WA - Unidentified Male: "Lyle Stevik", Grays Harbor, 17 Sept 2001 - #4

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Eh, well, whether it's Eastern European, Slavic or Scandinavian, the problem is that the UID wasn't, if the autopsy is to be believed.

How does one get a new thread approved?
Eh, well, whether it's Eastern European, Slavic or Scandinavian, the problem is that the UID wasn't, if the autopsy is to be believed.

How does one get a new thread approved?

I guess by asking a mod for permission to link/change/duplicate. Not real sure who the mods are for this thread. It isn't heavily monitored like some of the threads of more controversial cases.

Can anybody with more experience help glorybug out?
How can you tell when you spend too much time on WS? When you start having dreams about the unidentified! A few nights ago I had a dream about Lyle. In it, he went by "Buster" (!), and had a couple of old ticket stubs from a pro game and a receipt for a diamond solitaire in his pants pocket.

Very odd, no doubt.
How can you tell when you spend too much time on WS? When you start having dreams about the unidentified! A few nights ago I had a dream about Lyle. In it, he went by "Buster" (!), and had a couple of old ticket stubs from a pro game and a receipt for a diamond solitaire in his pants pocket.

Very odd, no doubt.

Diamond solitaire = an engagement ring

Hello, all. I've been lurking Lyle's thread for a while hoping to find some additional information. I've attached a tweaked photo.
He really doesn't even look dead, ya know? I'm so sorry that he felt he had no other alternative than to die alone and nameless.
CCM had suggested a while back that possibly he had lived in the area at one time. I was just wondering whether anyone had checked with teachers in the area to see if he resembled a student who had moved away.
In my opinion (FWIW), I don't believe it's the guy. Bill appears to have a kind of weak chin, and I think that Lyle's is much more well-defined.
Lyle is a very handsome young man. Even in death. Beautiful bone structure. JMHO.

I've read his threads and just now finished. I haven't had time to digest any info.

However, I saw in earlier threads that the name that he chose to use in registering at the motel where he ultimately took his life, may not lead to a direct link to him I agree, but it is noteworthy. IMHO very noteworthy.(IIRC, it was fairly quickly dismissed in conversation and not explored in depth)

It gives us insight into this young man's thinking at the time IMHO. I don't think he arbitrarily selected this name. The character by this name, was significant to this young man in some way. JMHO.

Further, I don't believe it will be as simple as the plot or the setting of that book (which I have not yet read) but rather if we were to do a character study of that ficticious Lyle, then we may or may not have insight into what resonated with this man about that character.

He was specific to this character. There are a great many ficticious people who commit suicide in novels. However, this man picked that particular characters name to escort him into suicide. I do think it bears further thought.

I was thinking about Lyle last night while waiting to fall asleep. I'm sure this has been mentioned, but I recall the info stating that he arrived on a bus. Two buses came in at roughly the same time one from the south and one from the north. I am thinking that maybe he came on the bus from the south because of the Meridian, ID address he gave (I looked at a map of the locations mentioned in his missing persons case and believe that Meridian would be south of Quinault)...maybe he had been traveling and consistently remembered and reported his address as the last address of a hotel/motel he stayed at. Maybe he traveled across the country as one last trip, maybe he traveled for work.

As for why he would want to remain unknown in death...it is possible someone, his family, would profit from an insurance policy, but obviously not if he committed suicide. It is possible they knew of what he intended to do and simply followed procedure to declare him missing and eventually legally deceased because that is what they knew he wanted them to do. It could be that they threw off an investigation into his being missing by giving vague or false information. I also mentioned before that he may have been a high profile individual from where ever he came from or was from a well known family and did not want to bring any kind of shame upon them. I appreciate that he did take so much consideration and planning to remain unknown and we probably shouldn't undo his work...it's just so hard to not want to find out who he is.
Interesting that this was immediately post 9-11 and the only way to travel was by bus or train.
Has Lyle been entered into NamUs? I can't find him if so.

