WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - #16

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Would you mind posting each picture of Sky that you as referring to?



I agree with all of you. The photos are staged, especially the last one. Who arranges bananas like that?! And the angle has to be to ensure the plate is in the photo. The only other possible explanation for that angle is if M took that pic.

I think the only thing of value is that his hair looks to be pretty freshly cut. I don't think that really means much other than JB probably didn't spend much time taking any pics after June 15th. I still suspect the time around when she borrowed her brothers car the most. But we just can't be too sure. There isn't much to sleuth between 6/15 and when Sky went missing. :(

ETA-Here's an interior pic of Veloce Apts for reference.

I wish this mother would talk, we just want to know what happened to this little guy. Somebody should know if he was seen before november he went missing.
I suppose something like this is possible, but it is unlikely. In any case...

One of the most horrific world events of the last year was the Japanese earthquake and Tsunami. Since the time I was a little boy, tsunamis have always fascinated me, and I spent altogether too many hours watching videos of this one posted by survivors. There is something terrifying watching the might of the ocean gathering before sweeping away everything in its path.

This case is like that, except it is a tsunami of evidence. And all of it, every bit of information we have available, all points to one (and only one) person. Julia. So much so that even you, Julia's most devoted defender, has nothing left but fantasy TV scenarios to fall back on.

I don't mean that as a criticism. I am glad you are here asking these questions and struggling to raise some doubt. It shows how strong the case against Julia really is, and it allows me to hope that one day we might actually get justice.

If wanting this child to be found alive beyond all theories put forth by many that he was murdered by his mom is considered a "Julia devoted defender" so be it. I'm not defending Julia. I'm looking at all other theories that may help bring this beautiful boy home alive. Of course Julia is the culprit. Sky was in her custody. Until I see evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that Sky is dead, I'll continue to look at all other possibilities.

Loan sharks, baby sellers, illegal adoptions, human trafficking, child *advertiser censored* and yes even stranger kidnappings are all very real. No fantasy, my friend. Just like a tsumanis are rare so are my theories but guess what? They happen more often than we want to believe!

Loan sharks: desperation, danger and debt
Loan sharks don't discriminate against high-risk or bad credit borrowers, but the money comes at a high-price: interest rates upward of 1,000 per cent and the threat of beatings, kidnapping and murder in case of late or missing payments.

Sugar Babies – a Human Trafficking Connection Series

The phenomenon of “sugar babies,” – where debt-burdened young people seek romantic relationships with older individuals for financial compensation — have been recently in the news. A recent Huffington Post article told the story of a young college student seeking a way out of her college debts and we couldn’t help but draw the connections between these highly exploitative relationships and the potential vulnerabilities linked to situations of human trafficking.


Part 2: Why Debt is Not the Only Vulnerability for Sugar Babies

That's right, I had forgotten that, thanks Jash. Let's see, IIRC these photos were not in the Flickr photos but were released the same time as the surveillance photos of her (I think) so I'm betting she didn't realize they would end up being shown to Solomon. Maybe she took them on her phone and hadn't "doctored" them up enough to put them on Flickr to prove that she was feeding the children. I dunno, it's hard thinking like a monster.

I actually believe this too. Along with the audio recordings of SM contact with the children, I just think it is all manipulated


I agree with all of you. The photos are staged, especially the last one. Who arranges bananas like that?! And the angle has to be to ensure the plate is in the photo. The only other possible explanation for that angle is if M took that pic.

I think the only thing of value is that his hair looks to be pretty freshly cut. I don't think that really means much other than JB probably didn't spend much time taking any pics after June 15th. I still suspect the time around when she borrowed her brothers car the most. But we just can't be too sure. There isn't much to sleuth between 6/15 and when Sky went missing. :(

ETA-Here's an interior pic of Veloce Apts for reference.


Bananas. They're not arranged. They're hanging from a holder. I have one.

I so agree with you on most all of this.

Photo 1) Trader Joe food displayed -formula and Organic High Fiber O's cereal + a Tupperware of watermelon. Pretty much at eye level... She designed that photo.

Photo 2) Directly eye level -she hunched to get just the right angle with a plate of food yes in the foreground, fruit bowl behind, bananas to the right, and then, most bizarre-like -two stacked boxes of cereal, one on top of the other, on the counter. One looks to be TJ Organic Morning Lite, and the other is Organic Granny's Apple Granola cereal.

