WA WA - Susan Marable, 34, Yakima, 23 April 1991

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Susan Marable



Last seen entering an unknown description vehicle on 4/23/1991 at 2130 hours.
Yakima Police still looking for leads in 27-year-old missing persons case of Susan Marable

In 1990, 34-year-old Susan Marable had moved out of her childhood home in Aberdeen, Washington to nearby Yakima. She moved away from her parents and five siblings to pursue her dream of becoming a nurse.

"She was one of those people who always knew what she wanted to be," Susan's sister Robyn Peery told Dateline. "Susan was always my favorite sister. I idolized her."

Robyn said no one had a bad word to say about "warm, sweet" and "loving" Susan. But Robyn says her sister's life took a turn after nursing school when she got involved with the wrong crowd.
"When she got involved with drugs, it completely destroyed her life," Robyn told Dateline. "She lost her nursing career. She lost her daughter. She lost her life."
Read more: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crim...sing-persons-case-of-susan-marable/ar-AAvBId5
During that time, Susan met and moved in with Leroy Sadecki and, according to Robyn, did not stop her bad habits.

Tragedy first struck Susan in June of 1990 when, according to Robyn, Susan was kidnapped off the street by a man who pulled up beside her in his car. Robyn says the man, a stranger, then raped Susan in his car. Susan managed to escape after a few hours, when the man stopped to get gas. She ran toward other people at the gas station, and they took her to the Yakima Police station where she reported what happened.
Sergeant Tim Bardwell of the Yakima Police Department told Dateline that the man, later identified as John Robinson, was apprehended, charged and convicted of first-degree rape and kidnapping in Susan's case. He was sentenced to six years in prison. According to a 2017 statement by the Washington State Office of the Attorney General, "in March 2006, the court found Robinson to be a Sexually Violent Predator and civilly committed him to the state's Special Commitment Center on McNeil Island," where he remains today.
After her kidnapping, Susan lived with anxiety, according to her sister Robyn.

Robyn says the kidnapping and rape created a sense of urgency in her sister to make better life choices. In February of 1991, during a visit home with family, Susan told the family she “wanted to get better.” Robyn recalls Susan was acting uneasy during that visit, but overall had a nice weekend with the family and returned to Yakima.

On April 23, 1991, Susan went to the Sports Center Tavern in Yakima with friends. Sgt. Bardwell says the Sports Center Tavern bartender would later tell police she saw Susan get into a maroon truck that night. The bartender told police he recognized the truck as belonging to Bill Robinson, the brother of Susan’s rapist John Robinson.

Concerned that they hadn’t seen her for a few days, Susan’s friends called her mother, Delores Short. Police records show Delores reported her daughter missing on April 26, 1991.
The investigation that followed included ground searches and interviews with Susan’s friends and family. Sgt. Bardwell told Dateline that police at the time did not interview Bill Robinson, but the reason for that was not clear. Bill Robinson died the year after Susan’s disappearance.

Sgt. Bardwell also said that Leroy Sadecki, Susan’s roommate at the time, did not speak with police. Authorities continue to try to contact him for an interview.


Susan Marable still missing 27 years after seen getting into maroon pick-up truck at Yakima, Washington bar

In 1990, 34-year-old Susan Marable had moved out of her childhood hometown of Aberdeen, Washington to nearby Yakima. She moved away from Aberdeen after 12 years working in her dream career as a nurse.

“She was one of those people who always knew what she wanted to be,” Susan’s sister Robyn Peery told Dateline. “Susan was always my favorite sister. I idolized her.”

Robyn said no one had a bad word to say about “warm, sweet” and “loving” Susan. But Robyn says her sister’s life took a turn after nursing school when she got involved with the wrong crowd.

“When she got involved with drugs, it completely destroyed her life,” Robyn told Dateline. “She lost her nursing career. She lost her daughter. She lost her life.”

During that time, Susan met and moved in with Leroy Sadecki and, according to Robyn, did not stop her bad habits.

