Was Burke Involved? #6

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Maybe this will help, paraphrasing from online article, this past week President Biden signed The Homicide Victim’s Family Rights Act that establishes federal rights for relatives of people killed in unsolved murders. This provides family members of cold case victims a way to officially request federal investigators review their case with the latest available technology and also prohibits previous investigators from leading the renewed probe. This new law requires federal law enforcement agencies to review a cold case upon a written request from a victims immediate family of the case is still cold after three years and has leads. (I am assuming both, DNA would be a lead and this is cold case). This legislation requires the federal government to inform family members of cold case victims of their right to do so. Families please do not wait for a letter in the mail, seek out the paperwork request, this legislation is on your side.
Been going over the DNA and a fibres supposedly on JonBenet's Ramsey clothes and body, I think the the fibres are overrated as it could be cross-contamination you know
Little girl goes to the bathroom John bathrobe fibres she comes in contact with the bathroom innocently.
The Ransom note is the real killer the real elephant in the room to say or the bull in the China shop, let's look at the Ransom note.
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I would like to believe that after twenty-five years someone in the law enforcement would already have walked down that road and came to a conclusion.
The practice note that was found in Patsy's notepad cannot be overlooked. There are missing pages taken from the center of the pad. How many false starts for the RN? It took at least 25 minutes to compose the RN as it is. The supposed intruder was woefully unprepared for home invasion and kidnapping. Their plan importantly involved finding the items for the note while prowling about the home in the dark. Returning the Sharpie to its usual holder with its top on was certainly very neat. Perhaps it was this same neatness which allowed for the intruder(s) to leave no trace of a break-in?

S.B.T.C has been interpreted in various ways. Within the context of the RN, it refers to the identity of the FF. No one before or since has ever been able to find a terrorist group with these initials. It's certainly peculiar that the obscure signer did not wish to be identified. Clarification was denied as the Dec. 26 phone call never took place. Although the author had taken all that time to write the RN, at the very end of the signature, they hastily omitted the period after 'C'.

Besides the handwriting in the RN, there is the phraseology which is similar to that found in the R's Christmas message of 1997.

Two indictments were returned against each parent. One was for putting JonBenet in a dangerous situation. The other was for aiding and abetting. Aiding and abetting intruder(s)? LS's theories were obviously dismissed by the GJ. AH lied when he said that no indictments were returned. What was the purpose of this lie?

John is more energized now then after his daughter was murdered. He was almost conciliatory on the notorious CNN interview. He has never accepted the autopsy findings. Instead of parental outrage, there is only denial. As for DNA testing, it is not known how much material is left. Any DNA results must align with the other evidence. How would DNA explain the pineapple? the size 12s?
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John's legacy is to be managed by JAR, and not BR. Of course, JAR is just JonBenet's half-brother. He was not in the house Christmas night like Burke was. All that JAR knows about the crime is what he has been told. BR has first hand experience. Yet the quest falls to JAR. Then again. he does not have a track record of lies and changing stories. He can't lie about what he doesn't know!
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IMO, and as opined previously:

As a Southerner, like PR, I have seen SBTC many times from personalized license plates and stickers to the initials on necklaces and in church bulletins, correspondence and signs.

SBTC= Saved By The Cross

1 Corinthians 1:18 for the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but for us who are being saved it’s the power of God

Romans 5:8 is one of the most loved verses in the Bible>>

Christ took that judgment for our sin on Himself on the cross. >>He suffered and died in our place, >>we had no hope of avoiding God's judgment before Jesus took it for us.
What does Romans 5:8 mean? | BibleRef.com

Example Sermon: Saved by the Cross
Romans 5:8-10 Saved by the Cross (Gerhardy)

Victory is another very common religious word used in triumphant exclaim in the South as in the ransom note.

Deuteronomy 20:4 For the Lord your God is he who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies, to give you the victory.

1 John 5:4 for whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.

1 Corinthians 15:57 But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Others from out of the South might not realize how dominant the Church and its teachings are, and have been for generations, in everyday life and vernacular especially in the higher society conservative Churches like Peachtree Presbyterian Church the Ramsey’s Atlanta Church.


Patsy was raised in a devoutly Methodist household, >>
Unsolved Mysteries: Who Killed JonBenét Ramsey?

So “Victory” and its companion affirmation “Saved By The Cross” are Pasty’s idea of trash talking in the ransom note, imo.

Occam ’s razor -the simplest explanation with very common phases familiar to the note writer.

