Was Josh Seen Buying A LARGE Amount of Shrink Wrap?

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The idea of JP trying to incinerate or cremate a body himself (for which purpose he purchases acetlyne torch) is beyond the scope of possiblity for me. Maybe for the shrinking itself. However the purpose of shrinking or encasing a body would have been to avoid coming in contact, contain leaking fluids, and prevent any trace evidence from being left in the van (hair w death bands eg). And given JP did not purchase until afterwards this seems unlikely to have served this purpose since Susan was already removed from the home and had presumably already been inside the van. Even if it was not the first torch or heating instrument but second (replacement enabling him to complete the task) this still makes no sense to me. :waitasec:

I realize there are perfectly innocent explanations or functions which either of these two items could have served, but I'm at a loss to explain the odd timing of these reported purchases.

There are something like over 10K abandoned mines in UTAH ALONE. I'm praying LE does at least have the STATE--and hopefully specific area--narrowed down. It's a dangerous undertaking from what I've read, even if they knew the exact mine and the snow must make this a more daunting task.

Omg who would do this.

ETA: Approximately 10,697 abandoned hardrock mines exist in Utah according to the Bureau of Land Mgmt and Forest Service estimates.


The idea of JP trying to incinerate or cremate a body himself (for which purpose he purchases acetlyne torch) is beyond the scope of possiblity for me. Maybe for the shrinking itself. However the purpose of shrinking or encasing a body would have been to avoid coming in contact, contain leaking fluids, and prevent any trace evidence from being left in the van (hair w death bands eg). And given JP did not purchase until afterwards this seems unlikely to have served this purpose since Susan was already removed from the home and had traveled inside the van. Even if it was not the first torch or heating instrument but replacement enabling him to complete the task this makes no sense to me. :waitasec:

I realize there are other functions which either of these two items could have served, but I'm at a loss to explain the odd timing of these reported purchases.


I question both these stories and the timing. Someone is either playing with the public or Josh.
Law enforcement HAS been searching abandoned mines with the Tooele County Sheriff's Department and various mine employees for quite some time. They have been encountered by several people who have reported this fact and searchers who have wanted to search in the areas this group has been searching have been told to keep out!

I do NOT know why the media hasn't reported this fact unless they aren't able to verify that this is a fact or they have been specifically requested by law enforcement NOT to report on these efforts. But, since when does the media obey demands/requests made to them unless they are hit with a gag order?

Hoping and praying this is based upon GPS, cell or other concrete data (ie besides mileage in any direction) and means LE may has been able to narrow down to general area. :prayer:

I question both these stories and the timing. Someone is either playing with the public or Josh.
Interesting perspective, Doc. Wish I knew for sure.

Josh could be having a lot of fun and gaining confidence and thinking we're all pretty stupid if these items are not true. I'm glad I looked around anyway, though, because I learned things I didn't know before, and so did a few others who have been sleuthing in earnest.

I think there is a real chance LE put out both these stories trying to mess with Josh while he is still there working on his house.

I am really surprised they haven't messed with him more.
I have a hard time believing Josh has the guts to have premeditated this disappearance. He seems more of an explosive type, rather than a thought out plan. I could be wrong though. I do, however, believe there's a strong possibility that he may have drugged Susan that night. It just doesn't seem normal that Susan would lie down, even if tired, and leave her friend to work on the project, when it was Susan who asked her for help. It just doesn't appear like something Susan would normally do.

The shrink wrap could very well have been for the house and weatherization. But did he do it? We know from a poster the front windows weren't wrapped.

OTOH, IF there was no shrink wrap when LE served the SW, I'd like to know what he did do with it. Could he have decided to wrap Susan in it before disposing of her? IMHO, yes.

The thing that bothers me is the torch. I didn't know they have grates across the mines, but that would make sense that he bought the torch to remove a grate so he could place Susan in there. I actually thought of that recent case in Utah where the young man died in the mine and they sealed it, when this case first began. Now with the information of the torch, it seems much more of a possibility.

Good grief! This is definitely like a needle in a haystack.


PS...........could he have purchased the torch in the hopes of melting snow so he could bury the body? I really don't think he bought the torch to use with the shrink wrap. I don't believe you could use an open flame with that stuff.

PPS......I asked my daughter about Dexter. I guess this serial killer Dexter would wrap his victims in shrink wrap so they couldn't move. And sometimes he would cover parts of the room to avoid splatter. :(( fran
This is good news. It could mean that Susan is perfectly preserved and Josh's prints could be all over it. What an idiot!
Reading through the posts and envisioning him wrapping her body up, I was thinking the exact same thing. And yes, what an idiot if it's true!
I question both these stories and the timing. Someone is either playing with the public or Josh.

Guys, I trust my source. I have confirmed that the place it was purchased was a place that Susan and Josh shopped at. It is not a large store with stores all over the country. It might just be local or Intermountain.

The ony reason I don't mention the store is I don't want to get the source in trouble.

I will tell you the reason she is so sure it was Josh, as she told the police, is because he shopped at this store all the time and the clerks would argue about who would wait on him. Nobody liked him because he was so strange and difficult.

I was hesitant to put this up and that is why I made sure to note that this has not been confirmed and there is always the chance the clerk was mistaken.

Please forgive me as I am not trying to sound like a jerk but since I trust the source and I own the forum I felt it would be OK to post about it.
Guys, I trust my source. I have confirmed that the place it was purchased was a place that Susan and Josh shopped at. It is not a large store with stores all over the country. It might just be local or Intermountain.

