WA WA - Seattle, WhtFem 30-50, 159UFWA, alias 'Mary Anderson', copper IUD, breast surgery scars, Oct'96

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
Does it mention somewhere how large the scars were beneath her breasts? I had to have missed that somewhere else. In the article "The Cipher in Room 214" the reporter Carol Anderson quotes the ME stating: "...Scars beneath both breasts indicated some form of cosmetic breast surgery -- indicating that she had the means, and desire, to care for her appearance..." So that's how I based my opinion it was breast enlargement versus reduction as the scars are "beneath" both breasts and it doesn't mention the nipple area at all nor the size.

Doe Network mentions both: http://doenetwork.org/cases/159ufwa.html

Distinguishing Characteristics: Reddish-brown hair and brown eyes. She used a copper intrauterine device. She had some sort of breast surgery at some point. It had produced scars beneath both breast and around the nipple area. Her hair was combed, her nails were painted cream white and she wore makeup.

Also noted here by a poster who spoke with the KCME in 2006: http://z10.invisionfree.com/usedtobedoe/ar/t6533.htm

I called King Co. Medical Examiner's office today and spoke with a Dr. Taylor.

She said that being that Mary Anderson knew of correct street names and the zip for NY it is probable that she is from the East Coast.

The dental plate is an upper partial.

I was telling Dr. Taylor about a likeness in a sketch of a missing female in Ohio in 1965 and one of Mary Anderson's and she stopped me right there and said "as we speak, there is another sketch being done of Mary because the ones out there do not do her justice." ETA of the sketch's completeness is unknown at this time. I asked her if I could call back in a month, she said yes.

I asked her if Mary Anderson's suicide had the makings of a "Final Exit" She said absolutely not. They see alot of final exit deaths and this was not one of them.

They run her prints from time to time on the east coast but still nothing. She stated that the breast surgery leads them to believe it was a breast reduction.

They are still puzzled as to how she was able to obtain cyanide.

Dr. Taylor said that with makeup on Mary looked to be in her 40's but with out make up she was mostlikely in her 30's.

DNA wasn't taken back then and still has not been obtained, no mention if it ever will.
Snipped for focus

but then note this: the information KCME released about her possessions didn't mention she was even WEARING underwear (bra, under garments)... all it says is she had black leggings and a black turtle neck!

Maybe she wasn't wearing underwear because she was wearing the leggings and top as sleepwear or loungewear?
I'm reading this EXCELLENT link from invisionfree on past convo's and one of them with Kathy Taylor was a question on copper IUD's and how often they should be changed. Being I am in OB/GYN it's every 10 years - I can answer that one! The hormone one's are good for 5 years. So, the IUD was in at least from 1986 if not earlier, the wear and tear on the serial number I can't tell you. But I do know that it's a highly acidic area of the female anatomy hence why every woman does not always get pregnant. The ph level's are much more acidic than in other area's of the body, so serial numbers might wear away quite fast (and weren't IUD's just started back in the mid 70's? perhaps they hadn't perfected their serial numbers life expectancy or maybe this wasn't so much of a concern to the manufacturer?). I do know the early IUD's, some were very effective and others were not. Apparently since she didn't have children this one was one of the former. (So sad the thread ended in 2008 - fascinating read! Apparently there might be hope of speaking to Kathy Taylor as someone else has in the past. I wonder about the sketch...I've seen one in color and I've seen others on a Facebook site.)

There are cruises that leave Seattle for extended San Juan Island and PNW/BC in October.

The proximity of the boutique hotel is within walking distance of the pier. Makes me wonder if there was a cruise line that had unclaimed baggage. MOO

The amount of ''velour'' in her wardrobe emphasizes ''casual'' and comfortable and seasonably appropriate for that area.

Pretty good resemblance, for sure.

I contacted the case manager for Elaine and spoke with her about the Mary Anderson case. Of course if it's a match no one can notify us/me/anyone here. But, I'm hopeful if it is a match that our media will make enough of a BOOM that I will be able to give everyone a link to the story and we can happily say case closed. (What a dream, right?) Until then, I'll keep looking... I don't believe anyone will give us any information at KCME office - I don't think they can, legally. I will keep scouring around, and looking at the missing and seeing if I see anyone close in appearance. Cyanide really does a number on the tissues so it's hard to know what she looked like in life, but we can come close and that's all we can do. Mary got under my skin years ago and I don't think I'll stop till I hear she's been ID'd.

