WA WA - Seattle, WhtFem 30-50, 159UFWA, alias 'Mary Anderson', copper IUD, breast surgery scars, Oct'96

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I don't think "Mary" will ever be identified. I will take her at her word that she had no family so there is no one to report her missing. I suspect a parent died so she had no family left. being rather methodical, "Mary" no doubt vacated her apartment and got rid of her stuff, except the quirky items she had with her when she committed suicide.

I'm really not so sure. Why check into a hotel in a [probably] strange city under a false name and include in the note that it wasn't anyone's fault? There was someone that she didn't want word of her death to get back to. The more I think about it, I suspect that the alias "Mary Anderson" was opposite or very different from her given name, to create another obstacle so that the two wouldn't ever be connected.
I'm really in two minds about this one!

On one hand, she seems to have really made sure that she stayed unidentified. Using a psuedonym is probably the main indicator of that, but what if her desire to stay unidentified went deeper than that and, as someone mentioned above, she had her breast implants removed so no one could identify her from the serial number?

But on the other hand, part of me thinks that she only intended to remain unknown for a short amount of time, for whatever reason. She took care to use a fake name and address, but how could she possibly have known that her IUD's serial number had become illegible? Maybe she just wanted to give the police the runaround for a while until they discovered her IUD in autopsy - I don't know, I'm really just thinking aloud here! I'm not sure what her reason for doing that would be.

But I've read through this whole thread today, and it's really got me thinking. This is the kind of unsolved case that I have the most interest in - it's a real mystery, and often it takes one small clue that was maybe before considered insignificant to solve the case. And then that lead me to think, if I was ever to commit suicide (and I never would), the way Mary Anderson chose would probably be the way I chose also (in terms of hiding my identity and leaving weird clues) - could she have been a fan of mystery novels, or true crime cases like hers would become? Maybe it gave her some kind of thrill to think that she was creating her own mystery. But I don't think it was her intention to remain a Jane Doe, because like I said, how could she be sure that no one could identify her from her IUD? Maybe she thought she was buying herself time between killing herself, being found, and then potentially being identified from the serial number for some reason - like she had family visiting from another country and by the time she thought she would be identified she would be sure they had gone back home so they wouldn't know what she had done? I don't know, I'm getting into a spiral of 'what ifs'!

And also in her note, when she said 'use my body as you choose'. The word 'use' to me says a lot about what she thought about herself - something to be used, maybe unloved or taken advantage of, or she was someone that people stepped on so to speak. When I first read her description I though escort or prostitute (I don't know that I believe that anymore though), maybe that's why she considers herself to be 'used'.
But 'use my body as you choose' also suggests to me that she thought her body would be used for research etc. after she was found - correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think they would release an unidentifed body for research purposes would they? Wouldn't that be like destroying their best evidence?

When the courthouse across the street was being discussed a few pages back, I also considered maybe she was the victim of a crime (maybe a rape?) who faced her attacker in that court, and for whatever reason they were found innocent. Could that have set off her desire to take her life? It could also maybe explain why she didn't want to be identified - perhaps she hadn't told her family about the attack, or she was ashamed? But in my opinion that would have been something that happened long before her death, maybe she chose to kill herself on the anniversary in the hotel she stayed in while testifying.

Sorry I haven't really offered anything useful, I just wanted to share my thoughts on this one! :)
I would also like to know where the bowl was in relation to her body?

Maybe, if it was close by, she was expecting the cyanide to make her sick. Maybe it was just something she did unconsciously, to have it ready just in case - she might have thought it more dignified to be found with a bowl of vomit rather than be found covered in it.
Some people have more friends and family than others, but no one has nobody at all -- if everyone in the country saw her picture, and heard her story, I think someone would remember her. Maybe a waitress at a restaurant she used to go to, to whom Mary said something significant. Or her landlord, or a distant cousin who's been trying to track her down...

