Was Josh Seen Buying A LARGE Amount of Shrink Wrap?

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"One of the biggest problems Susan had was that (Josh) talked to his dad for hours, more than he talked to her," said Tim P, a friend and member of the Powells' ward who has been vocal in the past about JP. http://www.deseretnews.com/article/705352897/Josh-Powell-has-left-Utah.html

Thank you! I did not remember Tim Peterson saying that, although I do recall him saying that when he advised Susan to leave Josh, she quit talking to him about her marriage.

Clearly, Susan was reaching out. But, it appears she didn't want to confide in someone who was going to tell her to leave JP.

I have to wonder if JP would go off in a room and close the door so Susan couldn't hear what they were talking about. Since JP was on the phone so much, there would have been times where JP wasn't using the computer. I am still wondering why he wouldn't allow Susan to use the home computer.

JP also told her what to wear, what groceries to buy, what she could eat and who knows what else. It is obvious he was very controlling and it seems he would most likely become angry if Susan defied his authority in any way.

It seems pretty clear that she put her foot down about something that fateful evening. Her parents and friends have repeatedly said that Susan would not have allowed JP to take the boys out of the home at 12:30 AM to go camping. Because of this, Susan DID control JP to a certain extent.

What exactly is it they argued about on December 6, 2009? Was she angry because he took the boys sledding in the dark, leaving after she laid down and without her permission? Maybe she said something to the effect of: "If you are going to continue to do irresponsible things like this, I am going to leave you for good and take my boys with me because clearly you don't know how to care for them properly! How could you take them out in the cold in the dark?"

I would have NEVER allowed my husband to take my little kids out in the dark to go sledding on a Sunday night! Why didn't he take them that afternoon when it was still light? Why go in the dark and on a Sunday night? That is so strange to me! I am assuming the little one was still in diapers. What was he really up to and did he really take them sledding is what I want to know!
I don't remember reading a family member or friend being quoted in the press as saying JP was always on the phone with his father nor do I recall this being said during a TV interview and I've watched and read everything. I'm not calling you out, I'm asking if you can give me a link to the media or if perhaps this was something that was written in a comment on Facebook or a newspaper article or video.

If JP was indeed on the phone with his father constantly, this would lead me to believe that he would have contacted his father on December 7, 2009 because of habit! If this adult man (JP) was constantly consulting his father about everything, this would be a time when he would feel an overpowering urge to seek the advice of his father!

I have thought that perhaps the car was rented so he could meet and talk with his father in person who drove the majority of the way, that perhaps his father paid for a motel for them to spend the night in so they could talk undisturbed. This still wouldn't explain the red hands.

Perhaps JP's father met JP somewhere, they talked and then they both decided something must be done; that certain evidence must be moved or destroyed or Susan's body must be moved.

Darlin gal has the link to the article re:Josh/father and phone. It's hard to remember everything in this case sometimes and forget. I know I do it. I know that I could swear that there was a comment---video or article where Jovanna was talking about lunch the w/e of the move, but I can't find it. :banghead:

I would bet the farm Josh called his dad on the 7th. I think one of the first things he did with the rental was to go to WM and get a new phone along with clothes and a new quilt. (no gloves :) !

I may be in the minority when it comes to thinking Josh did not go anywhere near Susan's body the day of the rental car. If Josh is not smart enough to think LE is looking at him, I would think the father would tell him. I too, just have a hard time believing LE or the media did not know where he was. Especially after Josh's personna and it being confirmed by little Charlie that the "family" went camping.

This is one of the reasons I'm so against the media wanting to unseal the files...all little Charlie said would be in them.
I agree it is very strange. The finances, especially. The most expensive attorney, those two moving vans, a rental car, a plane ticket back to SLC, a generator and the list goes on. This doesn't seem like the right expense report for the guy they said on TV made just a few thousand dollars one year.

Isn't it illegal to clean out the family bank account once a spouse goes missing like that?

Who's covering those bills? It starts to look like a cult group is assembling in that house.

If the a/c was joint he could. I don't think Susan would have made him the benny on her (only) a/c tho.

I think dad is footing the bills. I get the feeling he's pretty tight. I saw the dining room furniture and it's classic K-Mart. Betcha the recording equipment is pretty substantial. I think he and Josh are planning for a profit on the sale of the house in the future. I would venture to guess pop paid the mortgage til it was rented.

Amazing he didn't help the the kids (Susan & Josh) when Josh had to file bankruptcy. Telling?
You all just have to see this! I posted it under the Dr. Phil Show thread but wow! Check out Jennifer's expression when Dr. Phil asks her what JP has told her! Wow! This gave me the chills!

