WA WA - Maureen Kelly, 19, Skamania County, 10 June 2013

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It occurred to me that her adopted name was interesting - "Anu Kelly" or "A new Kelly." Given her recent troubles with testing positive for drugs and that implication on her probation, wanting a new start might indeed be a possibility.
It's possible. But it would be an incredibly strange thing to do over some charges that really aren't a big deal, especially when they happen so young in life. I know a ton of people who have had MIP's and minor drug possession charges in their late teens that caused them no real issues in life. It would be far easier to ride out the punishment than it would be to completely abandon your life, your friends, family, live in hiding, assume a new identity that is actually viable, try not to avoid the law (especially if you're a person who likes to break it sometimes), etc.

I can entertain the possibility that she might be 'reinventing' herself, but the legal reasons wouldn't possibly be the ultimate motivation, would they? It would have to be something far more extreme, I would think. Although anything is possible if she is seriously mentally ill (she's right around the age that some of those illnesses usually begin, after all).
findinganatta, I agree a lot with your post above, as a young person living in WA. A MIP, or even several MIPs won't ruin your life, also if you get a decent lawyer charges will basically be dropped, or go away when your 21.

Also many marijuana cases/convictions are being thrown out now that weed was voted "legal" (still technically not federally but in WA it has become very lax), even police dogs are being retrained to not smell weed. Still I think if you are underaged and fail a drug test for it, you may get some kind of charge/fee, etc but I can't imagine it being anything life ruining or serious which I don't know if the court appearance would be related to her leaving - but who knows, people react to things differently.

Really suprised she hasn't turned up yet....I wish LE would release more info to let people know if she needs to be searched for or if they know she left the area on her own accord. Was she suicidal or depressed up to her dissapearance?

Is it possible she could have stashed supplies/clothes earlier nearby and retrieved them when she left? If this was a planned dissapearance I could see that happening. It isn't against the law for a 19 year old to leave their life and start over but walking naked into the woods certainly isn't the smartest idea and local community/LE would be frustrated.

Ahh I hope she turns up okay and I think the area needs to be searched more if it's possible she is still there....
Surely there's no way she is alive, with this amount of time gone by and such little resources?
just seems odd that they have found NO TRACE. Not that she had anything with her to leave anywhere, but just this "no trace" phrasing is disheartening for sure.
Ok...Ive been waiting to see how this turns out. This gal was SO careless in her actions. There is NO way she has survived out there. For one thing...ITS COLD! Its still dropping to JUST above freezing at my house,and Im at 4000 feet. Hypothermia would have been her biggest enemy. You do NOT want to mess around with Ol' Mother Nature this time of year (in these parts). She'll turn on a dime. Even seasoned survivalist have lost their lives in these mtns. WTH was she thinking???
Im so angry that she did this! We search and sleuth for so many missing babies and adults here every day. Missing people who are abducted, murdered or disappear by no fault of their own. And,YES,IAM worried about her..terribly worried,but Im also pizzed off. Im so sad for her family and friends whos hearts are aching.
I hope this little gal shows up.

Looks like the family is holding out hope and trying to get some reward money together.

The family is working with Crimestoppers to set a reward for information leading to Kelly's location
If this was a planned dissapearance I could see that happening. It isn't against the law for a 19 year old to leave their life and start over but walking naked into the woods certainly isn't the smartest idea and local community/LE would be frustrated.
Well, it's not against the law for someone who doesn't have legal responsibilities tied to their identity, but it certainly will quickly lead to breaking the law if you're not showing up for court appearances, probation check-ins, etc, and on top of that you've changed your identity. Assuming her legal issues were still in limbo, she would be running from the law, technically.

Personally, I'm leaning in the direction that either her remains have not been found (due to any number of likely possibilities) OR there was some kind of foul play involved. The latter idea would make sense considering she's a young, pretty woman walking around naked in an area that is apparently crisscrossed with roads and a decent amount of hikers, campers, etc.

Did anyone ever hear any follow up to the reports that the dogs followed her scent to a road, where they abruptly lost it? That just sounds very suspicious if it's indeed true, even though the authorities don't seem to have publicly acknowledged it.
Why is crimstoppers involved now, any other reasons? Or do they get involved with all types of missing people?
I cringe at the thought of this young, beautiful naked girl not only walking through the woods but then on a public road. If she was going to commune with nature, then she should have stuck to nature and not been out on a public road where she can be seen by anyone and taken. Being nude is an invitation to inviting trouble if she meets up with the wrong people. I can't imagine her being on the road, hitching a ride with a stranger while wearing nothing more than a fanny pack. (OT: I was in Austrailia once and learned what their idea of "fanny" is. Oh boi. LOL)
It occurred to me that her adopted name was interesting - "Anu Kelly" or "A new Kelly." Given her recent troubles with testing positive for drugs and that implication on her probation, wanting a new start might indeed be a possibility.

