Deceased/Not Found WA - Rachael Anderson, 40, Clarkston, 16 April 2010 - #5 *C. Capone guilty*

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I spent the day yesterday in the woods near a couple of places that I am pretty sure CC dirt biked...did about a 100 mile loop....had dogs out ect....the only problem is that you can't get where a dirt bike can go unless you are on one and there are hundreds if not thousands of miles of trails...didn't see anything out of the ordinary..

Thanks for your efforts info. Your a #1 trooper!!!
Yeah his cell phone was found near Clarkston on hwy 12 around March 11th...

about one month before Rachael went missing so who knows...

and as far as I can tell he is still wanted...

I remember this article being posted at the very beginning. I saved it at that point, but deleted a few weeks ago.

Thanks Pickie for enlarged photo. (thumbs up to ya!)
No, it's not far at all, and I do believe he's in that general area - even now. He could hide up there for a long, long time.

It just got me to wondering if he had come into contact with Rachael at some point and was stalking her. That seems to be his MO.

What a creeper! The most frightening thing about him, IMO, is that he doesn't look scary or threatening. I imagine it's not at all difficult for him to snare his victims.

Appreciate the head up Fairy. Another lesson for the parents to teach. Police would never escort anyone from a DUI situation, and very rarely will escort anything unless medical...and then I would think only if they knew 911 couldn't get there for some reason or fast enough. JMO
OK I am FREAKING OUT here.. I just found this..

And realized that my husband and I WERE AT THE TOWING YARD at the SAME TIME his truck was BROUGHT IN! OMG!!!!

OK so WHO KNOWS if this man is in any way linked to Rachael.... but I am not having a very good feeling about this. And Fairy YOU are amazing , I know his name was brought up on this thread earlier, but I think SO many of us, if not all.. just had our sights set on ONE person.

They need to catch this guy soon. Stay safe and keep your eyes on the kiddies. All of you....and me too:innocent:
I remember this article being posted at the very beginning. I saved it at that point, but deleted a few weeks ago.

Thanks Pickie for enlarged photo. (thumbs up to ya!)

That photo was taken by one of the girls, who was featured in the America's Most Wanted story who was abducted by Winklebleck, using her cell phone and while she was being held captive! I think that is incredible!
That photo was taken by one of the girls, who was featured in the America's Most Wanted story who was abducted by Winklebleck, using her cell phone and while she was being held captive! I think that is incredible!

I know. My thought was, what was he thinking after she did that? You'd think he would have destroyed her phone somewhere along the way...but he didn't. It states he took both of their how did they get them back...I guess when they hopped in the car after they tried to get away the first time? Too bad it wasn't a can of mace instead of a cell phone.
They were given a general area between just north of Moscow to Lewiston. People did nothing. If they have, we have heard nothing in the media or from the FB page. The girls could have asked for help publically in organizing a search, or older family members or local people in the know could have offered their services.... There are many foundations and orgainizations set up just for this kind of thing, but we don't know if anyone has taken the effort to look into them. They supply support and some money and even help with reward efforts, etc. ??????

I realize they have their hands full, but I haven't even heard of any efforts being made to keep RA's story out there, let alone any search efforts. Little discerning and sad really.

Just wanted you all to know that in talking with some family of Rachaels, LE has told them they DO NOT want them searching for Rachael. THEY (LE) DO NOT want ANYONE searching for Rachael... BUT will not give any clues as to WHY. I think it is total BS. Can't search BUT you won't tell us WHY we can't search?
Family is VERY VERY frustrated, as to be expected, but LE wants them saying NOTHING ontop of DOING nothing. I can't even imagine. All this yet LE doesn't want anyone to forget about Rachael.
Trial is coming up on Tuesday. Hope something breaks, but not going to hold my breathe.....
Just wanted you all to know that in talking with some family of Rachaels, LE has told them they DO NOT want them searching for Rachael. THEY (LE) DO NOT want ANYONE searching for Rachael... BUT will not give any clues as to WHY. I think it is total BS. Can't search BUT you won't tell us WHY we can't search?
Family is VERY VERY frustrated, as to be expected, but LE wants them saying NOTHING ontop of DOING nothing. I can't even imagine. All this yet LE doesn't want anyone to forget about Rachael.
Trial is coming up on Tuesday. Hope something breaks, but not going to hold my breathe.....

