GUILTY WA - Travis Padgett for raping 3 teen girls, Yakima, 2013

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Update: I just had a call from a rather nicely-spoken Detective in Yakima, to whom I've sent a pile of relevant links and screenshots.

My fingers are crossed that all children I saw therein are safe and unharmed..

Apparently they've sized his computers and whatnot, and there's a chance there's a ton more to this case (which makes my blood cold, it really does, you know how extensive pedo activity can get).

I was JUST getting ready to send in a tip regarding some photos (a necklace and the photo ID .. the photo ID screams blackmail btw). Thank you for doing what you did! I'm glad they know.
Astrokitty I thought exactly the same thing - why take and store pictures of an ID and all identifying tattoos like that, unless it's some kind of 'insurance'?

But the woman doesn't look at all coerced to me, she looks real happy to be around this guy..ugh. (*scrubs my mind with lye*)

Maybe she didn't know about the ID.. maybe it was an agreed-upon thing so he could trust her with the 'dungeon' child rape info... or maybe it was part of some BDSM 'ownership' thing, who knows.

What I do know is that she put her kid or kids at risk by having them hang out with a horrendous pedo. And to judge by the costume she was wearing in one pic, I do not think she was at all unaware of his .. preferences.
I can tell you @AUS that often time "photographers" will still use the old school method of proving a models age by photographing her ID. But, this is pretty clear that he's not a photographer.

Also it notes he had a dungeon, and there was some ads plus one photograph that shows he is into S&M. I am a professional player in the scene and I think he's what we call a *switch* (just based on photographs, and ads) this woman may be submissive to him, making him the master. He commanded her to have sex with a minor or other things (like posting these photos online if she didn't do exactly what he wanted) and so he took identifying photographs to use in a "blackmail" fetish.

Yes, there's a blackmail fetish. I rather not totally derail this post but I do want people to know that hardly anyone in BDSM or S&M lifestyle is deviant in this nature. Often "blackmail" fantasies are played out and in a healthy consensual relationship in this world, it's obviously adults only and nothing is happening against anyone's will or well being. You do find people on the fringe that are psycho's/sociopaths and absolutely deviant in nature, this lifestyle affords them this community of subservient people who they manipulate and torture into being their puppets. This doesn't mean the other parties involved in this are NOT responsible, because they are. this is a disgusting crime that has a domino effect for many lifetimes to come. I just wanted to clear the air on why the photographs might have been staged the way they were, along with the ID and what not. This was a master/sub role and to clarify that this is almost unheard of within the lifestyle and people like Travis are rejected by the majority, so he was stuck posting ads on CL .. trolling MANY websites and harming children. He is a true sadist (which is a sociopath) and I'm happy they caught him and the other person. God only knows who else is involved. I think if they hadn't caught him when they did it would have gone farther than rape and molestation, eventually that would have stopped "working" for him and he would need for find another way to get his rush from pain/control.

This is a sick disturbed man, and I'm going through some websites I have access to professionally to see if he is on blacklists for pro-dommes or pro-subs. I bet you he is. I bet you he is blackballed out of many "professional" workers. Types like these are not welcomed and he would have sent up redflags. It appears he had an addiction to his ego, filling his void with sexual gratification by seeking it on many sex geared websites (video included.. which I'm sure you found as well). He was constantly online. Add in the fact meth was involved and you have someone that needed to be caught asap.

My heart goes out to the children he came into contact with. Even if it comes out he didn't molest them, I wouldn't be shocked if he wasn't grooming them.
Astro, having my own long term insights in the BDSM world (here I must say, I'm not actually into it myself, ha, long story..) I have to agree with pretty much all of what you said up there.

True sadism is a psychopathy, not a fetish - though sadists may have violent fetishes, it's not the fetish that drives them to harm children, or commit true rape but the psychopathic mind housing it.

And when two psychopaths get together, or a psychopath/sociopath finds themselves a loyal sub, things can get very nasty indeed. Add kids to that.. :(

I do think he was grooming the children - did you see the 'suggestive' pose the young girl took? In any other context, I might think it's just a child playing adult - but come-hither eyes and such in a pic taken by a pedo.. yeah. He was grooming those kids.

I think the mother is a sex worker, or was. And if I'm right, it concerns me -- sex workers, well most 'em, know a sicko when they meet one. Hard to see how she didn't spot that he was a raging pedo, there being his sex slave kids in the house and all, etc... My gut says she KNEW. Maybe she was part of the abuse. Idk... some of her dom-looking pals on the sex sites seem to like way younger partners. If she was selling her kids or something, may she rot and burn, all at once.

