Warren Jeffs FLDS compound in Texas surrounded by police #3

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Personally I don't think Warren Jeffs is charismatic. He just happened to be Rulon Jeff's son, and thus in a position to usurp his pa's role as leader and use that power to control and intimidate. His favorite hero is hitler, he's a racist and he's a serial abuser. He and his henchmen are also cowards.
Now that is odd. She was arrested for an incident that supposedly happened in Feb. of this year.
Who was?

It doesn't matter if the phone call was a hoax, whether the girl exists or not, CPS acted in good faith and once in the ranch they found probable cause and the warrants were granted by the judge, who had to sign them. They didn't just yank the children out of there on a whim. They had to have something to convince the Judge to sign those warrants.
Who was?

It doesn't matter if the phone call was a hoax, whether the girl exists or not, CPS acted in good faith and once in the ranch they found probably cause and the warrants were granted by the judge, who had to sign them. They didn't just yank the children out of there on a whim. They had to have something to convince the Judge to sign those warrants.

Thats what I was thinking, but then I started to doubt myself. New info on it is suppose to be released tomorow by texas rangers, so maybe they are going to say that there is no connection!??! Lets hope, cause they left colerodo without filing charges.

BTW Molly see the link I posted for info on the arrest.
Ladybass, I can't watch video because of my very slow dial-up connection. But, I got the gist of it by what you said. I agree that it seems that the searches were legal and should not be thrown out. I am hoping that the video suggesting that there was a hoax turns out to be a hoax itself.


I sure hope so, but if not I am sure Texas still has a case.
Thats what I was thinking, but then I started to doubt myself. New info on it is suppose to be released tomorow by texas rangers, so maybe they are going to say that there is no connection!??! Lets hope, cause they left colerodo without filing charges.

BTW Molly see the link I posted for info on the arrest.
Oh I see.

"The Texas Rangers were in Colorado Springs as part of their investigation involving the compound in Texas. The Colorado Springs Police Department says it cannot discuss the Texas case." "The affidavit for the case in Colorado Springs has been sealed, but Jessop says police arrested Swinton for making false calls somewhere in Colorado, claiming to be an abused child."

Whatever the Rangers were in CSprings for may not even be related to her but to something that was found during the search.
More details on Swinton.

ABC News reported on its website Thursday night that former Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints member Flora Jessop, who operates a rescue mission for teenage girls trying to escape the sect, told Texas authorities she had gotten calls from a girl claiming to be an abused member named Sarah.

A girl with that same name made the original calls for help to a San Angelo, Texas, hotline, sparking the raid in which 416 children were taken into protective custody.

Jessop told ABC News that the Texas Rangers directed her to record the calls and the Texas Rangers traced those calls to Colorado Springs.

Though announcing the Rangers' involvement, Colorado Springs Police declined to elaborate on the Texas link, and records into Swinton's Colorado Springs case have been sealed by a judge.

Regardless if this video is true, This still will not do anything to the case. Because, when they went in originally they were looking for a sarah. They had the search warrnet and acted in good faith, to look for sarah and anything that pertained to her. When they found that the other children were being abused, they went and got another search warrent. The authorites went in under "valid suspicion" or "Just cause" They went in originally "in good faith" which means that they did not go in to delbritly harrass these people.. How were they to know that if in fact this story is true, that it was a hoax? How were they to know that???? CPS has a duty to investigate ALL claims of abuse, and thats what they were doing. So this "new development" will not affect the case one bit. Because there was bause going on, therefore the warrents still Stand.

Also how would this woman know that there was a Sarah on the property?? That she had an 8 month old??? And that she was preganant again??? That her husband was Dale barlow???To me it seems to be pretty far fetched to believe that she is connected to the phone call. There is just to much that was confirmed, that the 16 year old did tell them???

Also........when the women at the YFZ ranch were asked about Sarah, they initially said there was no one there by that name. Then, when they invited the media into the ranch and allowed interviews, there was confirmation from the women that Sarah existed. One woman said, "yes Sarah was there but she got mad and left", and another woman said, "yes, but she didn't like it here and is a traitor!" That last comment was said with a lot of anger.
Well at least they're checking it out and following leads.

Rozita Swinton was arrested at her home Wednesday evening on charges of false reporting in a local case, but Texas Rangers were present for the arrest"

"Colorado Springs Police said Swinton's Wednesday arrest was on local charges involving calls in which she claimed to be an abused child being held in a basement."

If she made the calls to Texas and Arizona, doing it as a prank or whatever, why would she have chosen to pretend to be an FLDS member? I wonder if she has any knowledge of their lifestyle to begin with.
Also........when the women at the YFZ ranch were asked about Sarah, they initially said there was no one there by that name. Then, when they invited the media into the ranch and allowed interviews, there was confirmation from the women that Sarah existed. One woman said, "yes Sarah was there but she got mad and left", and another woman said, "yes, but she didn't like it here and is a traitor!" That last comment was said with a lot of anger.
Yes, and regardless, if CPS gets an anonymous complaint they have to check it out. Those women did seem rather nasty with that comment.
So it is possible that the original caller was real. And it is possible that this Swinton character heard the girl's name and made calls using her name hoping to get the Colorado compound raided.

Hey, someone mentioned the neighbor who was so upset about the FLDS building a fence and blocking their view. What was the neighbor's name?

This Swinton woman seems to really have it out for the Colorado compound if she was arrested for a Feb. incident and if authorities have traced the recent calls to Jessop to this woman's address. That is a 2 month vendetta.
So it is possible that the original caller was real. And it is possible that this Swinton character heard the girl's name and made calls using her name hoping to get the Colorado compound raided.

Hey, someone mentioned the neighbor who was so upset about the FLDS building a fence and blocking their view. What was the neighbor's name?
You might be on to something here. I don't recall the neighbor's name. Is that compound near CSprings?
Edited to add: if the original caller is legit and when the raid occurred this person saw it on the news and heard about Sarah and what she told CPS she could have started calling then. I'm sure they'll look at the timing of her calls, when they started, who she called and how often.
Well at least they're checking it out and following leads.

Rozita Swinton was arrested at her home Wednesday evening on charges of false reporting in a local case, but Texas Rangers were present for the arrest"

"Colorado Springs Police said Swinton's Wednesday arrest was on local charges involving calls in which she claimed to be an abused child being held in a basement."

If she made the calls to Texas and Arizona, doing it as a prank or whatever, why would she have chosen to pretend to be an FLDS member? I wonder if she has any knowledge of their lifestyle to begin with.

She supposedly has an obsession over the FLDS....
I have been looking at news articles and trying to find the name of the neighbor who objected about the privacy fence because it blocked his view. So far I haven't found a name.
Starting a new thread here. Less confusing for tomorow I think.

Hopefully a mod can lock this one please.
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