Watching Motions Hearing Live on Friday 10-10-08

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Defense - Wants all the info about Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez

State - Drane-Burdick says he wants the state to do his investigation him. She suggest he depose the investigators.

Defense - A big part of the case is the lack of investigation into finding Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez. He wants to know who the cops talked to and what type of investigation they did.

Judge - The state must turn over what prosecutors have but Baez may need to do his own leg work to see if anything else exists. The state appears to have met its obligation.

Hey fool. There's no evidence to run over about ZG because she doesn't exist.
Why do you guys dislike Baez just b/c he represents Casey? Someone has to represent her! He's not gonna' let her move her 2 year old daughter's dead body to avoid prosecution. He's just an attorney. This is not an HBO original series, geez.

We, well, I disklike JB so much because it is evident to me, with a legal assistant degree, that he doesn't know what the jack he's doing! He's all bluster. Even a lowly la knows it's a good idea to cite the law when you need it to argue a motion. Even a lowly la knows a good attorney doesn't stroll (he must have picked that up from KC) up to the judge with one hand in your pocket and a big stupid grin on your face.

Watching him can't even be compared to watching a train wreck..watching a train wreck should induce at least a little sympathy for the sight before your eyes. Watching JB is torure...cringe-worthy torture! Thank God the prosecution side of the bar was so prepared, professsional and on task. They were balm to my ears and eyes.

I don't know when to start the pool that bets when KC is convicted of anything that she'll start screaming "ineffective counsel"! JB couldn't be that smart, could he???
.....As for the motion to allow Casey to search, I disagree with the previous poster that it will result in our cessation of faulting Casey for not searching. No one can possibly buy the, "I want to, but I'm not allowed to" argument from a woman who didn't report her child missing in the first place.....

Absolutely!!! We have the police and FBI to search, investigate, and help find missing children. It's certainly not KC's job to take over the investigation that she deliberately hindered.
Are you an attorney? Do you understand all the intracacies of the law and this case in particular?

I'm just wondering, not being argumentative.:)

It seems to me, reading the many posts here that JB is being judged for being a defense attorney and not really on his abilities.

I think it really doesn't matter what he does or says, he is going to be called out for it and I'm not sure that is fair. We are all entitled to a defense. JB is correct in that KC has been tried for murder before the public before she has even been charged. The public appears to have access to information, through the Sunshine Act, before the defense is made aware of it. Makes it difficult to prepare your case when you can not even get the charges clarified.

I am in no way defending KC. I think she is guilty plus some. But I think the attacks on JB are out of line to a large extent.

Just my opinion,


I dont think anyone is judging him because he's a defense attorney. He's being judged because he stammers, doesn't make any sense and has totally misguided this family.
So am i reading this correctly the request for Casey to look for her missing child was denied ?
Does anyone else think that Baez fears that the body will be found soon by Tim Miller, and that's why he filed these flurry of motions and why he's so intent on getting her out of the house??
Yes...he does. And the State and Judge know it, that is why they brought up the issue of tampering with evidence with reguard to her release from confinement to go "searching in secret." She will go to where she disposed of her daughter's body and cover her tracks.
I dont think anyone is judging him because he's a defense attorney. He's being judged because he stammers, doesn't make any sense and has totally misguided this family.

And I'll add...listen to what the judge had to say at the hearing today. His comments to a few of JB's requests speak volumes.
I stated in an earlier thread that I expected the judge's response to be, 'no way, jose.' Well, I was wrong. I always fess up when I'm wrong. Of course, I've listened to the hearing and now believe that the judge do rule appropriately. The defense is entitled to information -- but not to have LE do all of their work for them. I still hope the judge rules against the free reign to travel. Too vague. Too much strain on LE. But just think, and I'm sure this has been mentioned...look forward to another document dump!

Do the leg work yourself! What on earth has he been doing in that office from 10-4?

Why do you guys dislike Baez just b/c he represents Casey? Someone has to represent her! He's not gonna' let her move her 2 year old daughter's dead body to avoid prosecution. He's just an attorney. This is not an HBO original series, geez.

Listen if this guy really wants to win a big murder case he may do anything to do so. His relationship with KC is quesionable as far as I am concerned, calling her "his girl" and various other things. THERE IS NO reason to allow the tempttation of tampering to even exist or for the doubt to be raised later. If she wants to look for her daughter she should do it with her family and TIM MILLER in full view of the media and public. END OF STORY.

We dislike Baez because he is a crappy lawyer.
Are you kidding? Those high school debaters are a smart, articulate, and well-prepared bunch. They're the ones who grow up to be good attorneys.

(My daughter was a debater, and could talk circles around JB in middle school. Her dad's an attorney--I stand no chance in any argument in this house :bang:)

As for the motion to allow Casey to search, I disagree with the previous poster that it will result in our cessation of faulting Casey for not searching. No one can possibly buy the, "I want to, but I'm not allowed to" argument from a woman who didn't report her child missing in the first place.

If it hadn't been for Cindy getting Casey home before she vanished into a new life on the West Coast, no one ever would have known.

Amen. Wasn't going to touch it but since you did...I have a debater...a couple in fact...she would've had Baez so confused all you would have seen is smoke and his head pop off.

He's lame......very lame.
Are you an attorney? Do you understand all the intracacies of the law and this case in particular?

I'm just wondering, not being argumentative.:)

It seems to me, reading the many posts here that JB is being judged for being a defense attorney and not really on his abilities.

I think it really doesn't matter what he does or says, he is going to be called out for it and I'm not sure that is fair. We are all entitled to a defense. JB is correct in that KC has been tried for murder before the public before she has even been charged. The public appears to have access to information, through the Sunshine Act, before the defense is made aware of it. Makes it difficult to prepare your case when you can not even get the charges clarified.

I am in no way defending KC. I think she is guilty plus some. But I think the attacks on JB are out of line to a large extent.

Just my opinion,


JB has a computer the same as we do. We pour over the documents day and night. He could do the same. What charges were not clarified?
The man was ill prepared. He knew it. The judge knew it. TruTV knew it. The State Atty's knew it. JB is the one that requested these motions to be heard, he should have brought case law with him to back up his request. He didn't do it. The judge IMHO was generous with him.
Are you an attorney? Do you understand all the intracacies of the law and this case in particular?

I'm just wondering, not being argumentative.:)

It seems to me, reading the many posts here that JB is being judged for being a defense attorney and not really on his abilities.

I think it really doesn't matter what he does or says, he is going to be called out for it and I'm not sure that is fair. We are all entitled to a defense. JB is correct in that KC has been tried for murder before the public before she has even been charged. The public appears to have access to information, through the Sunshine Act, before the defense is made aware of it. Makes it difficult to prepare your case when you can not even get the charges clarified.

I am in no way defending KC. I think she is guilty plus some. But I think the attacks on JB are out of line to a large extent.

Just my opinion,


Not me ... I am judging him solely on his lawyering skills ... and I am a (recovering) attorney! I believe in the constitutional right for everyone to be afforded an adequate defense ... I wish that JB were a better attorney because if he fails to provide at least an adequate defense then the resulting verdict could possibly be overturned on appeal ... making justice for Caylee even more prolonged.

As to Sunshine Laws ... they apply to Baez as well ... he is perfectly capable of submitting a request.

The charges are 100% completely clear ... there is nothing remotely debatable about that.
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