Was Joe involved?

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The tidbit about him torturing animals, throwing them in the river, that would be motive. Homicidal maniac.
Thank you Kayla for posting that information. That is the impression I got of Flora, and tonight on NG is the first time I've seen her. It's unusual for a grandmother to talk about her grandchildren. Is there a reward offered for information leading to solving this? I noticed that she stated twice on NG that SHE was the one that called detectives and told them where to look in that river. After hearing her say that, I didn't trust her.

Is she Misty's maternal or paternal grandmother? TIA
Thank you Kayla for posting that information. That is the impression I got of Flora, and tonight on NG is the first time I've seen her. It's unusual for a grandmother to talk about her grandchildren. Is there a reward offered for information leading to solving this? I noticed that she stated twice on NG that SHE was the one that called detectives and told them where to look in that river. After hearing her say that, I didn't trust her.

Is she Misty's maternal or paternal grandmother? TIA

Flora is Misty's maternal grandmother.
*Just to clarify, this person who posted these two posts on Topix claims to be Kayla, Jo's sister - course it could be anyone... MOO~
Welcome oceanwatch! Maternal, I believe.

I figured she must have agreed to this role for some $.
Wow, that letter was something, & that girl got her point across. When I see Joe, yes, I could picture him committing a horrible crime, but did he do this one? I don't think so. Machine gun or not, I don't see Ron being scared of this little guy. But if Joe didn't. commit this crime...Misty & Tommy had better get ready, because he will bring them down.
I gotta say I'm confused and don't have a complete understanding of what happened, but I think at least all three of them are involved. I'm praying Misty did give Haliegh something if what I think happened that night. I think its possible Tommy and Joe abused Haliegh sexually and threw her into the river. But I don't know what happened earlier that day and why Ronald would send a headless rat to Tommy or why Teresa N. would take up for Misty. None of this makes sense right now. What a loathsome group of people. JMO
I gotta say I'm confused and don't have a complete understanding of what happened, but I think at least all three of them are involved. I'm praying Misty did give Haliegh something if what I think happened that night. I think its possible Tommy and Joe abused Haliegh sexually and threw her into the river. But I don't know what happened earlier that day and why Ronald would send a headless rat to Tommy or why Teresa N. would take up for Misty. None of this makes sense right now. What a loathsome group of people. JMO
LOATHSOME is the word of the day.
Thank you. I feel we will be seeing grandma making the rounds on all the talk shows.
If all 3 of them were involved, Misty & Tommy may be in cahoots to back eacher other in a 'sibling 2 against 1 united front' to put the blame on Joe-thinking because of his involvement, he'll deny ANY involvement, in an attempt to avoid jail. But if that's their plan, it's pitiful. They'd all go down.
Why would Ron let JO live all this time? How do I explain Ron's behavior as being just an innocent father who went to werk?

He didn't know Joe killed Haleigh. Why do people assume that Ron DID know? It's not like spouses and significant others don't lie, don't hide things, don't omit unpleasant truths. If it's taken LE over a year to get even some of the truth out of Misty--and that took jail time--why would anyone else have an easier time getting her to tell the truth? And supposedly, we all though that Joe had been "cleared." For most of this past year, Ron has had the advice of attorneys and LE who have, sometimes publicly, advised him to shut up and let LE do its work. The result is that we are about to see some arrests and perhaps a trial or two in which the full story, or something like it, will come out. Those trials--or several confessions--are the only justice left for Haleigh.

If RC didn't murder his daughter, then he will indeed by "innocent" of that heinous crime. If the evidence being collected points to him, then he will have to answer for what he did. Meanwhile, it appears to Ron may well have been at work, because if Haleigh was murdered away from the mobile home, that would have happened in broad daylight, mid-afternoon if Ron was involved before he left.

