Warren Jeffs to return to Schleicher County TX to face charges

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
He's doing the ol' "answer them nothing".

Gave NO Opening Statement.

At this rate at least it will be a quick trial, lol
What's with Warren Jeffs' silent treatment?
The Polygamy Blog
Lindsay Whitehurst

So what's Warren Jeffs doing, first by firing all his high-profile lawyers, insisting on representing himself and then sitting silently as the trial begins?

Is he trying to "manipulate the court" into giving him a trial delay, as Judge Barbara Walther said?

Or is he just protesting the whole thing, as he implied by saying "I continue to reject these continued proceedings"?

DNA evidence, ‘sex tape’ implicate Jeffs, prosecutors say
By Lindsay Whitehurst
The Salt Lake Tribune

San Angelo, Texas • After he fired his team of high-profile attorneys, Warren Jeffs sat silent Thursday as Texas prosecutors began to lay out evidence that he sexually assaulted two underage girls — including an audiotape of one alleged assault on a 12-year-old.

The state also has DNA evidence that he fathered a child with a 15-year-old girl, said prosecutor Eric Nichols.

gosanangelo GoSanAngelo.com
Judge called recess, asked standby counsel to come consult w #Warrenjeffs at about 11:40.
1 minute ago

lwhitehurst Lindsay Whitehurst
#WarrenJeffs continued to interrupt states response to his hour long objection, finally judge called recess #polygamy #utah #Texas
1 minute ago

DNewsCrimeTeam DNews Crime Team
RT @gosanangelo: #Warrenjeffs objection speech lasted about 55 min. Ended when state stood to speak. During response, Jeffs interrupted at least five times.
41 seconds ago

gosanangelo GoSanAngelo.com
Also, state said #Warrenjeffs issue w/ 2008 YFZ Ranch raid is moot bc judge allowed all evidence from raid in extensive pretrial hearings
3 minutes ago »

gosanangelo GoSanAngelo.com
State tore down #Warrenjeffs 1st amendment objections, saying courts have consistently ruled against polygamy, sex w/ children....
4 minutes ago

I say throw this pedophile into Charles Manson's cell for the rest of his evil life. They are cut from the same cloth and have so much in common to talk about. Evil, pure evil.
Uh this isnt North Korea, he is presumed innocent until proven otherwise. Sometimes I wonder what kind of world we would live in if some of what I read on these forums became a reality, certainly not a world that interests me.

Like him or not this is America and he has a right to a fair trial.

The burn him at the stake before he is proven guilty approach didnt work with Casey and it isnt going to work with Jeffs.

I know not everyone agrees with the Constitution but it IS the law of the land, there are plenty of other places in the world that dont respect human rights, we dont need to add to the list.

If Jeffs is proven guilty then by all means he should be punished for it but we do not know that he is guilty we only know what the state tells us and we all know how that worked out in the Anthony case, the state was proven to be as big a liar as she is. Let the evidence speak for itself.
would an audiotape of the rape convince you? DNA of the parents and baby?

i think that will be pretty powerful evidence.
If only we could be watching this fiasco.
"Maybe #WarrenJeffs needs a dictionary to understand the difference between prosecution and persecution."
21 minutes ago

"But...this is not a threat Your Honor, this is a revelation!"
22 minutes ago

"Only someone from within the #FLDS can fully understand the underlying meanings embedded in #WarrenJeffs speeches or sermons."
39 minutes ago

"So #WarrenJeffs is now threatening "Gentiles" with banishment."
40 minutes ago

"#WarrenJeffs tells the jury that when he takes over he will put them all away. In FLDS "to put away" means to banish or place in exile."
41 minutes ago

"Tonight I will be a guest on @DrDrewHLN discussing the #WarrenJeffs trial."
47 minutes ago

Source: http://twitter.com/#!/florajessop
Jeffs threatening the jury:

#WarrenJeffs says god "shall send a scourge upon the counties of prosecutorial zeal that to be humbled by sickness and death"

16 minutes ago

BREAKING: #WarrenJeffs reads statement he says is from god in court
20 minutes ago

From http://twitter.com/#!/lwhitehurst
SomeRandomChick SomeRandomChick
"Sweet, sweet retribution that 11 women now sit in judgement of Warren Jeffs."
1 minute ago

florajessop Flora Jessop
"People need to understand that Warren Jeffs is offended that the judge is female."
4 hours ago
This reads better from the bottom up:

"FLDS men sat in hallway this afternoon when evidence from temple was introduced."
9 minutes ago

