WA WA - Tyler Christensen, 16, Mukilteo, 19 April 2016

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I would venture a guess that the church Tyler is reported as being dedicated to, is NOT the church where the Slavic youth group is at. And here's why: I know a family that goes to church with Tyler's family and they (the family I know) are East Indian. I can't imagine that an East Indian family would attend services at a Slavic church, so I'm pretty sure Tyler's family does not go to church at the place where the Russian youth group is at. Even his sister specified it as a "Russian youth group" instead of "our church's youth group". What I am wondering is how or why Tyler went there. Was he invited by a friend? Interested in a Russian girl? (I knew a non-Slavic boy who started hanging out at a Slavic church for that reason!) I hope the police investigated the reason why he was there, just in case there is anything suspicious about it. As some on here have mentioned, it may have been a recent addition to his life, since Tyler is not in any of the church's photos.

As a former home schooled kid from a conservative, religious family not too different from Tyler's (from the sound of it), I would hasten to remind everyone that appearances can be deceiving. Everyone thought we were the perfect family, too, but there was a lot going on behind closed doors that no one knew about. Sometimes I am really surprised that my brothers didn't run off when they were about Tyler's age. But if they had, everyone would have been shocked and would have claimed that they weren't the type to run away. I don't have anything against homeschooling or conservatism, I still hold to much of the way I was raised in. *But* I just know from personal experience both in my home and in all my friends' homes (who were raised the same way) that often devout families just hide their problems better than others out of pride or a strong need of privacy. They also tend to be harder on their teen boys than they are their girls, as boys tend to give the parents more "trouble" in these type of circles. I noticed Tyler was the only son in a family of girls.

But maybe I am just being hopeful because I hope he did run away and that he is ok!!! Him choosing to leave would be the best case scenario at this point. Really, really hope he is ok! And once again, this is all just my personal experience and opinion. Not saying at all that there was anything amiss in Tyler's home. I don't personally know them. But as soon as I read various details about the family, I immediately recognized it as a family unit very similar to mine and to all my friends' families. I just hope LE will take ALL possibilities into consideration.

I agree with some others on here who find it a little odd that he didn't text the youth group pastor/leader as he normally would, to say he was coming. I also couldn't help but find it strange that he apparently does have a cell phone (since he normally texts the youth pastor?) but didn't have it with him. I don't know many boys his age who would ever go off and leave their phone at home! Not without going back for it, anyway!
As a former home schooled kid from a conservative, religious family not too different from Tyler's (from the sound of it), I would hasten to remind everyone that appearances can be deceiving. Everyone thought we were the perfect family, too, but there was a lot going on behind c

losed doors that no one knew about. Sometimes I am really surprised that my brothers didn't run off when they were about Tyler's age. But if they had, everyone would have been shocked and would have claimed that they weren't the type to run away. I don't have anything against homeschooling or conservatism, I still hold to much of the way I was raised in. *But* I just know from personal experience both in my home and in all my friends' homes (who were raised the same way) that often devout families just hide their problems better than others out of pride or a strong need of privacy. They also tend to be harder on their teen boys than they are their girls, as boys tend to give the parents more "trouble" in these type of circles. I noticed Tyler was the only son in a family of girls.

Yes. I also was homeschooled in a very conservative religious family and ran away at 16 to be with my secret boyfriend. On the surface I was devoted to my family and church and I actually was. But there were also problems... your typical teenage problems, exacerbated by parents that clung on too tightly. Everyone was terribly shocked I would run away. Homeschooling and religion and being a "good kid" are not incompatible with being a runaway because people are complex! I honestly feel at this point he might be a runaway because it seems difficult to believe there wouldn't be more evidence or clues at this point if something else happened. Or, maybe like you, I just want to believe he's ok somewhere.

A FB group for locals posted that a community search was organized but the family requested that all the links to it be cancelled and not spread around and if you did post about it to delete. I feel this indicates they have info that he is a runaway. Otherwise why would they stop people from helping? Apparently the person that organized the search is still going to do it, though. Screen cap from local group


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Yes. I also was homeschooled in a very conservative religious family and ran away at 16 to be with my secret boyfriend. On the surface I was devoted to my family and church and I actually was. But there were also problems... your typical teenage problems, exacerbated by parents that clung on too tightly. Everyone was terribly shocked I would run away. Homeschooling and religion and being a "good kid" are not incompatible with being a runaway because people are complex! I honestly feel at this point he might be a runaway because it seems difficult to believe there wouldn't be more evidence or clues at this point if something else happened. Or, maybe like you, I just want to believe he's ok somewhere.