All imo
IMO, and as opined previously:

As a Southerner, like PR, I have seen SBTC many times from personalized license plates and stickers to the initials on necklaces and in church bulletins, correspondence and signs.

SBTC= Saved By The Cross

1 Corinthians 1:18 for the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but for us who are being saved it’s the power of God

Romans 5:8 is one of the most loved verses in the Bible>>

Christ took that judgment for our sin on Himself on the cross. >>He suffered and died in our place, >>we had no hope of avoiding God's judgment before Jesus took it for us.
What does Romans 5:8 mean? | BibleRef.com

Example Sermon: Saved by the Cross
Romans 5:8-10 Saved by the Cross (Gerhardy)

Victory is another very common religious word used in triumphant exclaim in the South as in the ransom note.

Deuteronomy 20:4 For the Lord your God is he who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies, to give you the victory.

1 John 5:4 for whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.

1 Corinthians 15:57 But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Others from out of the South might not realize how dominant the Church and its teachings are, and have been for generations, in everyday life and vernacular especially in the higher society conservative Churches like Peachtree Presbyterian Church the Ramsey’s Atlanta Church.


Patsy was raised in a devoutly Methodist household, >>
Unsolved Mysteries: Who Killed JonBenét Ramsey?

So “Victory” and its companion affirmation “Saved By The Cross” are Pasty’s idea of trash talking in the ransom note, imo.

Occam ’s razor -the simplest explanation with very common phases familiar to the note writer.

All imo
Thank you Jade for your inside, but after seeing the autopsy photos, how she looked I don't believe anyone whose religious could have done that to her, just like I don't think her parents could do that to a her.
The autopsy pictures are horrific.
So new to WS then. Read the Crimes Spotlight on Children thread, if you dare, to see what parents and the religious do to children that make JBR look like nothing.

PR as the ransom note writer are my thoughts.

I’m not sure which R did the damage to JBR.

I’m not absolving PR of physical participation due to religiosity though.

That’s the point of PR’s faith associations; we are all sinners but those who have been baptized are saved by the cross from their sins.

It’s understood in this life we will always have a sinful nature. However, those who choose to commit their lives to Jesus are assured he will work to transform their hearts so they can become more like Him in nature.

That is when we call upon “Jesus help me”.

Romans 10:12-13 for ‘whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.’

Religion and brutality are not strangers neither historically or presently, imo.

Welcome to WS.

all imo
It's probably a good situation that everyone who was involved should be possible suspects to the crime, I seen the Ransom note ,Mrs ramsey's handwriting do not match it .
I do believe the police do not believe she wrote the Ransom note anymore , I have found the article for this I'm still analysing and examining it. A lot of evidence leaked by police in the early stages of the investigation to journalists, has being prove to be false, why because they were not homicide detectives and had no experience in murder and Homicide, the police had blinkers on and did not have an open mind to the investigation , they only saw one suspect or two suspects and went after them.
Lieutenant Colombo would be turning over in his grave.
Looking into the early Homecoming of family at 9:30 JonBenet's Ramsey being carried to her bed by one of the parents, from the car asleep, party going on in the same street in the early morning ,a taxi driver picking up, what only can be called a witness or bystander and the taxi driver commenting on a police car in the same street at about 5:30 6am one or two screams heard early morning hours by neighbours high-pitched maybe coming from the party or not , or partygoers?
Just some of the lies the police pushed to the media, Of the Guilt of the Ramsey's.

December 28, local news sources made it clear to their readers that the Ramseys were Prime
suspects in the case. and the police made few comments on any evidence they had to implicate the
Ramseys, the media began to cite their own "evidence." 1 the media reported on was the supposed lack of
footprints in the snow surrounding the house, which suggested that someone inside was responsible for the murder. Later the
media admitted that this opinion was in fact based on an official report from police ,who said ,"Strange no footprints." due to the Snow melting.