Any chance Josh wasn't on the phone with his dad, but told Susan that so she'd tolerate it?
I think it's very likely Susan controlled some things that Josh didn't like and he felt she was out of line.

My daughter has stated that she feels very guilty and is reading Dr Phil's book because she realizes she's also trying to be controlling to some extent and wants to fix herself before giving up on the marriage, even though her older and much larger husband is very much like Josh.
Darlin gal has the link to the article re:Josh/father and phone. It's hard to remember everything in this case sometimes and forget. I know I do it. I know that I could swear that there was a comment---video or article where Jovanna was talking about lunch the w/e of the move, but I can't find it. :banghead:

JoVonna said the lunch was quite late, and it took Josh a long time in the kitchen to fix the pancakes. That was their lunch. Sorry, I don't have a link.
Darlin gal has the link to the article re:Josh/father and phone. It's hard to remember everything in this case sometimes and forget. I know I do it. I know that I could swear that there was a comment---video or article where Jovanna was talking about lunch the w/e of the move, but I can't find it. :banghead:

I would bet the farm Josh called his dad on the 7th. I think one of the first things he did with the rental was to go to WM and get a new phone along with clothes and a new quilt. (no gloves :) !

I may be in the minority when it comes to thinking Josh did not go anywhere near Susan's body the day of the rental car. If Josh is not smart enough to think LE is looking at him, I would think the father would tell him. I too, just have a hard time believing LE or the media did not know where he was. Especially after Josh's personna and it being confirmed by little Charlie that the "family" went camping.

This is one of the reasons I'm so against the media wanting to unseal the files...all little Charlie said would be in them.

Regarding what little Charlie said: That record wouldn't be available to the public, would it? I thought it was just the search warrants that were sealed that the Salt Lake Tribune is suing to unseal.

And, was JP really talking to his father or was he talking to a lover?

I don't think JP would be stupid enough to have messed with Susan's body either, when he had the rental car, for fear of being followed. However, something made his hands get "the worst case of windburn" Tim Peterson had ever seen.

Did JP put Susan into a storage bin or shed then was using chemicals to clean with that caused the redness? Maybe he met his father to pick up some special chemicals?
Or maybe he had lime on hand (lol) from his landscaping projects...
Regarding what little Charlie said: That record wouldn't be available to the public, would it? I thought it was just the search warrants that were sealed that the Salt Lake Tribune is suing to unseal.

There needs to be a documented justification for the warrant.
Statements made by Josh and the children might be part of the justification for the warrant.
Then, the next evening when the police served a warrant and took his mini-van he took off in a rental car and disappeared until the next day."

I keep thinking this was a visit to a girlfriend or boyfriend.

I keep tellin ya doc, we know who the 'other wo/man' was... the one he spent so much time talkin to... :angel:

If JP was indeed on the phone with his father constantly, this would lead me to believe that he would have contacted his father on December 7, 2009 because of habit! If this adult man (JP) was constantly consulting his father about everything, this would be a time when he would feel an overpowering urge to seek the advice of his father!

I have thought that perhaps the car was rented so he could meet and talk with his father in person who drove the majority of the way, that perhaps his father paid for a motel for them to spend the night in so they could talk undisturbed. This still wouldn't explain the red hands.

Perhaps JP's father met JP somewhere, they talked and then they both decided something must be done; that certain evidence must be moved or destroyed or Susan's body must be moved

(snip, bbm) Agree w bold!! :thumb:

Hollyblue you are reiterating or echoing all of the suspicions I have shared re daddy (SP). His bitterness over his own failed marriage, decade long court battle and custody dispute no doubt in turn poisoned JP as well. They are two peas in a very bitter, controlling, vindictive pod IMO. I too have expressed the belief he may have virtually planted that evil seed in his own son's mind and even contributed--indirectly (by coaching) if not directly (w damage control and the cover-up) in their determination to ensure JP would ultimately "win" and maintain the upper hand and final say if Susan ever left him.

JoVonna said the lunch was quite late, and it took Josh a long time in the kitchen to fix the pancakes. That was their lunch. Sorry, I don't have a link.

Thank you for the response grayjay, but I was referring to a lunch the week-end the friends were all there to help him pack and move.

IIRC he stated he would fix her (Jovanna) lunch. I think it was a slight. KWIM
Regarding what little Charlie said: That record wouldn't be available to the public, would it? I thought it was just the search warrants that were sealed that the Salt Lake Tribune is suing to unseal.

