WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - #14

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Except bad-mouth Solomon

Yes, but unfortunately this is what worked for her in the past- it got her custody and him sent to domestic abuse class with no visitation. I think in her mind, she thought it would work again.
Gitana..so sorry for all the hardships your family had to endure.
Julia admitted to leaving Sky and M home alone during the 12 hour mediation. Maybe not M, but Sky anyways. LE could charge her for that at very least right now. Plus she has admitted to leaving her children alone before for extended periods of time, and that was before the mediation.
I don't think they want to arrest her right now because they are scared that once they do, she'll stay quiet. She's not talking now anyways, so what difference does it make whether she gets arrested or not? They should just do it, and maybe Julia will crack/slip up and say what happened to Sky.
Ilovepierre [/I]

Totally off topic, but I see you have Dexter in your signature. The past couple of years there's been some gruesome killings in Norway and I know of three murderers who says Dexter are their biggest inspiration and favorite series...
I believe child support goes to the custodian of the child. I'm pretty sure SM's child support now goes directly to whomever is caring for M. I think that would have been taken care of at the hearing which the courts put M in state care.

What about JM's spousal support? How long does spousal support generally last? Does it continue until the children are of legal age or does spousal support have anything to do with the children?
I think they need to search the landfill. I really think JB would have disposed of Sky the same way she disposes of any other trash. So... does she put it down the chute (does her apt have one of those?), or does she put it in the bin for pickup? Does she ever take her trash to the dump herself?

Does she do weird things with her garbage? What does she normally (abnormally) do with the trash? I would follow that path and see where it took me :(


ETA: and I wish LE would hurry up with that :(
I would love for one of our legal experts to explain why LE can't drag JB in and interrogate her. I know it is her right not to speak to them but I would love to see them at least try. It is unbelievable to me that she can admit to abandoning her son on the side of the road, lie about why she left him there and the police have no way of questioning her. What am I missing?

The constitution. She has the RIGHT to refuse to answer any questions. Like any right, it is occassionally painful, but worth the cost -- even if the price today is that the killer of a child walks free.

Obviously this case, like so many recent ones, is frustrating to everyone involved. It's sad and infuruating that murderous parents know all they need do to get away with it and profit is to hide the corpse, but there it is.
I think they need to search the landfill. I really think JB would have disposed of Sky the same way she disposes of any other trash. So... does she put it down the chute (does her apt have one of those?), or does she put it in the bin for pickup? Does she ever take her trash to the dump herself?

Does she do weird things with her garbage? What does she normally (abnormally) do with the trash? I would follow that path and see where it took me :(


ETA: and I wish LE would hurry up with that :(

They did: November 10, 2001 article:

KING 5 News has learned that authorities searching for missing two-year-old Sky Metalwala inspected two garbage transfer stations and a landfill on Tuesday and now believe there is the possibility that they may need to begin digging through 50,000 tons of garbage.

FBI agents, among other law enforcement, visited the Houghton Transfer Station in Kirkland and the Factoria Transfer Station in Bellevue, as well as the Cedar Hills landfill where garbage that passes through those facilities is buried.

No information on what they found was provided. It is not uncommon in cases like this to trace garbage. Earlier this week authorities searched Dumpsters and trash chutes in the building where Julia Biryukova lives with her children.

I'm no legal expert -- so I'd love to hear from one of them! But, from my POV, I would be scared she would commit suicide if pressed too hard and then we'd never find Sky. Mothers who kill their children are at very high risk for suicide and JB is obviously struggling to keep it together right now as it is. Of course, I'd love to see a confession, but I'm not sure LE would get one even if they did call her in -- and there's a significant chance JB would kill herself, especially given the severity of her mental illness and prior suicidal ideation.

My best guess is that they will call JB in at some point, if the evidence starts drying up and they have nothing left to lean on. But, I'm still awaiting those lab results from Watershed Park, as I think they may have found something out there. And, then, there might be no need for a confession and we'd still have JB alive to answer for her (probable) crimes.

Respectfully, and I say this as someone who's father killed himself, I really don't give a rat's behind if Julia decides to kill herself. If she does then, in my opinion, justice will have been served. And if she takes the location of little Sky's body to the grave with her, well, that sucks, but it would be better than watching yet another Casey or Deborah walk free.
Respectfully, and I say this as someone who's father killed himself, I really don't give a rat's behind if Julia decides to kill herself. If she does then, in my opinion, justice will have been served. And if she takes the location of little Sky's body to the grave with her, well, that sucks, but it would be better than watching yet another Casey or Deborah walk free.

Thanks for saying what I've been thinking. I can't bear the thought of her just going on about her life without any consequences.

I am very sorry about your father.
Respectfully, and I say this as someone who's father killed himself, I really don't give a rat's behind if Julia decides to kill herself. If she does then, in my opinion, justice will have been served. And if she takes the location of little Sky's body to the grave with her, well, that sucks, but it would be better than watching yet another Casey or Deborah walk free.

So sorry about your father Chris. I happen to wholeheartedly agree with you. There's no progress being made in finding Sky with her being alive, so she just as well go ahead and do it and save the taxpayers a whole bunch of money.
Nadia Biryukova breaks silence on grandson:


'“Sky reminds me my own son, who’s always content and happy with everything he has, even if it isn’t much. As long as he isn’t hungry, he’s easygoing, relaxed and laid back boy. Sky has very adaptable and not easy to upset temperament,” she wrote to Daniels, responding to his request for an interview.'

BBM. Ugh...

A little too late in my opinion. Where was she when Julia was leaving these children alone?
A little too late in my opinion. Where was she when Julia was leaving these children alone?

