GUILTY WA - Travis Padgett for raping 3 teen girls, Yakima, 2013

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Oct 28, 2009
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According to court documents, Padgett was giving a child meth and having sex with the child repeatedly. Padgett allegedly made the child have sex with an older woman as well.

Police got their first look at the basement after arresting Padgett for having sex with a child nearly 50 times. That's when officers say they found a 14 year-old girl.

Detectives say she's from Seattle but won't explain comment on how she got there.

This all came to light when the first child went to a student resource officer.


Action News has not disclosed the age or gender of the child involved in this case to help protect the victim's identity.

A note to our Mods, I could not believe this story wasn't already on WS radar but did not find an existing thread with a search of the suspect name or key words from the linked articles. If one already exists please feel free to merge mine with it.
I can't type a single thing about this story or WS will ban me forever. :furious:
It boggles the mind. This guy has apparently had previous run ins with the law for other reasons but nothing has ever seemed to stick. :shakehead:
My first thought was Lindsay Baum.

"That's when officers say they found a 14 year-old girl." (quote from above tlcya's post..
this case is ugly, probably gonna get uglier. I am always amazed when the sickos seem to just fly under the radar.

I find the original reporting victim's sex and age being withheld somewhat confusing. They give the 14 year old's sex but not the original reporter? I fear that may mean a familial relationship.
nice catch Filly, all kinds of interesting info in the comments at your link.
this case is ugly, probably gonna get uglier. I am always amazed when the sickos seem to just fly under the radar.

I find the original reporting victim's sex and age being withheld somewhat confusing. They give the 14 year old's sex but not the original reporter? I fear that may mean a familial relationship.

Yes, and I wonder if the adult woman will be charged? No clue given to who she may be.

Him working at the Chamber Of Commerce I wonder if that would give him access to young people? They have a scholarship program.

Scary, scary man. Bless those poor kids.
A FB page including the revealation more victims identified. One female on comments said he contacted her on a dating site.

Several people on there claim to know him. And not one has anything good to say about him.

Okay, the way I am reading the articles one student went to a school counselor and told. While arresting him they found another child. And they also suspect he had other potential victims?

Also they aren't saying that he was making *advertiser censored*. But they are talking about making *advertiser censored* for profit. So I guess they are thinking that he might have sold *advertiser censored*?

I notice the Chamber of Commerce where he was working was quick to say that he was a temporary employee.
I think the Human Trafficking possibility is being looked at as well according to one of the articles so I wonder if it relates to the 14 year old girl from Seattle or to the plying of the undisclosed reporting child with meth in order to receive the sexual favor?

The person who went to the counselor and divulged I suspect is a relation. Reading ALL of the news orgs FB page comments will explain why I feel the age and sex of reporting victim are being kept quiet.

If so - this puppy is even sicker than I thought and that is saying something.

These poor kids.
Tlcya please don't make me read all the articles comments. Please explain why they are keeping the ages and sex of the kids quiet.

On the possibility of sex trafficking charges, I thought it might have something to do with the *advertiser censored* production...... or the fact that he forced one to have sex with the woman.
there is a comment on Filly's link to news article FB page where someone who knows this guys discusses a child with a particular relationship to the suspect.

Out of respect for that child I really cannot say more but if you read the comments beneath this link and look around comment 20 to 30 for a female poster with initials CSH and another comment afew below that with initials MO - All becomes clear. I promise.
This guy is a classic example of repeat-offender rapists who are constantly on LE radar for multiple crimes, but are still somehow free, causing untold damage and suffering.

It's the same here. There's so many of them. What is needed, desperately, is some sort of review of the law according to repeat offenders, aimed at removing them for longer periods (forever would be nice..) from the general population.

And as child sex abuse is both rampant -and- international (the net, plus many pedos love to travel), I feel there's also a need for this not to happen just on a local level, but globally.

That this is not happening is in itself a kind of crime -- think of all those thousands of kids being abused and molested -right now- because repeat offenders are not getting the jail time they deserve.

Anyway, I agree with many of the respondants on the FB page, re what should happen to this monster. Sad that one woman said her friend was molested by him years ago, but never told. I bet that victim's feeling relief he's caught - I hope she gets some counselling.

Poor kids. May they heal well and have good lives.
He uses an alias and that's what his FB is under.

There's no photos of children or anything, but I don't want to link because there's a few teens it appears as friends.

He goes by Travis McDougal. Only one "L" at the end.

It looks like maybe he's saying he went to school in Germany? I don't know, but he is super creepy. He reminds me of that dude was in Nevada who dug the underground tunnell.
Here's his twitter. Note the first comment. He's depraved.

Also when searching where he's lived I came up with those "mmm". I have no clue what it means or what name it would be, but several female names came up under that with "mmm". They were Spanish names.
Last post on this degenerate MO*O I promise.

He goes by travis4u269. Lots of dating sites pop up to him saying he'd rescue somebody on Craigslist stuck somewhere. Whatever.

But, But, But if you decide to look at his pictures I'm placing a warning. All I di was use that user name and go to google images. It's X Rated. Sadly there may be some poor kid on there, but I pray not. He may be dumber than a brick and actually did so and he'll get popped for production. The LE have his computer so I am sure they'll find something.

I hope this sadistic louse pays big time. Poor kids. Unimaginable.
This guy/case skeeves me out so bad.

I have no doubt more will come out and it will be awful.

[deleted text]

Sure hope you aren't going to stop posting Filly, love your input and your sleuth skills being involved in this one.

Not even gonna go near the dating profiles, sceered I will happen upon kiddie *advertiser censored* accidentally and aside from the obvious legal concerns I have no clue what that would do do me mentally.

ETA I have found more info on his previous brushes with the law and there was not a murder of a gf/roommate as I thought.

There is lots of local talk about him being a known drug snitch so I sincerely hope LE hasn't been letting this creep stay on the streets to further drug investigations. Not when it appears he was up to all this nastiness while doing so.

Apparently a shooting took place in Padgett's home a while back and a man named Jacob Lucey was sent to prison for it. I am having trouble finding articles detailing the shooting but what little is out there in local gossip does suggest it was a drug situation.

Sheesh. This is just all sorts of nasty.

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