If where the sink is is like in the photo someone posted of Veloce kitchen, then it sincerely is BIZARRE that two cereal boxes would be stacked on on top the other like that on the island -i.e. it's not as if they were in the corner somewhere against a wall, if you know what I mean...

Here is where I have a different, perhaps more generous towards JB take: We know that the sink would have been perfectly clean, she perhaps lived upstairs at the complex, hot outside...watermelon is surely messy, hot day...combine cooling off babe with messy watermelon and a little cool water.

Like this:


And here, could just as well be him and his sister... and there is even a cereal box in the background!


How about this boy: "Beau eating a popsicle in the kitchen sink.
I stuck him there because he was painting my kitchen walls with it other wise!!!"


My point is that there does not have to be some nefarious reason for feeding your kid a very wet and messy food in the sink, unless you look for it. So let's just say that him eating in he sink is within normal range, and rational to some extent. I would do the same thing -and I am not a child abuser, nor OCD...

But here's where [the photo] goes awry...leading against innocence. If her focus were on cooling and soothing and feeding her hot son without a mess, then the focus of the photo would not be background food.

She staged this photo, is my strong opinion.

I take everything back if I find out that she was in a photography class, and working on a food composition assignment. LOL. But if that's the case, then focus, lighting, subject, everything is off. If the focus was to take a picture of her son, it might have come out like one of these...





(And I just LOVE this one:) http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-jLsGeZK6R0A/TrrSwCqNygI/AAAAAAAAAKU/-pDLEkIUDGg/s1600/Watermelon.jpg

Glad to see there are other photos online of children eating in sinks and it isn't just Julia but I suppose every photo of Sky has to be suspicious. In my opinion, it would be more productive to look at possible dates and circumstances surrounding the photos rather than pin pointing whether or not bananas are strategically placed on the counter.

OCD doesn't cause someone to murder a child.
I wish LE would release when the bank photos of Julia were taken.
It was mentioned that Julia borrowed her brother's car 2 weeks before Sky went missing. Is that correct? If so, did the brother see Sky? Where did this all take place? Did he see Julia put car seats in the car?

If LE is looking for a timeline and they believe Sky may have gone missing as far back as October, there must be reason for them to believe someone other than the neighbour saw him.

Would doctors contact the non custodial parent with client/patient information? Is that even legal to do? Is there another way for LE to get medical records?
It was mentioned that Julia borrowed her brother's car 2 weeks before Sky went missing. Is that correct? If so, did the brother see Sky? Where did this all take place? Did he see Julia put car seats in the car?

If LE is looking for a timeline and they believe Sky may have gone missing as far back as October, there must be reason for them to believe someone other than the neighbour saw him.

Would doctors contact the non custodial parent with client/patient information? Is that even legal to do? Is there another way for LE to get medical records?


The above article states that SM has contacted many heath care centres, also he has the power to get this information.

JB's brother in am sure has been onterviewed by LE, but nothing has been reported. Sky went missing from JB's brothers car there was 2 car seats present in there.

Also the neighbour sighting is not conclusive.

The above article states that SM has contacted many heath care centres, also he has the power to get this information.

JB's brother in am sure has been onterviewed by LE, but nothing has been reported. Sky went missing from JB's brothers car there was 2 car seats present in there.

Also the neighbour sighting is not conclusive.

Thanks. A signed permission form to get the information. Signed by whom? LE, the court? his attorney, Julia?

Yes I realize the car seats were present when LE took the car but I'd like to know how the exchange happened with her brother. Were the children present? Where did it take place? etc

There is a lot of information LE is not releasing to the public and perhaps there is a reason for them not do so.
Thanks. A signed permission form to get the information. Signed by whom? LE, the court? his attorney, Julia?

Yes I realize the car seats were present when LE took the car but I'd like to know how the exchange happened with her brother. Were the children present? Where did it take place? etc

There is a lot of information LE is not releasing to the public and perhaps there is a reason for them not do so.

BBM: Probably just the usual medical records release/authorization form that everyone has to sign to get a copy of medical records. Since Solomon is Sky's father, it is deferred to him for the signature.
Thanks. A signed permission form to get the information. Signed by whom? LE, the court? his attorney, Julia?

Yes I realize the car seats were present when LE took the car but I'd like to know how the exchange happened with her brother. Were the children present? Where did it take place? etc

There is a lot of information LE is not releasing to the public and perhaps there is a reason for them not do so.