Tragedy first struck Susan in June of 1990 when, according to Robyn, Susan was kidnapped off the street by a man who pulled up beside her in his car. Robyn says the man, a stranger, then raped Susan in his car. Susan managed to escape after a few hours, when the man stopped to get gas. She ran toward other people at the gas station, and they took her to the Yakima Police station where she reported what happened.

Sergeant Tim Bardwell of the Yakima Police Department told Dateline that the man, later identified as John Robinson, was apprehended, charged and convicted of first-degree rape and kidnapping in Susan’s case. He was sentenced to six years in prison. According to a 2017 statement by the Washington State Office of the Attorney General, “in March 2006, the court found Robinson to be a Sexually Violent Predator and civilly committed him to the state’s Special Commitment Center on McNeil Island,” where he remains today.

After her kidnapping, Susan lived with anxiety, according to her sister Robyn.

Robyn says the kidnapping and rape created a sense of urgency in her sister to make better life choices. In February of 1991, during a visit home with family, Susan told the family she “wanted to get better.” Robyn recalls Susan was acting uneasy during that visit before she returned to Yakima.

On April 23, 1991, Susan went to the Sports Center Tavern in Yakima with friends. Sgt. Bardwell says the Sports Center Tavern bartender would later tell police she saw Susan get into a maroon truck that night. The bartender told police he recognized the truck as belonging to Bill Robinson, the brother of Susan’s rapist John Robinson.

Concerned that they hadn’t seen her for a few days, Susan’s friends called her mother, Dolores Shortt. Police records show Dolores reported her daughter missing on April 26, 1991.

The investigation that followed included ground searches and interviews with Susan’s friends and family. Sgt. Bardwell told Dateline that police at the time did not interview Bill Robinson, but the reason for that was not clear. Bill Robinson died the year after Susan’s disappearance.

Sgt. Bardwell also said that Leroy Sadecki, Susan’s roommate at the time, did not speak with police. Authorities continue to try to contact him for an interview.

Almost 30 years later, police have had no major breaks in the case. Susan’s mother Dolores died in 2012 without ever finding out what happened to her daughter.Susan’s sister Robyn continues to hope to find closure, as she promised their mother she would continue to search for Susan.

Susan’s daughter, Rebecca, was four years old when her mother went missing. After her mother’s disappearance, Rebecca, who had been in the foster system at the time, was adopted by one of Susan’s neices, Robyn told Dateline. Rebecca’s father was not a part of her life.

“As far as I know, [Rebecca] is doing well,” Robyn said. Rebecca, now 31 years old, prefers not to talk about what happened to her mother, and suffers from anxiety because of her disappearance, according to Robyn. She lives in Washington with children of her own.

“There's a big hole in our family. Every time we're together as a family celebrating, you know everyone’s thinking, ‘[Susan] isn't here,’” Robyn told Dateline. “She has to be somewhere. But where?”

Although Robyn continues to lead the efforts to find Susan, she says she doesn’t think police will find her sister alive. Her focus now is finding justice for Susan.

Susan Marable would be 61 years old today. She is 5’2” with brown eyes and brown hair. If you have any information about Susan’s whereabouts, please contact Sergeant Tim Bardwell with the Yakima Police at (509) 575-6012.
Susan Libby Marable


  • Missing Since 04/23/1991
  • Missing From Yakima, Washington
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Date of Birth 05/09/1956 (62)
  • Age 34 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'0 - 5'2, 90 pounds
  • Clothing/Jewelry Description A denim jacket, blue jeans, tan clogs with white soles, and a single silver unicorn earring.
  • Medical Conditions Marable has a history of drug abuse. She also suffers from anxiety.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian female. Brown hair, brown eyes. Marable has scars on both upper arms, on her neck and on her abdomen. She has a homemade tattoo of a star on her left hand between her thumb and index finger. Her ears are pierced. Marable may use the last names Hernandez and/or Shortt.

Details of Disappearance

Marable was last seen in Yakima, Washington at 9:30 p.m. on April 23, 1991. She had gone out with friends to the Sports Center Tavern. The bartender saw her getting into a maroon pickup, which he recognized as owned by Bill Robinson. She has never been heard from again.

