Was it Appropriate to mention Casey?

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Was it appropriate to mention Casey?

  • Yes, it was completely appropriate.

    Votes: 102 20.0%
  • No, it was highly distasteful.

    Votes: 261 51.2%
  • Maybe a little, but not as much as they did.

    Votes: 147 28.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Not to be going off topic, but I noticed that video and was also disturbed. I wondered if whoever was filming her was having her do things that she was otherwise told not to do. Caylee was jumping on the bed and then to fool around with the window shade. I got the idea that Caylee did not normally jump on the bed or bother the window covering. It's all so strange. Could Casey have been filming her and getting her to do mischevious things?

I was home sick yesterday so I watched as much of the memorial as I could....just a couple random thoughts.

Leonard Padilla confirmed that Lee referred to Casey as CMA, that Leonard asked him who he was referring to (when Leonard was still involved with the family) and Lee said CMA is Casey. I thought it was weird and very inappropriate to confuse the people who were in attendance that way and still be talking in code to his sister. Why doesn't he just go and visit her? I'm sure the DA was probably very interested in what he did and said.

I did notice one shot at the end where the teddy bear was, that there was a photo of Casey and Caylee together but I think you could only see it if you were on stage because of the way it was turned.

I was surprised that the crowd was not that big...not that 1000-1200 people is small by any means, but they made such a big deal out of having 5,000 seats and an "overflow" room, which obviously they didn't need. I think alot of people probably felt very uncomfortable with the whole thing.

Honestly, I have to kind of go with KC on this and I think they should have just had a private, family and friends memorial, I think it would have been more appropriate under these circumstances.I just think it's kind of screwed up to have a public service for your grandchild, who's mother is under arrest for her murder. But, then that's just my feelings.

The last video they showed of Caylee, the one where she pushed the curtains to get to look out the window, really bothered me. You'd think she would be laughing and smiling and that somebody was taking her picture....but she honestly looked very sad and scared. I've always thought in alot of her photos that she looked scared to me. It was the parting shot of her that I would have picked...I would have picked a happy one.

In spite of all this, I hope the service helped the family. I think it did help George, but I'm not sure about Cindy and I doubt it did anything for Lee. He looked angry throughout the whole service.
I don't feel it was appropriate because the service was supposed to be about Caylee and some believe that Casey is her murderer. To bring up her name for some people probably went against the supposed purpose of the ceremony.
I don't believe those are parallel situations at all. If Scott's parents had planned Laci's memorial it would have been ALL about Scott. OJ's family would have made it all about him. The Anthony's are in the horrible position of being family to both the victim and the murderer. It's not the same at all.

Chilly, do you have absolute proof of who is the murderer?:D
I agree with all of you who have said that we're obviously not in any position to judge the grieving family, and also, KC is presumed innocent and could be innocent; if I were the family, or anyone else, the system, I would rather err on the side of presumption of innocence for now. I thought it was a shame that Lee thought he could only mention his sister using her initials rather than just openly sending her his best wishes and prayers and saying how much the family misses her during this time of grief. I didn't like the code talking either, I thought it took focus away from Caylee, but I guess it may show how backed into a corner he has felt throughout this whole thing, like he can't even mention KC's name openly. I really thought it was kind of amazing for the Anthonys to hold a public memorial (after the way the public treated them), they certainly didn't owe it to the public. I was kind of surprised they were there, I thought maybe it would just be for the public to have that moment to remember Caylee, but I was surprised they all spoke and everything, I don't know how they could do it, really. I hope it helped them somewhat, at least it was a chance for them to say a few words that they have needed to say in public. I can't imagine the awful position they are in mentally and emotionally, they can't really begin to grieve or face the loss of Caylee yet because they still don't know what really happened or who might have been involved, I think until they know for sure whether KC was involved in harming Caylee, they are kind of frozen, not knowing what to think or do, and helpless also, they can't do anything about the situation. I feel awful for them. All that on top of the loss of Caylee from their lives.
Well put, murdershewrote. I think there should still be a private funeral for the family. That will be the real funeral for them. From what I saw of the memorial on national TV, as far as Lee, they only showed the part where he was speaking in code, and making an appeal to anyone who knows what happened to give the family the information they deserve.... of course the initials could be Caylee, KC (or Cindy, right? or all 3), but clearly he seemed to be speaking to KC. For those of you who saw more of the memorial, did Lee say much about Caylee?
I watched the memorial, bawling my eyes out the whole time. It was beautifully done, the music was well chosen and the minister's were well versed. It truly was nice.

Seagull, I don't recall Lee saying much about Caylee. I do remember him saying "CMA" and how he missed her and loved her but I wasn't sure to whom he was referring. George's eulogy broke my heart. Cindy's did as well. :(
If it made them feel better, then sure, why not?

Casey can't hurt Caylee any more.