I'm just fretting about it, for the children's sake. Hoping she was just a dumb cluck, who got out before her kids were damaged...

I have serious doubts about that, but gotta hope.

This is a sick disturbed man, and I'm going through some websites I have access to professionally to see if he is on blacklists for pro-dommes or pro-subs. I bet you he is. I bet you he is blackballed out of many "professional" workers.

Seems he hasn't been too careful with his internet footprints, so heck yes - what a great idea!!! I bet there's a ton of info scattered around out there on him.. even on the news site, a few women from the dating sites came forward. Good luck!
Ack, yes! It's a serious peeve of mine, when words are not carefully chosen in sex crime articles..
I'm a sex-worker and I know a creep when I meet them (I'm in the BDSM profession). If she's a sex worker she would know in her gut something is amiss, but greed is what gets workers busted and killed. When you couple that with possible addiction(s), things are awful.

It's a rarity that sex workers would engage in such a terrible act, seriously.

Same goes for addicts.

But, like you pointed out Aus, if 2 psychos meet each other - hats off/game on. When looking at the photos it seemed the poses were in the same day (the children were there while she was doing what she was doing in the boat/car). Did you see the shot of him in the water? Uh, is he going #2? If this is the woman, we know she at least made some stupid choices while her kids were around and they were off doing what they were doing. I have a feeling though she is who participated. Just my 2 cents.
I'm a sex-worker and I know a creep when I meet them (I'm in the BDSM profession). If she's a sex worker she would know in her gut something is amiss, but greed is what gets workers busted and killed. When you couple that with possible addiction(s), things are awful.

It's a rarity that sex workers would engage in such a terrible act, seriously.

Same goes for addicts.

But, like you pointed out Aus, if 2 psychos meet each other - hats off/game on. When looking at the photos it seemed the poses were in the same day (the children were there while she was doing what she was doing in the boat/car). Did you see the shot of him in the water? Uh, is he going #2? If this is the woman, we know she at least made some stupid choices while her kids were around and they were off doing what they were doing. I have a feeling though she is who participated. Just my 2 cents.

AstroKitty, thank you for all of your insight and concern.

Of all the things that weirded me out is that little girl appears to be wearing an adult watch. I know it sounds nuts, but it gave me an awful feeling. She's posing outside and her hands are on the fence and there's this big watch like a man's watch.

That water photograph? Lemme just say who the he** knows?

There's got to be something about the outdoors. All those photos sans a few are outside in the car.

The one photo of what appears to be the young boy with the long dark hair behind the little girl made me so sad. It's just dark and sad, and forlorn.

Thanks again for your feedback. Freakin guy in a creek doing Lord knows what? People getting shot in his house because he owes $2,000 for meth, and he's still walking around.
I recall seeing -somewhere- that his hobbies (you know, aside from molesting kids) included outdoorsy activities, hiking, etc.. I will try to find the link.

AstroKitty, 100% agree with everything you said. And I have the same feeling re her being one of the female molesters.. though maybe Padgett was grooming -her- as a kiddy provider.. they share membership of a meetup site, live in the same area. Single meth-using mothers are a pedo's dream.

Interesting re the watch, Filly, I didn't even notice it. It was the pose that red-flagged me there. But if your gut says 'pay attention' to something, I am down with that.

I hope the 14 yo girl is okay, too! I haven't been able to discuss her much - same age as my girl, and all. Just too sickening. And they found her --in the dungeon--.

Cops were sickened by what they found in that house. And I don't think they've never seen child sex crimes before.

How this (I don't have a swear big enough for Padgett... not one I can use here anyway) thinks he can plead NOT GUILTY ... idk. I hope he meets Bubba. And all Bubba's good friends, when he's thrown in jail for a very, very long time.
There is just too much on this guy that has me freaked out. I feel so bad for the LE that had to go in there and those poor kids.


He's online selling a truck in October. Is this the truck in the pictures and is there evidence there?

There's a young person on those pictures with very dark hair. I thought it was a boy. In one picture they are inside in a white sweatshirt. It appears something is wrong with their right eye as if it's lower than the left eye or something. Who is that?

How can every possible person remotely related to this guy have a record of some sort? Plus they all have several names.

