Was JonBenet feeling sick Christmas day and if so why would the R's deny this?

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Feb 5, 2009
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I came across this part of the 2000 Atlanta Interview with JR.
I remember it was reported that JB was feeling sick Christmas day.
But in this interview JR denys this.I wonder why?

10 Q. (By Mr. Levin) It was brought to
11 my attention fairly recently that a woman I
12 believe named Jean Fortier, F-o-r-t-i-e-r, for
13 the reporter, who are the parents of some
14 children who were over your house on
15 Christmas, and they, they, she, excuse me,
16 said that her children reported to her at
17 Christmas day when they went over to play,
18 they played with Burke but that JonBenet did
19 not play because she was sick. I hadn't
20 heard that before. Is that nonsense?
21 A. Absolutely. I don't know who
22 that is, but we had a whole parcel of kids
23 there all day.

I came across this part of the 2000 Atlanta Interview with JR.
I remember it was reported that JB was feeling sick Christmas day.
But in this interview JR denys this.I wonder why?

10 Q. (By Mr. Levin) It was brought to
11 my attention fairly recently that a woman I
12 believe named Jean Fortier, F-o-r-t-i-e-r, for
13 the reporter, who are the parents of some
14 children who were over your house on
15 Christmas, and they, they, she, excuse me,
16 said that her children reported to her at
17 Christmas day when they went over to play,
18 they played with Burke but that JonBenet did
19 not play because she was sick. I hadn't
20 heard that before. Is that nonsense?
21 A. Absolutely. I don't know who
22 that is, but we had a whole parcel of kids
23 there all day.


She may have been unwell, then recovered to go outside and play on her bike? Neither event excludes the other.

I think I remember reading that during the White's party, JBR wasn't feeling well and was laying down. I'll go check ACR in a bit and see what I can find.
Exactly,I remember that as well.I also remember reading she was not feeling well BEFORE the party and was laying down but I can't find it now.
I just never saw this part before that JR said it "absolute nonsense",that's a strong denial.Why would the children say she did not want to play because she was feeling sick but JR saying it's absolute nonsense?
It seems like she was not well since December 23rd.Something was bothering her.Physically and emotionally?
Exactly,I remember that as well.I also remember reading she was not feeling well BEFORE the party and was laying down but I can't find it now.
I just never saw this part before that JR said it "absolute nonsense",that's a strong denial.Why would the children say she did not want to play because she was feeling sick but JR saying it's absolute nonsense?
It seems like she was not well since December 23rd.Something was bothering her.Physically and emotionally?

and didn't she cry on the steps and someone comforted her,
she felt unpretty???
Exactly,I remember that as well.I also remember reading she was not feeling well BEFORE the party and was laying down but I can't find it now.
I just never saw this part before that JR said it "absolute nonsense",that's a strong denial.Why would the children say she did not want to play because she was feeling sick but JR saying it's absolute nonsense?
It seems like she was not well since December 23rd.Something was bothering her.Physically and emotionally?


It could be JonBenet was unwell/emotionally upset, after opening her Christmas gifts, and a possible ensuing exchange with Patsy, all captured on videotape?

So JonBenet announces she is unwell and retires to her room?

I still think whatever happened started December 23rd.
And the R's knew what that was.That's why she was feeling sick on the 25th and that's why JR was saying it's absolute nonsense.
I just can't find where I read that JonBenet in fact laid down before the White's party and that's why her pillow was on the other side of the bed.She was resting and watching TV.Somehow I believe that was the last time she was in that bed.
dunno who owns this blog but I'd like to know where he/she got this info


John Ramsey's daughter (from his first marriage), Elizabeth, had uncovered several vivid memories of Satanic, ritual sexual abuse after a failed suicide attempt (during the ensuing therapy sessions) in which her Father apparently played a major role in the rituals. Within several months of uncovering the memories and going 'public' with them (talking to friends and family members) she was dead - killed in a 'freak' car accident the manner in which has never been fully resolved to investigators satisfaction.

(12) JonBenet had expressed discomfort to her mother Patsy Ramsey concerning her 'private place' about two months before her death. Beginning app. two weeks before her murder, JonBenet began to talk - talk about scary people in long, black robes who gathered around her and stuck 'things' into her private place - things that hurt her. She also spoke vaguely of darkness around her and the possible use of candles.
Several of the Ramsey's friends, friends from their Church, the Whites and the Fernies as well as others, heard this along with several of her teachers and questioned her about it. After JonBenet's murder they went to the Police with the information but apparently due to the DA, nothing ever came of it. The friends from the Church abruptly ended their relationship(s) with the Ramsey's and several of them openly stated they thought them guilty of murdering their daughter
For some reason I cannot access this page... it could be that we are currently in Germany and can't understand the German text that came up... anyway, this seems AWFULLY far fetched. And for all of the people that were supposedly told about this by JB, you'd think it would be more publicized than just this one source.
It looks like it's just someone's blog. Although I do believe the tabloids talked about the people in robes too but they're not the most credible either. I don't think I've ever seen a legitimate source for that stuff.
I think that if there were an ounce of truth to it, and JB had told even a FEW people about it (especially within the school) then it would have been leaked to the press.... not the National Enquirer or something like that, but real press. Then investigators would have been asked by the press about it and that would be followed by a "no comment" or something of the like. Because when this happened there were press conferences right? There had to be. Help me out here because I cannot seem to remember for sure if there was a press conference.
If JBR was feeling sick, wouldn't the most likely reason be "sweet sick" from too much candy in her stocking?
could be...but I don't know any kids that would let that stop them from playing with their new toys!
dunno who owns this blog but I'd like to know where he/she got this info