This is very interesting news. This could explain why the reward has not been offered and publicized.

This leads me to believe that Rachael is in protective custody to testify against Charles Capone. I hope that is the case. After all, they have the photo of Charles and Rachael with the guns but would need her to testify where and when the photo was taken as the defense could claim it was a photoshop job.

This would explain why the girls aren't posting much on the Facebook Group page "Help find my missing Mom! Rachael Anderson!"
This is very interesting news. This could explain why the reward has not been offered and publicized.

This leads me to believe that Rachael is in protective custody to testify against Charles Capone. I hope that is the case. After all, they have the photo of Charles and Rachael with the guns but would need her to testify where and when the photo was taken as the defense could claim it was a photoshop job.

This would explain why the girls aren't posting much on the Facebook Group page "Help find my missing Mom! Rachael Anderson!"

To be perfectly honest I will be a little pissed if that is that case.....although I want Rachael to be found would be totally unethical and I would hope illegal for any LE agency to put someone into protective custody and then let the community pay that persons rent and bills while they are gone......

Capone expected to change plea in federal case
July 2, 2010, 11:31 am

Charles A. Capone will appear in court Tuesday on federal firearms charges.

But the Moscow man named as a person of interest in his wife's disappearance will not have his case heard before a jury.

A "change of plea" hearing is now scheduled for 1:30 p.m. Tuesday in U.S. District Court at Coeur d'Alene, where Capone faces two counts of unlawful possession of a firearm. He previously pleaded innocent to the charges.

It's not clear whether Capone will plead guilty to the charges as filed, or if he will enter into a plea agreement. Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael W. Mitchell declined to discuss the action until after Tuesday's hearing. A message left for one of Capone's defense attorneys was not immediately returned this morning.

Here is the whole artical if this works...

I smell a plea ageement...this also kind of kills the thought of Rachael being in protective custody to testify IMO....
I hope he talks but I hate the fact of offering that man ANY plea agreement, unless its life in prison without the option of parole INSTEAD of the death penalty. JUST SAYIN!
He isn't facing anything anything even remotely that serious.....I think the minimum sentence is 5 years if you go to trail...but in a plea bargen that sentence can be reduced....
Just wanted you all to know that in talking with some family of Rachaels, LE has told them they DO NOT want them searching for Rachael. THEY (LE) DO NOT want ANYONE searching for Rachael... BUT will not give any clues as to WHY. I think it is total BS. Can't search BUT you won't tell us WHY we can't search?
Family is VERY VERY frustrated, as to be expected, but LE wants them saying NOTHING ontop of DOING nothing. I can't even imagine. All this yet LE doesn't want anyone to forget about Rachael.
Trial is coming up on Tuesday. Hope something breaks, but not going to hold my breathe.....

I could understand not wanting the immediate family to look for her, but not everyone. I call BS too. Unless they are pretty sure what happen and just don't have enough proof. Maybe someone(s) has come forward and they are keeping hushed about it. I'd like to know who he convinced to drive him to Lewiston for the car drop or how that went down. If true.
If nothing new about RA comes out Tuesday, it will be very disappointing. Now dab burn it, somebody knows something about what happened that night.
I agree that someone knows something other then CC.

I also know that he isn't facing anything remotely that serious, I was just saying..... (although I wish he was !!! )

A few DO think that she is in hiding, and that once the trial comes and goes she we re-appear, I on the other hand AM NOT one of those people.
She would NEVER do this to her family especially her kids.

I don't know as Tuesday will bring us anything new about the where abouts of Rachael, but I am SO HOPING it does!
I could understand not wanting the immediate family to look for her, but not everyone. I call BS too. Unless they are pretty sure what happen and just don't have enough proof. Maybe someone(s) has come forward and they are keeping hushed about it. I'd like to know who he convinced to drive him to Lewiston for the car drop or how that went down. If true.
If nothing new about RA comes out Tuesday, it will be very disappointing. Now dab burn it, somebody knows something about what happened that night.

I know I am in the minority here but I believe STRONGLY that he would not/did not get someone else involved.....he had enough time to take care of everything himself....but I guess we will see.....assuming we ever find out.

I also think that if LE has anything on CC they will arrest/press charges very soon after the hearing on the 6th. It would make since for them to hold out on the slight chance that CC is released on probation....that way they could immediatly arrest him again and keep him in jail pending a trail on this case. There really wasn't any reason for them to rush and press charges with him already in jail.
I agree that someone knows something other then CC.

