Wasn't Caylee a brunette?

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Aug 13, 2003
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They keep stating that light hair was found attached to the tape or skull. In every photo I've seen of Caylee, I would definitely call her a brunette. This keeps nagging at me.
Same here. As far as I know, hair doesn't lose color unless it's left out in the sun. Every time they say that I think it must be someone else.
Same here. As far as I know, hair doesn't lose color unless it's left out in the sun. Every time they say that I think it must be someone else.

That's what keeps running through my mind......the possibility someone murdered a child about the same size and placed the body there hoping the world would think it was Caylee.
I read somewhere, don't ask me where, that hair lightens post-mortem..I would also call Caylee a brunette, but some might call her dishwater blonde etc.


Hair does get lighter after death though; this is due to oxidation of the melanin pigments.

That's what keeps running through my mind......the possibility someone murdered a child about the same size and placed the body there hoping the world would think it was Caylee.

Or maybe even moved a dead body from a grave to trick the media.
That's what keeps running through my mind......the possibility someone murdered a child about the same size and placed the body there hoping the world would think it was Caylee.

I think they have already ID' her positively from the teeth. They were saying how they could tell fast from a photo of Caylee smiling if that was her. I also think they have the results back from the initial find of the skull by now. I wouldn't worry. JMO.
I read somewhere, don't ask me where, that hair lightens post-mortem..I would also call Caylee a brunette, but some might call her dishwater blonde etc.


Hair does get lighter after death though; this is due to oxidation of the melanin pigments.


Interesting, I've heard the opposite happen. (White hair go to dark blonde)
My daughter is a brunette, her hair was nearly black when she was born. But her hair lightens in the summer. This doesn't really translate in the photos that I have of her, but her hair gets very light brown and she was even called blonde by someone at one point (even though I have never thought it's gotten lighter than a light brown). I don't think it is strange to hear that they are referring to Caylee's hair as light....
Hmm, well in some of Casey's pic (that appear more recent) she has her hair dyed somewhat blonde.. maybe that is what "blonde hair" could be being referenced.. jmo
I read somewhere, don't ask me where, that hair lightens post-mortem..I would also call Caylee a brunette, but some might call her dishwater blonde etc.


Hair does get lighter after death though; this is due to oxidation of the melanin pigments.


And Caylee was out in the sun quite a lot. That would lighten her hair somewhat.
The FBI has a tooth. I heard on Headline news today that Dr. G had sent a tooth and hair to Quantico. (probably other things as well) They can extract DNA from the pulp inside the tooth.
Or maybe even moved a dead body from a grave to trick the media.

Doubtful someome planted a body there, they are saying they found evidence at the dumpsite that ties back to Caylees home, bedsheets, clothes maybee, who knows
Yes, brown hair will get lighter when in the sun, but every photo I've seen of her, the hair looks pretty dark and they keep stating "light" hair. And then I believe the sheriff said they hadn't determined the sex yet. It just makes me wonder.........
That one video that keeps being shown over and over of her singing looks like her hair is dark. And that was the last time she was seen, I believe.
Yes, brown hair will get lighter when in the sun, but every photo I've seen of her, the hair looks pretty dark and they keep stating "light" hair. And then I believe the sheriff said they hadn't determined the sex yet. It just makes me wonder.........

I was wondering about this too, but in that video with her great grandfather her hair does appear to be the lightest of all of the more recent videos and photos.
Doubtful someome planted a body there, they are saying they found evidence at the dumpsite that ties back to Caylees home, bedsheets, clothes maybee, who knows

Remember a protester took a trash bag from the anthonys?
I dont know .. it's all speculation. If they have a tooth, they already know.
As early as yesterday I heard it was light brown hair that was found. Which is also the official description given for Caylee's hair color.


FWIW, years ago I met the actress Pamela Sue Anderson. She was always a brunette on film and in photos. But she had very light brown hair. My friend asked her if she dyed her hair recently and she said no, her hair always shows up darker on film.
It just struck me as strange that LE would even mention the color of the hair. I would expect them just to say we found hair that is similiar in length and color to the missing child instead of specifically stating that it was "light" in color. To me "light" means blonde.

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