Wayne Millard: Dellen Millard Charged With Murder In The First Degree #1

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ABro - Laura's ex-boyfriend wrote about her on this forum well before we knew that they (the OPP) were investigating her death. So what does that tell us?

Elizabeth was estranged from her family. She died. Someone (we don't know who but obviously not her immediate family) posted a creepy and weird obituary for her and no one has a clue? Hmmmm. Strange that?


Just to clarify, the OPP is overseeing and responsible for communications, but it is the Toronto police force that investigated Laura's death. The fact that TPS appears to have botched the investigation into Laura's disappearance and her boyfriend talked to the press about it before they could come up with their "official story" doesn't tell me that the OPP is lying.

I have no reason at all to distrust the OPP investigators on this case or the spokesman. They are close-mouthed but they gave me a very direct answer -- no more deaths related to DM and MS are being investigated. Period.

I agree the obit is strange, especially given it wasn't published until two years after the death. WM could have easily tracked down the Glass family had he wanted to. But WM was a strange guy. It makes a certain sense he'd write a strange obit.

Like you, I wondered if there wasn't more to the EG story for a long time. But another thing, I've learned over the many months I've been writing about this case is that DM wasn't particularly competent at anything -- including the murders he's alleged to have committed. At this point, I really can't see him getting away with a string of other murders that no one knows about. I think his life has been gone over with a fine-toothed comb including the Brantford airport accident and other incidents, which are the subject of persistent rumour.

Once again, I must here emphasize that Millard is innocent until proven guilty and none of the allegations have been proven about him in a court of law.
Right. I agree with you. What I remember reading is that the brother implied his sister as being a drinker. Other than that, I disagree with you. Both obituaries were beyond strange and RED FLAGS in many ways.

Just my opinion.

Please explain what the red flag in EG's obituary forewarned of?

And what words specifically are the red flag in WM's obit that warned that DM might kill someone else?

Personally, I'm just not seeing the red flags you speak of. I have read many obituaries that were similar to these over the years, should we worry that each one of those authors might also be charged with murder in the foreseeable future?
I agree the obit is strange, especially given it wasn't published until two years after the death. WM could have easily tracked down the Glass family had he wanted to. But WM was a strange guy. It makes a certain sense he'd write a strange obit.

I guess an obit is an obit and, while this particular style is obviously not to everyone's liking here on WS where everything is suspicious, I have to admit I am often intrigued and sometimes moved reading obits that are heartfelt and give a sense of the person. What I did find odd in this was the publishing two years later aspect. I wonder if WM's good intentions were to set up some sorr of animal welfare trust after EG passed but it just took him a looooong while to complete that. Do memorial trusts require a death posting in a newspaper?

We also don't know if he was just following EG's wishes for the fund and to not contact her family.

Thanks for info re forensic liguist, ABro. Interesting.
I guess an obit is an obit and, while this particular style is obviously not to everyone's liking here on WS where everything is suspicious, I have to admit I am often intrigued and sometimes moved reading obits that are heartfelt and give a sense of the person. What I did find odd in this was the publishing two years later aspect. I wonder if WM's good intentions were to set up some sorr of animal welfare trust after EG passed but it just took him a looooong while to complete that. Do memorial trusts require a death posting in a newspaper?

We also don't know if he was just following EG's wishes for the fund and to not contact her family.

Thanks for info re forensic liguist, ABro. Interesting.

I also found the 2yrs later part a little strange. But, it's possible that if there was a situation where either her belongings (photographs, family bible, things that only a family would be interested in) or her bank accounts etc were needing to be distributed, maybe WM thought a notice in the press would make a final announcement. Also it's possible that to finalize matters it was required that a public notice was made in a National newspaper. Much like when someone changes their name, it is required that an announcement is publicly made to formalize the matter.

One interesting thing which is probably of no relevance is that EG and her parents came from the same area of England as MB. Although I think maybe from a different religious background.
I first read the Wayne Millard obit just after Dellen was charged with murder and before any reports on his death. Here's what I noticed:

  1. The stilted, bad writing of someone trying and failing to appear erudite
  2. Weird comments about fearing racists without any context as to meaning
  3. Reading and writing five languages is exceedingly rare. Unlikely to be true
  4. No cause of death, which often means suicide
  5. No reference to anyone else in family except Dellen, the writer. Narcissism warning
  6. Reception/memorial happening day of publication of obit, discourages anyone from coming
  7. Mother wrote to Dellen in guestbook. Who communicates that way?
  8. Aunt wrote in guestbook no one had told her about Wayne's death. Extremely bad form.
  9. The EG fund didn't exist. Why solicit donations? And why mention her name and no family members?
  10. The picture of the baby seal, which seems especially sinister in light of the current charges