I will have to dig around for the source of info but I recall reading that her brother didn't see the children when he dropped the car off. I also believe that it was said that JB was borrowing the car for 10 days, and that possibly the day Sky was reported missing was the last day she was to have the car (though I don't think this has been confirmed).

I will post the links when I find them.

ETA: The source of the info is Clay Terry on a radio show. Ingra1327 transcribed that part of the conversation here.
Q: I've heard it rumored that on that Sunday that was the 10th day that Julia had had that car, and she was supposed to give it back on that day. Can you confirm that?
A: I can not confirm the 10 days ended, but I do know the brother said to the police that he'd loaned the car to Julia for 10 days. We asked the police “did he see the children or get a ride back”. No, they gave her the car and he claims he jumped on a bus back to Bellevue.
I will have to dig around for the source of info but I recall reading that her brother didn't see the children when he dropped the car off. I also believe that it was said that JB was borrowing the car for 10 days, and that possibly the day Sky was reported missing was the last day she was to have the car (though I don't think this has been confirmed).

I will post the links when I find them.

ETA: The source of the info is Clay Terry on a radio show. Ingra1327 transcribed that part of the conversation here.

Thank you. "they" gave her the car? Who was there with her brother? Wonder if he asked Julia where the kids were and what she gave him as an answer?
Sky's scent was not detected outside the vehicle nor do we know if there was "smell of death". After following Casey Anthony case, one would assume that if a body was placed in the car, it would emit decomp smell especially if one feels Sky was dead prior to Nov 6th.

If that's the case, where did she hide him from Oct 1 to Nov 6th?
Based on my opinion of the brother's one and only interview with the TV reporter, it seems quite obvious to me that he had absolutely NO INTEREST WHATSOEVER as to anything going on in his niece and nephew's lives so it's doubtful to me that he would have even cared enough to ask where the children were the day she picked up the car. Again, that's just my opinion.
Based on my opinion of the brother's one and only interview with the TV reporter, it seems quite obvious to me that he had absolutely NO INTEREST WHATSOEVER as to anything going on in his niece and nephew's lives so it's doubtful to me that he would have even cared enough to ask where the children were the day she picked up the car. Again, that's just my opinion.

I disagree. I think he was caught off guard and it was evident to me that he felt uncomfortable discussing the case with a reporter on the street.

Julia's brother picked Sky's name so there is/was a bond at some point.
Sky's scent was not detected outside the vehicle nor do we know if there was "smell of death". After following Casey Anthony case, one would assume that if a body was placed in the car, it would emit decomp smell especially if one feels Sky was dead prior to Nov 6th.

If that's the case, where did she hide him from Oct 1 to Nov 6th?

Yet another reason why LE should be checking the landfill.
I disagree. I think he was caught off guard and it was evident to me that he felt uncomfortable discussing the case with a reporter on the street.

Julia's brother picked Sky's name so there is/was a bond at some point.

I too think he was caught off guard and I think he is afraid of JB so he tries to be careful with what he says and does.

I don't think we can say if he had a bond nor not. In the photos I saw of him with the kids, he seemed stiff around them but then again, he's a young guy and probably busy with school and his own life so it may be normal for him to not be an overly doting uncle.

The one thing that has never sat right with me though is his comment to the media in the first two days following the reported disappearance. Instead of using Sky's name (which, as you pointed out, he chose) he said "the child". It came across to me as very detached.

Her younger brother, S****** Biryukov, said Julia was crying frantically when she called him Sunday afternoon and explained what had happened.

"I'm hoping they'll find the child," he said.
Yet another reason why LE should be checking the landfill.

Maybe there is no reason for them to check landfills. One would think cadaver dogs would've been brought in when they searched the home but we have no confirmation that they did or did not nor whether or not any other evidence was found pointing to murder.

All we know is they believe Sky is in their "own backyard" which means they don't believe he was taken out of State, fwiw. Not sure how they arrived at that conclusion considering all other possibilities.
I too think he was caught off guard and I think he is afraid of JB so he tries to be careful with what he says and does.

I don't think we can say if he had a bond nor not. In the photos I saw of him with the kids, he seemed stiff around them but then again, he's a young guy and probably busy with school and his own life so it may be normal for him to not be an overly doting uncle.

The one thing that has never sat right with me though is his comment to the media in the first two days following the reported disappearance. Instead of using Sky's name (which, as you pointed out, he chose) he said "the child". It came across to me as very detached.


Hence my opinion that the brother cared absolutely nothing about what was going on in his niece or nephew's lives - "I hope they find THE CHILD."
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