As to why TN would "take up" for Misty--Ron married her. That marriage will forever be inexplicable. So many people have constructed Ron as a predator "preying" on poor young Misty. From what the drug video showed, and what we are learning right now, maybe it's the opposite: maybe Ron was the one who was duped by a Misty who wanted a place to live, food to eat, plenty of time to party and a wedding ring.
I have ZERO doubt that Ronald is involved though. I really don't believe Joe is, even MORE after listening to Granny Hollar from the holler. No way. I can see why Lisa has the problems she does.. These folks are opportunistic.
If all 3 of them were involved, Misty & Tommy may be in cahoots to back eacher other in a 'sibling 2 against 1 united front' to put the blame on Joe-thinking because of his involvement, he'll deny ANY involvement, in an attempt to avoid jail. But if that's their plan, it's pitiful. They'd all go down.
The only thing that might have made that plan work, is if the 2 had agreed to give up information & locations, in exchange for NO lie detector tests. Then when Joe was confronted with the evidence, he'd either refuse to be tested-so looking guilty-or flunk one.
He didn't know Joe killed Haleigh. Why do people assume that Ron DID know? It's not like spouses and significant others don't lie, don't hide things, don't omit unpleasant truths. If it's taken LE over a year to get even some of the truth out of Misty--and that took jail time--why would anyone else have an easier time getting her to tell the truth? And supposedly, we all though that Joe had been "cleared." For most of this past year, he has had the advice of attorneys and LE who have, sometimes publicly, advised him to shut up and let LE do its work. The result is that we are about to see some arrests and perhaps a trial or two in which the full story, or something like it, will come out. Those trials--or several confessions--are the only justice left for Haleigh.

If RC didn't murder his daughter, then he will indeed by "innocent" of that heinous crime. If the evidence being collected points to him, then he will have to answer for what he did. Meanwhile, it appears to Ron may well have been at work, because if Haleigh was murdered away from the mobile home, that would have happened in broad daylight, mid-afternoon if Ron was involved before he left.
If Joe did the crime, Ron would've known. Joe was there that night & then shagged azz. He was the 1st person Misty publicly, called out as a possible suspect, & Teresa even talked about it. Was Ron just not paying attention?
I very well may end up eating my words but I do not think Joe is directly involved.

This story of Misty's has clearly been leaked by LE. Which is not normally the way one goes about building a case and going in front of a grand jury so they can charge him. Interviewing him for less than an hour after Misty told this story doesn't sound like a suspect interogation. Misty was taken to the station for hours on end at the beginning of this case.

It seems to me that the police have let Joe know in no uncertain terms that the crew is closing ranks and throwing him right under the bus. Maybe that will get him to tell something he knows or has heard.

Or they are letting these rumors swirl so that Misty/Tommy keep talking and leading them to evidence about "Joe".

We have heard so far that he took her, that she had a head injury, that she ODed, that she was sold, that she was killed in an accident, that she was been sexually abused by multiple members of the family... I am having a hard time keeping up!
I'll give Sheriff Hardy the benefit of the doubt if Joe is his target. But with eyes wide open. He has to produce much, much more than these testimonials to make me a believer. One should not be blind to the fact that he is under tremendous pressure to make an arrest in this very high profile case. Both by the citizens and himself personally. His reputation and continued success as Sheriff is on the line if he is duped by some of the LEAST finest citzens of Putnam County. I just hope he is not rushing forward with the noose to solve this case on his watch. Something smells in Putnam. We all know that Joe is no choir boy, which makes him even a better fall guy. JMO.
I think maybe JO was involved in it after the fact. I think he or/and TC may of took the van and helped Misty dispose of the Haleigh. Maybe by means of the brick and rope. The way JO broke down yesterday tells me he may have remorse or could just be that he is hurt by his family pointing the finger his way.
I do think he is involved as well as TC. I have thought this for quite awhile now.

Does anyone know what JO criminal record is? I am having trouble finding this information. TIA

If Joe did the crime, Ron would've known. Joe was there that night & then shagged azz. He was the 1st person Misty publicly, called out as a possible suspect, & Teresa even talked about it. Was Ron just not paying attention?

How? Is he psychic? He may well have suspected Joe was involved, but Misty and Tommy might have sworn that he wasn't. Certainly, either LE thought Joe was "cleared" or we have been misled on that fact. We get fooled by people close to us all the time--all of us. Why would Ron be exempt from that? But surely, he has to have spent the past year wondering who of the many people he knows took his daughter. Suspecting someone is not the same as knowing, or having proof.

I just heard the grandmother of these three terrible people say that the may "have no remorse." Why didn't the grandmother "know" or the parents or Tommy's wife or the next door neighbors or the sheriff "know"? Once again, unless RC is named as a suspect and then arrested, I think we should drop the Ron bashing until we see what the investigation shows us. There will be lifetime to bash Ron if it turns out he is involved, and I will happily jump on the bandwagon then. Until that point, Ron and Crystal are bereaved parents and we should leave them alone.
Anyone know just exactly how long Joe had been visiting in Satsuma? Also was that the first time Ron had met Joe or did he know Joe somehow before he met Misty 4-5 months prior to HaLeigh's disappearance. I asked a similar question on another thread (didn't realize this thread was here) because I'm curious as to how Ron knows so much about Joes' "habits."

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