WA - Mackenzie Cowell, 17, Wenatchee, 9 Feb 2010 - #6

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Well AFAIK personally, he hasn't had any history of violence, so aside from just* being a cheater I don't know if I'd put him as the murdering type.

I've read and heard some pretty negative info on him. More that just cheating. IDK him personally but third hand opinion is not pretty. However, people do like to vent.
I guess for the sake of accuracy in my previous post, I should've posted that KXLY's Sally Showman said she'd just gotten off the phone with the Douglas county sheriff and that he'd said "that he hopes that the killer comes forward and mans up".

So, it was just heresay! :p
I think whomever is responsible for MC's death caused it accidentally, and has tried to make it look like an abduction. Killer possibly also has tried to get a gang blamed for the murder by extremely injuring/damaging the body.
the problem with the listed propertiess. Is the fact that their are properties for sale on just about every block in this valley. so you could tie her mom and bf to just about any area of this valley. The spec home has never been confirmed by le or media. alot of posters have been saying this has been confirmed, the onlything that has been confirmed is what le, and the media have stated. Nothing else regardless of whos sisters boyfriends cousins friend says so. Curious how many of you got down to cafe mele tonight.
I think whomever is responsible for MC's death caused it accidentally, and has tried to make it look like an abduction. Killer possibly also has tried to get a gang blamed for the murder by extremely injuring/damaging the body.

I agree with it may have started out as an accident but probably not trying to blame a gang. It doesn't comply with usual gang activity. I think they were trying to remove dna and hide evidence.
the problem with the listed propertiess. Is the fact that their are properties for sale on just about every block in this valley. so you could tie her mom and bf to just about any area of this valley. The spec home has never been confirmed by le or media. alot of posters have been saying this has been confirmed, the onlything that has been confirmed is what le, and the media have stated. Nothing else regardless of whos sisters boyfriends cousins friend says so. Curious how many of you got down to cafe mele tonight.

What if we just called the LE and asked about the spec house? They can't out right lie can they? Just a thought.
What if we just called the LE and asked about the spec house? They can't out right lie can they? Just a thought.

I don't think they'd tell you a thing. "Sorry Maam, we can't discuss any thing pertaining to an on going investigation"
WC's Financial Status:

WC earns "$4,000+" per month;

WC was awarded the Cowells' construction company, including all its assets and holdings, and the right to use the Cowell name in the construction industry, as a result of the divorce;

WC receives $500 per month in child support;

RC pays for both of their sons college; and

RC pays for 100% of their children's auto insurance

This information is from court documents, which are not hearsay.
they probablly wouldnt confirm or deny. but you could always ask
What if we just called the LE and asked about the spec house? They can't out right lie can they? Just a thought.

I think they can outright lie, if it will help to further their investigation.
the question about mom not going to the media. these kinds of crimes happen everyday in america 99.9 are never given nancy grace coverage. Plus le usually advises victims family and friends when to seek out media attention. when they do seek media attention it is because le has no poi. when media attention is seeked against les judgement it can and does bogg the investigation down.
I don't see (or don't want to see) WC or JF had anything to do with it. However, I don't think very highly of either person because of their relationship (and apparently how long it has been going on for) supposedly under JF's wife's nose, regardless of how long she's known about it. But do their poor choices/inabilities to carry on a "responsible" adult relationship make them murderers? I don't think so (moo)...does a lot of the info (alleged or confirmed) seem to point in that direction, yeah, I would definitely say yes. So my thoughts are that there is someone who wanted to either hurt WC VERY badly and went at it by means of taking someone close to her OR are trying to frame JF since 9 times out of 10 in a situation like this the first person to have the finger pointed at would be a male, close (or supposedly close) to the victim who may have had a more than platonic relationship with that person. Well, with JF's track record with women it would be easy to put this on him, especially if you throw in any kind of tie to construction. Doesn't really sound like it would be too hard to frame someone like him.

IMO WC had nothing to do with it but knows who did and is scared it may happen to her.:bedtime::bedtime::bedtime:
I've run the scenario many times through my head in a bunch of different ways now. It doesn't feel right to include JF and WC. So this is what I've come up with: (All of it is speculation unless YOU have heard otherwise)

I'm working off a couple of hunches:

First: the person at the car wash is the murderer.

Second: One of the last phone calls MC made or received was with the murderer as well, (police won't tell us who last phone call(s) were too).

So lets work off the theory that that call is murderer asking for a ride home, (he caught a ride downtown earlier with his "wife"). His place isn't that far out of the way as MC was gonna be heading north soon anyway. (For this theory the murderer likely lives someplace north of the car wash by Dusty Burgers -- North Wenatchee or even northern part of East Wenatchee, anything really on the way up to Orondo).

MC knows murderer well enough so she agrees to give him the ride, picks him up and starts driving north, stopping with him at car wash. He makes a few sexual comments at car wash??? When they reach his house, he invites her in. (If there has been a prior relationship this might even be a pattern they do.) Or maybe he doesn't like being told 'NO' so he forces her in the house. She fights back hard - he grabs a heavy tool and hits and kills MC, approximate time 4:30 pm???