Strange things that jumped out about EG obit:

  1. Appears two years after her death
  2. All the references to family imply closeness yet writer communicates through a newspaper obit
  3. The animal welfare fund, which doesn't exist and is tied to the strange obit of Wayne Millard
  4. No other references to EG anywhere
  5. Weird style. Could it have been written by Dellen Millard? (Forensic linguist says very unlikely)

It is my experience that people go out of their way to immediately inform others of a death and funeral -- even estranged family members and friends. It's peculiar that in both cases, the convention of notifying people clearly wasn't followed.
It is my experience that people go out of their way to immediately inform others of a death and funeral -- even estranged family members and friends. It's peculiar that in both cases, the convention of notifying people clearly wasn't followed.

I don't think we actually know that not one member of EG's family had been notified at the time of her death. IF family were notified at the time of her death, the strange obit appearing 2 years after the fact may have been so it probably would not be seen by anyone in her family, thus the request for donations to the non-existent wildlife fund would not raise any red flags with them.
Why is there this persistent conviction that the Elizabeth Glass Animal Welfare Fund does not exist?
Where is it then? I see no evidence for its existence.
A fund can be created under the laws of Ontario, for example, but it isn't created pursuant to a registration at an Ontario Ministry. There are thousands of operating funds out there that cannot be "traced" through traditional searches. WM, his legal counsel or directors/trustees of the fund would have evidence, not the media.
Quite so, Snoofo. However, in this case, the "Elizabeth Glass Animal Welfare Fund" IS registered with the Ontario Ministry. See Blumbergs "List of Ontario Non-Profit Corporations" at http://www.globalphilanthropy.ca/im...rations_finally_released_by_Mark_Blumberg.pdf

On the other hand, there may be at least one other charity associated with this case in some way, that does not have either Federal or Provincial registration. However, you must ferret out such information on your own.
I first read the Wayne Millard obit just after Dellen was charged with murder and before any reports on his death. Here's what I noticed:

  1. The stilted, bad writing of someone trying and failing to appear erudite
  2. Weird comments about fearing racists without any context as to meaning
  3. Reading and writing five languages is exceedingly rare. Unlikely to be true
  4. No cause of death, which often means suicide
  5. No reference to anyone else in family except Dellen, the writer. Narcissism warning
  6. Reception/memorial happening day of publication of obit, discourages anyone from coming
  7. Mother wrote to Dellen in guestbook. Who communicates that way?
  8. Aunt wrote in guestbook no one had told her about Wayne's death. Extremely bad form.
  9. The EG fund didn't exist. Why solicit donations? And why mention her name and no family members?
  10. The picture of the baby seal, which seems especially sinister in light of the current charges

Strange things that jumped out about EG obit:

  1. Appears two years after her death
  2. All the references to family imply closeness yet writer communicates through a newspaper obit
  3. The animal welfare fund, which doesn't exist and is tied to the strange obit of Wayne Millard
  4. No other references to EG anywhere
  5. Weird style. Could it have been written by Dellen Millard? (Forensic linguist says very unlikely)

It is my experience that people go out of their way to immediately inform others of a death and funeral -- even estranged family members and friends. It's peculiar that in both cases, the convention of notifying people clearly wasn't followed.

I've rarely seen an obituary state the cause of death. Generally, they only say "peacefully" or "suddenly". This is not an indication in any way of suicide. You may want to do a quick read through of a daily paper's obituaries.

The memorial happened the day after the obituary was first posted. Anyone who was close was probably already aware of the reception the following day.


Many people put condolences in a guest book, including family members. That's what the guest book is for. Perhaps the aunt was not on good terms with any of the family and that could be why she wasn't notified. There could be any personal reason why she wasn't that we wouldn't be aware of or need to be.

As Carli has kindly pointed out, the EG fund did exist. I thought this had been pointed out long ago on here, but could be wrong.

I don't see why the baby seal makes anything appear "sinister". WM was against the seal hunts and made a film about it, during which he was arrested and his film seized. He received an apology later and a promise that the film would be returned.


Regarding the EG obit, what do you mean by "no other references to EG anywhere"? In the obit, you mean?


A copy & paste of the globalphilanthropy URL above shows list as "finally released" in March 2014?

