WA - Unidentified Male: "Lyle Stevik", Grays Harbor, 17 Sept 2001 - #2

DNA Solves
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OOD, i feel like i am in school. i never went to college, and these meterials on mtDNA and Y chromosomes of the tribal northwest are really right out of
genetics 101.
or 201.
some of it 301
what's your primary study/major if you don't mind me asking.
i've actually enjoyed it quite a bit. i love to learn. now wish i did when i was 20. One important factor i've learned is that haplogroup A B and X are distinct and can be used to narrow down tribal origins but most Native americans have all 4 haplogroups evident in their mtDNA. it depends on the frequency distribution of said haplogroups in this sequence. I still have great hope though that this could help us really narrow Lyle down. There are other hyper variants that need to be anylized too but we'll see

just poured my coffee and i'm back to the books
i'd still like to find someone who specializes in this field who could help us with ID tips on LYle. (as well as Elma).

OOD and Gmom - do either of your schools possibly have someone in the anthropology dept knowedgeable of native american tribes and physical traits from genetics and microevolution.?? just checkin

EFX - please share your inputs and thoughts on using this technology to help ID Lyle's tribal heritage.

wannabesleuthkk said:
if , hypothetically, we were to take a look at Lyle's mtDNA (mitochondrial), we would have a great chance of nailing down his tribal roots as the Native north Americans are apparently some of the easier genetics to map.
Okay, this is probably a real party pooper of a question, but what will we do with info about Lyle's heritage once we establish it? We could figure out that he's 1/3 Hopi Indian, 2/7 Cherokee, 1/8 German, 1/16 Irish, etc, and then what? Obviously, we should get the images and info to the tribe that he's related to, but isn't CCM already submitting info to the various tribal councels? Wasn't that the first avenue that CCM pursued over five years ago?

Lyle's not showed up in finger print searches, nor DNA, nor missing persons reports.

If he was only visiting the US, then why travel to a remote place to kill himself? He would already be "away from home and family." Also, his passport would expire and he'd show up on a list somewhere. He might be Canadian and have traveled to the USA to get away from his home, but, again, wouldn't there be some passport issue?

CCM, is there a database for people with expired passports that you can access?

So, between his obvious American Indian heritage, and American clothes, we can relatively-safely assume that he's an American. If so, why isn't anyone looking for him?

If your relative or friend stopped writing and calling and "moved away," how would you look for them? Would you actually call the FBI and place a missing persons report? Lyle was obviously meticulous, and wouldnt leave an apartment full of rotting food somewhere, so, what would tip off people that something was wrong?

with my pc...
it just took a dive and it's taken an hour just to get a browser window to open.
dna + heritage:
I don't think you're a party pooper EFX. just a little devil's advocacy, and that's great. My hopes for dna results in Haplogroups area is that i'll end up with enough to use my extensive geneological research experience and come up with the more detail/facts about his lineage than any other method that has been used so far. We're runnin on gut instincts and speculation on some of these theories, was he QUileute? Sioux? half Egyptian? .I just wanted to find something that will lend more credence to any or all of those 'theories'. I'm not as concerned about the 1/8 irish, however, if there's any evidence in geneological records for irish americans that would point me to something about Lyle, then by all means I'll dig.
and sniff. Just ask these folks here what happens when i get my nose to the ground on something. it may prove futile but i'll track it to hell and back.
Trust me, its' therapeutic for me. and apparently as you said no one is looking for him, and yes CCM has distrib'd the pics to area tribes five yrs ago and again i believe with this new pic you've provided. So far no bites. CCM also said that if the people of the tribe he might be from don't want to 'claim' him ,then ccm needs to hear that from their mouths. (paraphrased) For now, i'm gonna have a little faith in my geneo
instincts. i am familiar with most of the US websites for historical records and geneo databases. Canada is gonna be tougher and i'd appreciate any tidbits from our friend OOD on that tip. Sorry to be long winded. (fingered) see what happens when my pc is off for an hour? wait til i get back from the keys for a week. my post per day ratio should skyrocket.
love you all
gardenmom said:
Totally off topic, but what is your major? I am an English major with Speech Pathology minor, but Speech Path is my field, and I will get a masters in that, eventually. :dance:
I'm in high school actually and I'm hoping to be a pathologist working in a morgue when I graduate in 3 years
Great for you. wish i'd have been that focused then. i was so smart (not) that i tested outa HS and started college when i was 16. went 2 sems and they kindly asked me to leave. 16yr olds normally shouldn't fraternize with college age students. makes studying kinda hard for people like me. i grew up with Quincy and being a vet tech was the closest to getting in the science field.
stick with it, you've obviously got more brains than any HSer i know.
i have seen the name Noble come up throughout my WA area searches that wer tied into tribal areas. so just for fun i clicked on the name from an old yearbook from Spokane and saw this. How much does the pic resemble Lyle to ya'll. maternal features that is.
Hi fxsdavid,