She apparently all ready cut her out of her life. Well, from what I can tell. She said (and I'll have to dig up the links) that her 'sickness' had damaged their relationship beyond repair. That's why JB is staying with her brother and not her mom.
I wonder how long it will take her to cut her brother out of her life too? If she even decides to....she's already done it to her mom, SM, and unfortunately, Sky :(
Nadia Biryukova breaks silence on grandson:


'“Sky reminds me my own son, who’s always content and happy with everything he has, even if it isn’t much. As long as he isn’t hungry, he’s easygoing, relaxed and laid back boy. Sky has very adaptable and not easy to upset temperament,” she wrote to Daniels, responding to his request for an interview.'

BBM. Ugh...

Every child is cranky when hungry or tired, so I don't read too much into that particular portion of the email.

“There aren’t any words to describe my heart brokenness associated with missing my dear grandson. I don’t believe that there is a hand capable of hurting my beautiful, precious child. I’ll give everything just to hold him in my arms again! I’ll never be able to talk about him in past tense - I’ll be waiting for his return back to me as long as I'll live! Nadia.”

What infuriates me, is Nadia's obvious concern about her manners and appearance in the public, than demanding her daughter cooperate with police if she really believes there is not a hand capable of hurting her grandson. If she really believes her daughters hand could not harm her grandson, why is she dodging the concern over her daughters lack of cooperation with police and the investigation into her grandsons disappearance?

And who hides behind a :cursing: email when your own flesh and blood is missing, and could be dead and decaying somewhere?

Nadia and her son need to get out from behind the computer screen and stand beside Sky's father in unity to find her grandson. Enough protecting Julia! Their efforts on Sky's behalf are pathetic. The weakest I have seen from family on any missing persons case I can think of in a long long time.

This family fails to amaze me.

Where is Sky Julia? Do you care so little about him and daughter you are willing to forgo entirely ever seeing your daughter again? Cooperate with police and let them know what happened to Sky. If it was an accident people will understand. Help yourself by cooperating. This is your flesh and blood too, do the right thing by both your children. Lead LE to Sky!

I just don't get it...I know she hates her STBX but come on! Their son is missing! They need to get over their past differences and work as one to help find Sky. Her not helping really says a lot about her, I think.

I know that if one of my siblings were to go missing, my parents (despite being separated) would come together as one and try and find their missing child.
Gitana..so sorry for all the hardships your family had to endure.

Thank you for that. But it shaped who we are today.

My great grandfather was a leftist and out spoken against the Franco dictatorship and their abuses. For that, he was dragged out of the house he shared with his wife and five children, including my grandafther, the only boy and the eldest. He was shot on the street next to their house.

My grandfather was 12 at the time. He became an ardent communist as a result, due to a hatred of the rightist regime. When he came of age, he too, was arrested. But he had tons of friends who had connections and he was eventually released.

My dad came to this country at age 21. He was unable to go back to visit for the next ten years. He left his entire support system behind - his huge family, his community, etc., and worked his behind off for my mom and his kids. He only went back after ten years because his mother was dying. He didn't dare go back before because coming from the family he did, the regime would not have looked kindly on his leaving and he could have been at risk of arrest. It was bitterly hard for him.

On the other side, my grandparents were very young parents when war broke out in Holland and the Nazi's occupied their country. My grandfather, a big, strong policeman at the time, wept when his little country's efforts to protect their nation, failed. But after that, he joined the thousands of brave, young Dutch people who formed an underground to resist the occupiers. My grandmother did things like delivered illegal British newspapers to people, after curfew. They had no other source of news. She almost got caught when a neighbor freaked and opened the door wide, letting light out into the street, after she knocked and gave him his paper. He got too excited I guess but it immediately sparked the sound of boots rushing to his home (the city was in blackout and the curfew meant no citizen could be outside their homes).

My grandmother hid in a drainage ditch with her bike when she heard the boots. She saw the neighbor slowly reveal what he had behind his back and point towards her home. She rushed down a back alley and she and my grandfather and their two little kids rushed to flush and burn all the illegal newspapers they had.

My grandfather has privileges as a police officer. He could walk around the city unfettered. He was to report suspicion things he saw regarding Nazi activity by writing code on a small piece of paper and putting it behind a loose brick in a wall. he only saw something once though, when he saw soldiers putting U-boats into the harbor. He reported via the slip of paper and on illegal radio they later heard of a massive shelling of U-boats in the English channel. He wondered if that was because of what he saw and reported.

He and his buddies also did other things. Many he would never talk about. One he did talk about was holding up a Nazi supply truck. The whole neighborhood, most of whom were starving at the time, had a feast for a week from the proceeds of the theft of Dutch products being shipped to German officials. I have a feeling that the driver did not survive that encounter but my grandfather didn't say.

I am very proud of my lineage. I think about how scary it would be to speak out knowing your own dad was assassinated in the street for it or being part of a secret, underground resistance movement when it could cost you your life and leave your children parent-less. I often wonder if I would have the same courage to speak out or stand up for my beliefs in the face of such horror.

But their experiences have given me an enormous appreciation for the protections our constitution afford us. Even when those protections taste bitter because they protect an obvious child killer.

It rankles but it is necessary so the things that happened to my family can't happen to us.
Every child is cranky when hungry or tired, so I don't read too much into that particular portion of the email.

My kids too are cranky when hungry or tired; that's pretty much a universal truth of all children. So why bother mentioning something so unexceptional? Were the circumstances in which he was cranky from hunger exceptional, i.e. he hadn't been fed for an extended period of time? :twocents:
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