WA - Unidentified Male: "Lyle Stevik", Grays Harbor, 17 Sept 2001 - #5

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Were Tims that well known & expensive back then? I paid $60 to $80 for a pair for my 2yr old grandson a few months ago.

The info for genealogy has been passed on to CCM

I own a pair, they can be very expensive. I bought a pair for work, and I think it was well over $85-$100 mark.
Whatever they cost back then, real leather name brand boots in good condition are not something the average lower-middle class or homeless person would have. If he were poor, I'd expect to see very worn footwear, a discount brand, or preowned boots (Yes we can find multiple exceptions, but we're all generalizing at this point).
He's dressed like the average young professional of the time. Accountant, loan manager, software engineer, advertising writer/designer, salesman, buyer for a department store, etc. etc. etc.
I agree, Carbuff. I think he'd had a who's-collar job at least until recently, and likely a middle-class upbringing (the orthodontic work). I don't think he's from a reservation, as the rates of poverty on reserves are quite high. I think he came from a city, where he was likely employed.
Lyle's ancestry was just discussed on Reddit in /r/genetics, with interesting results. There were no findings of Native American ancestry. Somebody with extensive knowledge of genetics and ancestry gave a detailed post of their observations:

1. His eyebrows were focused on first. The poster has attributed this to the caucasus region, pointing towards peoples of Turkic, Jewish, Greek, Armenian, and Iranic South Russian to name a few.

2. His jaw and head proportions, as well as his lips and nose were estimated to be traits of North Atlantic European peoples, giving Ireland as a prime example.

3. His eye shape appeared to be a Mediterranean trait.

4. The poster's guesstimate is that Lyle could be Irish mixed with Ashkenazi Jewish, Southern Italian, Greek, Turkish, or Balkan.
Yeah, I saw that...I'd take it with a grain of salt personally. The poster wasn't a geneticist, he just "looked at portraits from around the world." I wonder if he even saw the profile shot of LS, which (to me) shows a much greater degree of prognathism than Southern European or Balkan bone structure. I see where he's getting that from, but I'd be a lot more convinced if a professional said it, or, better yet, a DNA ancestry analysis.

IMHO I think the best ethnic analysis is still the coroner's, who said he has some European features, and some Native features. (Hispanic ancestry is actually just this: a mix of Spanish/Euro heritage and Central/Southern Aboriginal American).

ETA: I just did some research and realized what we need: a forensic anthropologist. Are there any in the "experts" area of WS?
Just wanted to add a few things. Up to 10% of the population is born without second premolars so it is possible Lyle never had them to begin with and possibly did not have braces.

Also I remember seeing mention of shovel teeth. Shovel teeth is found in Native Americans but it is still by no means common in their populations. It is also found in people with mongoloid ancestry. Eastern Europeans do have a lot of mongol blood in their veins. It is also found in Japanese populations but still is considered rare no matter where you are from.

Also there are some forums Anthroscape and Forum Biodiversity that might help with forensic anthropology questions.

I think the next step and the most logical step in solving this riddle is the ancestry DNA test. There must be somewhere that we can find that will do it. I am just so interested in finding out.
Just wanted to add a few things. Up to 10% of the population is born without second premolars so it is possible Lyle never had them to begin with and possibly did not have braces.

Also I remember seeing mention of shovel teeth. Shovel teeth is found in Native Americans but it is still by no means common in their populations. It is also found in people with mongoloid ancestry. Eastern Europeans do have a lot of mongol blood in their veins. It is also found in Japanese populations but still is considered rare no matter where you are from.

Also there are some forums Anthroscape and Forum Biodiversity that might help with forensic anthropology questions.

I think the next step and the most logical step in solving this riddle is the ancestry DNA test. There must be somewhere that we can find that will do it. I am just so interested in finding out.

Bakerlady, shovel teeth are VERY common in our ,Cherokee for me, native tribes.

Has there been any update on Ilija Dukic?

Hi that was me. I sent through a follow up email & they in turn sent it to the relevant authorities. I did post this info but can't link it ATM as I'm on my phone. Once I get to a pc I'll update
It was confirmed that LS had shovel teeth? I looked through CCM's posts and couldn't find that info, can someone post the direct quote?
Please see my post on the 29/5 below

Hello all,
Today I sent a follow up email to the agency in Croatia regarding Ilija Dukic

This is the response i received

"Dear Madam,

our competent unit has sent the reply email to sshumate@co.grays-harbor.wa.ua on 22nd of May

Best Regards,

NENO - Nacionalna evidencija nestalih osoba"

(translated National Records of Missing Persons

I sent the original email on the 25 March & it took almost 2 months for them to send something through. What do you think that means? Would they have sent something if they didn't think it was tangible? Or would they have sent something anyway?
Our member Jacie contacted the coroner, and he told her Lyle didn't have the shovel teeth.
ETA: I just did some research and realized what we need: a forensic anthropologist. Are there any in the "experts" area of WS?

Someone on here has some sort of facial recognition specialty (and I believe may be verified), but I can't remember who.
Not trying to make light of a UID case, but I think Lyle Stevik was a very handsome man. He reminds me of an actor whose name I can't remember off the top of my head.

Also: my father is 6'2 and weighs 140 lbs. Lyle's exact measurements. (Meanwhile, I am a 5'7 female and weigh the same.) My father has a super fast metabolism and has always been super slim his whole life. He also is a vegetarian who counts his calories, and enjoys walking briskly. Today, he went to a new Dr. who asked him if he'd lost a lot of weight recently. He replied that no, he had not (in fact, he has gained about 3 lbs. over a few months). He later discovered that she was implying that his weight was off in a country with a fairly high overweight population (we are Americans, live in USA) and she was trying to discover if an illness had caused him to shed the weight.

Excuse me if that was irrelevant, but couldn't there have been a chance he only lost some weight before he died? Like, he was naturally thin and shed some weight due to depression side effects? I recall reading his belt was at the tightest fit, but very skinny men often find it difficult to find belts. My dad has had the same one for nearly a decade. Usually they just tighten the belt a lot.
Ok I have a theory about the handwriting...and the clothes. It is possible he could have had a Multiple Personality Disorder. For example: have you ever seen the movie Sibyl? It is about a woman who has mulitple personalities all different, they all have different hair, clothes, etc. Maybe he had that, and the reason for pacing was that one of his personalities was telling him to commit suicide and another was telling him not too.
Also, if he did have a backpack he could have discarded it like has been mentioned. Also, with mulitple personality disorders I have heard there can be different handwriting things, that each personality has on it's own....just like it's own personality. Maybe he was plauged by it. Just something I've been thinking about and a possible reason for why things were the way they were. :/
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