Watching the KC Anthony trial yesterday made me think of Patsy...

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Sleuthing Southern Style
Mar 26, 2008
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I have never thought much of Cindy but watching her testify and being so broken over the loss of her granddaughter that she could not even look at her picture without breaking down and having to asked that it be removed from view reminded me of Patsy because she was the complete opposite!
Cindy was not even mourning for her child but her grandchild! I remember the CNN and LKL interviews with Patsy where she was so very composed. She was not shedding tears over the lose of her precious daughter. Also in interviews composed no tears. This just cements her guilt for me!
I know IDI say people grieve differently but come on! John being composed is one thing but a mother being that composed is something entirely different. The child she had inside her for 9 months , nurtured , watched grow and she shows no emotion. Even KC showed some faux emotion!
Emotionless Patsy and the fact that neither John nor Patsy was jumping everytime the phone rang and the fact that John left to get the mail during the time the "kidnappers' were supposed to call seal their guilt for me!
A LOT about the KC Anthnoy case reminds me of this one.
Well as soon as the cops got there to the house (owned by George and Cindy) they did seperate everyone as is PROTICAL.

Of course Patsy and John weren't 'seperated' because hmmmm........why?

Patsy got a pass because she was.....
the mother of a kidnapped kid
the rich wife of JR
Well as soon as the cops got there to the house (owned by George and Cindy) they did seperate everyone as is PROTICAL.

Of course Patsy and John weren't 'seperated' because hmmmm........why?

Patsy got a pass because she was.....
the mother of a kidnapped kid
the rich wife of JR

Say it like you mean it, GB. We all know how "mean" those Boulder cops are, right?
Well guys, after witnessing the world's most ignorant jury verdict today, I have to say that I understand why nobody in Boulder wanted to take the Ramseys to trial. It would have been devastating to watch them go free because of an ignorant jury.
For some reason, I feel more outrage over Casey being acquitted of Caylee's murder than I do about the Ramseys getting away with JonBenet's murder. Don't get me wrong; I wish they were in jail and JonBenet had justice. But when they read that verdict, I felt so much rage and anger than I ever did over JonBenet's case. I think it's because when the verdict came in, I knew at that moment that Casey had gotten away with it all. The prosecution was able to lay out all the evidence, and all the jury had to do was convict, and justice would be served. Maybe it's because JonBenet's case never even got to the trial phase so there's still that little bit of hope that someone will go to jail for it.
The only problem with that Eileen is that Boulder will need a DA with some cajones. Unless Jeff Ashton moves there when he retires, it will never happen. :(
I believe that either Patsy or Burke delivered the head blow, and then both Patsy and John helped to cover up the murder. Patsy is dead, Burke can't be charged, so we just have John left. I believe he could only be charged with the cover up, and the statue of limitations has probably run out.

Caylee's case may be technically considered "unsolved" now but we all know who was responsible, and we know what the motive was. Casey murdered Caylee because she wanted to party. We still don't know who delivered the head blow to JBR, what the reason for it was, why they decided to stage it, if sexual abuse played a role, how much Burke knows about all of it, etc etc.
Also, I started following JonBenet's case around 2007, and by then, it was known as one of those famous cases that would forever be unsolved. With Caylee's case, we saw Casey get arrested, we watched every day of the trial, and we felt so sure that Caylee would get justice. Many felt that LE had done an excellent job and the prosecution had proved the case. It seemed like Caylee was on the path to justice, and it would be served as soon as the verdict was read. I never in a million years thought that Caylee wouldn't receive justice just like JonBenet hasn't!
Also, I started following JonBenet's case around 2007, and by then, it was known as one of those famous cases that would forever be unsolved. With Caylee's case, we saw Casey get arrested, we watched every day of the trial, and we felt so sure that Caylee would get justice. Many felt that LE had done an excellent job and the prosecution had proved the case. It seemed like Caylee was on the path to justice, and it would be served as soon as the verdict was read. I never in a million years thought that Caylee wouldn't receive justice just like JonBenet hasn't!


It appears the prosecution tossed far too much legal salad at Casey, leaving the jury confused as to who did what, so returned not guilty on reasonable doubt grounds?

If you reckon there was a BDI then maybe it was all swept under the carpet with the usual reporting restrictions applied. Lets face it , I doubt we are looking at a PDI with Burke as a secondary accomplice.

I reckon a BDI is plausible with a conspiracy to fix things afterwards e.g. hiring Lou Smit, commissioning all these documentaries, feeding information out to you know who on related JonBenet websites, with nobody being charged with selling confidential information etc. To me it smacks of a corporate style PR fix. This is where the real story lies and one day it might just be revealed.

