Warren Jeffs to return to Schleicher County TX to face charges

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
THAT is incorrect. They were talking about the Short Creek area. That is the neighboring towns of Hildale, CO and Colorado City, AZ. That is where a large enclave of flds live. Many of their city officials and LE are flds.

Warren hand picked his elite from there and moved them to Eldorado, TX. That compound does have walls, gates, security and is in an isolated area. It would be very difficult to escape. But the flds there have phones and computers, and shop at Walmart. The men have successful companies and work for the general public.

Leave Texas alone. They have done NOTHING wrong. moo

What CO and AZ don't have is the temple that was built on the YFZ ranch. There is also an incinerator in there, which some former member believe was planned for exterminating flds "citizens". Also, I read that Warren's father's only complaint about his son is that he read so much about Hitler :( Thank God he has been convicted but some have set up a shrine and replica of his prison cell with a cut out of Warren Jeffs, and he will probably still control them from prison. Former members believe the children are in danger because of what might happen next.
Ita, my husband just said " Well, at least, Texas knows how to take care of business."

He has been almost as upset with the FCA verdict as most of us.

Let ALL the truth be told in the penalty phase.

I think that if the CA trial had been in Texas she would have been convicted and given a life sentence.
Well we will have to hear what the witnesses say first before I can form an opinion on that. The DNA is not conclusive, the state has even admitted that, it only shows that Jeffs is the POSSIBLE father of them, not 100% conclusive but certainly something to consider with rest of evidence to paint overall picture, I admit. The tape, I havent heard it so I have no idea what to say about that, tapes can be faked, not saying this one was, I would need to hear it and hear from experts to form an educated opinion about it.

As for the other post about the 3 floors of the temple, earthly, sky and all white. That makes sense since Mormons believe in the 3 realms, that of the earthly, the heavenly (sky tone) and the Celestial (all white) which is where most good Mormons, especially males, end up.

I will also admit if that picture is accurate and there is a bed on the 3rd floor in what appears to be some sort of priestly ceremonial type room that doesnt look good for them, while it is circumstantial at best and I refuse to speculate about it I will say that it does make the mind wander a bit as to what purpose a bed would serve in such a place. Again, if is this real, it doesnt look good for the FLDS and Jeffs in particular.

Pax you're killin' me. I know it's in your bones to defend but pick someone other than Jeffs. It looks like a pretty good 99.9% that he's kissed, kanoodled, and raped young girls in the name of religion - there are photos, he doesn't hide the fact that there are marriage ceremonies for the young wives and there's a tape, which you state under some bizarro minute indescribably small chance could have been faked???. Sometimes - not always - trial is like the grand formality. Let's face it man, some of the people who go to trial are GUILTY GASP!!!! There's a freaking mountain of evidence and instead of just throwing away the key, we give them a trial. That's fair. When we, as public observers, see overwhelming evidence of guilt, we are allowed to infer whatever we like because we aren't jurors.

Jeffs and his whole operation are seriously creepy. Why you would pick this pastey poor posture perv is beyond me...it's a no brainer. The Catholic church? The outrage you seek is probably on another thread, but there is plenty of outrage for what the church has refused to acknowledge.

And another thing old friend, when you stand on your soap box and use The Constitution to make your points don't forget about my Second Amendment Rights you would so easily trample.
Can anybody say whether those girls are still being abused? Is that bed still in the temple and being used?

(love your avatar, Leah)

I heard someone on HLN say that he is still running the compound from jail, so I would bet that they are still doing it. He may be the head honcho but he's got elders under him, who are probably running things under his direction.
I'm so glad this pervert was convicted, and I hope it sends a message to the rest of his followers and they wake up and realize this is just wrong. I got literally sick to my stomach hearing about the mother helping to hold her 12 y.o. daughter down while he was raping her. They're all sick! Who would want to watch something like that going on??!!
Where is the outrage towards the Catholic Church which has abused many more children than the FLDS will ever be capable of. Lets raid the Vatican and put the Pope on trial.

Oh I forgot, they are not a 'cult' so its ok...

Oh PAXIMUS...there you go again trying to be a voice of reason...

If you hadnt guessed it yet you soon will, this case is different.

Somehow it tittillates previously dormant nerve endings until facts just dont seem to matter.

Nevermind that Texas CPS has a worse record of sexually abusing children then FLDS ever dreamed of. You will still see people screaming for the children of this "cult" to be removed from their family and "placed" by CPS so they can be raped and sodomized and in some cases even murdered in their mainstream American foster homes. Nevermind!

Nevermind that mainstream America practices its own brand of polygamy (serial polygamy) leaving behind a trail of ex wives/husbands and confused children. Nevermind!

Nevermind that the persistant rumor that the polygamist wives in the Texas compound were supposedly recieving federal aid was found to be untrueand nevermind that there are millions of taxpayer dollars going in "aid" to a few already rich land owners out west to subsidize the wild horse program. Now there is a bunch of wasted federal aid people could really get gbehind doing something about. But no, better to leave alone those wealthy ranchers who chuckle over our mainstream niativity! Again? Nevermind!

PAXIMUS I see you here trying to remain calm and look cooly at the facts. I see that you grasp the basic concept that

a) If one persons rights are violated - every persons are
b) That the judicial process must rise above the fray of heated public opinion

I dont know if you are a man or a woman but silly PAXIMUS! You probably wouldnt have gone along with the Salem witch trials either!

Or the the decimation of the American Indians (more polygamy!) until their culture and ways were no more.

You probably would have even shed a tear for the Aborigines wouldnt you? If you were Australian - which you may or not be- either way, I digress.

