Was a stun gun used in the crime or not

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DNA Solves

Was a stun gun used in this crime?

  • Yes

    Votes: 43 25.6%
  • No

    Votes: 125 74.4%

  • Total voters
As TLynn so stuningly suggested on the Revisiting My Old Theory thread, why would Mrs. Stanton wake her husband from a deep sleep, if it was NOT A REAL LIFE SCREAM, duh! Now if I woke my husband from a deep sleep and told him I had received negative energy from JonBenet who lived nearby, he woulda shoved me outta the bed mumbling. As I recall her hubby got up and went to the window and heard a scraping sound, wonder if that was where the stun gun was put down a storm vent in the street, er huh. Next time I am in Boulder I will check out the manhole covers near the olde Ramsey house.

BC I was not remembering your position about a stun gun, time has weakened my mind on details.

BUT, but, but, would it not be really really interesting IF IF the missing non existant 'Traditional Christmas Video' held a view of a person within the Ramsey Household unwrapping a STUN GUN GIFT, hmmm. We know, (don't WE?) that Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey picked up either literature or a training video on the use of a stun gun, when on a trip, or am I hallucinating again?

What with all of the crime, and of course the movie 'Ransom' musta evoked trembling fear within their corporate souls. But wait, nooooooooo, they did not even activate their home alarm when they went nighty night Christmas night, with all the valuable gifts they had received on Christmas.

I always kinda thought they left it deactivated because a member of the family was still OUT when they retired for the night, color me silly with your little crayolas, er huh?

Camper said:
BUT, but, but, would it not be really really interesting IF IF the missing non existant 'Traditional Christmas Video' held a view of a person within the Ramsey Household unwrapping a STUN GUN GIFT, hmmm. We know, (don't WE?) that Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey picked up either literature or a training video on the use of a stun gun, when on a trip, or am I hallucinating again?

Interesting thought, Camper. Like maybe JAR...who "wasn't there on Christmas morning"? Hmmm...
BlueCrab: "Dark Knight,

Yes, three hits from a stun gun on a little six-year-old 45-pound girl is extreme. And maybe that's why JonBenet is dead. Stun guns can kill."

Which of these actions: Erotic Asphyxiation, Head Trauma, or Stun Gun, do you consider to have resulted in the accidental death of JonBenet?
UKGuy said:
BlueCrab: "Dark Knight,

Yes, three hits from a stun gun on a little six-year-old 45-pound girl is extreme. And maybe that's why JonBenet is dead. Stun guns can kill."

Which of these actions: Erotic Asphyxiation, Head Trauma, or Stun Gun, do you consider to have resulted in the accidental death of JonBenet?
I hardly think bashing a kids skull with such force as to crack it is accidental. Unless it was a fit of rage. I mean this isn't meant to be a funny subject but picture this. She screams he bashes her over the head yelling shut up then CRACK oops her skull cracked...oh well. That just doesn't make sense at all. There were so many other ways to supress her
ManInTheBox said:
I hardly think bashing a kids skull with such force as to crack it is accidental. Unless it was a fit of rage. I mean this isn't meant to be a funny subject but picture this. She screams he bashes her over the head yelling shut up then CRACK oops her skull cracked...oh well. That just doesn't make sense at all. There were so many other ways to supress her
The cracking of the skull could have been accidental earlier on, say by Burke swinging something, or one of the parents getting mad and hitting her, and knocking her down, for that matter. So the theory is that the rest of the stuff was nothing more than staging to cover up the accidental death from breaking the skull.
Dark Knight said:
The cracking of the skull could have been accidental earlier on, say by Burke swinging something, or one of the parents getting mad and hitting her, and knocking her down, for that matter. So the theory is that the rest of the stuff was nothing more than staging to cover up the accidental death from breaking the skull.
I meant if u were looking at it from an intruder point of view.
Common sense will indicate that the marks are stun gun injuries. If someone gets an abrasion its usually singular and not in a pattern of multiples. Given that a 6 year old's body heals quickly, how could she get the abrasions on her back and near her ear through her clothing on Christmas eve, if not from a stun gun?
vicktor said:
Common sense will indicate that the marks are stun gun injuries. If someone gets an abrasion its usually singular and not in a pattern of multiples. Given that a 6 year old's body heals quickly, how could she get the abrasions on her back and near her ear through her clothing on Christmas eve, if not from a stun gun?