There is still no charity by the name of Elizabeth Glass Animal Welfare Fund registered at Canada Revenue:


A search using the information shown above gave this result:
No match found

In case we had the name skewed somehow, an Advanced search for simply Elizabeth Glass also produces no results:


A search using the information shown above gave this result:
No match found

FWIW, if you go back and do a forum search of the Tim Bosma forum, as at May 2013, nobody was finding any google hits for "Elizabeth Glass Animal Welfare Fund". Of 10 current google hits that come up now, they are sleuthing articles, the obit, and the recent Blumberg list:

I first read the Wayne Millard obit just after Dellen was charged with murder and before any reports on his death. Here's what I noticed:

  1. The stilted, bad writing of someone trying and failing to appear erudite
  2. Weird comments about fearing racists without any context as to meaning
  3. Reading and writing five languages is exceedingly rare. Unlikely to be true
  4. No cause of death, which often means suicide
  5. No reference to anyone else in family except Dellen, the writer. Narcissism warning
  6. Reception/memorial happening day of publication of obit, discourages anyone from coming
  7. Mother wrote to Dellen in guestbook. Who communicates that way?
  8. Aunt wrote in guestbook no one had told her about Wayne's death. Extremely bad form.
  9. The EG fund didn't exist. Why solicit donations? And why mention her name and no family members?
  10. The picture of the baby seal, which seems especially sinister in light of the current charges

Strange things that jumped out about EG obit:

  1. Appears two years after her death
  2. All the references to family imply closeness yet writer communicates through a newspaper obit
  3. The animal welfare fund, which doesn't exist and is tied to the strange obit of Wayne Millard
  4. No other references to EG anywhere
  5. Weird style. Could it have been written by Dellen Millard? (Forensic linguist says very unlikely)

It is my experience that people go out of their way to immediately inform others of a death and funeral -- even estranged family members and friends. It's peculiar that in both cases, the convention of notifying people clearly wasn't followed.

Funny how perceptions can so completely differ from one person to the next, isn't it? For instance, in my view

1. Writing style is that of a young man neither capable nor comfortable with expressing emotions on paper.
2. The reference to racism? Who knows? Something personal, I suppose. See my # 1.
3. What is unlikely about being able to speak and write several languages? Most well travelled people are very capable in a number of languages, especially if they're all in the same linguistic group - ie. If you understand Spanish, then Italian is a snap, etc.
4. It's quite unusual to see a cause of death listed in an obit unless it was a newsworthy event - the result of drowning or a horrible vehicular accident, etc. Generally, if you're trying to figure out how somebody died you look to the donations recommendations - ie Gifts to the Multiple Sclerosis Society or to the Thank Yous - Thanks to the Dr X, Dr Y, and the wonderful nursing staff at the Cancer agency. Aids, suicide, hospital maltreatment, diabetes, cervical cancer, rickets, effects of obesity, industrial accidents (like, say, falling off an airplane wing) are among the thousands of fatal events that are rarely, if ever, noted in obituaries, probably out of respect to the dear departed.
5. Apparently there was no other immediate family, except his mother, who already knew of WM's demise and had divorced the guy years earlier.
6. Not to split hairs but wasn't the Memorial scheduled for the day after the obit? Who did he expect to attend anyway? The Obit seems more to me like an effort to inform any interested person that the death had taken place. That it was late is no surprise to me. Anybody who has ever been the sole person in charge of putting a family member to rest is well aware of the boggling number of details involved.
7. Mothers communicate with the adult children in lots of ways. Maybe I don't understand. Maybe you don't. But we're not members of that family or part of its troubled traditions.
8. Who is this Aunt? Wayne Millard had no sisters. Could this person be related to MB? But, at least until the death of WM, it appears that DM and his mother were quite estranged. (Her neighbor mentioned he rarely visited, etc.)
Maybe a great aunt? Did he know her? Did he know where she lived? http://woodstock.news.halinet.on.ca/954956/data
9. As already mentioned, the EG fund did and does exist.
10. The baby seal picture, I presumed, was an homage to his father's concerns about the seal hunt.

Well, no point in going on with this further except to say I see nothing about this Obituary, or either Obituary, that suggests it was written by a murderer or, in fact, implies that any murder had taken place. Perhaps, at trial, this document can be dissected more thoroughly and thereby underscore your reactions to it, rather than mine. MOO. IMHO. etc.
A copy & paste of the globalphilanthropy URL above shows list as "finally released" in March 2014?

There is still no charity by the name of Elizabeth Glass Animal Welfare Fund registered at Canada Revenue:


In case we had the name skewed somehow, an Advanced search for simply Elizabeth Glass also produces no results:


FWIW, if you go back and do a forum search of the Tim Bosma forum, as at May 2013, nobody was finding any google hits for "Elizabeth Glass Animal Welfare Fund". Of 10 current google hits that come up now, they are sleuthing articles, the obit, and the recent Blumberg list:


Respectfully, this fund is not registered federally. It is registered provincially. There is no need whatsoever to be registered at the federal level.

