WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - # 3

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What I find odd on her Facebook page is all of the photos in her album are of her daughter and then the only photo she has of Sky is in her avatar photo.

Sky is 2 and there is not one photo of him in her photo album on Facebook!

She obviously has some of her albums set to private and these (for whatever strange reason) set to public -- or at least her profile pic album is set to private (I didn't see it).
Could someone post the map linky again please?

She married her husband when she was 16 years old. He was 21 and the reason given was he was to be deported back to Pakistan. Perhaps being married at the age when a.lot of girls would be going to Justin Bieber concerts.... is her way compensating for growing up too soon. I would assume a girl married at 16 would at 30 wake up to the knowledge she had grow up too soon. I want to say right now those were her choices. What we all agree on is little MM and SM deserved to be given the best start in life by their family. MOO

She began dating her husband at 16. They married when she was 22.
Not that it makes your point any less valid.
-around or about 23 october is the last time someone other than mom and sister have seen sky
-1 november 11 hour mediation with parents and lawyers
-3 november julia accepts the conditions
-4 november julia changes her mind
-6 november julia leaves home with a sick sky wrapped in a blanket and drives without purse or cell phone with car obviously in need of gas toward the hosptial, allegedly runs out of gas, allegedly leaves sky in the car with an unlocked door and walks to a gas station a mile away with the 4 year old and calls a friend. the friend calls 911

Bolded by me. For some reason this really stands out to me. I can see carrying a sick baby in a blanket, but a 2 year old is rather unwieldy. All the ways I carry my 2 year old, wouldn't really work with a blanket. He was dressed, according to her. Was it cold enough that she needed a blanket too, to keep him warm? Or was she using it to hide the fact that he wasn't alive?

Where is the blanket now?
Am I the only one who finds it odd no one has posted on her page about what is happening? I think I would be posting "hugs and prayers" to a friend on their page at some point if they were going through this. Other than a bunch of Justin Bieber videos posted by her, there's really no "social" activity going on between her and her 130 friends. I know someone mentioned she might possibly have a social phobia. I have a social anxiety disorder and tend to stay in the house, but I use facebook a lot to keep in touch with friends and family. I'm curious to see what was on her page before this.

Nope, she has her posts hidden to only "friends". Which means you can see random stuff, but not her personal things AS WELL AS any other photos she has uploaded.
I am completely baffled as to how this woman is not sitting in jail right now? What in the world? She admits to leaving him alone in the car. What if the car had been HIT? I mean this is just ridiculous.

I just found out about this case. Please tell me that she has been arrested?
Any significant updates today? Besides that dad *was* abusing both children according to MSM and DCFS (link posted several pages back).
When I view the Facebook page and look at the video that was posted on November 4, 2011, it shows 4:28 AM.

I am not sure if the time is the same for others not on the east coast?

Anyone else think it odd she likes Justin Beiber? ???

Seems her tastes are very wide-spread and quite eclectic. IMO
Nope, she has her posts hidden to only "friends". Which means you can see random stuff, but not her personal things AS WELL AS any other photos she has uploaded.

How do you know this???
Anyone else think it odd she likes Justin Beiber? ???

Seems her tastes are very wide-spread and quite eclectic. IMO

Not really, especially if her almost 5 year old daughter likes Justin Bieber.
Any significant updates today? Besides that dad *was* abusing both children according to MSM and DCFS (link posted several pages back).


she left her purse and phone at home while she took the "ill" sky to the hosptial with a car very low on gas.

she had sky wrapped in a blanket per the little girl

LE will not discuss her facebook except to say it is important to the case and they are investigating it

they will release results of the car exam when it comes in (they took out the gas tank to check her story)

she is only answering questions thru her atty (has not been with the detective since monday) and will not take a polygraph

polygraphs of people close to julie and sky going on today

medications were found in the home but not sure if she was taking them

more updates from LE at 3:30 pst
How do you know this???

Because when you click on her profile pic nothing happens :) There are different settings, it looks like she has hers set so that you can only see the first few albums she uploaded. I'm guessing many of the pics of Sky, from Flikr, are also on her FB page for her *friends* to view.

Interesting that LE seems to think the family knows something- I think it would be
quite possible to smuggle a baby out of the country if you had an accomplice that
had a little boy of about the same age. A family crossing into Canada with a bunch
of kids, is Canadian Border Patrol going to really do anything if the 2 year old doesnt
look exactly like his passport picture. Now they certainly would , of course, but a week
ago maybe not so much. And if there wasnt a passport for a 4 year old girl,might explain why she's still here.