This leaves MC's car in his driveway -- it will need moved very soon. The "wife" will also be home soon, around 5:30 pm. He wraps body in plastic and throws in his truck and moves body to a vacant house close by he has access to because of his work or relationship? He goes back to his house to get MC's car. He drives it back through town towards Pitcher Canyon, (MC's cell phone rings along the way, he turns it off and shoves it in his pocket to destroy later). He picks Pitcher Canyon thinking that will work towards his alibi that MC never showed to pick him up and police will think something happened while she was still in the downtown/south wenatchee area. As he starts walking out of Pitcher Canyon he looks through his cell phone address book for someone that might not ask questions. He finds a person he knows is fairly scummy already, so he tries him. That person comes and picks him up and drives him back to his house.

The "wife" is now home and asks where he was at. He gives no explanation or a very bad one. "Wife" goes back out to do something later that evening. He goes to house where he left the body and attempts to dispose of body in a way similar to a Dexter episode but using construction tools, (maybe even power tools). His tools aren't right for the job and he doesn't have the stomach for it anyway. He still needs body to disappear from this house right now. He loads everything up and leaves body at Crescent Bar location planning on coming back by boat to make it truly disappear further downriver. On the way back home he wraps heavy tools up in the plastic sheeting he used to collect the blood and throws it all in the river at one of the boat launches. (Or possible a dumpster he knows about in East Wenatchee -- Safeway, Costco, Pizza Hut? Or maybe he attempts to burn up all the evidence at an out of the way construction site he knows of around Rock Island. He does NOT want those items on him for very long so I'm thinking they are gone before he reaches the city limits of East Wenatchee. Search party, anyone?)

When he gets home he tells the "wife" he's been out looking for the missing teenager she told him about earlier. He goes to Lowes or Home Depot in the next couple of days to replace the tools he had to throw away.

Ouch. Writing this makes me feel like I need to take a shower.
Does anyone know why Mackenzie left Cashmere and went to Wenatchee for HS? It also seems like she had some friends in Chelan, did she also go to Chelan or Orondo?

I don't know 'where' all Mackenzie went to school, but I have family who live in the same Orondo area that she lived when her parents were still married. It is unique in that they fall in Chelan, Waterville, and Eastmont's school district, AND Orondo has an Elementary school of their own. Families choose what district they send their kids to. Also, for those who do not live in this area, Eastmont and Wenatchee are separated only by a river, and 'choicing' between school districts is very common. I do not have any knowledge of her going, or not going to Cashmere, but it is also within 10 miles so 'choicing' there is also common. The Beauty School Program she attended services all local districts so it is likely she had friends from many surrounding areas simply from that connection. I would assume if she was so into dancing, she also danced in community organizations growing up... which too would include kids from all the surrounding areas.
Not sure if that was helpful, just seemed to be important info when people were wondering what district she went to and who she knew.
Great timeline, but you're missing the fact that the Pitcher Canyon homeowner reported that he first noticed MC's car parked by his house at 7:00 p.m. on February 9.

Thanks, Del Rio.. can you get me a link to support that? I'll be glad to add it to the timeline.
Didn't the family have a private funeral? I thought the event that took place a week ago Thursday was the public memorial. Maybe a certain person was specifically asked not to attend either one, or possibly both events.

This is another thing I've seen mentioned... If anyone can find a link on it, I'll add it to the timeline.

The timeline is a work in progress... Feel free to send me PMs with links if you don't want to post them on the board. I won't post Examiner links, though, because those are not primary sources. Examiner columnists do the same thing we do... they compile info from already-published news articles. And I've seen examiner articles that were completely inaccurate.

So anyone, feel free to send me info that needs to be added, with source links.
the question about mom not going to the media. these kinds of crimes happen everyday in america 99.9 are never given nancy grace coverage. Plus le usually advises victims family and friends when to seek out media attention. when they do seek media attention it is because le has no poi. when media attention is seeked against les judgement it can and does bogg the investigation down.

Just look at utter mess Cindy Anthony caused for an example of that. haha.
MC attended Sunnyslope Elementary,and I believe Foothills Middle School. Then "Choiced" into the Cashmere High School, because of teasing. MC transferred BACK into the Wenatchee School District sometime in 2008, to be with her WHS friends. She grew up with them since Kindergarten.

Did her friends abandon her at some point? Or was there someone else that was particularly bullying her? Did it have anything to do with the restraining order thing when she was 12?

It doesn't make sense if she had been around the same kids since Kindergarten and they were all friends. Who was teasing her so badly? I know that's a particularly bad period of time for kids.........especially girls. Hormone arrival turns middle school into a war zone! I'm not asking for names here........but the teasing thing seems odd for a girl who was so well liked and grew up with her friends. There must be more to it.
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