Is there an autopsy report available for Lyle? I have a few questions. TIA for any guidence.
This young man's case haunts me. I guess because I feel he deserves better than what he allowed himself to have . . . he deserves the dignity of a marker on his grave. My only qualm is that I wish I knew what factors led him to an anonymous suicide in the first place. He went to great lengths to assure his anonymity, and I struggle with my efforts at trying to undo his final deed. I don't think that he would be pleased, but then I think of his mother or father, wife, sister or brother, never knowing, always looking for his face in a crowd, never getting the closure they seek, or a proper memorial for him. I am really torn on this case, more than on any others, ever.
Just wondering if it's been considered that this man committed a crime that he felt remorse over? Maybe that's why he hid his true identity. I'm not really sure why he would continue to hide in death, but you never know. Trying to search for wanted individuals all over the country and Canada would be a huge undertaking, but it may yield some results. Does anyone know of the really good and accurate wanted websites?
Hello! I've finally finished reading all of the posts about "Lyle" and figured I'd throw my two cents into the pot.

Someone very early on in one of the first two threads said that they thought he possibly looked French-Canadian. This really stuck with me, as the first thing I thought the first time I saw "Lyle's" picture was how much he looks like many of the people I have seen while visiting family in Canada (NB). My family hails from a very small, mostly Anglophone community in the northeastern part of the province, surrounded by mostly Francophone communities. There is also a Mikmaq reservation nearby. There is not much in the way of employment there, mostly fishing and logging, and many young adults from the Maritimes move either to the western part of the country (several of my own family members have moved to Alberta) or to the US for a chance at a better job or education.

What I am getting at is that I feel that "Lyle" may have been been from one of the Maritime provinces, possibly of mixed French and Mikmaq descent. He could have gone west either in search of opportunities or told his family that he was, maybe sending a letter when he arrived telling his family not to worry and that he'd be there a while. I've heard tell of people who do the same thing and may go for years without contacting family. Depending on how close (or not) he was to his family they may not have been too concerned or surprised at a lack of communication, and as a result he has not been reported missing.

I hope this made sense! I'm a longtime reader of this site and only recently took the plunge and signed up. I just figured I'd give my two cents based on what my first gut instinct regarding "Lyle" was. I hope that someday soon he will get his name back.
Hello, all. I've been lurking Lyle's thread for a while hoping to find some additional information. I've attached a tweaked photo.

Hello! I've finally finished reading all of the posts about "Lyle" and figured I'd throw my two cents into the pot.

Someone very early on in one of the first two threads said that they thought he possibly looked French-Canadian. This really stuck with me, as the first thing I thought the first time I saw "Lyle's" picture was how much he looks like many of the people I have seen while visiting family in Canada (NB). My family hails from a very small, mostly Anglophone community in the northeastern part of the province, surrounded by mostly Francophone communities. There is also a Mikmaq reservation nearby. There is not much in the way of employment there, mostly fishing and logging, and many young adults from the Maritimes move either to the western part of the country (several of my own family members have moved to Alberta) or to the US for a chance at a better job or education.

What I am getting at is that I feel that "Lyle" may have been been from one of the Maritime provinces, possibly of mixed French and Mikmaq descent. He could have gone west either in search of opportunities or told his family that he was, maybe sending a letter when he arrived telling his family not to worry and that he'd be there a while. I've heard tell of people who do the same thing and may go for years without contacting family. Depending on how close (or not) he was to his family they may not have been too concerned or surprised at a lack of communication, and as a result he has not been reported missing.

I hope this made sense! I'm a longtime reader of this site and only recently took the plunge and signed up. I just figured I'd give my two cents based on what my first gut instinct regarding "Lyle" was. I hope that someday soon he will get his name back.

I agree that he could quite possibly be this ethnic mix. I definitely see Latin/Native traits to his face. He also does not appear to have much facial/body hair from the pictures I've seen. Of course, he could be freshly shaven, but I see other indicators, such as high cheekbones and shape of eyes that also are common in those ethnicities.

If I were determined to kill myself anonymously, a good way would be without papers in a foreign country. If he entered prior to the terrorist attack on 9/11, there would be minimal need to present documents at the border. He could have stashed his ID in any trash receptacle from the border to the hotel, from whatever direction he arrived.

I don't know any Canadian missing sites, but I will check it out when I get some time.
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