According to her sister, Marable got involved with drugs after she graduated nursing school, and wound up losing her nursing career and custody of her daughter due to drug abuse. She was abducted and raped by a stranger in 1990, and suffered from anxiety after the attack.

The attacker, John Robinson, was convicted of first-degree rape and kidnapping and is now civilly committed as a sexually violent predator. John Robinson is the brother of Bill Robinson. The police never interviewed Bill about Marable's disappearance, and Bill died in 1992.

Marable last saw her family in February 1991. She was acting uneasy and told her family she wanted to turn her life around. Foul play is suspected in her disappearance, but there have been no solid leads in her case in decades.

Susan Libby Marable – The Charley Project
Nov 24, 2018 - The victim vanished. The convicted predator is on the verge of walking free.

She is petite, about 5 feet tall and around 90 pounds, with a homemade star tattoo on the web of her left hand between her thumb and forefinger. She is smiling, her chin on her hand and her straight hair parted down the middle.

Marable was last seen getting into a maroon truck on April 23, 1991, in a parking lot behind the Yakima Sports Center bar.

It was the same downtown parking lot from which John Robinson abducted her in June 1990.

After forcing her into his car, Robinson raped her. Bound at her wrists and ankles, Marable escaped when Robinson stopped for gas, opening a window and flinging herself on the ground. Two men standing nearby came to her aid.

“He had her in his car all night. She was brave,” said Marable’s youngest sister, Robyn Shortt-Peery.
Robinson was convicted in 1990 of kidnapping and raping Marable. Sentenced in 1991 for that and another kidnapping case, he served his time, but authorities considered Robinson so dangerous they sent him to the state’s Special Commitment Center on McNeil Island, a treatment institution where he has lived among dozens of other sexually violent predators since 2006.
Once conditions are set, there is a 30-day public notification time. If approved, that could mean Robinson’s release in either late December 2018 or early January 2019. For Shortt-Peery, that’s much too soon.
Robinson was in jail when Marable went missing. She disappeared about eight weeks after Robinson threatened her and her family in open court, Shortt-Peery said.

Marable came home to Aberdeen for a short visit after her abduction and rape, which she never discussed with her family.

“I said ... ‘You don’t have to leave. Please don’t leave.’ She was standing on the porch getting ready to go. ... I just knew I wasn’t going to see her again. It was just the eye contact we made,” Shortt-Peery recalled.

“I said, ‘I love you, please be careful.’ We never heard from her again.”

She was 34.
The last time Vargas saw Marable was a few weeks before she disappeared.

Wary in the wake of Robinson’s threats, Marable scrutinized potential tricks more closely than usual. When someone offered to take her to safety until the trial and conviction fallout blew over, she accepted.

“She got into the van. She was scared. She kept saying she knew they were watching her,” Vargas recalled. The driver “was gonna get her out of town, supposedly.”
Marable was trying to leave the streets. She hated her life, Shortt-Peery said. She remembered Marable’s last visit to Aberdeen and seeing the track marks on her body from the heroin needles when she got out of the tub. Marable called drug treatment facilities, seeking an open bed, but she couldn’t find one.

“This is the ugly reality. This isn’t ‘Pretty Woman,’ there’s no Richard Gere,” she said. “It’s not pretty stuff.”

As much as she loves her sister, Shortt-Peery doesn’t sugarcoat the truth. Marable was a street prostitute addicted to drugs. But she also survived and testified about Robinson, who was arrested and charged with several sexually motivated crimes starting in the 1970s, prosecutors with the state Attorney General’s Office have said. Until he was found guilty of kidnapping and raping Marable, he avoided conviction.

Her horror may have saved others from the same fate, Shortt-Peery said.

“It could have saved a lot of lives. She spared a lot of people and their families from the hell we’ve gone through,” she said. “He’s a monster.”
As children they lived in Aberdeen, where the girls grew up in a boisterous Italian-American family. Dad was a high school teacher and mom was a housewife.

Of her four sisters, Marable was her favorite, said Shortt-Peery, who is the youngest. She’s 51; Marable would be 62.
Marable graduated with a nursing degree in 1977 and began working in the maternity ward at Grays Harbor Community Hospital.