I also know that he isn't facing anything remotely that serious, I was just saying..... (although I wish he was !!! )

A few DO think that she is in hiding, and that once the trial comes and goes she we re-appear, I on the other hand AM NOT one of those people.
She would NEVER do this to her family especially her kids.

I don't know as Tuesday will bring us anything new about the where abouts of Rachael, but I am SO HOPING it does!

Perhaps her older children have been told she is in hiding and aren't allowed to share that fact.

The temporary trauma suffered by anyone who thinks Rachael is dead pales in comparison to the trauma people who love Rachael would suffer had she not been put into protective custody and was found dead, if in fact law enforcement, through their investigation regarding the stalker, had every reason to believe Rachael was in imminent danger of being murdered by Capone and decided to put her into protective custody.

If this is the case, the most important thing is that she is safe and still alive.

Since they have Capone in custody, if Rachael is indeed alive and well, they have bought more time to prepare a solid case against him for his part in Rachael's disappearance, or whatever actions on his part compelled law enforcement to put her into protective custody, if indeed this is the case.
Sadly, I don't believe she is in PC. With the slim chance that she was--she could have come forward once he was behind bars, because I really think he is going away for 5+ years. He has too much of a history......including the harassment and abuse per her filing for divorce, to only give him probation.

Another reason I think she is not in PC is the fact that nothing was really done to protect her when the complaints of the harassment were made. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who was responsible. The continuous and systematic vandalism to her car, beginning shortly after she filed for divorce and him being in the repair business should have clicked and raised a huge red flag. I'm a supporter of LE, but this is where they let her down. It's doesn't take 2-3 months of questioning and "checking in" with LE to get a clue. Nor was she pointed in any direction to get emotional support or to an organization that could have advised her what she could do in trying to stay safe.....Like...have no contact with him!!! This was a case where she was apparently calling for help and she was dissed. If I were a woman living within this community, I would be pretty worried and upset in this regard.

I admit, I'm having thoughts of him being charged and sentenced on Tuesday and we'll never hear anything further on RA. I pray not. They could have charged him with the harassment---if he truly admitted to it....why didn't they? Doesn't set a good example for future domestic violence cases and tells the real nutballs out there it will most likely be overlooked and really no big deal. JMO
Sadly, I don't believe she is in PC. With the slim chance that she was--she could have come forward once he was behind bars, because I really think he is going away for 5+ years. He has too much of a history......including the harassment and abuse per her filing for divorce, to only give him probation.

Another reason I think she is not in PC is the fact that nothing was really done to protect her when the complaints of the harassment were made. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who was responsible. The continuous and systematic vandalism to her car, beginning shortly after she filed for divorce and him being in the repair business should have clicked and raised a huge red flag. I'm a supporter of LE, but this is where they let her down. It's doesn't take 2-3 months of questioning and "checking in" with LE to get a clue. Nor was she pointed in any direction to get emotional support or to an organization that could have advised her what she could do in trying to stay safe.....Like...have no contact with him!!! This was a case where she was apparently calling for help and she was dissed. If I were a woman living within this community, I would be pretty worried and upset in this regard.

I admit, I'm having thoughts of him being charged and sentenced on Tuesday and we'll never hear anything further on RA. I pray not. They could have charged him with the harassment---if he truly admitted to it....why didn't they? Doesn't set a good example for future domestic violence cases and tells the real nutballs out there it will most likely be overlooked and really no big deal. JMO

I don't think she is in PC either...the guidlines of who qualifies to get into to the program seem a lot more serious than what is going on here.....The person going in has to have testimony about at least one major orginised crime...drug trafficking...or in this case maybe if LE had proof that he had put a hit out on Rachael.....Around here the firearms thing would never have been enough for that....also from what I have read the program has to take care of everything money wise and the person has to dissapear WITH NO ONE LOOKING FOR THEM....I know in this case LE has "disscouraged" people from looking for her but thats not the same thing....also there is no way they would have let unknowing strangers donate hundreds or thousands of dollars to the family and let them spend the money if they had her in protective custody....that's fraud....
As for the firearms charges I am very interested to see what he pleads to and what his sentence is....obviously LE didn't think their case would hold up in court or they never would have pled out...only a few more days till we at least have answers on that.

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