The names of a large number of Ontario registered funds was obtained through an FOI request by the highly respected law firm of Blumberg-Segal. The listed charities and non-profits didn't all step up to be registered last March. LOL.

Incidentally, as I mentioned earlier, if you wish, you could also search for other charities associated with this case and find no registration by name in either jurisdiction.
Here is more information about NPO's. Although they're often referred to as charities, they are not actual "charities".


NPOs are not defined in the Act. However, an organization that claims a tax exemption under paragraph 149(1)(l) of the Act is described as a club, society, or association that is organized and operated exclusively for social welfare, civic improvement, pleasure or recreation, or any other purpose except profit. No income earned by the organization can be available for the benefit of its members. Furthermore, the organization cannot be a charity.
There is still no charity by the name of Elizabeth Glass Animal Welfare Fund registered at Canada Revenue.

There would not be a listing for the EGAWF on the CRA website since it is not a federal registered charity. Instead, it is designated as an Ontario (provincial) charity. The charities on Blumberg&#8217;s list (which were obtained through FOI requests and mediation by the Office of the Information and privacy Commissioner of Ontario) are non-profit organizations incorporated in Ontario, which are not required to have a federal charity registration number and therefore cannot provide official tax receipts for income tax purposes. They would never be listed on the CRA registered charity site.
8. Who is this Aunt? Wayne Millard had no sisters. Could this person be related to MB? But, at least until the death of WM, it appears that DM and his mother were quite estranged. (Her neighbor mentioned he rarely visited, etc.)
Maybe a great aunt? Did he know her? Did he know where she lived? http://woodstock.news.halinet.on.ca/954956/data

Carl had two sisters. One died a few months before WM. The other I have no idea about. She isn't mentioned in later family announcements that I've found, or in her sister's obituary.
There would not be a listing for the EGAWF on the CRA website since it is not a federal registered charity. Instead, it is designated as an Ontario (provincial) charity. The charities on Blumberg&#8217;s list (which were obtained through FOI requests and mediation by the Office of the Information and privacy Commissioner of Ontario) are non-profit organizations incorporated in Ontario, which are not required to have a federal charity registration number and therefore cannot provide official tax receipts for income tax purposes. They would never be listed on the CRA registered charity site.

Thanks cansleuther ... I thought the Canada Revenue website was a listing of all charities in Canada, not just those that are federally registered.

As it doesn't appear anywhere other than Blumberg's list, how does one find out when the EGAWF charity was registered?
Thanks cansleuther ... I thought the Canada Revenue website was a listing of all charities in Canada, not just those that are federally registered.

As it doesn't appear anywhere other than Blumberg's list, how does one find out when the EGAWF charity was registered?

At this time there is no free database for Ontario charities, which is why Blumberg compiled the list:

Although you can search Federal non-profit corporations on the Industry Canada website for free, there is unfortunately no similar free Ontario publicly available database. An organization can be set up as an unincorporated association, a trust, a Federal non-profit corporation, and a provincial non-profit corporation including Ontario non-profit corporation.


A Corporate Profile Report may be obtained through Service Ontario, albeit for a fee:

At this time there is no free database for Ontario charities, which is why Blumberg compiled the list:


A Corporate Profile Report may be obtained through Service Ontario, albeit for a fee:


I'm no expert on such matters but it seems to me this entity was probably set up as a private trust fund, an endowment fund or some other such private benevolent gifting structure. In none of these cases is transparency of the internal "corporate" structure necessarily available nor would be on record with any government agency. The primary difference between such structures and more transparent federally registered charitable non-profits is tax related - ie the latter can issue tax receipts - although certain types of private trust funds also have numerous federal tax advantages.

Of course there exists a number of federally registered managment organizations who, for a percentage of donations received, are set up to cloak donations to a number of completely unregistered "charities" who, essentially hide under their umbrella. In such a scenario, a donor will receive a tax receipt from the umbrella organization, not the entity he thinks he's supporting. In fact, he'll have no way of knowing if his donation has ever actually reached its intended destination or, instead, if it may have been spread to benefit some, or all, of the other entities represented. This is entirely legal. A bit sketchy, maybe. But legal.

Evidently the Elizabeth Glass Animal Welfare Fund is/was not associated with such an operation.

Oh, and I almost forgot. We also have another Millard family fund - this one does have federal registration.


The Canadian Flora and Fauna Society is listed as still active and its directors on the record as unchanged (although 1 is deceased and another incarcerated.) Looks like it hasn't filed an annual report since 2010.

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