So do you think Lyle either said his goodbyes to his family and was moving out of the area, or possibly had cut his ties long ago or possibly they had cut their ties to him for some reason?

scandi said:
Hi fxsdavid,

So do you think Lyle either said his goodbyes to his family and was moving out of the area, or possibly had cut his ties long ago or possibly they had cut their ties to him for some reason?

Any of those are possible. It's also not-unheard-of to get in family tiffs and not speak for years. He was a grown man, so it's quite feasable that he'd been seperated from family for a while before he killed himself, possibly during his famed weight loss. Then, when someone did eventually try to call him, his phone no longer worked and his mail had no forwarding address. That would be more a frustration than a cause for panic, like him not coming home from work one day. A gradual seperation. Hence, they may assume that he's still living somewhere and still not wanting to be in touch.

The character who he "named" himself after was consumed with guilt over an incestuous relationship. Who knows what aspect of the character he identified with? I'm sure that lots of people identify with Scarlet Ohara, but have never ripped down the drapes and made a dress out of them. He may have only seen himself in the depression of the character and his thoughts of suicide. After all, the character in the book never actually goes through with his suicidal feelings.

I think if Lyle had made his intentions clear, that he was going to take a bus away and kill himself, then it would have been reported. If his family was at odds with him, wouldnt they at-least want to report his death and make it offical?

Then there's the wild card of 9/11 happening just a few days prior to his suicide. He bought a newspaper, so he was following the story. Could he have lost his family in that tragedy? Wouldn't he have wanted to stay there and wait for news? At least longer than a couple of days?

Could his family mistakenly think that he perished on 9/11, and then he took the oportunity to skip town and spare them the pain of his suicide? He wouldnt have had time to close an apartment, prepare, travel, get to WA and then wait two days, and then kill himself, all within five days. He would have left unfinished business behind; an abandoned apartment, a job, personal possessions, a room mate, etc. But if they thought he had died in the building collapse, they wouldnt keep looking for him.

CCM, was Lyle's Levis evenly colored or did they have faded knees, a wallet shape on the back pocket, and key shapes on the front pocket? It may sound like a stupid question, but that's almost always the sign of a batchlor or someone who lives in an apartment without a washer/dryer. Blue jeans, when washed between every wearing, fade evenly, but if worn more than a time or two between washings, will develop the faded contours quickly. People who go to the laundrymatt dont wash their jeans every day.
outofthedark said:
I'm in high school actually and I'm hoping to be a pathologist working in a morgue when I graduate in 3 years
Wow, you look so much older on here! :D I wish I still had your youth. I am 38 now, and I still have another 5 years ahead of me. At my rate, maybe more. :blushing:
don't forget EFX that someone much earlier did throw out the theory of his involvement in terrorism. Maybe he was of arab descent?
I'm not really sold on that idea. but its a thought.
gardenmom said:
Wow, you look so much older on here! :D I wish I still had your youth. I am 38 now, and I still have another 5 years ahead of me. At my rate, maybe more. :blushing:
Wow. I just realized that I worded this badly. It sounds like I only have 5 years to live, not five years of school left. My bad.
i wondered if i should start praying for a cure!

and speaking of wording, what do you mean OOD 'looks' older.??
'sounds older' maybe?
i confuse my self enough, don't need your help, lol.
lol gmom

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