I was thinking Anu might be her adopted Hawaiian name. Doesn't she play the ukulele? And it looks like on her FB page is a late Hawaiian musician. In fact he has the same last name as her half-sister. I looked it up and in Hawaiian "anu" means cold.
I was thinking Anu might be her adopted Hawaiian name. Doesn't she play the ukulele? And it looks like on her FB page is a late Hawaiian musician. In fact he has the same last name as her half-sister. I looked it up and in Hawaiian "anu" means cold.

This is her name as written on her fb page (in the about area) :

Maureen Leianuheaokalikolehua Kelly
i let my story be told as i search for in life what's untold. ill never give up, for my path i trust, with peace in my heart i shall hold.

i love you.
This is her name as written on her fb page (in the about area) :

Maureen Leianuheaokalikolehua Kelly
i let my story be told as i search for in life what's untold. ill never give up, for my path i trust, with peace in my heart i shall hold.

i love you.


I guess that answers that question. Thanks.
I agree with the poster who said she looks high in her YT videos... She seems like a beautiful spirit but unfortunately, I know the look too, and she seems very off... either high or suffering mentally. I've used psychedelic drugs as a young teenager and unfortunately, her walking off into the woods wouldn't be implausible give the circumstances and her apparent life style.

I know that a vision quest is a Native American right of passage and maybe she was hoping to get some sort of spiritual revelation. As everyone knows, it's also common in some mystical Christian circles and Buddhist circles. Unfortunately, I think it's likely she quickly died of exposure or wild life. If she were also under the influence of drugs then she would probably be less likely to deal with any real danger.

There was also mention of a body of water, perhaps she drowned while trying to bathe herself or something? I think that an abduction scenario is very, very unlikely.

How sad for Anu and her family. :( Hope she is found, though.
I cringe at the thought of this young, beautiful naked girl not only walking through the woods but then on a public road. If she was going to commune with nature, then she should have stuck to nature and not been out on a public road where she can be seen by anyone and taken. Being nude is an invitation to inviting trouble if she meets up with the wrong people. I can't imagine her being on the road, hitching a ride with a stranger while wearing nothing more than a fanny pack. (OT: I was in Austrailia once and learned what their idea of "fanny" is. Oh boi. LOL)

I'm Australian, so I can tell you I've had many a giggle over this. :giggle:

In all seriousness though, it worries me that her trail ends on a public road. Best case scenario, she had planned for someone to come and pick her up from the road so she could go off on her own and start her life afresh, but even still, this can sour very quickly if not many people know where she is. Plus, if this were what she had planned, would she have gone off naked? Could she have done this just to throw people off her trail? I would assume whoever picked her up would have some clothing and possibly even a bag of necessities for her, if this is actually what happened. I do agree with others though, she doesn't seem like the type of person to go off like this and have everyone worrying and searching for her.

The other scenario scares me the most. An attractive, naked young women on her own wandering through a forest would be an easy target for someone with bad intentions. Her trail ends on a road, she could be anywhere by now. She had no phone to contact anyone, or for LE to 'ping' her phone for a location. She is nowhere to be found in the immediate vicinity of where she went missing. I really hope that this scenario is NOT what happened, because if it is, I don't have very high hopes that she will be found.

It's also possible that she injured herself while walking through the woods, but that doesn't really explain why the dogs lost her scent at the road, or why they weren't able to find her in the woods. She can't have traveled all that far while naked and barefoot, so if this is the case I'm surprised that she hasn't been found yet. Also, if she's injured somewhere, halting the searches does not bode well for her survival.

Praying that she's off an adventure of her own choosing. The other options are too horrible to think about.
Black bears have been very active in the area lately, in mating season. There has been a sighting in a residential neighborhood near me and another hit by a car at an off-ramp of I-205 just north of Vancouver. My garden partner on Whitney Heichel's garden saw a bear when he was out working on the garden recently, east of Sandy, Oregon.

Not sure it's been brought up here or not but aside from having arranged for someone to pick her up in a car where her trail ended at the pavement, perhaps she had a bicycle stashed and made her "getaway" alone. I don't personally think this is what happened, I lean more towards being prey for a cougar or bear.

So hoping she turns up alive.
Raining buckets all day today in Seattle and most parts of state and very cold, really hope Maureen has some shelter and is warm inside somewhere safe....

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