Was he worried when the guy that took off on the furlough he owed money to was coming back for him?

Oh and how are you educated, and a para legal, and work on computers and can fix a car or truck? For real?

Who does this guy know he can get away with so much ****?
Filly, there's just some people in the world who make an art of BS. They know how to 'get around' people and even paperwork, by being charming or intimidating or timing things right, or whatever manipulation technique works to get what they want.

They do this because they are pitiful examples of their species, and/or bent on deception to cover their crimes.

I have read several comments by women on facebook and news sites, saying Padgett/McDougal molested them or someone they knew. One woman said he molested her when she was 14, and threatened her with harm to keep silence. "And no-one gets hurt," he told her. What a .

This struck me, as both confirmed victims this time round are .. 14. I am wondering if this age is a trigger/fetish of some kind.

Oh hey - it just occurred to me....

Here's his skeevy credentials:

Paralegal/Criminal Investigator
Private Law Practice

January 2010 – Present (3 years 2 months) Washington State

Paralegal/investigator: Assist attorney(s) in representing and/or defending our clients, primarily in the legal fields of Immigration and criminal defense law. However, we also have experience in in family, bankruptcy, real estate, wills and probate, and many other civil areas of law.

Association of Washington State Hispanic Chambers of Commerce

January 2009 – Present (4 years 2 months) Washington State

(Yeah LOL - this department has been REAL quick to distance itself from the pedo. Note, no mentions of his job there in news reports anymore.. can anyone say "gag order"?)

(And.. investigator?? I shudder to think...) Anyway - less than a week after Inspector Padgett is arrested, there's a massive raid on illegal Hispanic immigrants in Yakima.

YAKIMA, Wash.--NBC Right Now continues to follow Wednesday's immigration raid in Yakima. At least 21 people were arrested, accused of being in the country illegally and using fraudulent documentation. -- link

Can't help wondering if kiddie *advertiser censored* isn't all they're finding on his hard drives.. there -was- a human trafficking charge, iirc. Though that could be regarding the 14 yo girl from Seattle..

Filly, I have a pretty good idea who that dark haired boy is.. but I can't say since I am also pretty sure he is a victim.. :( .. I'm sure you can figure it out, though.

The only conclusion I am left to make there makes me physically sick.

If this guy goes free or gets a minimum sentence despite evidence that nearly made seasoned cops upchuck, I insist there be riots. I will deffo head up some of kind of internet poop storm about it. :|
snipped from Ausgirl

If this guy goes free or gets a minimum sentence despite evidence that nearly made seasoned cops upchuck, I insist there be riots. I will deffo head up some of kind of internet poop storm about it. :|

The more I know you, the more I really like you Aus. internet poop storm. count me in ;)
Thanks, tlcya. And I mean it, too.

I just do not get HOW he thinks 'not guilty' is a feasible plea. It worries me. I hope he's done so against the strong advice of his counsel. I hope they haven't managed to intimidate the witnesses.. or something. Padgett is GREAT at intimidating his victims, this much is clear from those who've come forward on FB. Maybe his lawyer's found a loophole. :(

I have to wonder if it's sheer arrogance, however. I really hope that's it.

I am seriously considering inviting some of those former victims over here (statute would've run out on them, likely, but they can still have a voice..). They didn't mind posting on FB, perhaps they'd like a chance to discuss what happened. It's so sad that they were too scared to say anything when he hurt them. :(
He has a whole lotta cocky for sure. Can't be the feeling of invincibility that meth involvement can impart because at this point he's been without that factor since his incarceration.

Starting to see some indicators of sociopathy with him.
Oh lord this man! First off I don't think it's too broad to paint him as a sociopath. Based on the comments people have left on FB (which are alarming albeit none surprising) along with his internet trail and charges; we have here the classic example of a sadist, sociopath with narcissistic qualities. It's all "him". From his photos that have another person in them to his self pictures. No photos with friends, no photos doing anything aside from a few - he seems to control the situations (taking even his own photos) to BEING the situation.

I was very worried when I had looked at some of the photos because there's nothing but genitals and um... it could have been a child or young teen. Thankfully (?) there is a photo of him in that shirt and that "ring" in the water. Ugh I can't believe i'm thankful for that.

I bet he's known to local dancers in a dive bar and maybe lower end cost escorts online. He's TOO online to not be a patron. I won't be shocked if he's done this multiple times in the past or had a strange kink that he asked sex workers to perform.