A FB group for locals posted that a community search was organized but the family requested that all the links to it be cancelled and not spread around and if you did post about it to delete. I feel this indicates they have info that he is a runaway. Otherwise why would they stop people from helping? Apparently the person that organized the search is still going to do it, though. Screen cap from local group

I heartily agree with everything you wrote, AuLait. It is very true that you can be devoted to your church, friends, etc. and yet have other secret things going on or pulling at you. You don't have to be a "bad kid" in order to run away from home. Especially not when you have strict parents that might have very high expectations or hold you to really high standards. I truly loved my family but I definitely had some secrets from them, and I was not a "bad kid". Sounds like we had a similar experience. :)

I do find the families response and relative silence to be surprising. Does seem to indicate they might know or think there is a good chance he chose to leave. I was already thinking that before you posted the images of the facebook group where the family asked requests for help to be taken down. That just seems to confirm it. I just felt there was far too much silence on his disappearance. So far, all I have been able to find on facebook, other than local news sources, was just one post from his sister early on, and one girl who claims to be a "best friend" of his. Both only had one post (that was public, at least). I expected family to appear on the local news pleading for help or organizing a "Find Tyler" webpage, etc. I certainly would be if my 16 year old brother went missing and I suspected that he had been kidnapped or was lying injured somewhere! I can't imagine not wanting to take advantage of every public medium to beg for help and show his photos. Yet I've been frustrated over the lack of coverage he seems to be getting on the local channels. I know everyone handles things differently but if a parent or sibling thinks their loved one has been taken by force, they should not waste a minute, since we all know that time is of the essence.

I saw a photo that he was tagged in, but when you go to his page, all info and photos have been removed. Could this be LE or the family who scrubbed it or marked everything private? There isn't even a profile picture! I just thought that if Tyler did leave by choice, he might have chosen to delete everything to protect his privacy in case his family tried to access it.
I am not sure that this kid ran away, honestly that is more of a girl thing..to run away, but of course that is My opinion. I think boys do run away but not as often as girls and I know nothing about the family that suggests to me that there were problems within the family. I would think if they knew he had run away that they would have informed the public by now. JMO. Still hoping he is found soon.
Yes. I also was homeschooled in a very conservative religious family and ran away at 16 to be with my secret boyfriend. On the surface I was devoted to my family and church and I actually was. But there were also problems... your typical teenage problems, exacerbated by parents that clung on too tightly. Everyone was terribly shocked I would run away. Homeschooling and religion and being a "good kid" are not incompatible with being a runaway because people are complex! I honestly feel at this point he might be a runaway because it seems difficult to believe there wouldn't be more evidence or clues at this point if something else happened. Or, maybe like you, I just want to believe he's ok somewhere.

A FB group for locals posted that a community search was organized but the family requested that all the links to it be cancelled and not spread around and if you did post about it to delete. I feel this indicates they have info that he is a runaway. Otherwise why would they stop people from helping? Apparently the person that organized the search is still going to do it, though. Screen cap from local group

Maybe they were asked by LE not to do it for some reason that we may not be privy to.
I'm hoping the police found and took his cell phone to check for messages and/or calls he may have made or received. If he left willingly there might be some important information in the phone.
The Slavic Baptist church is about 4 blocks away from my home, basically around the corner. It's across the street from Dillon Works, the renown design and fabrication company. On my summer walks the past few years, I would walk up the road and around past the church everyday during the early evening. There seemed to be a lot of church activities during that time on a weekly everyday basis. When my family and I heard about Tyler, I knew right away the church and its location when mentioned in the news. I have heard the search helicopter the last few days flying in the area, too. My thoughts and prayers go out to him, his family, and friends during this time. Even though it's been said he was a happy young man and would have no reason to have runaway, there could still be that chance due to any underlying issue(s)–personally or domestically, that was, or is not, easily recognized by those close to him.

Some of my possible theories are:

If Tyler was a runaway, he could have planned this weeks ahead, so if he left his house with no items and never came back, he would have gone to his temporary location/place where previous belongings (cash, food, clothes) were stored ahead of time. And I hope his family and the police check to see his online internet and mobile phone habits before he went missing. Perhaps clues to as to research on running away, traveling, books he was reading, music he was listening to, and any movies he had been watching for related interests or inspiration in doing so. Even looking into if he went to the local library weeks prior.

There could be the possibility while traveling to the church (or other destination), that he got hurt somehow, somewhere along the way, and sustained a traumatic head injury resulting in amnesia. He maybe in or around the region not sure who he is, where he is, or how he got there.

I also agree, and do find it odd, that the church has nothing posted on their FB page about him and his disappearance.
Has anyone heard if anything at all has been found in the searches, either those by the police or the community organized action that took place yesterday or today?

I certainly hope that this young man is somewhere, somehow safe! Prayers for him and his family!
Apologies. I'm new to the forum and don't seem to have gotten the hang of posting yet. Is there a way to simply delete a post? Thanks.
Nothing was located in searches. The amount of locals helping in searches has been minimal compared to what it could have been due to some of Tyler's immediate family members directing the search party information not be widely circulated. This was not an LE request. It was a direct request from one of his parents. This case has caused me sleepless nights since the second it was reported but now I'm really thinking the family thinks he's a runaway. I can think of no other reason for their reaction to searches. There's no such thing as a teenager who wouldn't EVER run away. They are kids! If the family thought he was injured in the woods, they would have been asking the community to be in there looking for him since day one. Something is fishy.