Publicity would help this case, I think.
Sorry if I repeat any previous "thoughts" on Mary Anderson but.....
*some people from back east dont have accents. At all.
*Most fancy hotels have irons and any one who travels would know that. So had she stayed at a friend/relatives home prior to the hotel check-in?
*Im wondering about the traveling with cyanide and metamucil? I suppose it could have been in her luggage and checked on a flight, I dont recall how strict things were back in 96?
*What FORM of cyanide did she use?
*If she had knowledge and access to it and as some of you have mentioned, its used in the jewelry business, jewelry is a big business in NYC.
*I dont think its a coincidence that she threw out a fake address and phone number and they are both in NY. I couldnt guess coordinating area codes and addresses unless I was very familiar with them.
*The fact that Seattle is on one end of the states and her info was on the other side, makes me wonder if she got on the plane (or train?) and deliberatly went as far as she could.
*Its just my opinion but "Mary Anderson" is along the lines of "Joan Smith"...simple and not hard to drum up. I think her real name is likley something similar.
*The Himilayan coat that she had, I googled the brand http://www.findownersearch.com/himalaya-outfitters-3267464-brand.html and they are owned by a company out of Canton, Mass. CMRG APPAREL, LLC Again, an East coast connection.
*The velvet tracksuits....aernt they known as an East Coast type thing to wear? Years ago (long before the housewives shows) I heard a fashion review of someone critisizing a celebrity who was wearing one and referred to her as a "New Jersey mob wife".
* I wonder if LE or volunteers printed out her poster and got it around the east coast if she would be recognized. If not by family, friends, beauty salons, doctors, store clerks, etc.
*The one scenerio that pops into my head is she was married and is hurt by a husbands infidelity.
*Finally, could just be a coincidence but the street name/number she gave, 23rd, is also the bible psalm she had open when she died. Could she have just been so focused on what she was about to do and that psalm, that that particular street number came to mind when she signed in?
Sorry so long but that case has me fascinated and terribly sad for her!!!
I'm really in two minds about this one!

On one hand, she seems to have really made sure that she stayed unidentified. Using a psuedonym is probably the main indicator of that, but what if her desire to stay unidentified went deeper than that and, as someone mentioned above, she had her breast implants removed so no one could identify her from the serial number?

But on the other hand, part of me thinks that she only intended to remain unknown for a short amount of time, for whatever reason. She took care to use a fake name and address, but how could she possibly have known that her IUD's serial number had become illegible? Maybe she just wanted to give the police the runaround for a while until they discovered her IUD in autopsy - I don't know, I'm really just thinking aloud here! I'm not sure what her reason for doing that would be.

But I've read through this whole thread today, and it's really got me thinking. This is the kind of unsolved case that I have the most interest in - it's a real mystery, and often it takes one small clue that was maybe before considered insignificant to solve the case. And then that lead me to think, if I was ever to commit suicide (and I never would), the way Mary Anderson chose would probably be the way I chose also (in terms of hiding my identity and leaving weird clues) - could she have been a fan of mystery novels, or true crime cases like hers would become? Maybe it gave her some kind of thrill to think that she was creating her own mystery. But I don't think it was her intention to remain a Jane Doe, because like I said, how could she be sure that no one could identify her from her IUD? Maybe she thought she was buying herself time between killing herself, being found, and then potentially being identified from the serial number for some reason - like she had family visiting from another country and by the time she thought she would be identified she would be sure they had gone back home so they wouldn't know what she had done? I don't know, I'm getting into a spiral of 'what ifs'!

And also in her note, when she said 'use my body as you choose'. The word 'use' to me says a lot about what she thought about herself - something to be used, maybe unloved or taken advantage of, or she was someone that people stepped on so to speak. When I first read her description I though escort or prostitute (I don't know that I believe that anymore though), maybe that's why she considers herself to be 'used'.
But 'use my body as you choose' also suggests to me that she thought her body would be used for research etc. after she was found - correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think they would release an unidentifed body for research purposes would they? Wouldn't that be like destroying their best evidence?

When the courthouse across the street was being discussed a few pages back, I also considered maybe she was the victim of a crime (maybe a rape?) who faced her attacker in that court, and for whatever reason they were found innocent. Could that have set off her desire to take her life? It could also maybe explain why she didn't want to be identified - perhaps she hadn't told her family about the attack, or she was ashamed? But in my opinion that would have been something that happened long before her death, maybe she chose to kill herself on the anniversary in the hotel she stayed in while testifying.

Sorry I haven't really offered anything useful, I just wanted to share my thoughts on this one! :)

Actually, i think you are right on about her offering her body to be used as needed. I definitly thought the same thing, that she felt useless and unloved, unattractive. SO SAD.
*Im wondering about the traveling with cyanide and metamucil? I suppose it could have been in her luggage and checked on a flight, I dont recall how strict things were back in 96?

It wasn't very strict at all. I don't think anyone would have noticed if she had it in her carry-on on an airplane.
Unidentified White Female

Located in Seattle, King County, Washington on October 11, 1996

Cause of death was suicide.