The ony reason I don't mention the store is I don't want to get the source in trouble.

I will tell you the reason she is so sure it was Josh, as she told the police, is because he shopped at this store all the time and the clerks would argue about who would wait on him. Nobody liked him because he was so strange and difficult.

I was hesitant to put this up and that is why I made sure to note that this has not been confirmed and there is always the chance the clerk was mistaken.

Please forgive me as I am not trying to sound like a jerk but since I trust the source and I own the forum I felt it would be OK to post about it.
(bolding mine)

That statement alone would confirm it for me. Customers are remembered either by what they routinely purchase, if they're nice & talk to the cashier, or if they are extremely difficult, rude, or constantly returning items. What I am curious about is if any of this wrap was found at the house, and how much had been used. :waitasec:
It just dosen't seem like he had it in him to premeditate in such detail. But, of course, I could be wrong.

I'm questioning that a hand-held propane torch would be the best tool to cut into a locked mine. I agree with a previous poster that a bolt cutter would be the way to go. But if he had already determined that a bolt cutter wouldn't work, then that means he would have already visited the mine previously to make that determination.

OTOH, I can see using the propane torch to melt something...like snow or ice on a lake..

It's just all pretty weird...
I'm with fran that he wouldn't use the torch on the shrinkwrap (post #87 above). A heat gun, yes, but not a torch like that.
For those unable to view, it's a "mass fatality mgmt system for proper secure handling of human remains that protects from spread of bio hazardous waste associated w storage, transport and handling" of human remains (lovely... and very Soylent Green-esque).

It's purpose is that remains (vs intact body) are difficult to manipulate w/out secure foundation provided by a rigid base (wrapping alone does not contain biohazards) which avoids excessive maneuvering. So they came up w this portable industrial grade shrink-wrapping system to secure a rigid industry standard cremation container--a huge poly tunnel mounted on a huge heavy-duty steel frame (again, think mass fatalities).

These cremation-ready containers or caskets encased in strong low-density poly film can then be fed via conveyor into one end of the tunnel and the film is shrunk around the container in a matter of seconds, requiring only portable air compressor and stand alone generator.
In a nutshell a containment system for the bio safe transport of mass human remains which has little application here beyond the macabre idea that in addition to securing remains, a rigid stablizing base is probably useful if you plan to shrink wrap an intact body as well. Hth...


OMG,,,,,,,,,,,,,those words just made me sick,
O/T where are the boys while Josh is playing at Susan's house???
Josh's desire to work on his basement has been commented on several times by him and others. Is it possible he bought the shrinkwrap to prepare his basement in some way for the upcoming work? In other words, given the routine things going on his life at that time, would he have had a legitimate reason to buy shrinkwrap?
Strange and difficult...I think he was losing it for a long time. So sorry Susan thought patience and faith could change a nutjob into a human. I do not blame her, I tried once...
For those unable to view, it's a "mass fatality mgmt system for proper secure handling of human remains that protects from spread of bio hazardous waste associated w storage, transport and handling" of human remains (lovely... and very Soylent Green-esque).

It's purpose is that remains (vs intact body) are difficult to manipulate w/out secure foundation provided by a rigid base (wrapping alone does not contain biohazards) which avoids excessive maneuvering. So they came up w this portable industrial grade shrink-wrapping system to secure a rigid industry standard cremation container--a huge poly tunnel mounted on a huge heavy-duty steel frame (again, think mass fatalities).

These cremation-ready containers or caskets encased in strong low-density poly film can then be fed via conveyor into one end of the tunnel and the film is shrunk around the container in a matter of seconds, requiring only portable air compressor and stand alone generator.

In a nutshell a containment system for the bio safe transport of mass human remains which has little application here beyond the macabre idea that in addition to securing remains, a rigid stablizing base is probably useful if you plan to shrink wrap an intact body as well. Hth...


Thank you. So we've got the sled, shrink wrap, air compressor, acetylene torch ........... hmmmmmmmm! Oh! But of course! Graham crackers, Hershey's chocolate bars and marshmallows!
I think there is a real chance LE put out both these stories trying to mess with Josh while he is still there working on his house.

I am really surprised they haven't messed with him more.

I think you should go over to JP's house and ask him if he has some shrink wrap, a sled, an acetylene torch and a generator you can borrow! :Banane03:
Guys, I trust my source. I have confirmed that the place it was purchased was a place that Susan and Josh shopped at. It is not a large store with stores all over the country. It might just be local or Intermountain.

The ony reason I don't mention the store is I don't want to get the source in trouble.

I will tell you the reason she is so sure it was Josh, as she told the police, is because he shopped at this store all the time and the clerks would argue about who would wait on him. Nobody liked him because he was so strange and difficult.

I was hesitant to put this up and that is why I made sure to note that this has not been confirmed and there is always the chance the clerk was mistaken.

Please forgive me as I am not trying to sound like a jerk but since I trust the source and I own the forum I felt it would be OK to post about it.

I appreciate your sharing a little more information and for creating webslueths! It would be great to know how wide the roll was and how many linear feet were on it and how many days he bought it before Susan disappeared.

Since the basement and deck weren't finished, and his garage was a complete mess, I am assuming he is the sort of person who starts tasks but doesn't complete them. The appearance of his garage makes me think he has attention deficit disorder.

Perhaps he bought the shrink wrap to weatherize his windows and never got around to it.

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