Just remember, THIS is how we like our whitebread polygamy:


Sometimes a picture really is worth a 1000 words

Carry on PAX!
Forgot about this,

Never said it was but due process is. While there is no 'presumption of innocence' spelled out per se, in the 6th amendment, the law does require that the state prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt and until such a time that they do so the law requires that the defendent be presumed innocent. It is a legal right of anyone accused of a crime in the United States of America.

That's not in the Constitution neither, and I never said that wasn't the law.

Its nice that you 'know' these things, but it doesnt matter what you or anyone else 'knows',

Sure it does. It matters to reality, to history.

what matters in our system of jurisprudence is whether the state can prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.

And I was talking about what I know "regardless of what the court says." No kidding, judges and jurors decide the verdict, but they don't have the last word on reality.

For example, in the case Florida v Casey Anthony, the state failed miserably in that regard and as a result the jury acquitted the defendant in short order, and rightfully so.

In your opinion, they did. In my opinion, the jury failed miserably.

I recall a lot of people 'knowing' the earth was flat at one time and that it was the center of the universe too

So? I was talking about what I know, not some people. Besides, a lot of people also knew water is wet and quenches thirst, and they still do.

And people believed those things about the earth without good reason. They were making ill-informed guesses. You're making a false comparison.

so its a good thing that we dont depend on that when it comes to taking away people's freedom and liberty

Yes we do, we depend on what some people believe, you know, the jurors. Did you just forget your speech about jurisprudence?

otherwise there would be a lot more innocent people locked up in our prisons than there already is.


I would guess that the state will be more successful in the prosecution of Jeffs especially since he has now chosen to represent himself,

That's the only reason? The evidence has nothing to do with it?

and if the evidence shows he did what he is accused of he certainly should be held accountable for that.

Good news, it does and he will be.
Will he be in general population? I hope so....
He got life plus 20 years!!! Thank you Jurors!!!!

And it only took the jury 30 minutes! Great! Now, why wasn't he charged with sex trafficking? Girls and women were moved from state to state for these pervs.
My hopes for the future for the hundreds and thousands of people who have been so deceived by this convicted sexual predator of children include the following:
1) Expose the adults and those children who were forced into marriage as minors to WSJ to his own voice on those tapes that were played in court.
2) Bring the children to appropriate public education/schools
3) Offer life skills education to all of those who were deprived of formal education/handling finances/working with governmental agencies to ensure health/safety/welfare as well as literacy, securing appropriate permits and bringing their homes up to code, etc.
4) Funding for these services should come from a) UEP and FLDS holdings and secondly from b) the LDS (Mormon) church as it was their historical roots that created this demon named WSJ. As much as the LDS church wants to distance themselves from the FLDS and WSJ - they have to own that the only pathway to celestial marriage was to be sealed to an exhalted member of their closed community.
Now can someone who knows more than I do is this going to put him in for life or will he be eligble for parole in a few years?
He is still facing charges in other states...I suspect that will not go well for him either.
If this is inappropriate please remove the post mods but it is true.

If you read the book Amazon.com: Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith (9781400032808): Jon Krakauer: Books what Warren Jeffs was doing is close to what Joseph Smith wanted in the church. This is why JS is played down and Brigham Young is played up.

Smith was tarred and feathered by a town for having relations with a fifteen year old farmers daughter. A doctor was going to castrate him but chickened out. Smith, who claimed to get his directions from God himself, said that polygamy is ok but the vast majority of followers were disgusted by that.

This is a BRILLIANT book. I read it in one sitting at Borders, then bought it and read it again.
This is a BRILLIANT book. I read it in one sitting at Borders, then bought it and read it again.

Yes it is! It is an excellent book-I bought it and read it, still have it. Same goes for "Escape" by Carolyn Jessop and "Stolen Innocence" by Elissa Wall.
Not for the weak though-very graphic and heartbreaking.

So glad that $#$%$ will die in prison!

this has been a long time coming...such a very long time

Nobody is talking about the Pringle, SD compound and that scares me. They have built housing for thousands of people, a temple etc in Pringle. I think they are/have/will soon move large numbers of people to the SD compound. It is fenced and has guard towers. Nobody leaves it, they are 100% self sufficient. Much easier to keep people in and outsiders-out. The well went bust so just recently they started having to drive a big truck to Hot Springs to get water until they get the well fixed. I personally think they will move them from Colorado City then destroy the old Jeffs grounds to get rid of evidence.
Nobody is talking about the Pringle, SD compound and that scares me. They have built housing for thousands of people, a temple etc in Pringle. I think they are/have/will soon move large numbers of people to the SD compound. It is fenced and has guard towers. Nobody leaves it, they are 100% self sufficient. Much easier to keep people in and outsiders-out. The well went bust so just recently they started having to drive a big truck to Hot Springs to get water until they get the well fixed. I personally think they will move them from Colorado City then destroy the old Jeffs grounds to get rid of evidence.

I didn't know about that one in SD.....I am glad that you mentioned it. I am also concerned about the compound in Bountiful BC, it is just across the border from Sandpoint, Idaho and there are white vans full of teen girls transported through the Border Patrol gates very frequently. Each compound has an acting "prophet" and they exchange children and young women between the compounds to reduce elements of in-breeding. Two of WSJ's 12 year old wives came from the Canadian compound. FBI, local and State LE know of the transporting of children across State and are somewhat "helpless" in intervening in this sex trade of women and children.

My heart goes out to the good people in these compounds as they have been so deceived by their so called "Prophets". They are so cloistered and controlled and manipulated they have very little opportunity to know the truth.
And it only took the jury 30 minutes! Great! Now, why wasn't he charged with sex trafficking? Girls and women were moved from state to state for these pervs.

To be prosecuted under the Mann Act they'll need to seek charges in Federal court.

IMO the Feds should go after Jeffs and his cronies under RICO, too.
Message to Jeffs: Don't fight it Jeffs, it is God's Will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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