GUILTY WA - Samnang Kok, 17, shot to death at Tacoma high school, 3 Jan 2007

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the gun ban.... hhhmmm. that's a tough one. here's an example of why it isn't an easy answer... remember the 2 dartmouth professors who were murdered in their home by 2 local high school boys who were supposedly good, normal kids, up til the point they decided to go on a crime spree, to get money so they could leave town? i recently saw on a show about this, that these kids had gone to at least one other home in the neighborhood (before the murders) and knocked on the door.. the father came to the door and got a bad feeling.. even with their story of needing to use the phone, he did not let them in, and told his young son to go upstairs, got his gun, showed it to them through the window. he said he would call police to come help, them, but of course when they saw the gun, they fled- and it turns out they had cut the phone line anyway! that was a perfect example of how law-abiding citizens need to protect themselves from random psychos.. which there are more & more of these days. i don't know what the answer is, but i sure do believe that good citizens have the right to protect themselves & their families.. and the cops can't always do it, or be there when you need them.

A teenager refused to tell police why he allegedly shot and killed a fellow student at Henry Foss High School, saying, "I can't tell you why, I don't want it in the news," according to a probable cause statement filed Thursday.

The suspect "did not know Mr. Kok, but knew of him."

This must have been something REALLY personal.

The victim is the father of an 18 month old child.
Sad, so sad.

The real problem with this whole gun debate is this:

Any real solution that would result in zero gun deaths (which is total confiscation) only deals with the tools the murderers would use. The murderer's mind and will are left behind and you can't legislate that.

calus_3 said:
Sad, so sad.

The real problem with this whole gun debate is this:

Any real solution that would result in zero gun deaths (which is total confiscation) only deals with the tools the murderers would use. The murderer's mind and will are left behind and you can't legislate that.

There is truth to this. Many people who chose to act on murderous instincts will find a way.

But does the extremely easy access we have to an immediate and distant means of murder (ie, guns) lead to someone with a murderous instinct acting more rashly?

If the shooter in this instance couldn't get a gun and had to use a knife or a club or some other means to harm the victim, would his desire to do harm have petered out (especially given the fact that the shooter was a teenaged boy and probably in the throws of the aggression and hormonal surges that come with being a teenage boy)?

I don't know the answer, but I think that's a question worth asking.
southcitymom said:
There is truth to this. Many people who chose to act on murderous instincts will find a way.

But does the extremely easy access we have to an immediate and distant means of murder (ie, guns) lead to someone with a murderous instinct acting more rashly?

If the shooter in this instance couldn't get a gun and had to use a knife or a club or some other means to harm the victim, would his desire to do harm have petered out (especially given the fact that the shooter was a teenaged boy and probably in the throws of the aggression and hormonal surges that come with being a teenage boy)?

I don't know the answer, but I think that's a question worth asking.

Oh sure, it definitely makes it easier to kill someone with a gun. If someone is breaking in my house, I will grab a gun for certain.

If, however, you were to say remove all guns from society....well, then you would have more murders during burglaries, strong arm robberies, etc. So it would be a different list of reasons.

The problem I have with any gun laws are that they don't work. Criminals will not surrender their guns so the only people left without that deterant would be the law abiding citizen.

The first murder ever was when Cain slew Abel and he certainly didn't have a gun. I think someone bent on murdering someone else is going to do it one way or another. This kid can't even tell us why he chose that boy to murder.

I think the solution is to find out how he got his gun and then go after the source of the guns. Kids can't buy guns legally so they usually come from a parent or other gun owner. Prosecute the gun owner that let the kid have access to the gun harshly will be a good start at preventing much of this.

But the odd thing is that there will be people who are mad at the gun and not the person who used the gun.


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