Was Kaine at home or work the day that Kyron disappeared?

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Yes, as I said, I went back and pulled some early copy/pastes of the email, where it says 'in partnership'. You can see the discussion, however, of 'in concert' at my link above.

I recognize that without a link or screencap I have no way to show that. I understand skepticism - I'd feel the same :)

So we need a screen cap of the email soon after it was sent out -- not days after it was sent out. I'll look, too...
Yes, as I said, I went back and pulled some early copy/pastes of the email, where it says 'in partnership'. You can see the discussion, however, of 'in concert' at my link above.

I recognize that without a link or screencap I have no way to show that. I understand skepticism - I'd feel the same :)

Maybe the poster you were replying to had it wrong?
Yes, as I said, I went back and pulled some early copy/pastes of the email, where it says 'in partnership'. You can see the discussion, however, of 'in concert' at my link above.

I recognize that without a link or screencap I have no way to show that. I understand skepticism - I'd feel the same :)

My original post has not been edited. I copied e-mail exactly how it was and it is still the same.
Of course "we would all react differently", but I can't imagine giving a flying whatever what my coworkers might say! My child is missing without a trace. What my coworkers think or say wouldn't even enter my mind I am sure! Especially that soon after it happened. Does his email (stating times and events of that day) have anything to do with SM say don't believe everything the media says? I wonder! It seems those two were sitting around at home stewing about something in the public eye or something that would be in the public eye. AGain - who cares!!??? Your son is gone!
Of course "we would all react differently", but I can't imagine giving a flying whatever what my coworkers might say! My child is missing without a trace. What my coworkers think or say wouldn't even enter my mind I am sure! Especially that soon after it happened. Does his email (stating times and events of that day) have anything to do with SM say don't believe everything the media says? I wonder! It seems those two were sitting around at home stewing about something in the public eye or something that would be in the public eye. AGain - who cares!!??? Your son is gone!

Given the total silence from the school community, what the principal said in the PC, what the deskmate's grandmother said, what kyron's aunt said, and that the family has been nearly completely silent, I think it's reasonable to assume that LE has asked people not to speak to the press (in a few of the above examples, it was stated as such). Whatever their rationale, it's obvious LE is attempting to keep tight control over this case. I don't find it odd at all that this email was sent out, especially considering that we really don't know what happened to kyron and who may have taken him or for what reason.
My original post has not been edited. I copied e-mail exactly how it was and it is still the same.

No, Ruby, I was not implying in any way that any editing was done by you. Please see my post, in which I specifically talked about whoever has access to the website on which the email was published, which is the Acker website:

I would like to know who has editing access to that page
Maybe the poster you were replying to had it wrong?

No, when the poster mentioned it, I specifically remember looking it up to verify it because the wording (concert) was so unusual, and not what I recalled being on there. I just regret I didn't take a screencap. I double checked my hard drive, and I just have nothing to back it up.
If Kaine was off work that day, it would make more sense for him to take Kyron to the science fair and attend the talent show than for step-mom to do it.

At my kids' school, parents routinely take their child home with them following any type of afternoon event which parents attend. They have a list at the office to sign them out.

Many, many parents at our school take their child out early on any Friday they plan to go out of town. I would think that a five-hour trip with a 7yr old would certainly warrant an early release! Even if the parents meet half-way, the poor child still has to travel the entire distance!

I wish we knew what Kyron's usual routine was on traveling weekends.

That's true and at least one of them to go to the talent show that day.
No, Ruby, I was not implying in any way that any editing was done by you. Please see my post, in which I specifically talked about whoever has access to the website on which the email was published, which is the Acker website:

We are going to have to agree to disagree because the e-mail has not been altered and is exactly how it was when I posted it.
It was the "Kyron was dropped off" part that I took notice of. It almost seems like a distancing. But Kyron wasn't just dropped off, right?
It was the "Kyron was dropped off" part that I took notice of. It almost seems like a distancing. But Kyron wasn't just dropped off, right?
I took notice of the "don't talk to the media" as well... especially after reading SM's fb post that said not to believe what the media was reporting. (and that was before any of the speculation/ldt/etc on her)
Perhaps they said don't talk/listen to the media because they knew Kyron wouldn't just walk off and knew that LE would focus on that leading to the meadia possibly making it sound like he was not kidnapped. Just looking at all angles.
This afternoon I was doing some searching on an unidentified person case and in my search for matches, came across one I wanted to check out more. A link lead me to a specific site for that missing person. It was a flyer being distributed to a large tech type company's employees regarding a fellow employee's missing daughter. The flyer wasn't written by the parent of the missing girl but by a co-worker. It was so similar to Kaine's email that it was unreal -- same type wording, phrases, etc.

Is there a link to this? TIA
I too was bothered by Kaine's message, especially his request that his colleagues not speak with the media. This coupled with TH's FB post telling friends not to believe what the media is saying, would only make sense to me if either of two things were true. One, that the media was releasing personal information about the family and pointing fingers at family members. (This happened eventually but not at that point). Two, they assumed the media would be pointing fingers at them and writing about family secrets from the start. I can only imagine that a guilty conscience would lead them to jump to conclusions about what the media would or would not do taht early on in the investigation. If my child disappeared, it would never occur to me that the media or LE would probe me or my family - the idea that someone could think that I had hurt my own child would be totally incredulous.

Whether it came to this family naturally or was instilled in them by LE, this family clearly does not seem to trust the media, IMO.
the whole stay away from the media theme going on in their family disturbs me! The first thing I would do if my child was missing would be to get his face out there in any way possible including keeping his face in the media and in front of as many people as possible.

Do they not see that this behavior makes them look like they are hiding something and not acting normally?
the whole stay away from the media theme going on in their family disturbs me! The first thing I would do if my child was missing would be to get his face out there in any way possible including keeping his face in the media and in front of as many people as possible.

Do they not see that this behavior makes them look like they are hiding something and not acting normally?

I agree! Even if for some reason LE asked that I not speak to the media, I think I would feel as though I HAD to make a plea for information and keep the case in front of people for as long as I possibly could. Something about all the silence definitely seems off.....
I have no idea where I saw it as I was all over the place today. If I can't say this without a link, I'll just delete.

I think this could be an interesting concept to pursue...I will keep searching also..
I think the email to his co-workers was done at the suggestion of LE. Or...perhaps TH and KH lawyered up at that point and the email was sent at the suggestion of their atty.

I do find it odd that if he was home, and TH was also home/running errands....why didn't at least one of them go to the talent show? Maybe because they knew he wasn't going to be in it? Maybe something happened (crime of passion/rage maybe?) and they were busying trying to cover theri tracks while the talent show was going on?

I do feel strongly that one or both of them know what really happened to poor little Kyron.
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