2 .next false lead from a police ,stated that there were allegedly
no signs of forced entry.
Then the mayor of Boulder, Leslie Durgan, stated ,when she appeared on television saying
— "By all reports there was no visible signs of forced entry. The body was found in a place where people are
saying, someone had to know the house."
The mayor said.
3 snow covering grass
. News video footage shot on December 26 morning of the murder, clearly shows
that areas around the house had no snow cover at all. Julie Hayden, the television
reporter states:
"We looked at the videotape once the footprints in the snow started becoming an issue and one of the things that I
observed was, there did not seem to be snow going up to all of the doors. So, in my opinion, this thing about
footprints in the snow has always been much ado about nothing she said.
4 Broken window
This did not come to public attention until a year after the event.
Reporter Charlie Brennan stated that up
until March 1997, he and other members of the press did not know that there was a broken window in the
basement ," and believed that his police source had fed him false information"
an intruder or intruders could have easily entered the house through the basement window ,on the night of the murder,
and moved around the house undetected and unheard.due to JonBenet's bedroom is one floor below her
parents' room, all walkways, covered by thick carpeting, making it ideal for a intruders not to be heard.
5. What about the hidden room in the basement, there is no hidden room, carpeted spiral staircase, a few feet from her room, leads
down to the kitchen. From the kitchen, it is only a few metres to the door that leads to the basement stairs. At the
bottom of the stairs is a corridor that leads directly to the room where her body was found.
No need for forced entry ,and No snow, No forced entry, and No secret hidden room
Did the press distorted the facts to their story or did the police
department leaked false information, why?
All these leaked misinformation were given coverage. by the press
On December 29, four days after the murder, when the Ramseys were at their lowest point,and morning the loss of their daughter .
But it didn't stop there.
The memorial service for their daughter was held at a local church, as the
Ramseys mourned their daughter, the police and press turned their attention to the behavior of Patsy and
John. One story, by Vanity Fair,, quoting that John Ramsey had left the house before the
police had arrived. Ann Bardach, the journalist who wrote the story, said in Vanity Fair, how John Ramsey had used the
excuse of going out to get the mail. The story was a lie ,and was traced back to leaked police statements.
the story was proved to be false
The police did not make any attempts to correct the lie.
Then also reported in Vanity Fair magazine the family's grief, quoted a policeman saying that on the first day of the
morning, Patsy Ramsey, while crying had been "peering at him through spread fingers." This quote I remember from long ago and I thought how ridiculous ,Friends and
family of the Ramseys, who were present at the time tell a different story, describing both John and Patsy were so
overcome with emotion and grief, both they were unable to talk due to crying.

JonBenet's funeral took place on New Year's Eve, 1996, at church in Atlanta. That day,
family had to protect the Ramseys from the media . Even as they
buried their daughter, a story emerged that John and Patsy hired several criminal lawyers.
Mike Bynum hired the attorneys, it was seen by the press media as another indication of the parents' guilt. the
mounting criticism, by the media and police, Bynum and Ramseys family urged the Ramseys to go on television and defend
themselves. The next day they appeared on CNN.

One questions raised during the interview : "Do you believe that someone outside your home killed
Patsy answered in a tearful voice: "There is a killer on the loose, I don't know who it is, I don't know if it's a he or a
she — but if I were a resident of Boulder I would tell my friends to keep their babies close to you."
Rather than explain their point of view, the broadcast only served to bolster the theory that the Ramseys were
Police reports stated that the Ramseys we're not cooperating and would prefer to talk to the media and not police .

The next day, Mayor Leslie Durgan gave a press conference to reject Patsy's claim, stating: "People in Boulder
have no need to fear that there is someone wandering the streets of Boulder, as has been portrayed by some
people, looking for young children to attack. Boulder is safe, it's always been a safe community and it continues to
be a safe community."
The family was outraged,They couldn't understand why Mayor Durgan would make these statements to the press.