I did see that TWA Flight 800 crashed in 1996 killing all on board and another plane also crashed in Florida in the Everglades killing all passengers... motive for suicide? Might have been... Could Mary have been an abused woman either by her family or by a boyfriend or a husband? Is that why she didn't want people to look? And again, back to the breast scarring... could there be more to this story than we're being told - sure could be. For identification purposes I'm sure KCME left out details that only someone who actually knew Mary would know. I doubt we'll get those details as they will be used to ID Mary. I'll have to keep looking at what's out there and seeing if I can find anything else. If she was a vendor for a mining company, she'd have access to a variety of cyanide from different mines and might be able to take small amounts from each over time and thereby avoid identification of the specific compounding used to make it. If she used that aquarium stuff I would think they could id where that came from by analysis. I hope they took some samples of her blood, or that there might be some DNA on her partial plate and that it was stored properly. Back then, of course, DNA wasn't as utilized as it is now, and was very expensive. Oh well, forging onward.... I will let you know if I see anything in the papers on them ID'ing our Mary. Till then... happy hunting!

Hallelujah and glory be!!! YAY!!! And.... they have a DNA sample but it's not been entered (another Score!) and we find out it WAS breast REDUCTION! Double Score! Oh this makes all the difference in the world I'm so HAPPY!!! Yes, when I talked to Janet yesterday she was very surprised that Mary wasn't in NAMus... Thank the good lord, everyone here that's ever ever tried to do anything with NAMus - I know the list is endless of all those who have inquired. Excellent news! Let's hope now some closure will come to a family or loved one wondering if "Mary" will ever forgive them and contact them again, not knowing Mary died in 1996. Thanks to all, thank you!! I'm so happy!!
I received a reply from Janet (NAMUS) re submission 12 Sept 2014 for MP Laura Hitson & UID Mary Anderson (its in the post above 501 & 504) - will reply on thread soon regarding that.

Great to see the UID is now in NAMUS -
and hopefully a pic & DNA of Laura Hitson will be possible too.
I received a reply from Janet (NAMUS) re submission 12 Sept 2014 for MP Laura Hitson & UID Mary Anderson (its in the post above 501 & 504) - will reply on thread soon regarding that.

Great to see the UID is now in NAMUS -
and hopefully a pic & DNA of Laura Hitson will be possible too.

Awesome news! Getting these cases in like this is surely a wonderful tribute to the ladies missing and those found! Crossing fingers on a match for someone (hope it's for our Mary).
"Mary" bears a resemblance to a former Congresswoman from NJ, Marge Roukema.

Sort of makes it easy for me to visual a match if a MP reminds me of my former Congresswoman. (I've not had luck uploading images in the past. Let's see if this worked.)


This was the source of the image - http://myeloma.org/ArticlePage.action?articleId=120
One thing I wondered about in this case was, "Where did the victim come from before checking into the hotel?" I noticed that there was something like less than an hour difference between when she made the reservation and her arrival by cab which suggests she was not from the immediate area. There is a ferry terminal (with daily service between Seattle and Vancouver B.C.) about 2 miles away and its not uncommon for taxis to be called to that area for pick-ups... So that might support the idea she came from Canada. On the other hand, if she arrived by SeaTac airport, her taxi ride could have easily been an hour... Additionally, in the baggage claim area of the airport, there is a large phone kiosk with direct connections to the area hotels - including the Vintage Park Hotel? There are also several ATM's in that baggage area where she could have withdrawn cash for the taxi ride and hotel stay.

But why that specific hotel? It is neither the largest, most luxurious or even most affordable. There are several other hotels within a 3 mile radius that could have just as easily been chosen. Maybe it was the quaint charm of the hotel that helped the decision? Maybe it was chosen not for its amenities but for its proximity to another landmark within the city of Seattle? Directly across the street from this hotel is the U.S. Federal District Courthouse property - landscaped with 4-5 very large Maple trees. During warmer months, it is not unusual for large numbers of office workers to use the adjoining lawn for a quick lunch or smoke break. The material we have indicates that the weather was unseasonably warm when "Mary Anderson" checked into the hotel and that the investigators found a maple leaf in her room pressed between the pages of the "Seattle Weekly"... a local paper found in amongst the newspaper vending machines in front of the same courthouse. So we can at least casually link her to the approximate area...

