Was Burke Involved # 5

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Can anyone cite a real-life instance of an accident being staged to look like a murder? How about a head blow staged to look like a elaborately planned murder?

Money question! I would like to know the answer to that as well.
I also have a question.
Since BR stated on Dr. Phil that he felt responsible for JB’s death because he left the front door open ... What happened to his bike? Who took it and why wasn’t BR concerned about it’s where about since he was so excited upon seeing it Christmas morning?
Money question! I would like to know the answer to that as well.

OK for all you folks who want a Money Question answered, here we go.

Years ago there was a debate over whether JonBenet had been killed accidentally as she was playing the Choking Game, done with varying ropes, cords, cloth, etc?

So I did some research and posted the results on websleuths hoping to show conclusively that JonBenet had not been playing either the Choking Game via another person, e.g. Burke, or by herself where its known as auto-eroticism.

In the posted article one interesting fact turned up was that the majority of people involved in auto-eroticism are male.

Another is that in the majority of cases the victim is found by a relative, who on deliberation do not wish the world to know the circumstances surrounding the loved ones death, so they stage the crime-scene to appear as an accident or murder.

Also there are cases where the family have read the life-insurance policy and know if the death is classified as a suicide then the insurance company will not pay out, so they stage the accidental death to appear as homicide.

One very famous autoerotic case is that of David Carradine who played Kwai Chang Caine, in the television series Kung Fu, who was found dead in a closet in his hotel room in Bangkok, Thailand due to a fatal autoerotic asphyxiation accident.

Here is one where a person allegedly committed suicide and staged it to look like a homicide:
Police think pastor staged suicide to look like a homicide, family disputes idea

There are numerous other cases, too many to list.

I also have a question.
Since BR stated on Dr. Phil that he felt responsible for JB’s death because he left the front door open ... What happened to his bike? Who took it and why wasn’t BR concerned about it’s where about since he was so excited upon seeing it Christmas morning?

Rain on my Parade,
JR says he sold all the bikes as a house clearance lot, so they could sell the house on, etc.

From memory some lucky woman ended up with some of JonBenet's toys, via ebay?

BR will have been told or knows not to discuss the bike issue, since its similar to the size-12's, it blows a hole in the Ramsey version of events.

It also lends credence to BlueCrab's theory that one of Burke's friends stayed over and left on a bike early in the morning, leaving the marks in the snow?

JR says he sold all the bikes as a house clearance lot, so they could sell the house on, etc.

That doesn’t account for it not being there the next morning or JR changing his story about the bikes. No Burke didn’t get one that year ... a few years later ... Yes, Burke got a bike for Christmas 1996. BF339485-8802-4FB5-A66A-4DD9452B926F.jpeg
Yes, bike tracks left in the snow. People often times say the marks were left by the gurney but that traveled all the way down the walkway; not across the yard.
Rain on my Parade,
JR says he sold all the bikes as a house clearance lot, so they could sell the house on, etc.

From memory some lucky woman ended up with some of JonBenet's toys, via ebay?

BR will have been told or knows not to discuss the bike issue, since its similar to the size-12's, it blows a hole in the Ramsey version of events.

It also lends credence to BlueCrab's theory that one of Burke's friends stayed over and left on a bike early in the morning, leaving the marks in the snow?


In DoI, it is stated that JonBenet never got to ride her new bike; however, in WHYD, it is stated that she did. Maybe the story was changed to account for the tire tracks.
Dr Wecht's theory is that JB was killed accidentally during an erotic choking game, and was struck on the head after she was dead to cover up this fact. While I have some difficulty with this theory, it does seem to streamline some thorny issues.
Dr Wecht's theory is that JB was killed accidentally during an erotic choking game, and was struck on the head after she was dead to cover up this fact. While I have some difficulty with this theory, it does seem to streamline some thorny issues.
It was entirely TOO extreme to have been part of any type of choking game! Dr. Wecht was way off base on this one, in my opinion! It’s quite obvious, that according to injuries to her neck, no thought was given by the perpetrator as to NOT leaving any visible signs as to what had just transpired. It doesn’t appear to have been a concern to the perpetrator at all!
Dr Wecht's theory is that JB was killed accidentally during an erotic choking game, and was struck on the head after she was dead to cover up this fact. While I have some difficulty with this theory, it does seem to streamline some thorny issues.
My first thought after reading this was what if it was a case of the choking game? That would have been an accident, then the overboard cover up.
In DoI, it is stated that JonBenet never got to ride her new bike; however, in WHYD, it is stated that she did. Maybe the story was changed to account for the tire tracks.


