WARNING:GRAPHIC PHOTOS Meredith Kercher murdered-Amanda Knox appeals conviction #8

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Yeah- her, RS and RG sure did 'fall into a trap'. :crazy:
All it took for AK was to tell her RS was no longer providing an alibi for her....

Assuming she was innocent, that was a rather huge "all it took." Her honest alibi was just pulled out from under her.

All it took for RS to start spouting and lying was telling him they knew AK was at the crime scene. What a trap....

Again, when RS is told that AK has confessed to being at the scene, that's also a huge "all it took." RS was asleep and/or knocked out on cannabis for a good part of the night. The fact is he can't know for sure what AK did while he was sleeping.

Obviously, you think each gave up the other too easily, but they'd only known one another for a week.


As for your opinion that those who question the verdict do so because we can't believe a "sweet young thing" like AK could do such a thing, I don't remember anybody here posting any such thing. So you seem to presume to read our minds.

As Malkmus has already laid out more clearly than I could, what we question is the unlikeliness of a sudden murder conspiracy between three people who barely knew one another.
No, it doesn't. It's precisely the sort of lie one tells when an interrogators says, "We have undeniable scientific proof that Meredith's blood is on your kitchen knife. But if you can just explain that one problem, we can clear you and move on."

This is a common interrogation technique and it produced a common sort of lie.

(Remember that from RS' point of view at that moment, he didn't kill MK so it was only a little white lie.)
Point well taken! :)
Assuming she was innocent, that was a rather huge "all it took." Her honest alibi was just pulled out from under her.

Again, when RS is told that AK has confessed to being at the scene, that's also a huge "all it took." RS was asleep and/or knocked out on cannabis for a good part of the night. The fact is he can't know for sure what AK did while he was sleeping.

Obviously, you think each gave up the other too easily, but they'd only known one another for a week.


As for your opinion that those who question the verdict do so because we can't believe a "sweet young thing" like AK could do such a thing, I don't remember anybody here posting any such thing. So you seem to presume to read our minds.

As Malkmus has already laid out more clearly than I could, what we question is the unlikeliness of a sudden murder conspiracy between three people who barely knew one another.
Excellent points, well argued.
Hi, Sherlock. I've read the judge's report and the scenario preposed is ludicrous and unbelievable. It's hard to repeat it here without laughing outloud, but here it is: The judge's report claims that Rudy came over to the cottage and while he was there Amanda and Raf were making out on the couch. He got so turned on sexually by seeing them make out that he decided to have his way with Meredith. When Meredith turned him down, he became aggressive. But instead of helping Meredith, Amanda and Raf then got turned on sexually by witnessing Rudy assault Meredith, so Amanda grabbed Raf's kitchen knife which she carries in her purse at all times, and the three of them stabbed the poor girl to death. Ridiculous.
Can you give me the gist of the scenario you believe? I mean anything will sound better than the judge's report. <modsnip>

The thing that gets me is that the same people who don't believe Amanda could give a false confession, also believe in a preposterous scenario such as the one in the judge's report. False confessions are well documented and Amanda's account of what happened bares all the hallmarks of one. But the scenario presented above is unprecedented. Why the incredulity towards something that is a recognized and well-documented phenomenon, but not towards the scenario it would take to involve all three together murdering Meredith of which there has never been anything like it before?
I have a feeling you will find any scenario with 3 attackers unbelievable ;) Like I said I am not taking the murder scenario as a starting point and you know very well that there is a lot we can't simply know for sure. Walking around with the knife for self protection doesn't make sense to me either. But this doesn't mean the judges are incompetent. Maybe it means that they should have paid a bit more attention to this detail. I don't know. I understand AK defenders jumping on these errors and trying to blow them up. It doesn't change my focus though on who killed Meredith Kercher which is the most important.

I have no problem with different opinions but if you find anything ridiculous, investigators/police/judges/prosecutors/scientist and I don't know who else incompetent or even corrupt then that leaves no space for me to argue anything. Will the knife be allowed by the 2 scientist who are currently investigating it? If yes, then just add 2 more scientist to the incompetence pile. If no, we have 2 super scientist ready for the scientist award of the year :) Will the appeal court confirm the sentences? If yes, another corrupt/incompetent court. If they are released, the best court ever.

For example, it was proven in court that the bathmat footprint was not AK's and RG's, and that it was compatible with RS. Yet, internet posters are convinced that it was RG even though it is described very well in the judges report that there are several characteristics that absolutely exclude him. There has not been one single judge who ever suggested it was RG's footprint. RG went to several trials and up to the Supreme Court that footprint was not considered his. What then will it take to proof that the bathmat footprint was not RG's? How many more scientists or judges does it take to proof any evidence that point to the involvement of AK+RS?

P.S. No I never posted on any JREF forum. I understand I didn't chose the most unique username but I don't think I can change it.
I think Amanda had been asked to envision something with Patrick, so I see the police as behind this. As for the RS idea he wrote to his family that he "accidentally pricked Meredith"-YES that is very, very bothersome. That kind of talk indicates either some kind of guilt, or the Asperger autism theory of mind...

Is there an MSM link indicating it was likely that RS has Asperger's? Any autism experts who worked with him discuss this? Any documented indications that he had been diagnosed as such?
But SMK,
If the police asked you to imagine a murder scene... would you use first person language (as AK did) or say someone else may have done it, but you don't know because you are 'imagining' things?????? Even if a police suggestion. Asking what 'you' would have said.

I've been reading this book:


The authors discuss how Bundy was asked to "imagine" what might have happened during some of the crimes he was suspected of committing. He did so, and he used the third-person language.
For what it's worth...your comment just reminded me of that.
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