A couple other thoughts: Many folks have commented on the style, type, and volume of clothes she had hanging in her closet.... I'd suggest that these weren't "travelling clothes" but rather clothes appropriate for a public forum... She had a heavier blue coat and gloves - not something a local would packed given the warmer weather. Why so many if she only had paid for a couple night's stay? And why did she have an iron? The fabric of her clothes isn't the type to be ironed - dry cleaned more likely.

Here's my amateur theory: Mary Anderson was in Seattle to see someone who was going to be in Federal Court for a trial. She had brought along several different outfits that could be worn interchangeable (all "jewel" colors?) because she didn't know exactly how long it would last. The iron was for the clothes not in the room: A dress shirt and suit pants perhaps for a male defendant? Prisoners often rely upon their families (through their attorneys) to drop off "court clothes" to make themselves more presentable during a trial. Making sure that such clothes were neatly pressed seems to fit in with the other aspects of the orderly nature surrounding "Mary." Having such a male in her life would also fit into the findings of the worn IUD?

I wonder about the lack of identification and the lies she wrote during check-in regarding her residence. Positive ID wasn't required for either airline or ferry travel in those days but still there should have been something? Here's another (kinda) far-fetched theory: Mary was very careful about her ID because she didn't want anyone (particularly people in a courtroom - like Federal agents) to know her identity if she was stopped outside the court.... Perhaps she (mistakenly thought) she was also wanted or would be questioned? It is also a particularily common concern and tactic for suspects/groups who see the federal government as overly intrusive or controlling (Freemen, Posse Comitatus, etc). If memory serves me correctly, there were several of those types of cases being processed through that specific courthouse during the same time period. Immigration case? Border smuggling? Those are relatively common for the court, too.

Assuming she brought the poison with her, it seems reasonable that her death had been planned for some time... Can any significance be placed on the exact day/time of her suicide? Following along with the above theory, was a conviction a near certain and it ended after only the second day? The only way I think that would be possible is if the defendant decided to plead guilty on the first day (not uncommon - particularly when prosecutors offer a "last chance to plea" in exchange for a lighter sentence). Or maybe Mary knew someone who was to be sentence and she wanted to see him for one last time before he went away? That would still fit for the iron/clothes part of the theory... Did she then kill herself because she didn't want to live alone without him? Was this a case of falling in love with the "wrong guy" and that's why she wrote that it wasn't anybody's fault... that "it" (the way things had turned out) was her own fault?

Okay - that's enough speculation from this amateur! :)

I like this theory too... and #96 that she could have been a witness. Also the old public library was across the street back then, so why this area? Maybe she was doing research over in the library and hung out there for an hour before arriving. From what I read later, they said she did NOT take a cab to the hotel location.

