WA WA - Marcia Joyce, 28, Bellingham, 30 Aug 1978

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I didn't totally understand what Marci's niece was saying about the money being discovered gone after the fact. The phrasing of her comment makes it sound like that was the husband's story now, but it's obviously not what's in the MSM articles or what those articles indicate the son now remembers about what happened. She also didn't say it as though it contradicted the MSM articles, which it obviously does (including the one she started the thread with). I think it may just be that the husband means that she took off before he got to the bank, so technically he found out the money was gone right after she took off (but right before he found out that she took off).

(BBM) Oh, ya know, that's an excellent point. Hmmmm. And thanks.

I don't know but getting married again 10 months after your wife goes missing seems a very short interval to me, even if you take into consideration that the children need looking after. He certainly did not waste any time.
I wonder if her son would say that his Mom went outside to hang the laundry. If not, I would have the search sites say that "according to her husband", she went outside to do the laundry while he went to the bank to make a withdrawal. Was it his habit to withdraw money at the bank?

I hope the investigative team is talking to her son. Let him do everything he can to help find answers without getting him into trouble with his Father that is. Sounds like he needs to make sense of this in order to move on with his life. I wish him well. Any help I can give, I'm here.
The few facts in this case make it very susceptible to letting imaginations run wild. I'm of the thought that it was the husband, that he kept the kids away from Marcys family so they couldn't be questioned and that he spent every minute he could drumming the mommy left scenario into their heads. If the little boy wasn't questioned back then Dad could have easily influenced his ” memories” of that day.
To add to my previous post, if my husband had run off with my money I would keep in touch with family, and most definitely allow the children to keep in touch, because of the very real possibility that the family may hear things or know things that I wouldn't be privy to. Even if they wouldn't talk to me, maybe seeing the kids would break them down and they'd share something with them.
On another note, why would she hide from her family? Why not just divorce? Running away and hiding makes no sense, not that it doesn't happen, but the odds are not favorable.
To add to my previous post, if my husband had run off with my money I would keep in touch with family, and most definitely allow the children to keep in touch, because of the very real possibility that the family may hear things or know things that I wouldn't be privy to. Even if they wouldn't talk to me, maybe seeing the kids would break them down and they'd share something with them.
On another note, why would she hide from her family? Why not just divorce? Running away and hiding makes no sense, not that it doesn't happen, but the odds are not favorable.
In my opinion she would not hide from her family. But with so little info and it not being investigated when it needed to be it makes making a case so much more difficult
It would be useful to know if the family had two cars, if their home was within walking distance of the town center/bank, if the money was withdrawn from their usual local branch or another branch of the bank. I doubt we are going to find out the answer to the latter but knowing if it was even physically possible for Marcia to withdraw the money would help a lot.
How about the woman he married after Marci was gone; how long had they been together? Was he seeing her while still married to Marci? He got married after 10 months (i don't recall where I saw that at, but it was posted up thread somewhere). How long did it take for the annulment? Did he remarry as soon as it was legally possible to do so?

Then we have the money issue. We, as far as I know, only have the husbands word that the account was emptied. We don't really know that there really was money. However, if there was, how much money are we talking about? Enough for Marci to establish a new life? The bank records are an important part of the story. I can't believe LE didn't even bother to confirm their existence before just assuming the husband was telling the truth.
My first thoughts after reading this information is that she took the money out of their account. When her husband left to go into town, she left. No one knows what she may have gone through.
The brow looks quite different to me.

Although the smile is not quite as natural and relaxed as the black and white photo. I can't tell if that is a "face" being made in the bottom picture, raising the brows on purpose.

I find the size of the mouth, the deep set eyes, their upper slant at the outside corners very similar.
How about the woman he married after Marci was gone; how long had they been together? Was he seeing her while still married to Marci? He got married after 10 months (i don't recall where I saw that at, but it was posted up thread somewhere). How long did it take for the annulment? Did he remarry as soon as it was legally possible to do so?

{snip, BBM}

Ten months was quoted upstream on this page; I'm not sure where that number came from. I had quoted 18 months based on the relative's forum post... and I went back to the forum post and realized someone used 18 months as a theoretical (on page 3). Did someone see either 10 or 18 months in one of the news stories?

I quoted ten months. I used lotsalatte's link and Marcia's missing date is late August 1978 while her husband got remarried in mid-July of the following year according to the data in the digital archives. Maybe someone would like to check and confirm?
I quoted ten months. I used lotsalatte's link and Marcia's missing date is late August 1978 while her husband got remarried in mid-July of the following year according to the data in the digital archives. Maybe someone would like to check and confirm?

Ahh, okay! :blushing: Appreciate the clarification. :)

Hi all. Marci was born on my birthday!!! I feel especially close to her now. (call me superstitious).
I wanted to bring something up that nobody else has mentioned. People are thinking she may have taken the money and taken off, using the hanging laundry as an excuse. But in the article, it says that the dryer wasn't working so she went outside to hang laundry.
Could be an innocuous detail, but to me, it provides a context for her going out. She didn't decide to run out and used laundry as an excuse. Sounds like she went outside and was abducted. Unless...
- Hubbie cuts the dryer line so she has to go out (but why when he could get her out for another reason)
-She claims the dryer is broken, goes outside and takes off.

If she did clean out the bank account, it makes sense to think that she may have planned to leave, and when the husband said he was going to the bank, she took off. But I don't but it. A woman with a controlling husband doesn't usually stick around after she's cleaned out a bank account.