“She always wanted to be a nurse. She was the one sister who knew what she wanted to be,” Shortt-Peery said. “She worked in the ward with the babies; she loved it. She was perfect for that.”

It was through her role as a nurse that Marable met a doctor and began dating him, Shortt-Peery said.

“Her life was pretty stable for many years. ... She got into a relationship with a doctor there. He got her using some kind of prescription drugs at some point,” she recalled.


When Shortt-Peery was a sophomore in 1982, her sister met another man and moved in with him. But unknown to Marable’s family, he was pot dealer and got busted.

“It was all over the paper. This is a small town,” Shortt-Peery said. “She lost her nursing license. Some of her friends completely turned on her. It just broke her heart.”

Once he left prison after three years, Marable and her boyfriend reunited. One August night less than a month out of prison, they headed to the Grays Harbor County Fair. That night, as Shortt-Peery sat on the back steps, she heard sirens. The phone rang. There had been a fatality.

“They were in separate cars; she was following him,” she said. “He hit the back of a logging truck. It caved in his chest.”

Her sister was still in love with him, Shortt-Peery said.

“It was at some point after that when she got into heroin. ... That’s when she hit the hard stuff for whatever reason. I don’t know how or who may have introduced it to her,” she said.
She has requested dozens of pages of court documents and other public records. Like many other relatives and friends of missing people, she has become an investigator.

“I just got tired of them telling me to be patient. Don’t you think 27 years is patient enough?
Shortt-Peery will never stop searching for her sister, she wrote in a post on the Facebook page devoted to Marable.

“I’m not giving up Susan,” she wrote. “I promise.”

The victim vanished. The convicted predator is on the verge of walking free.
Susan Libby Marable – The Charley Project
Susan Libby Marable

  • susan_libby_marable_1.jpg
  • marable_susan2.jpg
  • marable_susan3.jpg
  • marable_susan4.jpg
Marable, circa 1991
  • Missing Since 04/23/1991
  • Missing From Yakima, Washington
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Date of Birth 05/09/1956 (62)
  • Age 34 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'0 - 5'2, 90 pounds
  • Clothing/Jewelry Description A denim jacket, blue jeans, tan clogs with white soles, and a single silver unicorn earring."
Victim's family wants twice-convicted rapist to remain at McNeil Island sexual predators facility

Jan 10, 2019

YAKIMA, Wash. -- A hearing for a twice-convicted rapist from Yakima seeking release from his civil commitment to a state facility for sexually violent predators is set for Jan. 18.

The less restrictive alternative conditions hearing for John Robinson, 66, has been set for 2 p.m. in Yakima County Superior Court before Judge Kevin Naught. It had been postponed from late November as the state Department of Corrections continued to investigate proposed housing for Robinson, a spokesman for the state Attorney General’s Office said. No new date was set until after the postponement.
Susan Marable still missing 27 years after seen getting into maroon pick-up truck at Yakima, Washington bar
In 1990, 34-year-old Susan Marable had moved out of her childhood hometown of Aberdeen, Washington to nearby Yakima. She moved away from Aberdeen after 12 years working in her dream career as a nurse.

“She was one of those people who always knew what she wanted to be,” Susan’s sister Robyn Peery told Dateline. “Susan was always my favorite sister. I idolized her.”

MD - MD - Frederick, WhtFem 237UFMD, 16-25, off I-270, denim skort, Jul'91
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Robyn Shortt Peery remembers the last time she saw her older sister, Susan Libby Marable. Peery was living in Aberdeen then, and Marable traveled from Yakima to see her family on Easter weekend 1991.

Before she left on Easter Sunday, Marable asked her youngest sister to style her newly cut hair with a curling iron. That everyday sort of interaction between sisters was especially precious, because Marable had been struggling with addiction and other issues. She rarely came home to Aberdeen.

“All these years, the more I’ve learned the more that day haunts me. God how I wish I could have been half of who I am now, I would never, never have let her leave the house, not ever,” Peery of Boise, Idaho, wrote in a post on the Justice for Susan Libby Marable Facebook page.

Relatives of missing people find new ways to keep their loved one's story in the public eye

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