She was obese, so perhaps she used this Metamucil with her eating disorder? Had a breast reduction anticipating weight loss. Perhaps she was depressed from the eating disorder (binge eating) which caused her to gain weight, had the reduction surgery but couldn't lose the weight. She could have just had the Metamucil too because obese people have digestive issues/constipation, so it could have been used solely for that and the Crystal light to mask the taste?
The outfits all being "jewel" colors is telling considering you can obtain cyanide at any gold mine. If she was a vendor, again maybe she took small samples of cyanide from each of her gold mines combined them into the one large tablespoon to commit suicide -since the properties would be of mixed values id'ing them/her would be impossible as it wouldn't have the same composition chemically. She'd have to be a vendor and know these facts - where and what lab the mine obtained it's cyanide from.
The prescription pill bottle without the label, certainly shows she had taken some sort of medication and she had breast reduction surgery, so there's some definite medical information. Since she was obese she would probably have a health issue, or at the least depression (given the suicide). Could have been a sleeping medication, depression, high blood pressure, etc...
Re-reading the posts again, her hair was natural in color...I've heard the Neville sketches are almost spot on, always - that he is a great forensic artist!
And back to the jewel colors...the colors of the velour were of the precious gem category: emerald, ruby (fuschia or pigeon blood red), and sapphire - traditionally blue but also comes in other colors. So...what's she wearing when she commits suicide but a black top and black leggings? Doesn't fit... she traveled/or died, in one type of garment but had packed a totally different type of garment(s).
And that damned kitchen bowl... again, perhaps she had a pet she parted with, maybe it was a keepsake of home, maybe she had sodium cyanide (this is the type you smell/inhale) too as well as potassium cyanide (that's the kind you put into something) and she decided to use the sodium and got rid of it once she decided on the sodium cyanide? Why else would someone take a kitchen bowl with them?
She also pulled back the sheets from the bed... concerned about a mess? Or, did she have a phobia about how clean the sheets were? Maybe along with an eating disorder she had a clean phobia? But if that were so, why no toothbrush, change of undergarments, deodorant... so many things left missing. And none of us know if the KCME left those items out deliberately or if these items were not there which makes it sound more like the entire contents of her clothing choices, iron, kitchen bowl, right down to the maple leaf were left as a complete puzzle to cause this type of confusion.
I do believe she had some knowledge of the East Coast, so if she was a vendor for mine companies, she may have traveled to the NYC area, and had to contact clients, or perhaps peers on conferences held there, or on business. She knew enough to come close to zip codes, street addresses, and area codes.
It would be interesting to know when approximately the breast reduction surgery was done - how long ago the scarring is estimated at... Still swirling idea's around... I did read there were pictures taken of the room when her body was discovered. I wonder if they've looked at those pictures again. I remember reading in the articles written that KCME at the time stated he believed they missed something in the room. With our enhancement technologies maybe those photo's (though not as complete as a homicide would be in number and type) could be looked at again for anything missing, if they haven't been already?
Bottom line - I think the only thing for sure that could be said is she cared about her appearance, so much as to have breast reduction surgery, was no doubt depressed and along with that depressed about her appearance too at this stage. I think we can all safely assume she wasn't always this big, but may have been a binge eater in her life? That might help as we are searching through these missing people, if we find one that mentions binge eating disorder or preoccupation with appearance?
Final note: there are MANY people I haven't seen in years. I don't report them as missing, so it's perfectly possible that no one realizes even now that she is in fact missing.

At this link--it said that toothpaste was included in items found -- now if she was a Canadian and brought the toothpaste with her it would have had French list of ingredients on the tube as well -- two official languages required for labelling in Canada -- just adding that as there was speculation regarding her possibly being Canadian.

At this link--it said that toothpaste was included in items found -- now if she was a Canadian and brought the toothpaste with her it would have had French list of ingredients on the tube as well -- two official languages required for labelling in Canada -- just adding that as there was speculation regarding her possibly being Canadian.
Right, saw the toothpaste, if I said toothpaste that was an error I apologize for... I meant, toothbrush.
Yes, I saw that she may be Canadian too, speculative regarding where she was when she died, our cruise lines, her clothing, and the maple leaf. Do all Canadian provinces include a list in French of ingredients? I knew Quebec, and Ontario did, but I don't know about the others. But good call, the mfr'ing information might show where it was bought if there's an id or was an id number back in 96 to trace it with and/or a French listing of ingredients.
Pretty good resemblance, for sure.
If you look at the workup on post #51 they did on our Mary, adding some puff to her cheeks and her eyes, taking the sunken dark circles out, she looks a lot like Elaine (#51 is not an artist and confesses this...but in looking back...) I was surprised to see how much more of a resemblance there is to Elaine!
I think we can assume that she was depressed but not necessarily about her weight. For all we know, she was always this size and fine with it--she took good care of herself.
Right, saw the toothpaste, if I said toothpaste that was an error I apologize for... I meant, toothbrush.
Yes, I saw that she may be Canadian too, speculative regarding where she was when she died, our cruise lines, her clothing, and the maple leaf. Do all Canadian provinces include a list in French of ingredients? I knew Quebec, and Ontario did, but I don't know about the others. But good call, the mfr'ing information might show where it was bought if there's an id or was an id number back in 96 to trace it with and/or a French listing of ingredients.

yes....even imported products are stopped at the border -- even a slap on label in both official languages is required and has been for decades.....in all provinces
Many products sold in New England have the French ingredients listed so they don't have to have two different packages.

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