocks.

There was a recent post that indicated MC's head was indeed covered (on or over is not clear, but I expect it to mean 'on') with a bag pre-discovery, based on witnessing the body before *all* relevant PDs arrived on scene.

A non-bleeding cut on one arm was also mentioned. Of course there is no 'bleeding' per se after demise so might we assume that cut was post-mortem?

Why 'bag' MC's head? Was this by the perp or by early-arrival PD? To cover result of action or to preserve condition?

I do not believe PD would cover any part of any crime scene unless under threat of compromise by weather or other conditions, or to hide it from public witness.

I think we might rule out anyone in the discovering family or other neighbors covering her out of respect and such.

Why did the perp bag MC's head? So as not to transfer blood or stomach fluid to the perp / vehicle? Or, the 'result' was just too much to witness.

Why did the perp focus their anger-rage on MC's face / jaw / eyes or whatever? Speech impediment, something she said, something she witnessed, or something she did then or in the past?

Or .. the perp is just one permanently sick individual.
"Why did the perp bag MC's head? So as not to transfer blood or stomach fluid to the perp / vehicle? "
Respectfully snipped.

Chuck, this is also my thought concerning the rumors of a bag on her head. I think the initial blow may have been to her head or face, and when being transferred to CB the killer wanted to contain the evidence. MOO!!!
A couple of my observations/comments in Red

Upon arriving at the point where MC's car was eventually discovered, MC sees another vehicle there, either occupied or unoccupied. MC either voluntarily or involuntarily is coerced to transfer to the waiting vehicle and she is driven away from the location.

Only one set of footprints around the car- makes me think this might not have been possible

Why 'bag' MC's head? Was this by the perp or by early-arrival PD? To cover result of action or to preserve condition?

I wonder about this too- I bet it was to either cover and prevent blood transfer while body moved. Could also have been an attempt at strangulation after the beating

Or .. the perp is just one permanently sick individual.

By all means, this person/these people are sick

I hope this gets wrapped up soon by LE.
First time poster.

I personally think that linking the R bros (if they are indeed bros...perhaps related some other way?) to MC is a stretch. BUT, I will add that I went to school with a CR (not sure if same one...age would be 39/40), and he and the other guys he hung around with were not good people. I thought I was possibly in his cross hairs (so to speak) through Jr HS and HS and so avoided him (bathroom, smoking areas, etc...) and have always felt that if that happened as an adult, I would have to do something about it. That was a group that I was truly afraid of. As an example: Around 91 or so a WVC football player instigated a fight with one of CR's friends, a fight that ended with the football player taking a few hits to his head from a 3 foot pipe. If it's the same CR, his rap sheet doesn't change my opinion. Of course, this is more than likely not related. I'm just sharing personal knowledge of a CR.
Still looking back through old articles. Found this quotation by the Task Force spokesman. WTF?

Cowell was last seen by surveillance cameras as she was leaving the Academy of Hair Design. The cameras didn't capture anyone suspicious in the parking lot, and investigators said Cowell didn't appear to be in a hurry.

"We have pretty much ruled out that this is an abduction," police Capt. Doug Jones said last week. "She got into that car alone we had the car under surveillance all day."

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