Was BR involved? #2

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I have nothing pertinent to add... I'm waiting with baited breath for all the tv specials.... but i have to say OMG he looks so much like his mother, it is eerie.....

JUst put lipstick, mascara and a blond wig on him and that is probably how JB would look as an adult.


I've just posted this over in the media board.


Thought maybe I should put it here also.

So, he is confirming that both parents lied like rugs on numerous occasions about the events of that night and morning? Not that I ever doubted Patsy's lies, but her version is she saw the note and called 911. Why would she be searching Burkes room when she thinks JB was "kidnapped"? Oh and then there is the little matter of lying that Burke was asleep. After she went into his room crying for "her baby". Yeah, right.

I guess it is hard to keep all those lies straight.

No big surprise. Lies, lies and more lies. I am only surprised that he is contradicting the story that has been repeated for almost 20 years. I hope that gasbag Phil asks daddy about the lies.
In this case the lies and contradictions served a purpose of distraction from what really happened. IMO
They've all had years to study evidence, come up with explanations, synch up their stories, practice with PR coaches, etc. And Patsy is dead so they don't even have to mesh with her statements. They can just discount her memories as wrong or false. So really, I have no reason to believe anyone in the family (or their representatives), at this time. Further, BR speaking now is highly unlikely to be motivated by public interest in the case or sudden concern for justice for Jonbenet. He's got an agenda.

So color me skeptical of the truthfulness and validity of any and all R family interviews. Yet I am interested in how BR presents and speaks. I follow Statement Analysis to some extent and find it quite telling in many cases. But I'm sure all the R's have been prepped about how to speak in an unincriminating manner. I will be watching, though, for the SA analysts to dissect the interviews.
Good point Boodles. We shouldn't ignore that we also have our agendas too. I will personally approach the interview with cynicism as will most of us. I don't think I'll ever approach any part of this case with an open mind.
It would be great to get a body language expert to analyze the upcoming BR interviews Dr. Lillian Glass for example would be excellent for this.

Did anyone see the photo mock-up that Radar Online had a few days ago of how they'd imagine JonBenet would look now? I found it very distasteful and wrong.
This one gets my vote:
"I have to think that if Burke is willing to reveal his mom was frantically searching for JB sometime in the (darkness of) night, saying, "where's my baby, where's my baby", he fell completely for a very good act she was putting on as a ruse to try to fool both him and JR if she was involved in JB's death."

Since this is the first time that we've heard this activity performed by PR, it is interesting that BR says that his mom ran about searching for her baby.

I still have difficulty knowing there was poop on the box of candy in JBs room when she dialed 911 that morning. If she was looking for JB, why didn't she toss that stuff in the trash? Rather it be found in there than on JBs floor in her bedroom.

My #1 suspect has always been PDI all. Recently, I've been buying into the theme of others being present at the TOD simply b/c of the evidence that appears to exculpate PR which is that the DNA is a bit troubling on the bindings and JBs undies with male DNA. It is tiny a specimen of DNA we have but it is still present. It is DNA from 5 different males. Is this data on the DNA trustworthy?

I get what you're saying, DeDee. But the point here is that there's no way of knowing how old those DNA specimens are. I'll go out on a limb and say that none of them were left that night.
They've all had years to study evidence, come up with explanations, synch up their stories, practice with PR coaches, etc. And Patsy is dead so they don't even have to mesh with her statements. They can just discount her memories as wrong or false. So really, I have no reason to believe anyone in the family (or their representatives), at this time. Further, BR speaking now is highly unlikely to be motivated by public interest in the case or sudden concern for justice for Jonbenet. He's got an agenda.

So color me skeptical of the truthfulness and validity of any and all R family interviews. Yet I am interested in how BR presents and speaks. I follow Statement Analysis to some extent and find it quite telling in many cases. But I'm sure all the R's have been prepped about how to speak in an unincriminating manner. I will be watching, though, for the SA analysts to dissect the interviews.

I could have written this post. I agree that Statement Analysis has a lot to offer - not to the point some claim such as certain words = other meanings, but that evading questions, indirect denials, revealing priorities and the pattern of detail can be illuminating. So we will see what is of importance for Dr Phil and Burke to communicate when it comes to JonBenet's murder.
Burke saying that his mom ran into his room that night yelling 'where's my baby?' is not as revelatory as it seems. Both parents stated that they checked to see if JonBenet had gone to sleep in Burke's room as she sometimes did. As for the article saying it was 'night', that's probably a journalistic liberty referring to the early morning hours as still being nighttime.We know that Burke was at the very least awake that morning, so it wouldn't be surprising that he heard his parents enter his room or run about the house. No answer Burke gave to Dr. Phil in that interview will contain any revelations.
Good point Boodles. We shouldn't ignore that we also have our agendas too. I will personally approach the interview with cynicism as will most of us. I don't think I'll ever approach any part of this case with an open mind.