So soon only Burke will be left, but if the alleged BDI is correct then I reckon we have not heard the last from Burke!
Well folks, here you go. If Casey Anthony can't be convicted, good luck with JR, or BR, or the ghost of PR. This is EXACTLY what would happen if the Ramseys went to trial. I am still in shock about CA.
I am not sure what went through these jurors heads but IMO this is what happens when you're not able to provide COD,TOD,motif,etc (speaking in general now).....jurors WANT to be sure,sadly sometimes you can't provide enough.......
this is what scares me in the JB case.............if there will ever be someone on trial,without an exact COD,TOD,without a murder weapon, it will be hard IMO.we so need a confession :(

to tell you the truth I wasn't so shocked that they didn't vote guilty on murder one EVEN IF IMO this was premeditated,but MY opinion doesn't count,I wasn't on that jury.BUT I was at least hoping for manslaughter or child abuse.Something.
btw,there is something that really upset me while watching the talking heads discussing the verdict............they called Baez the next J.Cochran.:banghead:


Cochran was brilliant,Baez was LUCKY.IMO
In the OJ case the prosecution team was a JOKE,the defence was AMAZING.IMO
In the Casey case the prosecution was GOOD,the defence was a JOKE.

I wouldn't even compare the two trials,except for how much media attention they got.

Also, I started following JonBenet's case around 2007, and by then, it was known as one of those famous cases that would forever be unsolved. With Caylee's case, we saw Casey get arrested, we watched every day of the trial, and we felt so sure that Caylee would get justice. Many felt that LE had done an excellent job and the prosecution had proved the case. It seemed like Caylee was on the path to justice, and it would be served as soon as the verdict was read. I never in a million years thought that Caylee wouldn't receive justice just like JonBenet hasn't!

I always wanted a trial in the JB I am not that sure anymore after what I've seen lately,I am scared.
Don't get me wrong,but I feel better HOPING than I would feel if the killer would stand trial and there will be a not guilty verdict because of lack of evidence or something.I would be SO MAD.
this isn't about justice anymore,it's about luck,there are 12 people who have to decide,maybe they aren't the right people for it,but what can you do,this is the system and maybe it's not working anymore.....
Alex Hunter was right in not arresting the Ramseys......he knew double jeopardy would attach, and there was no motive, no evidence tying the Ramseys to the crime. The circumstantial case wouldn't fly. Alan Dershowitz mentioned yesterday that in high profile cases such as Casey Anthony.....good experts either donate their time or charge nominal fees....she didn't have money but got good experts. The Ramseys had money---they would have had an outstanding defense. That's the way it goes in America.......high profile or wealthy clients get a break.
Alex Hunter was right in not arresting the Ramseys......he knew double jeopardy would attach, and there was no motive, no evidence tying the Ramseys to the crime. The circumstantial case wouldn't fly. Alan Dershowitz mentioned yesterday that in high profile cases such as Casey Anthony.....good experts either donate their time or charge nominal fees....she didn't have money but got good experts. The Ramseys had money---they would have had an outstanding defense. That's the way it goes in America.......high profile or wealthy clients get a break.

I agree with everything you say except for this part:

no evidence tying the Ramseys to the crime.

there WAS evidence just not enough for a trial and it would have been difficult to prove which one did what,impossible job without a confession or pressuring them during interviews IMO.thats why their lawyers fought so hard to establish those interview rules/'s a shame it worked though IMO
I agree with everything you say except for this part:

no evidence tying the Ramseys to the crime.

there WAS evidence just not enough for a trial and it would have been difficult to prove which one did what,impossible job without a confession or pressuring them during interviews IMO.thats why their lawyers fought so hard to establish those interview rules/'s a shame it worked though IMO

When the case got to the Grand Jury, because of pressure on the Governor, the DNA was a BIG problem. Sometimes Grand Juries are used to predict how the case will play out in court. Hunter knew from the start that the Grand Jury was a waste of time, and charging on mostly circumstantial evidence a waste of time. The Ramseys would have been able to hire experts to refute what some say is evidence, such as previous sexual abuse, and the handwriting. It would have been a loser.
Well guys, after witnessing the world's most ignorant jury verdict today, I have to say that I understand why nobody in Boulder wanted to take the Ramseys to trial. It would have been devastating to watch them go free because of an ignorant jury.


Justice found both OJ and Patsy in the end. He is in jail and Patsy was called to her final judgment and sentenced to death. We only have to sit and wait for justice to find ICA. Whether its another crime or her worthless womb it will find her and have its day. Small comfort I know, but at least we can still have hope that Caylee will find peace in the end.....

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