1998 BPD Patsy Interview Excerpt
17 TOM HANEY: Before we go on, could we just
18 talk briefly about the packages, these were presents
19 for whom, the ones that were left in there?
20 PATSY RAMSEY: I believe for, you know, I
21 held some back for Burke's birthday which is in
22 January.
24 TOM HANEY: So that could have been that.
25 PATSY RAMSEY: Yeah. I don't remember what
1 was in them.
2 TOM HANEY: Would any of these packages be
3 opened?
4 PATSY RAMSEY: Probably. Well, see, these
5 came up, I was at FAO Schwartz in New York when
6 JonBenet and I were up there for a trip, and I had them
7 sent back to Boulder and they wrapped them, free gift
8 wrapping.
9 So like right here it looks like I kind of
10 peeled a little back to see what was in it because I
11 couldn't remember what was in them.
12 TRIP DEMUTH: If the wrapping has been undone
13 partially, that was --
14 PATSY RAMSEY: I probably would have done
15 that to peek to see what was in there.
17 TOM HANEY: Where did you do the bulk of your
18 Christmas shopping, the items you put in there?
19 PATSY RAMSEY: Well, all of this stuff right
20 here was from FAO Schwartz in New York. JonBenet got a
21 bicycle that year. I got a university bicycle, and she
22 got a twin doll which I mail ordered, and --
23 TOM HANEY: Did she get to ride her bike?
24 PATSY RAMSEY: She got to ride her bike.
25 TOM HANEY: Christmas day?
1 PATSY RAMSEY: Out in the back driveway.
2 TOM HANEY: You don't remember the weather
3 that day, was --
4 PATSY RAMSEY: Sunny, nice.
5 TOM HANEY: So did she get much time on it?
6 Was it training wheel equipped or was she able to ride
7 a two wheeler by herself?
8 PATSY RAMSEY: I don't think it had training
9 wheels. I think it did.
10 TOM HANEY: Did she get much time on it?
11 Could you give us a glue.
12 PATSY RAMSEY: No idea; riding out in the
13 back.
14 TOM HANEY: But she was able to handle it,
15 she didn't crash or anything?

Note how Patsy says she had FAO Schwartz wrap her gifts, which presumably include the size-12's?

And of course how JonBenet got to ride her bike.

That doesn’t account for it not being there the next morning or JR changing his story about the bikes. No Burke didn’t get one that year ... a few years later ... Yes, Burke got a bike for Christmas 1996.View attachment 260415
Yes, bike tracks left in the snow. People often times say the marks were left by the gurney but that traveled all the way down the walkway; not across the yard.

Rain on my Parade,
Sure does not account for its absence, that is the JonBenet case for you, lots of obvious red flag clues that highly experienced investigators missed, makes you wonder?

I got this from her 1998 interview up above:
5 TOM HANEY: So did she get much time on it?
6 Was it training wheel equipped or was she able to ride
7 a two wheeler by herself?
8 PATSY RAMSEY: I don't think it had training
9 wheels. I think it did.

She says 2 things to answer the question. Oh, I don't think it did-next sentence, I think it did.
It amazes me how much these people seem to forget about one of the most memorable (for lack of a better word) days of their lives. I can't see how anyone wouldn't replay, re-think, re-go over things of that day in their minds to try to find something, maybe some small clue that would find their child's killer.
It amazes me how much these people seem to forget about one of the most memorable (for lack of a better word) days of their lives. I can't see how anyone wouldn't replay, re-think, re-go over things of that day in their minds to try to find something, maybe some small clue that would find their child's killer.

You would think they would want to remember every detail unless ... they were the killer/killer’s. Then they have to choose what to remember and what not to. Kinda of like did Burke get a bike that Christmas or did Patsy serve pineapple that evening! And where or where are the rest of the size 12 bloomies that are said to be found in JonBenét’s drawer? It goes on and on ..... Ramnesia
I got the same impression, he was very uncomfortable in the interviews.

I also thought, where is his Dad- it was obviously a bad idea.

I know I won't be popular but I feel sorry for Burke because I don't think he did it. I think he has had to live with a secret since he was 9 years old.

'I think he has had to live with a secret since he was 9 years old".
What secret do you think that is?
'I think he has had to live with a secret since he was 9 years old".
What secret do you think that is?

bob johnson,
It's obvious what his secret is, he knows who killed JonBenet, and when John passes on he will still know!
Really? DA hindered the prosecution of the ostensible perpetrator?

Sure, here is a sample of the unsealed GJ Counts leveled at the parents, and remember the GJ saw and heard evidence we do not know exists!

COUNT VII (Accessory to a Crime)

On or about December 25, and December 26, 1996 in Boulder County, Colorado, John Bennett Ramsey (or alternately, Patricia Paugh Ramsey) did unlawfully, knowingly and feloniously render assistance to a person, with intent to hinder, delay and prevent the discovery, detention, apprehension, prosecution, conviction and punishment of such person for the commission of a crime, knowing the person being assisted has committed and was suspected of the crime of Murder in the First Degree and Child Abuse Resulting in Death.

On or about December 25, and December 26, 1996 in Boulder County, Colorado, John Bennett Ramsey (or alternately, Patricia Paugh Ramsey) did unlawfully, knowingly, recklessly and feloniously permit a child to be unreasonably placed in a situation which posed a threat of injury to the child's life or health, which resulted in the death of JonBenet Ramsey, a child under the age of sixteen.

As to Count IV, child abuse resulting in death:


Signature redacted.

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