During a 1997 interview, Durgan explained her reasons for making the statement to the press: "It was done in large part
to allay the fears of children in our community and to let people know that the information that I had at that time
was that we did not have some crazed person wandering the streets of University Hill."
The interviewer ask where she had gotten her information from, she replied, "The police chief."
New statements by police which which lies
appeared reporting that the police believed that JonBenet had been sexually
assaulted weeks and months before her murder. footage from JonBenet's beauty pageants implied, the Ramseys might have sexually abused their daughter, brought horde of journalists to Boulder.
after,the story aired
Mainstream journalists followed the tabloids. The stories continually criticized Ramseys. for sexualized their daughter in pageants, and by hiring
two lawyers; the ramses were
accused of refusing to cooperate with the police .
The Ramsay's attorney ,Brian Morgan, stated
"The Ramseys were interviewed on the 26th, the Ramseys were interviewed on
the 27th. On the 27th they give samples of physical evidence, blood, hair and
fingerprints. When they returned from Atlanta, the Ramseys gave five
handwriting samples, voluntarily. To say that the Ramseys had not cooperated
in this investigation is a gross mischaracterization."
The samples of handwriting the Ramsey's provided to the police were
found to have no similarities to those on the ransom note. After all this and cooperating with the police as much they could, how would you feel ,you probably feel you couldn't trust the police.
Then the Ramsey's learned from Mike Bynum that the police had
refused to release JonBenet's body until John and Patsy agreed to be interviewed, the police unaware that Bynum had
success in having the body released in time for the funeral, the police continued to press for interviews with the Ramsay's,
Ramsey's finally realized that the police,
"Weren't there to help us, they were there to hang us." John Ramsey’s words.
One thing, almond many, that I’ve never understood about the Ramsey’s behavior that day is their letting Burke out of their sight. If there’s a kidnapper on the loose, particularly one who has my daughter, I want my only other living child right there with me and definitely under police guard but, hey, that’s just me. If they wanted him out of the house and away from any danger, why not have LE transport him? Wouldn’t that be the wiser and safer option? When Burke finally returned to school, Patsy sure made an issue out of safety and security then, demanding all sorts of accommodations for Burke. IMO, the Ramsey’s didn’t want Burke questioned until he could be fully debriefed and then coached on what to say and what not to say. I’ve heard the argument that Burke was only 9, how much could a 9 year old be coached? Well, he was a month shy of 10 and Tatum O’Neal won an Oscar at age 10 so evidently it’s doable.

I just don’t know how anyone can read the ransom note and find it legitimate. Even if you discount the handwriting that was very likely Patsy’s (so much so that she changed the style of writing her lower case “a” in all future writing)…

Is the “small foreign faction” a group of people who dabble in wordy, melodramatic creative writing? What group, purporting to be so evil as to kidnap a little girl and threaten to behead her, would even say they were a small group? Wouldn’t they want to sound as threatening as possible, to be believed and be able to collect the ridiculously paltry sum of $118k they demanded? In addition, the note, on the whole, has an almost apologetic tone.

The writer warns, very explicitly, not to contact LE. Patsy calls 911 but I’ll give her that. I would too but why didn’t Patsy say that the note warned them not to call? Frantic or not, wasn’t she afraid someone was watching the house? Didn’t they want LE to try to approach the house as unobtrusively as possible? The note warns not to talk to a stray dog and she calls not one, but multiple friends to come over. In a legitimate kidnapping, what purpose would they serve? Not only are the Ramsey’s involving LE against instructions, now they’re bringing in additional people? I’m only surprised she didn’t call in a caterer. IMO, Patsy wanted and needed an audience, both to note her distraught performance and to act as a shield, to surround her and protect her and keep LE out.

These are just a few arguments against an intruder writing that note. I just don’t see how anyone can get past it. In case it’s not obvious, I’m firmly in camp RDI, pretty much leaning toward BDI, but undecided as to how and why it happened. I’m also unsure as to when JR got involved in the cover up. I remember seeing the CNN interview and thinking Patsy looked beyond guilty of something but I couldn’t fathom a parent murdering a child in the manner that JBR was murdered. (That was my naïveté) Still, I gave them the benefit of the doubt right up until I read the ransom note. That epic ransom note, composed on a pad from the house, written in Patsy’s hand with all of the dramatic flourishes she so loved, did it for me.
BBM. Exactly! When I heard they waived aside protection for Burke it became crystal clear IMO.
S.B.T.C could be Saved By The Cross. Why that phrase should be chosen and made into an acronym as a sign off is puzzling. I do not understand what this should then mean as part of the FF's RN. Why would terrorists refer to the cross? Although, Patsy did like acronyms. Ingrained habits are often forgotten in attempts to deceive. However, Christianity is an aspect of the crime, e.g. killing occurred on a major religious holiday, the open upstairs Bible, JonBenet died wearing her new gold cross which entangled in the ligature, PR invited the pastor to the home on the 26th, Patsy begged Jesus to revive her daughter, JB's headstone gives the 25th as the DOD, the family 1997 Holiday message had odd echoes of the RN ("and hence"). IMO Christmas is intrinsic to the tragic events, and not merely tangential.

The Rs initial tale of carrying a sleeping JB into the house has changed over the years. Confusion and self-contradiction are used defensively by Team R. No matter what version, there is no corroboration. And no matter what version, there is no getting around the size 12s.

It is not known what evidence led the GJ to indict the parents separately.
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Just some of the lies the police pushed to the media, Of the Guilt of the Ramsey's.