"Will be back in court Monday morning."
22 minutes ago

"The judge told Warren Jeffs he could be removed if he threatened the jury."
24 minutes ago

"Let this cease lest you bring forth an eternal power of judgment upon your own lives. This being instructed by my God."
26 minutes ago

"I shall send a scourge upon the counties of prosecutorial zeal to be humbled by sickness and death..."
28 minutes ago

"from you. I am to God overall that speaketh. I shall judge you. I shall let all people know of your unjust ways..."
30 minutes ago

"...prosecution against my holy way. Let it stop now! To continue to be a persecution against my church I will wrest power..."
32 minutes ago

"Warren Jeffs' proclamation from God, read in court without the jury present, follows: "I the lord God of heaven call upon you to cease this..."
34 minutes ago

"3 security guys stepped forward in courtroom when Warren Jeffs continued to interrupt. Is he hoping to get dragged out of the courtroom?"
4 hours ago

From http://twitter.com/#!/Katy_Vine
He is refusing to recognize the courts jurisdiction over him, no surprise there, anyone could have seen that coming. He simply wont recognize the proceedings or cooperate with them, by doing this, no matter the outcome, he will forever be a martyr to his followers. They really cant beat him this way, he wins no matter what.

Did anyone really expect him to get up and defending himself like any other lawyer would? Warren Jeffs has very strong and fundamnetal religious beliefs, he doesnt see what he did, whatever it may be, as being wrong, according to his religion he did what his God commanded him to, really no different than what Jesus or any other religious zealot did in their own time and place, they simply do not recognize the powers that be and therefore they have no authority over them, locking them up or even killing them means nothing to them, it only makes them more powerful in the eyes of their followers because they were persecuted for their religious beliefs.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFn8_CeERU4"]Jeffs on trial[/ame]
Click on "Watch on YouTube".
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lx8O1FXGLx8"]Living with Jeffs[/ame]​
gosanangelo GoSanAngelo.com
#warrenjeffs judge will not step down, said she checked with another Judge and looked at supreme Court law
12 minutes ago »

gosanangelo GoSanAngelo.com
#warrenjeffs motion to remove his judge his third, is 16 pages, mostly what he calls new revelation from God, check gosanangelo for doc soon
29 minutes ago »

gosanangelo GoSanAngelo.com
Sam Brower, who has written a book against #warrenjeffs is in court spectating
1 hour ago »

gosanangelo GoSanAngelo.com
Lyle Jeffs, an FLDS bishop, is in court #warrenjeffs
1 hour ago »

gosanangelo GoSanAngelo.com
Flora Jessop is at #warrenjeffs trial, she is a former FLDS member, said what Jeffs says is "coded"
1 hour ago »

gosanangelo GoSanAngelo.com
#warrenjeffs just filed a third motion for recusal
1 hour ago
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogbyfiIcNdg"]Jeffs trial on hold after motion[/ame]
that argument is so irritating.

their religion says nothing about what age the wife should be when they marry them. there's no reason they couldn't marry an 18 year old, instead of a 12 or 15 year old. :maddening:

I am outraged at the horrors that go on in the flds compounds. I have been reading the reports of some of the women who came out and who are instrumental in Warren Jeffs or any of them being prosecuted in the first place. Babies are terrorized and abused. Girls and boys are sexually molested by family members and non. Women are property and have no rights. I am sickened and outraged. At first, I was sure that he didn't have a chance in Texas, the Bible belt. Texas has a high conviction rate for trials. Don't mess with Texas is our motto. BUT, Texas sent those children back to the abuse! The judge is letting this pervert preach in the courtroom! I am very worried.
Uh this isnt North Korea, he is presumed innocent until proven otherwise. Sometimes I wonder what kind of world we would live in if some of what I read on these forums became a reality, certainly not a world that interests me.

Like him or not this is America and he has a right to a fair trial.

The burn him at the stake before he is proven guilty approach didnt work with Casey and it isnt going to work with Jeffs.

I know not everyone agrees with the Constitution but it IS the law of the land, there are plenty of other places in the world that dont respect human rights, we dont need to add to the list.

If Jeffs is proven guilty then by all means he should be punished for it but we do not know that he is guilty we only know what the state tells us and we all know how that worked out in the Anthony case, the state was proven to be as big a liar as she is. Let the evidence speak for itself.

Witness and victims statements are evidence. I have heard all the evidence I need to hear to say he is GUILTY! Oh, also there is the DNA from the child he fathered by a minor child. Evidence of GUILT.

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