Without getting to "me" about this, I have a "square" job (2 actually) and I'm in school plus I'm a LEGAL sex worker. It's not unusual. What makes him stand out is how none of it links up together.

I have meant to look on some lists to see if he's there, I will get around to researching it tonight. I won't however share those sites on here but I'll report if I find anything and if there's anything I feel OK with - I'll make sure LE is aware. I'm afraid the victims, if there are any in the trade, would be hassled and emotionally messed with before anything to him is done. Sadly this is why there's little LE reports of assaults or rape.

I think personally this guy gets high on meth and goes on internet binges, same with his cash and if he visited a working girl he would be easily remembered because people that are high or spun sorta stick out. If I had to guess what would land him on a blacklist it would be robbery, leaving marks or pretending to be law enforcement. He just *seems* the type. Shady guy even with the molestation part taken out.

Without a doubt those photos outdoors with that woman and those kids were taken on the same day. Without a doubt, without a doubt. Also that watch stood out to me too. I bet he let her wear it because "she's special" aka grooming.

This man looks like there's nothing behind his eyes, big huge pools of nothing. I see rage, hate and anger only. If someone were to send a photo of themselves, and it's one of the many we've seen on here ..I'd turn them away based on the eyes alone. You can tell a lot by looking at someone. IMO his eyes say everything, even when he smiles. Seems like his small town knew all along this man was terrible but people were far too afraid to come forward. Such a shame :( I bet the farm we will hear he's been touching kids for as long back as anyone can recall. This is one of those people you look at and see "murder" and nothing else. He sorta resembles Gary Ridgeway in this odd way to me. Maybe it's just me.
well put AstroKitty. Good post. I agree with your feel of him. And I too think there is a sort of binge quality to his crimes.
From a dating site ad belonging to Padgett: (bbm)

"39 year old man in Yakima, Washington, United States Looking For: Men, Gay couples (2 guys), Bi Couples (woman and bi man), Groups or TS/TV/TG for friendship, erotic chat/email/e-sex, a "discreet" relationship, 1-on-1 sex, group sex, bondage/domination, exhibitionism/voyeurism, other "alternative" relationships or a serious relationship "

The only thing he left out was "children".

Anyhow, the voyeur/exhibitionist thing might account for his "outdoorsy" activities. And I will bet the farm there's pictures of the kids and their molesters stashed somewhere..

I tend to see him less as a 'binge' guy than a 'secret life after work hours' guy (good call on the no-pics-of-friends thing!). He has a dungeon in his home and is clearly a sex addict.. but yeah, the meth probably amped it all up at times.

ETA: Oh hey, that ad for the truck.. "would consider trading for a cabin cruiser or house boat" -- mobile dungeons.
Update from Feb 2: 3rd Victim

Yakima Police tell us they've identified a third victim in the Travis Padgett case.

They say the new victim is 14 years old and they're still looking for other victims.

In court today, Padgett pleaded not guilty to charges of rape and dealing meth to minors.

The judge set his trial date for March 11th.

-- article here

So - THREE 14 yo's now. :furious:

Roll on March 11. Fingers crossed for maximum sentencing.
I think he's just an addict. He likes speed because of the euphoria and surrealism of being superior, it inflates his already huge ego. His ad is very telling, he's not into girls/women and prefers men or feminine men. I'm trying to get a read on him regarding his behavior and desires, the TV/BI is very telling.. very. I knew someone like this once, a speed freak with a doctorate that got arrested for soliciting TV/TS on craigslist in a sting. He had that child toucher vibe to him enough that the LE asked if anyone suspected he was one! He had Mistresses (in the domme variety) which were female though, but his fetishes were being demeaned and role reversal of sorts. He wanted to be degraded and made fun of for liking men while being with a woman. I could go on but it's too vulgar for here.

I see Travis into this. His "grooming" indicates he wants his genitals to appear larger and not to have distractions around them. He also wants to be "taboo". the "ring" is interesting because it's either used to help him sustain an "UP" or he's into CBT (google that term at your own risk but if you do take that risk, google it with the words BDSM attached to it). I'm not talking about cognitive behavioral therapy that's for sure.

If he has ads and he's willing to pay, (if there's any "roses", "Kisses", "Snow" (that means cocaine usually) "Chrys" "Tina" (meth) he's paying or trading for action) LET ME KNOW. That means I have a starting point to find out if he's got a profile out there.

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