Vital Statistics
Estimated Age: 33 - 45 years old
Approximate Height and Weight: 5'8"; 240 lbs.
Distinguishing Characteristics: Reddish-brown hair and brown eyes. She used a copper intrauterine device. She had some sort of breast surgery at some point. It had produced scars beneath both breast and around the nipple area. Her hair was combed, her nails were painted cream white and she wore make-up.
Dentals: Dental plate
Clothing: She wore black leggings and a black top.

Case History
This woman committed suicide in Seattle, WA. She checked in to a room at Seattle's Hotel Vintage Park on October 9, 1996 under the name Mary Anderson. She paid cash for her room. She left an non-existent address of 132 East Third Street, New York, NY 11103; and a phone number of 212-569-5549; the phone number does not exist either. When she failed to check out of her room two days later as expected, hotel staff entered the room and found her deceased. She had taken cyanide.
Investigators found a note scribbled upon hotel stationery:

To Whom It May Concern.
I have decided to end my life and no one is responsible for my death.
Mary Anderson.
P. S. I have no relatives. You can use my body as you choose.

A large black Bible lay open across her chest. It was opened to the Twenty-Third Psalm.

The woman's miscellaneous belongings -- velour outfits, shoes, slippers, black leather gloves, leather purse, Estée Lauder cosmetics, toothpaste, perfume, Metamucil, Crystal Light, panty hose, a kitchen bowl, and an iron -- were packed in several luggage bags.

If you have any information concerning this case, please contact:
King County Medical Examiner's Office

Agency Case Number:
96-1207 Source Information:
Seatle PI


maybe the LE should reopen the case and include the actual handwriting sample?
Also include more label info?
also do a CODIS DNA TEST?

When I see coupons for METAMUCIL I think of Mary Anderson...:twocents:

she did cover her tracks well. Also the jacket was a man's style.

I do agree perhaps she was somehow involved in an active intimate profession?
Since she was concerned with her looks a lot.
make up
It wasn't very strict at all. I don't think anyone would have noticed if she had it in her carry-on on an airplane.

Maybe she stole the poison and that is why nobody claimed to know who she is?
She may have been hiding from criminals or like that?And just said enough I am done...:sick:
Hey guys -- more good news concerning Mary Anderson's case.

Third... she told me not hesitate to call or email her, that she will do her best to answer my inquiries with information that can be released.

I think this is some exciting news for the case. There are a lot of questions we can now get answered, and get facts verified and ruled out. I will either email my questions back, or give her a call tomorrow.

For the NamUs listing, I will make the request for a specific, itemized listing of Mary's belongings, and will ask if they could photograph them as well. If there any questions, any of you want me to ask her, please don't hesitate to do so.

We got the ball rolling, guys.

Hi Kodiak, My wish list request for this UID would be a photo of her dentals. ie. what her smile woud have appeared like. Thanks.
I just checked and this UID is still not entered in the Namus database!
I haven't posted about this case yet, but wanted to add in a few thoughts based on a lot of earlier postings.

*I have an IUD, so I know quite a bit about them. They have been around for many years. My mom had a copper iud in the 70s and it wasn't expensive. Copper iuds are supposed to be replaced every 10 years, but my doc said he took one out of a lady that had been in for over 20. IUDs do not require regular medical checkups. You SHOULD get them, but you don't have to. Let's just say...I haven't been a very good patient with my current IUD. :what: Most docs do not like to put IUDs in women that haven't had children unless they are older or never plan to have children. I have an iud because I don't want anymore children, but I don't want to get my tubes tied.

*I don't understand why this lady would do everything under an assumed name if she had no family. Makes no sense to me. I believe she does have some family but doesn't want anything to do with them.

*I think she made up the info from New York. This is going to sound goofy, but I remember watching television shows as a kid, and they would give an address and phone number at the end of the show to write for transcripts. They were mostly NY addresses and phone numbers. I have always known zip codes and area codes for NY. That street address is generic enough to be made up off the top of someone's head and still be a real address. I'm sure it exists in most cities.

*The name is probably just something she thought of...no significance. I had to make up a fake yahoo account to try and catch someone who stole my identity. My fake name was Amy Anderson...no significance whatsoever.

I think she has family, although I don't believe they are looking for her.


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Wow, first time I have seen this thread, thank you for the bump.

Upon seeing Mary's picture, my first thought was, as I see others have already posted, she definitely seems Jewish, probably upper middle class. She reminds me very much of Jewish women I've known of similar age. Same look, very well put together ladies, as our Mary here would seem to have been, given the quality of her cosmetics, and the Nordstrom's gloves. I think this would also bolster the NYC connection, or at the very least the northeast US.