Maybe, from something other than a stun gun?
Wecht - who is a pretentious LIAR - is now salaried by Taser - go to their WEBSITE! See for yourself. If he said she was the victim of a stun gun - would they put that guy on SALARY? He is being paid to keep saying his NO STUN GUN opinion. He also covered his *advertiser censored* about the molestation. On video he said, "It wasn't going on for weeks or months." You bet it wasn't. The girl had interstitial cystitis - most bedwetters do. It irritates the bladder, and the urethra. He specifically said that she was a virgin. They found a tiny piece of latex glove and talc. That could have been left by the first CRIMINALIST on the scene who was a tall blonde woman with long hair and white glasses wearing blue overalls and blue jacket and black shoes. I taped it because she looks like she could be the PERP's identical twin sister!
I was accosted by a creepy guy in a movie house with a stun gun. I am very short and was slouching in my seat. Only two people were in the theatre. I was in the last row wearing a watch cap - it was winter. The creep was in the FIRST ROW. He came all the way to the last row - and came at me with a stun gun.
When he realized I was a woman - and not a little kid - he ran out. He did not leave the theatre. The cops did NOTHING. Two months later a woman was murdered. The cops did NOTHING. They hadn't even filed my report even though they talked to the guy. He was given 20 minutes to gio from theatre to theatre and ditch the stun gun.
BigAppleDetective said:
I was accosted by a creepy guy in a movie house with a stun gun. I am very short and was slouching in my seat. Only two people were in the theatre. I was in the last row wearing a watch cap - it was winter. The creep was in the FIRST ROW. He came all the way to the last row - and came at me with a stun gun.
When he realized I was a woman - and not a little kid - he ran out. He did not leave the theatre. The cops did NOTHING. Two months later a woman was murdered. The cops did NOTHING. They hadn't even filed my report even though they talked to the guy. He was given 20 minutes to gio from theatre to theatre and ditch the stun gun.

BAD, go away.
I vote ya' stay BAD.
I am a little fuzzy on the tall elf stuff..but that's okay, did our "Claire" ever play in local theater? Was she ever in a production with one "RH".
BrotherMoon said:
Maybe, from something other than a stun gun?

Give us choices....vampire bites...plier marks...?
I did once believe they were plier marks, so suited to the bondage theme!
sissi said:
Give us choices....vampire bites...plier marks...?
I did once believe they were plier marks, so suited to the bondage theme!

Get an inventory of the basement, whatever made those marks was down there.
Thanks Brother..... we have to find our entertainment anyway we can....LOL.
I'm just picking on you today. I find your humor refreshing, it is your rude sarcasm I can live without..... ;)
BrotherMoon said:
However, I cannot.

betcha can ;)

Anyway.....wonder if BAD will come back? Strange that she jumped in here and gave us all this "information" and nothing else. All that just kind of freaked me out a bit, as it seemed to be something completely different from anything we have discussed here before (or since I have been here). I just enjoy seeing different points of view now and then.
BigAppleDetective said:
Wecht - who is a pretentious LIAR - is now salaried by Taser - go to their WEBSITE! See for yourself. If he said she was the victim of a stun gun - would they put that guy on SALARY? He is being paid to keep saying his NO STUN GUN opinion. He also covered his *advertiser censored* about the molestation. On video he said, "It wasn't going on for weeks or months." You bet it wasn't. The girl had interstitial cystitis - most bedwetters do. It irritates the bladder, and the urethra. He specifically said that she was a virgin. They found a tiny piece of latex glove and talc. That could have been left by the first CRIMINALIST on the scene who was a tall blonde woman with long hair and white glasses wearing blue overalls and blue jacket and black shoes. I taped it because she looks like she could be the PERP's identical twin sister!

----------------<><what Mr. Barnhill said about what the unidentified young man that he thought was JAR, was wearing other than the blue jacket?

Anyone know how tall JAR is/was?

Looks like another hit and miss poster, with only 12 posts.


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