I agree it is a possibility that Sky could be in Canada. Children under 16 can use a birth certificate, so it would be up to the border crossing official to ask if the parents were divorced and then ask for the letter from the other parent. In my travels to Canada, I think this step is often overlooked if nothing outwardly appeared suspicious. My children's father is deceased and I've never been asked to show a custodial letter or death certificate. This could have happened long before he was reported missing.

from http://www.blainechamber.com/border.html
Children traveling into Canada/USA
Children under age 16 will be able to continue crossing land and sea borders using only a U.S. birth certificate (or other form of U.S. citizenship such as a naturalization certificate.). The original birth certificate or a copy may be used. See the Department of Homeland Security's Ready, Set.. Go! for more information on the changing travel requirements.
If you are traveling with children and crossing the border into Canada or the USA, you should:
1. Carry identification for each child.
2. Divorced parents who share custody of their children should carry copies of the legal custody documents.
3. Adults who are not parents or guardians should have written permission from the parents or guardians to supervise the children.
I could MAYBE buy her leaving the kid in the car to get gas, but once at the gas station shouldn't she have asked someone to drive her back to her car instead of walking all the way back?

she left her purse and phone at home while she took the "ill" sky to the hosptial with a car very low on gas.

she had sky wrapped in a blanket per the little girl

LE will not discuss her facebook except to say it is important to the case and they are investigating it

they will release results of the car exam when it comes in (they took out the gas tank to check her story)

she is only answering questions thru her atty (has not been with the detective since monday) and will not take a polygraph

polygraphs of people close to julie and sky going on today

medications were found in the home but not sure if she was taking them

more updates from LE at 3:30 pst

Great!! Thx!!! I'm still pretty staunchly on the "wrong" side of the fence, I guess. I'm still thinking she either had a "fake" Sky wrapped up and he was with her family OR daughter is lying for her (which would be hard to stick to at that age...).
The stereotype is that men are abusers, women are victims. Men are cold and distant, women nurturing. Men hit, women hug. Every guy is familiar with it.

You can see these societal presumptions of guilt and innocence play out in pretty much every case on these forums. In this case, for example, it requires the most ludicrous conspiracy theories imaginable to concoct a scenario in which dad somehow stole this boy, yet there are some clinging to this theory for no other reason than that he is a guy. And if mom's story was even remotely possible, if she had, for example, claimed her baby was stolen in the middle of the night, you can bet that half the country would be ready to hang poor dad from the nearest tree.

And let's take it a bit further. There are many here who casually accept as fact that dad was physically abusive towards his wife and children. They don't question it. After all, mom said so. The same mom with a missing boy and a story that is an obvious fabrication to explain his absense. The same mom who refuses to take a polygraph. The same mom, with a history of mental illness so dangerous that she was involuntarily committed to mental institutions a few times. That's his accuser.

Is there ANY reason to believe that he ever abused her?

I'm no where near caught up with the thread, but had to reply. Chris, I agree with you. I for one am sick to death of mothers who play the abuse card when going through a bitter divorce. As a never married SP myself, it is almost a given the mother will cry abuse, or sexual molestation of the kids by dad. (On the other hand, I see a good number of fathers who blame the mother for their absense when it's not always the case. ) We have TOO many women tossing out the abuse allegations and that leads to men who may or may not be victims of such claiming it's the mothers fault.

Like others, I don't believe for a second this man abused his wife. and if he laid a hand on her, based on what I have read, I would imagine it was done so to stop mom from beating him. I have seen woman beat the hell out of men, instigate a fight and then cry victim. In fact, some of these instigating women find it funny. I find it it sick.

IMO, it is time there are tougher repercussions for woman who lie about abuse against themself and their children. It only hurts those who are true victims when they are not believed due to the tremendous numbers of false allegations.

I could MAYBE buy her leaving the kid in the car to get gas, but once at the gas station shouldn't she have asked someone to drive her back to her car instead of walking all the way back?

She did. Her friend met her. I don't believe Sky was in the car, tho. IMO
oh.. one more thing in the update: she admitted to leaving the children alone for extended periods of time...

sky hasn't been seen by anyone than mom and sister since around 23 october... on 1 november there was an 11 hour mediation meeting with the parents and their attorneys....

the kids have not been to their preschool in weeks or months...

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