You are so right- however- CA doesn't quite get it though- she stood in God's house and asked for people to love and not to judge KC- what CA didn't get is- she herself judged the people on the banned list- convicted them and demanded they stay out of God's house-she placed herself above

A memorial is to talk about the deceased only-

Two quick things: Cindy did not place herself above God by refusing admittance to those who have vocally condemned her, her husband, her son, her daughter and those who have screamed and ranted outside of their home. Please. Those people were denied admittance because there was a need to preserve some dignity and decorum for Caylee. And I'll betcha the pastor was in total agreement. No one wants the house of God to be turned into a shouting match.

I don't know how many memorials you've been to, I haven't been to an awful lot. While I would agree that memorials focus on the deceased, the ones I've been to certainly offered many stories about the interactions the deceased had with others; I've even heard preachers give a "salvation message" which focused on the attendees and their position with God.

I was home sick yesterday so I watched as much of the memorial as I could....just a couple random thoughts.

Leonard Padilla confirmed that Lee referred to Casey as CMA, that Leonard asked him who he was referring to (when Leonard was still involved with the family) and Lee said CMA is Casey. I thought it was weird and very inappropriate to confuse the people who were in attendance that way and still be talking in code to his sister.

To be fair, just because Leonard said it doesn't mean it's true. He also said Caylee drowned accidentally in the pool and would be found without clothing. Not true. Even if his discussion with Lee was accurately portrayed, there is nothing to prevent the initials CMA from referring to Caylee in this instance.

And if your daughter, the suspect, was later proven innocent, would you love her again?

I'm glad you asked. I was afraid to. Maybe I am a nut job from Mars, but my love for my children is completely different from what that poster is describing as her love for hers.

How very, very sad a child must be to know that his/her mother's love is so......dispensible.
I don't believe those are parallel situations at all. If Scott's parents had planned Laci's memorial it would have been ALL about Scott. OJ's family would have made it all about him. The Anthony's are in the horrible position of being family to both the victim and the murderer. It's not the same at all.
So were Lee and Jackie Peterson, remember they lost a grandchild too! Where's the public sympathy for them???
I said "yes", I don't think there was any way around it.
I understand that the Anthony's need to "forgive" Casey for their own healing which I think they do deserve. However, the public memorial was not the place to do that. Caylee's murderer should not have been gushed over in that public setting. The people who tuned in or attended probably wanted to remember Caylee' s good times. The moment Casey was mentioned the horror of the whole situation overshadowed the ceremony.

What disturbed me most was when Caylee was compared to Casey and was told that she got her compassion from her mom. Yes, that was wholly inappropriate and untrue.
So were Lee and Jackie Peterson, remember they lost a grandchild too! Where's the public sympathy for them???

The Petersons never showed any sign of regret or grief over losing their grandbaby. They even hinted that Conner was not Scott's child.
No I dont think it was appropriate. I believe that the Anthony's know that Casey was at fault for Caylee's death (whether they believe accident or intentional, I dont know) and that they want her to confess to unburden herself, but that they are choosing to forgive her.
I didn't watch it and I'm not going to.

It seems right to me that Casey be mentioned and considered 'part' of it.

These things are for the ones who are left behind. To share the memories, the joys, the sorrows. Casey is part of that family. She was part of the life that is now gone.

The family has changed. 1 member died and the will be locked away from them forever. They can see her, but not touch her. This is alot for a family to mentally take in. They are grieving. For a grand-daughter, but also a daughter.

This wasn't about punishing the person who did this to Caylee. This isn't about Justice. This is about love and lost. It's about good bye.

To the family, I'm sure that every minute that Casey has been born, hasn't been all bad. I"m sure they have some good memories of her with Caylee as well. When there is a 'loss', families tend to remember more of the good, then the bad. To let the 'bye gones' be, well.. gone.

Let them have this time. They shouldn't have to defend themselves over this part of the grief process.
If she had confessed, I think it would be appropriate to reach out to her and extend forgiveness. However, as things stand, Zany did it, poor KC is being framed by the evil Zany gang, and the corrupt police... CA giving the police the wrong brush deliberately... I think only G was able to do with tact and honesty.
i agree, they know what casey did but trying to say they forgive her and trying to save her now that caylee is gone
they need to remember caylee is gone due to casey

As per usual, this bunch stirs the manure, it is as if Caylee took a back seat to the murderer again.

I thought that it was very tacky.:furious:
If she had confessed, I think it would be appropriate to reach out to her and extend forgiveness. However, as things stand, Zany did it, poor KC is being framed by the evil Zany gang, and the corrupt police... CA giving the police the wrong brush deliberately... I think only G was able to do with tact and honesty.

I honestly think that is because George just recently had a breakdown and intensive counseling/therapy which is exactly what he needed. They all do. But I noticed he was the one who could speak the most lucidly and who could cry like a normal person. For a lot of people, breaking and starting the process of putting yourself back together is a good thing...if you survive to begin with.

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