John Ramsey's daughter (from his first marriage), Elizabeth, had uncovered several vivid memories of Satanic, ritual sexual abuse after a failed suicide attempt (during the ensuing therapy sessions) in which her Father apparently played a major role in the rituals. Within several months of uncovering the memories and going 'public' with them (talking to friends and family members) she was dead - killed in a 'freak' car accident the manner in which has never been fully resolved to investigators satisfaction.

(12) JonBenet had expressed discomfort to her mother Patsy Ramsey concerning her 'private place' about two months before her death. Beginning app. two weeks before her murder, JonBenet began to talk - talk about scary people in long, black robes who gathered around her and stuck 'things' into her private place - things that hurt her. She also spoke vaguely of darkness around her and the possible use of candles.
Several of the Ramsey's friends, friends from their Church, the Whites and the Fernies as well as others, heard this along with several of her teachers and questioned her about it. After JonBenet's murder they went to the Police with the information but apparently due to the DA, nothing ever came of it. The friends from the Church abruptly ended their relationship(s) with the Ramsey's and several of them openly stated they thought them guilty of murdering their daughter
I remember reading this along with those claims from a woman that she was used in satanic ritualistic abuse by wealthy people with ties to the Ramseys?...and that whole conspiracy theory about the CIA being involved through mind control,all that stuff seems incredibly outrageous but sometimes there's just a bit of truth to it?
dunno who owns this blog but I'd like to know where he/she got this info


John Ramsey's daughter (from his first marriage), Elizabeth, had uncovered several vivid memories of Satanic, ritual sexual abuse after a failed suicide attempt (during the ensuing therapy sessions) in which her Father apparently played a major role in the rituals. Within several months of uncovering the memories and going 'public' with them (talking to friends and family members) she was dead - killed in a 'freak' car accident the manner in which has never been fully resolved to investigators satisfaction.

(12) JonBenet had expressed discomfort to her mother Patsy Ramsey concerning her 'private place' about two months before her death. Beginning app. two weeks before her murder, JonBenet began to talk - talk about scary people in long, black robes who gathered around her and stuck 'things' into her private place - things that hurt her. She also spoke vaguely of darkness around her and the possible use of candles.
Several of the Ramsey's friends, friends from their Church, the Whites and the Fernies as well as others, heard this along with several of her teachers and questioned her about it. After JonBenet's murder they went to the Police with the information but apparently due to the DA, nothing ever came of it. The friends from the Church abruptly ended their relationship(s) with the Ramsey's and several of them openly stated they thought them guilty of murdering their daughter
was there a failed suicide attempt?
I think I remember it was a college friend of Beth who was saying those things....I've been trying to search the web but I can't find anything else about it
I find all the sexual/satanic conspiracy theories intriguing. Imho, something was going on with JBR long before Christmas night. I've always found it very curious that there was no video tape of the Ramsey kids on Christmas morning. To those of us whose children were born during the dawn of the videocamera era, this is an incomprehensible oversight. I think all parents, assuming they have a camcorder of some kind, tape their small children opening their presents in extremely great detail. For a family of the Ramseys' means not to do this is highly suspicious, in my view.

I would love to hear more testimony from those who were at the December 23 party where the 911 call was "inadvertently" made by someone. While 911 calls are accidentally made frequently when small children are around, a child living in the residence from where one was made doesn't usually wind up murdered two days later. I think this aspect of the case should have been investigated more thoroughly.

When we combine the lack of videotape of the children that morning, and the further unbelievable fact that apparently only a single photograph was taken of JBR that morning (the one where both her and Patsy look strained and hardly happy), alarm bells start to ring out. If somehow the Ramseys' story about the battery on their videocamera being dead is true (although it can hardly be imagined that any diligent parents wouldn't have charged it up fully the night before), how can we explain the lack of photos? Don't all parents take many, many pictures of their small children opening Christmas presents?
There was a videotape of Christmas morning 1993 and 1994 so why not 1996? I have a theory that the video was erased because there was something or someone on there that the Ramseys didn't want others to see. And like you said, if the camcorder wasn't charged, then why aren't there more pictures besides just the two?

I believe that there was pictures taken of JonBenet at the White's Christmas party, but they have never been released to the media or the public.

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