December 28, local news sources made it clear to their readers that the Ramseys were Prime
suspects in the case. and the police made few comments on any evidence they had to implicate the
Ramseys, the media began to cite their own "evidence." 1 the media reported on was the supposed lack of
footprints in the snow surrounding the house, which suggested that someone inside was responsible for the murder. Later the
media admitted that this opinion was in fact based on an official report from police ,who said ,"Strange no footprints." due to the Snow melting.

2 .next false lead from a police ,stated that there were allegedly
no signs of forced entry.
Then the mayor of Boulder, Leslie Durgan, stated ,when she appeared on television saying
— "By all reports there was no visible signs of forced entry. The body was found in a place where people are
saying, someone had to know the house."
The mayor said.
3 snow covering grass
. News video footage shot on December 26 morning of the murder, clearly shows
that areas around the house had no snow cover at all. Julie Hayden, the television
reporter states:
"We looked at the videotape once the footprints in the snow started becoming an issue and one of the things that I
observed was, there did not seem to be snow going up to all of the doors. So, in my opinion, this thing about
footprints in the snow has always been much ado about nothing she said.
4 Broken window
This did not come to public attention until a year after the event.
Reporter Charlie Brennan stated that up
until March 1997, he and other members of the press did not know that there was a broken window in the
basement ," and believed that his police source had fed him false information"
an intruder or intruders could have easily entered the house through the basement window ,on the night of the murder,
and moved around the house undetected and unheard.due to JonBenet's bedroom is one floor below her
parents' room, all walkways, covered by thick carpeting, making it ideal for a intruders not to be heard.
5. What about the hidden room in the basement, there is no hidden room, carpeted spiral staircase, a few feet from her room, leads
down to the kitchen. From the kitchen, it is only a few metres to the door that leads to the basement stairs. At the
bottom of the stairs is a corridor that leads directly to the room where her body was found.
No need for forced entry ,and No snow, No forced entry, and No secret hidden room
Did the press distorted the facts to their story or did the police
department leaked false information, why?
All these leaked misinformation were given coverage. by the press
On December 29, four days after the murder, when the Ramseys were at their lowest point,and morning the loss of their daughter .
But it didn't stop there.
The memorial service for their daughter was held at a local church, as the
Ramseys mourned their daughter, the police and press turned their attention to the behavior of Patsy and
John. One story, by Vanity Fair,, quoting that John Ramsey had left the house before the
police had arrived. Ann Bardach, the journalist who wrote the story, said in Vanity Fair, how John Ramsey had used the
excuse of going out to get the mail. The story was a lie ,and was traced back to leaked police statements.
the story was proved to be false
The police did not make any attempts to correct the lie.
Then also reported in Vanity Fair magazine the family's grief, quoted a policeman saying that on the first day of the
morning, Patsy Ramsey, while crying had been "peering at him through spread fingers." This quote I remember from long ago and I thought how ridiculous ,Friends and
family of the Ramseys, who were present at the time tell a different story, describing both John and Patsy were so
overcome with emotion and grief, both they were unable to talk due to crying.

JonBenet's funeral took place on New Year's Eve, 1996, at church in Atlanta. That day,
family had to protect the Ramseys from the media . Even as they
buried their daughter, a story emerged that John and Patsy hired several criminal lawyers.
Mike Bynum hired the attorneys, it was seen by the press media as another indication of the parents' guilt. the
mounting criticism, by the media and police, Bynum and Ramseys family urged the Ramseys to go on television and defend
themselves. The next day they appeared on CNN.

One questions raised during the interview : "Do you believe that someone outside your home killed
Patsy answered in a tearful voice: "There is a killer on the loose, I don't know who it is, I don't know if it's a he or a
she — but if I were a resident of Boulder I would tell my friends to keep their babies close to you."
Rather than explain their point of view, the broadcast only served to bolster the theory that the Ramseys were
Police reports stated that the Ramseys we're not cooperating and would prefer to talk to the media and not police .

The next day, Mayor Leslie Durgan gave a press conference to reject Patsy's claim, stating: "People in Boulder
have no need to fear that there is someone wandering the streets of Boulder, as has been portrayed by some
people, looking for young children to attack. Boulder is safe, it's always been a safe community and it continues to
be a safe community."
The family was outraged,They couldn't understand why Mayor Durgan would make these statements to the press.