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I wondering if anyone could help clear this up... my family and I were wondering if Tyler does indeed live in the Picnic Point area or somewhere else in the area? I know the news media has stated that he was last seen on Beverly Park Rd. Also I'm confused as one news source mentioned he was going to Picnic Point Park because the church youth group was having an event there. So was the Slavic church building not his actual destination on the day he went missing?
Kodiak, his family lived in Wingate. I understood he was headed to the church itself but what you are saying makes sense as during the Friday search, they wanted people checking out the beach as well (doesn't make much sense if he was walking from Wingate through the woods to HP).

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Kodiak, his family lived in Wingate. I understood he was headed to the church itself but what you are saying makes sense as during the Friday search, they wanted people checking out the beach as well (doesn't make much sense if he was walking from Wingate through the woods to HP).

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MU42M, thanks for clarifying the details. Much appreciated.

Ok, I see. Wingate makes the Beverly Park Rd sighting much clearer now, as well as the Picnic Point and Park area. I'm trying to locate the news source that stated the youth group was having an event at the park that evening, but can't locate it. And that was the other interesting thing, too... why would he travel via the woods from Wingate? Is it easily accessible through the woods to get to here in Harbour Point? I've lived here for over ten years, and still don't know much about the locale of the Wingate and Picnic Park area. I did though, a few years ago, venture the back road via One Club House Lane. It brought me near the water and down around up near Safeway off 99. The travel through was really wooded and I know Picnic Point isn't that far away from where I was. So would Tyler have used the same woods and gone up the hillside to get to the church? Why didn't he just take the 113 bus line that travels along Beverly Park Rd and stops a block away from the church? Or was running/jogging his preference?
Okay, here it is... the article from our local Herald newspaper. This is what got me confused. This statement:

Tyler Christensen, 16, was still missing Thursday evening, two days after he was last seen walking to a church event near Picnic Point.

Then in the same article, in paragraph 3 it states:

The search is focused on routes the boy may have taken between his home and the church along 116th Street SW. The area is full of greenbelts and steep ravines where people can get lost.

So where exactly was the church youth group event? Picnic Point? Or the actual church location at 116th Street SW? Because the church is nowhere near Picnic Point.

Article: http://www.heraldnet.com/article/20160421/NEWS01/160429792
Okay, here it is... the article from our local Herald newspaper. This is what got me confused. This statement:

Then in the same article, in paragraph 3 it states:

So where exactly was the church youth group event? Picnic Point? Or the actual church location at 116th Street SW? Because the church is nowhere near Picnic Point.

Article: http://www.heraldnet.com/article/20160421/NEWS01/160429792

I think it's just bad grammar!
He was last seen on PP road walking to an event. They make it sound like the event was at PP because they awkwardly arranged the sentence.
Yeah, I think it was poorly written but means that he was last seen on PP (the road) walking to the church. I believe that whole area is connected by a large wooded area. It's pretty muddy back there and dense at places. Lots of side trails. I haven't been back there much honestly. I believe they searched the area thoroughly with dogs and found no one. I wouldn't take that trek if I were traveling between those two locations, but I could see how a long-term resident of Wingate might. It's faster than the main roads.

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I may be overpersonalizing this due to my own very similar situation, but I remember the deep embarrassment and shame my Mom felt after I ran away and I wondered if this is why the family asked for there not to be organized searches (though I now hear they are allowing them so who knows). My Mom didn't want anyone to know about what happened and felt it was a horrible reflection on her parenting and rejected any help that might have brought more attention to the situation. The language being used by family representatives (the cousin in that video) doesn't sound like people who are afraid he's kidnapped or dead. To me, they sound like the words of people who know he's out there somewhere and choosing to stay hidden at this time. That would explain the media silence from immediate family and the rather generic "We're keeping an eye out" message from LE.

In any case, I hope that they can locate him or if he is somewhere safe (please, let him be safe) he can let them know he's ok.

I'd also like to know so I don't have to sweat when my kids walk to the mailbox, for heavens sake. If they know he's run away I hope they inform the public and not leave us hanging!
I may be overpersonalizing this due to my own very similar situation, but I remember the deep embarrassment and shame my Mom felt after I ran away and I wondered if this is why the family asked for there not to be organized searches (though I now hear they are allowing them so who knows). My Mom didn't want anyone to know about what happened and felt it was a horrible reflection on her parenting and rejected any help that might have brought more attention to the situation. The language being used by family representatives (the cousin in that video) doesn't sound like people who are afraid he's kidnapped or dead. To me, they sound like the words of people who know he's out there somewhere and choosing to stay hidden at this time. That would explain the media silence from immediate family and the rather generic "We're keeping an eye out" message from LE.

In any case, I hope that they can locate him or if he is somewhere safe (please, let him be safe) he can let them know he's ok.

I'd also like to know so I don't have to sweat when my kids walk to the mailbox, for heavens sake. If they know he's run away I hope they inform the public and not leave us hanging!

I think you're right, but the part that confuses me is why he would leave his phone if he ran away.....

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