Probably watch it multiple times, with increasing cynicism.
DP's TV personna agitates, his show occupies the day time on my cable package,
usually avoid the DP show.
Will need a nice cuppa.

also I think DP might focus on BR accompanying JR on his mission work,
and BR might be as equally active in the CODIS registration cause, as is /was JR.
Bottom line, the Ramseys did not want the police to know that BR was awake at any point that morning and surely didn't want the police questioning him right away. Didn't BR tell the psychologist that he pretended to be asleep when French looked in his room? So, we have all known he was awake. This is not a bombshell. There won't be a bombshell. It's ratings week. DP needs something more than a bratty, unmanageable teen and dysfunctional, hapless, parents to score big numbers.

Where is Fleet White Now? The JonBenet Ramsey Case Witness Is Still Living In The Same State
Sep 1 2016

"A great deal of that reporting and speculation targeted innocent community members whose only connection to the crime was as cooperating witnesses. This includes the Fleet White, Jr. family of Boulder who
suffered embarrassment and damage to their reputations."

"Over the past couple of years, the media has left White and his wife alone. Given the long history of the case though, and the complicated relationships of those involved, it will be interesting to see if he and his family are
mentioned in the upcoming portrayals of the case."
I don't think Burke's Dr. Phil interview will change people's theories. Whether they think BDI or he didn't, the interview won't change their mind.

Unless there's some mind blowing revelation, which is unlikely.
I just hate to think about the world labeling BR as a killer if he had nothing to do with it. And if he did kill her, he was nine years old. As curious as I am to hear him speak, it seems so exploitive.

I blame the parents for covering up whatever happened. Then I ask myself whether I would cover for my child. I don't think so, but I might in the heat of a moment. Not that I'm saying I think BDI...just, if that was the case, I could almost understand. But the burden of such a lie on everyone would not have been worth it in the long run. I feel for BR, whatever the case may be.
I think that if you are on the fence about Burke, the interview could definitely make you lean a certain way. The Ramseys are hoping that the public will be sympathetic towards Burke after his interview, so no matter what is said during the intervew, the "Case Of" will be seen as sensational and cruel (if they do imply BDI). They are hoping that emotions will rule over logic.
DP teased that the show will be a cathartic experience.
Suggesting resolution?

adjective: cathartic

  • 1.
    providing psychological relief through the open expression of strong emotions; causing catharsis.
    "crying is a cathartic release"

  • 2.
    (chiefly of a drug) purgative.


noun: cathartic; plural noun: cathartics

  • 1.
    a purgative drug.

Watch the Chilling First Teaser for A&E's JonBenét Ramsey Documentary

​"There's no question that the Boulder Police Department believed we were the killers​."
I just hate to think about the world labeling BR as a killer if he had nothing to do with it. And if he did kill her, he was nine years old. As curious as I am to hear him speak, it seems so exploitive.

I blame the parents for covering up whatever happened. Then I ask myself whether I would cover for my child. I don't think so, but I might in the heat of a moment. Not that I'm saying I think BDI...just, if that was the case, I could almost understand. But the burden of such a lie on everyone would not have been worth it in the long run. I feel for BR, whatever the case may be.

My heart breaks for Burke. There is no evidence that Burke hurt his sister much less murdered her. If there was concrete evidence to actually prove his guilt he would have been arrested a long time ago. Imo, there is no proof he covered up anything either.

It must be hell on earth to be found guilty in the court of public opinion and from others wanting to make a name or $$$$ for themselves. There is no way to stop it. It must be unbearable pain/torture on top of the pain and suffering of losing someone they dearly loved in an horrific manner. Before many other cases were solved I saw it happen to others such as Mark Lunsford and his parents. I saw it when it happened to Steve Greone, Ed Smart, and his brother, Marlene Lamar and her boyfriend, Dan Horowitz, and others before the real suspect was finally captured and arrested. Until then those who were convinced of all of these family members' guilt were as convinced as they are about the guilt of the Ramsey involvement in this case.

Unsolved cases are the worst nightmare families face now if one of their loved one/s is murdered because most always they immediately are found guilty by the internet masses on social media. It has to affect a family member's psychological makeup knowing others think they are cold blooded murderers and they have no way to disprove it. What a helpless feeling that must be to walk around judged guilty without evidence.

I don't think this interview will change anyone's mind who is convinced Burke or his mom and dad were involved. In the past when innocent family members have also gone on shows like this they were excoriated even worse than they were before (if possible) and every new word was dissected, twisted, parsed and made into something negative and suspicious. I don't expect Burke's interview will be judged any differently than so many others before him.

If anything I hope this will be helpful for Burke to get it all out in the open whether others believe him or not. Maybe just opening up about it with Dr. Phil will result in some kind of much needed release. Although I detest DP and believe he just exploits for ratings those who have gone through horrific tragic events.

As long as this case remains unsolved people will be convinced of who they believe was the culprit/s. This is not the only case where this has happened. When BTK was finally caught and arrested ....a husband who had been deemed the killer of one of BTKs victims was finally out from under the cloud of suspicion even though it took him over 20+ years. He said it ruined his life and I am sure it did even though he was totally innocent all along..

Theories, speculation, assumptions do not happen in a court of law and they don't have to be proven BARD. Imo, the only way this case will ever be solved is if they find a match with the unidentified male DNA collected which has been entered into CODIS. However; all he has to do is make sure he never has any reason for his DNA to be collected, and if he does that this case will remain unsolved like so many other cases.

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