And, was JP really talking to his father or was he talking to a lover?

I don't think JP would be stupid enough to have messed with Susan's body either, when he had the rental car, for fear of being followed. However, something made his hands get "the worst case of windburn" Tim Peterson had ever seen.

Did JP put Susan into a storage bin or shed then was using chemicals to clean with that caused the redness? Maybe he met his father to pick up some special chemicals?

RayO is correct. The affidavit for the SW would be in the file also, along with other documents, like what they found in the searches, etc. Pretty sure the file is sealed, not just the warrants. I can't understand the judges ruling that the lawyer be privy to the info and no one else. I don't see the need. If Josh's lawyer somehow gets wind of it---how fair is that, and may put the boys in danger, or at least little Charlie.

There are so many scenarios for the red hands, and we really don't know if the redness occurred Sun/Mon or the day of the rental do we?

As soon as I heard the rumor of the wrap, I thought, OMG he has wrapped her up like a Xmas present and shipped her somewhere. Thinking of the box for the generator. Strange what some people can and will do.

The family said Joshua Powell was physically abusive to his wife at least once, she did not seek medical assistance or file a police report.

Joshua Powell threatened to take the children if Susan left him, and he often tried to "undo" her parenting efforts, such as taking the children out of bed and telling them their "Mommy is so mean" after she put them down for the night, Gifford said.

The Cox family says Josh was very controlling of Susan, and limited her access to the couple's bank account, even though Susan was the primary breadwinner in the family in the past year. Gifford said Josh often changed the PIN number for the ATM on their account.

Gifford also said Josh would not allocate enough money for Susan to buy groceries, which caused her to become a gardener to provide enough food for the children and herself.
You just made me realize something I hadn't thought of. It appears that JP's father's goal is to have all his adult children live with him in his home. Perhaps he brainwashed JP into getting rid of Susan, knowing full well JP wouldn't be able to make it on his own and would ultimately come back home to live with him.

Why else would JP's father allow four of his adult children to reside with him? That is VERY unusual! I do not know of any other family who has 4 out of their 5 ADULT children living with them! That is just plain strange!

It's also strange that an older, single man would sell his 2,000 sq. ft. home in 2004 and purchase a 5 bedroom, 3,200 sq. ft. home to replace it.

Jenny and Josh were married and gone. John was 26. Michael was in the Armed Service, and his youngest child, Alina was 18 years old at the time.

Why would an older single man purchase such a big house just for himself and an 18 year old daughter?

It looks like Steve Powell had plans for a family compound from the beginning.

How I hope both Josh and daddy end up in Utah State's Compound - right next to Mark Hacking. :D
It's also strange that an older, single man would sell his 2,000 sq. ft. home in 2004 and purchase a 5 bedroom, 3,200 sq. ft. home to replace it.

Jenny and Josh were married and gone. John was 26. Michael was in the Armed Service, and his youngest child, Alina was 18 years old at the time.

Why would an older single man purchase such a big house just for himself and an 18 year old daughter?

It looks like Steve Powell had plans for a family compound from the beginning.

How I hope both Josh and daddy end up in Utah State's Compound - right next to Mark Hacking. :D

Mr. Steve Powell wanted to have many bedrooms available to rent out, whether it was to family or others. I wonder how much he charges for each room and if he is making a profit off of his adult children living in his home.

I wonder if it has a dungeon!
I'm thinking this could actually be a good thing. If she were all sealed up in plastic, there would be less decomposition, and less likelihood of animals getting to her. The downside is it would be harder for cadaver dogs to find her as well.

If I were the murdering/hiding type, I think I would skip the flavorpac and toss the body where the elements and animals would get rid of the evidence fast.

But we all know Josh is not the sharpest tool in the shed.

If it is true about the shrink wrapping, then there is no doubt this was a pre-planned murder. Which also shows how stupid he is. All this planning and this is the best alibi he could come up with?

I just found this old thread. Good thoughts, gwenabob.

There's ONE innocent use for a large role of shrinkwrap: many people of limited means, use it to seal up their windows in our harsh windows. It helps eliminate drafts.

BUT...the best use, in a crime scenario, would be to eliminate bodily fluids from contaminating the (ahem) disposal vehicle.
I just found this old thread. Good thoughts, gwenabob.

There's ONE innocent use for a large role of shrinkwrap: many people of limited means, use it to seal up their windows in our harsh windows. It helps eliminate drafts.

BUT...the best use, in a crime scenario, would be to eliminate bodily fluids from contaminating the (ahem) disposal vehicle.

or one could subdue, or contain a person...alive.

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