During a 1997 interview, Durgan explained her reasons for making the statement to the press: "It was done in large part
to allay the fears of children in our community and to let people know that the information that I had at that time
was that we did not have some crazed person wandering the streets of University Hill."
The interviewer ask where she had gotten her information from, she replied, "The police chief."
New statements by police which which lies
appeared reporting that the police believed that JonBenet had been sexually
assaulted weeks and months before her murder. footage from JonBenet's beauty pageants implied, the Ramseys might have sexually abused their daughter, brought horde of journalists to Boulder.
after,the story aired
Mainstream journalists followed the tabloids. The stories continually criticized Ramseys. for sexualized their daughter in pageants, and by hiring
two lawyers; the ramses were
accused of refusing to cooperate with the police .
The Ramsay's attorney ,Brian Morgan, stated
"The Ramseys were interviewed on the 26th, the Ramseys were interviewed on
the 27th. On the 27th they give samples of physical evidence, blood, hair and
fingerprints. When they returned from Atlanta, the Ramseys gave five
handwriting samples, voluntarily. To say that the Ramseys had not cooperated
in this investigation is a gross mischaracterization."
The samples of handwriting the Ramsey's provided to the police were
found to have no similarities to those on the ransom note. After all this and cooperating with the police as much they could, how would you feel ,you probably feel you couldn't trust the police.
Then the Ramsey's learned from Mike Bynum that the police had
refused to release JonBenet's body until John and Patsy agreed to be interviewed, the police unaware that Bynum had
success in having the body released in time for the funeral, the police continued to press for interviews with the Ramsay's,
Ramsey's finally realized that the police,
"Weren't there to help us, they were there to hang us." John Ramsey’s words.
Wow, someone bought the Ramsey propaganda hook, line, and sinker. So much misinformation here. I guess this is what being a fake Christian with tons of money gets you. I honestly can't believe people are still falling for the bought and paid for Ramseys are innocent campaign. Luckily, some of us have seen past their money and campaign from day one. They should be ashamed at all the innocent people they threw under the bus to get the focus off themselves. Is that what being a Christian means to you?
Wow, someone bought the Ramsey propaganda hook, line, and sinker. So much misinformation here. I guess this is what being a fake Christian with tons of money gets you. I honestly can't believe people are still falling for the bought and paid for Ramseys are innocent campaign. Luckily, some of us have seen past their money and campaign from day one. They should be ashamed at all the innocent people they threw under the bus to get the focus off themselves. Is that what being a Christian means to you?
ferretnurse ,not a question of falling Hook Line and Sinker for the Ramsey story, you might be right , about the ramsays involvement and there are clear evidence of Burke might be responsible it's always good not to have blinkers on, and you're right evidence can point in the right direction.... one thing of the 9/11 phone call that morning,i still have not seen or heard the actual transcript and the actual words with reference to the little boy
What Burke and his parents are saying on the 911, after they mistakenly thought they'd hung up, remains unclear. There are many interpretations. What is most important is that Patsy and John at first denied that their son was present during the call. Why lie? BR being around would not in itself arouse suspicion. Maybe, they thought that this fact would mess up their concocted timeline? Or they wanted to keep him as much out of the loop as possible?
Wow, someone bought the Ramsey propaganda hook, line, and sinker. So much misinformation here. I guess this is what being a fake Christian with tons of money gets you. I honestly can't believe people are still falling for the bought and paid for Ramseys are innocent campaign. Luckily, some of us have seen past their money and campaign from day one. They should be ashamed at all the innocent people they threw under the bus to get the focus off themselves. Is that what being a Christian means to you?
There’s so much disinformation here, I don’t even know where to begin…so I won’t.
ferretnurse ,not a question of falling Hook Line and Sinker for the Ramsey story, you might be right , about the ramsays involvement and there are clear evidence of Burke might be responsible it's always good not to have blinkers on, and you're right evidence can point in the right direction.... one thing of the 9/11 phone call that morning,i still have not seen or heard the actual transcript and the actual words with reference to the little boy
I thought I heard it years ago, on Geraldo if I’m not mistaken. Later it was claimed that it was not the ACTUAL recording.
Later, I heard the original and the digitally cleaned up version. Despite have excellent hearing - I couldn’t make heads or takes out of it.
I do recall an interview with the 911 operator that claims to have heard clearly …
I thought I heard it years ago, on Geraldo if I’m not mistaken. Later it was claimed that it was not the ACTUAL recording.
Later, I heard the original and the digitally cleaned up version. Despite have excellent hearing - I couldn’t make heads or takes out of it.
I do recall an interview with the 911 operator that claims to have heard clearly …
i have listened to that call so many times and have never heard anything intelligible on it. i think people are hearing what they want to hear.

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