Was BR involved? #2

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- Burke said "maybe" to the question if he and JBR ate pineapple that day/night. He claims no memory either way.

- In his interview w/the psychologist at 9, Burke incorporated a knife or a hammer in what he thought happened to his sister.

- Burke denies ever being downstairs when the 911 call was made, or at any time that morning, claimed to be laying in his bed, said no one ever said to him, "we're not talking to you." This is in conflict with what Burke allegedly said in his GJ testimony when, after hearing the phone call played, he admitted it did sound like him (the voice heard in the background).

- Burke said he 'never read' the ransom note but has 'seen pictures of it.' He claims the hand writing doesn't look like his mom's because Patsy had very neat handwriting and the handwriting in the note looks sloppy.

- Burke denies ever hitting his sister on purpose, though there was an accident with a golf club where she was behind him and got hit in her cheek area.

- Burke said he never hit his sister with the train track (he said he couldn't even imagine how that might be done).

If you're into watching micro-expressions there were some good ones from Burke.

I have no idea what to think other than Burke presents as a bit of an odd smirky smiling duck. But that doesn't mean he killed his sister.

I really want to know what Candace De Long thinks about who did it.
DP: Your dad had said he used the
flash light that night to put you to bed
and then you snuck downstairs to play...

BR: I had some toy that I wanted
to put together......

confirms he was alone in basement

Does downstairs mean the basement? Or the 1st floor where likely the tree and presents were located?

Did he say that? On DP? That's a major red flag that there were some very shaky things going on in the home!

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I am wondering about this too. Did he say that he was also wetting his bed regularly at age 9? Unless there is a medical reason for this....yep...big red flag.
I watched part 1 of Dr. Phil last night. Someone is lying. When Dr. Phil asked Burke who told him that JonBenet was dead, he said it was his dad at one of their friends' house and that his dad told him she was in heaven and Burke stated that he 'began to cry." Well ... in the Ramsey's book in Patsy's own words she relays who told Burke that JonBenet was dead and how Burke reacted. She states that it was SHE that told him. She said that she put her arm around him and said, "Honey, JonBenet has gone to heaven" and said that Burke nodded his head and ran off to play. Both accounts cannot be the truth!
I think Burke was most definitely coached before this big interview. I think he was given every question and told exactly how to respond. But apparently Lin Wood and John Ramsey forgot to cross-check the Ramsey's own words of that account in their book!

I missed seeing Part 1. Is there a replay of it anywhere?
DP: Your dad had said he used the
flash light that night to put you to bed
and then you snuck downstairs to play...

BR: I had some toy that I wanted
to put together......

confirms he was alone in basement

So essentially BR is saying he was downstairs, in plain sight, while the intruder was in the house about to "kidnap" a R child for ransom? And he was spared for what reason?

I think the fact BR is admitting he was downstairs after he says his father put him to bed is a big revelation.
Patsy has that 'Susan Smith effect' during the first interview the Ramsey's gave...rolling her eyes back in her head while 'pleading'. (Maybe I am too jaded by following too many of these cases)

Burke said they both wet the bed. He thought that was normal for kids. (paraphrased)
Pardon me but more crazy then what happened in his own house on Christmas? Not the bizarre and brutal murder that would (or should) forever change the trajectory of his life? The media?

I have a real problem with the idea that the media and what the media did was the crazy part.
Oh, I'm not at ALL blaming the media!! I just haven't seen anyone mention that element, and it is significant. When I talk about the media, I'm not speaking of that night. I'm trying to give some perspective on what it's like to be followed, as a neurotypical human being. Add that to what happened to JB, and his possible involvement, and it's basically unimaginable, what he's like mentally.

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Does downstairs mean the basement? Or the 1st floor where likely the tree and presents were located?

I am wondering about this too. Did he say that he was also wetting his bed regularly at age 9? Unless there is a medical reason for this....yep...big red flag.
I think it's a red flag either way. A medical provider shouldn't be practicing if they're aware of a 9 year old (or 6 year old) wetting the bed regularly, and they aren't doing full work ups to find out why. If it's medical, he needs to be treated. If it's not, it's time to get more professionals involved.

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Burke was apparently seeing a psychologist or psychiatrist for some period of time well before the death of his sister. Those records were sealed so we don't know if his bed wetting was part of why he was seeing said professional. (source: Kolar's book)
ty Amy Pond

I'll have to watch it again

compared to what JR has said
Oh, I'm not at ALL blaming the media!! I just haven't seen anyone mention that element, and it is significant. When I talk about the media, I'm not speaking of that night. I'm trying to give some perspective on what it's like to be followed, as a neurotypical human being. Add that to what happened to JB, and his possible involvement, and it's basically unimaginable, what he's like mentally.

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Got it, thank you! Sorry for the misunderstanding!
Got it, thank you! Sorry for the misunderstanding!
No worries! I understand what you were thinking. :) And I may not be explaining my thoughts very well. Ha.

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Burke was apparently seeing a psychologist or psychiatrist for some period of time well before the death of his sister. Those records were sealed so we don't know if his bed wetting was part of why he was seeing said professional. (source: Kolar's book)
I know. I just don't know if whoever he was seeing was reliable as a neutral party. It seems that many people are "close" to the Ramseys, and helping them with their image. ;)

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IMO, after following this case closely, although not as closely as many, and seeing the first segment of Dr. Phil's interview and halfway through the second - I see BR looking/acting like the cat that swallowed the canary and daring anyone to doubt it. The look on his face is half smug and half fearful, IMO a dead giveaway.

IMO there was a LOT of disfunction going on, and not the usual disfunction. My opinion of course.

I missed seeing Part 1. Is there a replay of it anywhere?

There was a link to it on YouTube posted earlier, but it's since been removed due to copyright violation.

If you have OnDemand on your TV it might be available there or you might be able to watch the Dr Phil episodes on the NBC app on your tablet or phone.

ETA: It appears that the Dr Phil show is on different networks depending on which part of the country you are in. Some are on NBC while others are on CBS. Both networks are the OnDemand channel and both NBC and CBS have apps to watch most episodes online.
Other signs of deception: repeating the question to stall for time, going into attack mode against the questioner, trying to butter up the questioner with compliments, invoking religion (“I swear to God I didn’t take the forty dollars”), using qualifiers like “basically” and “usually,” exhibiting selective memory (“not that I recall”), and showing strange emotions while answering questions, like smiling when denying committing a serious crime like homicide.

IMOO, it has always bothered me when people say "ABSOLUTELY NOT!"...........to late for a link, but during the OJ trial, talking heads said it means YES........I'll never forget that because as a business owner at the time, I watched for that phrase when interviewing/talking to people. BR says that repeatedly on Dr Phil.
Burke has admitted to being downstairs the night of the murder, after having been put to bed.

He says he maybe ate pineapple that night.

And has now said that he was not awake during the 911 call after previously admitting the voice on the tape sounded like him.

I find all of these quite significant. I don't think Burke was well prepared for this interview at all, and I am honestly shocked he was allowed to go ahead with it.
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