If not Jewish, then perhaps an eastern European heritage? Polish, Lithuanian, etc.? Also strongly represented in the northeast.

I also tend to think she won't ever be identified. But what a story. I'm very intrigued by her, especially given in the one article that says they believe she was leaving behind clues.

RIP Mary - but give us a little sign, if you could! :). :rose:
Wow, first time I have seen this thread, thank you for the bump.

Upon seeing Mary's picture, my first thought was, as I see others have already posted, she definitely seems Jewish, probably upper middle class. She reminds me very much of Jewish women I've known of similar age. Same look, very well put together ladies, as our Mary here would seem to have been, given the quality of her cosmetics, and the Nordstrom's gloves. I think this would also bolster the NYC connection, or at the very least the northeast US.

If not Jewish, then perhaps an eastern European heritage? Polish, Lithuanian, etc.? Also strongly represented in the northeast.

I also tend to think she won't ever be identified. But what a story. I'm very intrigued by her, especially given in the one article that says they believe she was leaving behind clues.

RIP Mary - but give us a little sign, if you could! :). :rose:

Or mittel european, I have nursed many of these ladies in the past. Very proud and would not want their families to know how bad things got
I debated saying anything more here but sometimes I get nostalgic about people I have run into in the past and I thought of a woman who was at one time a manager at a fast food restaurant in NJ. the facial similarity to Mary Anderson is there (to some extent, I am going back more than 30 yrs) but when I tried to locate this person, dead or alive, she was nowhere to be found.

as I recall the person I am thinking of she was about 50 in 1980 (so probably too old to be Mary Anderson) but then again as a teenager everyone looks old. she was Jewish and was not married. she was friendly with a college age gal who worked at the restaurant (who would probably know more about her) and I can remember the woman's name and the city she lived in. despite knowing her name and where she once lived, there is not a single record of her to be found on Google, the social security death index, or any public record search at ancestry.com. the last one captures data from phone books, etc.

I am not saying Mary Anderson is the same person, but here is a case where someone I once knew (however tangentially) has fallen off the planet. even if I were convinced it was her, there was no report of her being missing and therefore no way to identify her. you'd be surprised how many people like her are out there.
Her use of the name Mary Anderson makes me wonder if she originally was from Minnesota area, or Canada north of there. In an area with a large population of Swiss/Danes/Norweigans, etc. Mary Anderson would be like saying "Mary Smith."
Perhaps her later professional pursuits took her to NYC and beyond.

From Wikipedia:

Anderson is the ninth most frequent name in Scotland and 43rd-most common surname in the United Kingdom.[1]
In Sweden, the form Andersson (and also Anderson) is the second-most common surname.[2]
In Norway and Denmark, the form Andersen is quite common, being the fifth most common surname in both countries[3][4] - see Andersen.
The Scandinavian forms Andersson and Andersen were often rendered as Anderson by immigrants to the English-speaking countries, whereby the latter form became one of the most common American surnames. The name was eleventh most common surname reported in 1990 United States census, accounting for 0.3% of the population.[5] It is the twelfth most common surname reported in the 2000 United States Census.[6] Anderson is also one of the most common surnames in Canada.[7]

When I thought about the name "Mary Anderson" I instantly thought of Kathleen Soliah/Sarah Jane Olsen. She was originally from Minnesota before moving to California. She was charged in connection with SLA activities in the 70's (the group that held Patty Hearst), and she lived as a fugitive for 23 years. She chose Sarah Jane Olsen as her alias because it was a very common, ordinary name to have in a heavily Scandinavian area (she was found living in St. Paul, Minnesota after she was profiled on AMW.)

So perhaps the name suggests something about where our Doe grew up, or even her nationality.
While it's completely possible that this term was used in regards to how she viewed herself (as someone else mentioned, I'm sorry but it's late and I didn't think to take note of who had mentioned it), it could also be explained if she was not originally from here. A few years back I had quite a bit of interaction with someone who was from another country initially. His phrasing, while understandable, was definitely not "American". Basically, even if you speak English, some of our phrasing may be hard to grasp. So, even though "Use" has the same meaning as "dispose", we use the term "dispose". Hope that makes sense.

So, if that is correct, we could be looking at a person who possibly had come into the country for whatever reason on a visa, and didn't want to go home. Everyone knows New York and even though I've never been within a 10 hour drive of New York, I know that the streets are numbered. It wouldn't explain the number, but it was just a thought.....
:bump: I don't think "Mary" wanted to be identified. It intrigues us all as to why not though! A sad ending to a life, I think. I hope one day "Mary" will send us a little clue as to who she really was. :moo:

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