My theory is that the husband set it up, and 10 months remarrying after your wife disappears would be STRANGE. It's not like she died - there'd have to be some mystery to it in his mind, even if he saw she cleaned it out. He'd have to wonder and TRY TO GET THE MONEY BACK!!! As if he would just say, Hey darn that wife took all our money!
Hi all. Marci was born on my birthday!!! I feel especially close to her now. (call me superstitious).
I wanted to bring something up that nobody else has mentioned. People are thinking she may have taken the money and taken off, using the hanging laundry as an excuse. But in the article, it says that the dryer wasn't working so she went outside to hang laundry.
Could be an innocuous detail, but to me, it provides a context for her going out. She didn't decide to run out and used laundry as an excuse. Sounds like she went outside and was abducted. Unless...
- Hubbie cuts the dryer line so she has to go out (but why when he could get her out for another reason)
-She claims the dryer is broken, goes outside and takes off.

If she did clean out the bank account, it makes sense to think that she may have planned to leave, and when the husband said he was going to the bank, she took off. But I don't but it. A woman with a controlling husband doesn't usually stick around after she's cleaned out a bank account.

My theory is that the husband set it up, and 10 months remarrying after your wife disappears would be STRANGE. It's not like she died - there'd have to be some mystery to it in his mind, even if he saw she cleaned it out. He'd have to wonder and TRY TO GET THE MONEY BACK!!! As if he would just say, Hey darn that wife took all our money!

Laverite, I agree with your thoughts. Not buying the husbands story at all! If he had any kind of feeling for her he would definitely be trying to find out what happened to her. Yeah he went to file a missing persons report, but he had to do that. If he hadn't and her family wanted to know where she was that would have made him look like he did something to her. To seemingly not care what happened to her and the money looks very suspicious to me. If I cared about my spouse and he disappeared with or without money, I'd be doing whatever I could to find him to get answers if nothing else.

And the 10 month interval for him to be remarried stinks. He had to be dating this woman prior to marrying her, unless she's a mail order bride! So that makes the interval between his wife disappearing and him having another woman even less than 10 months. I just get the feeling that this relationship played into the disappearance of Marci.
The likelihood of a suburban housewife being abducted from her own backyard, particularly with her children at home is remote. For me to seriously consider this scenario, there would have to be evidence of a drug or gambling problem or a stalker ex-boyfriend. Bellingham is a nice suburb of Seattle. There was no sign of foul play at the home.
The likelihood that she drained the bank account and then left without her children is more possible. But I would not expect a mother to leave her children unattended, particularly the toddler. Her sister Jill stated in response to the question what would separate Marci from her kids, “Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Death.” Her cousin describes Marci’s husband Tom as “abrasive and controlling.” She also states that their son “lived a pretty terrible life of abuse, both physical and emotional, with his father.” As for her leaving with a boyfriend, with two kids, one a toddler, and a controlling husband in an era before cell phones, I am going to guess that it would have been very difficult for Marci to carry on an affair. So I’m going to say that this possibility is not the most likely. (Did she have a car? I couldn’t find any mention of a vehicle. I seriously doubt that she would WALK away.) She apparently had a loving family. I can’t imagine that she wouldn’t send word to them that she was OK.
Husband Tom had the marriage annulled and remarried shortly after. (Was the remarriage really just 10 months later?) This is not a man who was waiting for his wife to return or to find out what happened to her.
So there are 3 possibilities here. 1, She was abducted, 2, she ran away, leaving her children behind and never contacting her family or friends, and 3, her husband killed her. IMO, based on the limited information available, I have to say possibility 3 is the most likely.
Sister’s quote from this link:
Cousin’s quotes from this link:
I looked up the 4700 block of Everson Goshen Road to the bank's address, and it was only 5 miles, about 9 minutes nowadays.

So we're looking at a distance of 5 miles!!! Sure, it probably took longer back then. But here's what I'm confused about.

Did the father call from the bank and actually talk to the mother? Or did he never get a chance to talk to her? Meaning he tries to get ahold of her, and she doesn't answer, and then he comes home (10 mins) and finds she's missing. --- leading me to think she took off.
Or, he does talk to her, and then when he comes home, she's gone --- leads me to think he did it.

The likelihood of a suburban housewife being abducted from her own backyard, particularly with her children at home is remote. For me to seriously consider this scenario, there would have to be evidence of a drug or gambling problem or a stalker ex-boyfriend. Bellingham is a nice suburb of Seattle.

Thanks for ur thoughts - question for you since you seem to know a little about the area.
1 - Bellingham now has population 80k. do you know if in the 70's it was more of a rural area? For example, would it be possible for her house to be rural enough to not be near close neighbors? One article did talk about a woman who lives in a house next to where Marci lived, so it couldn't be too rural. But think of the kids who have been kidnapped in broad daylight!

2 - Talking to a lawyer friend of mine. We both think that in order for someone to take that money out, it had to be a name on the account- either hubby or Marci. Given the size of the town at that time, would hubby take money out a few days before, and then pretend that someone else did? Remember he had to use the bank's phone or a pay phone. Tellers would surely find it odd he took money out and was then pretending that his wife did it. Which means he must've asked to see the bank slip when they tell him someone took the money out. Either it's her name on the slip, or its HIS, and that would sound an alarm to a bank teller.

3 - Let's say it's her name on that slip - did SHE take it out, or did someone who looked like her do it?? So here's my question. Can we see who hubby re-married? Has anyone seen a name?

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