Wayne Millard Murder Trial - Dellen Millard Charged With Murder - #2

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the MM testimony was not as helpful as I expected. She was vague and not believable after all the lies. Hoping the judge picks up on all the DM lies as well. The dog question is a good one. DM may have buried himself with that screw up.
I disagree that leaving MS's place is blowing his alibi. We have to remember by this point in time, MS and DM are very tight, have already killed LB and have been scheming to steal a Dodge Ram 3350 for months. We know from previous testimony they had big criminal plans together. While MM may have been in the dark to the plan for the evening, hence he verbalizes that he's going on a date, there's no way that DM didn't trust MS to cover for him and attest to the alibi should things go sideways and they all get questioned.

I do hope we find out what Millard did when he left Smich's place at around 9:00pm because as JC testified, she was on the phone with WM til around 3:00am and she thinks maybe she heard DM enter the house. Did Millard go right to the house thinking his father would be home and he was just going to get straight to business but heard him on the phone and thus didn't enter or quietly let himself out, or waited in the basement, biding his time? The thought of someone just waiting for their father to finish a telephone conversation with a person he loves so you can murder them is completely unimaginable.

Yes, not only waiting until his father finished the phone call to murder but waiting some more until he was sound asleep. Absolutely chilling.
If the gun was actually found in the bag, with the bag erect, how on earth could any LE person on the scene lean toward a suicide?! That is absolutely incredulous. Somebody puts a gun to their head, pulls the trigger to commit suicide and the gun just neatly lands in a bag, which remains upright, while lodged between the bed and a dresser. That is absolute lunacy...never mind the implausibility of the physics behind that.

Perhaps random landing of the gun. I'm wondering why there was not more blood spatter all over the walls, etc.?
It’ll be interesting. If he intentionally stayed over at MSs place to give himself an alibi, to leave with a cellphone, call a cab from a convenience store and then possibly pay with a credit card, he wasn’t covering his tracks very well.

My theory is DM went back to his fathers house by 3am, perhaps just to stay the night and overheard him talking sweet things on the phone to his girlfriend. Outraged, not unlike a jealous spouse but because he appears to have never been able to accept the breakdown of his parents marriage, the gun was in the basement and he used it. Then he went back to MSs in the early hours.

The significance of this quote is puzzling but 20 years after the fact, that his parents divorce is still on his mind is revealing imo.

“Nobody has come forward to fully corroborate the discord in the Millard household — that is, other than Dellen himself, who would later write, “For twenty years, ever since my parents got divorced, I have been surviving one spiritual blow after another.
Wayward son

I did think he seemed to pout in the LE interview when asked about JC.
I do hope we find out what Millard did when he left Smich's place at around 9:00pm because as JC testified, she was on the phone with WM til around 3:00am and she thinks maybe she heard DM enter the house. Did Millard go right to the house thinking his father would be home and he was just going to get straight to business but heard him on the phone and thus didn't enter or quietly let himself out, or waited in the basement, biding his time? The thought of someone just waiting for their father to finish a telephone conversation with a person he loves so you can murder them is completely unimaginable.

Has anyone aside from myself thought he had an accomplice? Maybe ISHO himself? Perhaps that is who picked him up or where he got dropped off. I always thought he hired someone to do it. That LE noted marijuana smell in the lower level leads me to believe he may have been smoking down there in the preparatory phase--perhaps with someone. (IMO)
Pillay is trying to muddy the water, but who can really remember every little detail of what happened over 5 years ago. So what if she can't remember what DM was wearing, or if Pedo was there or not - the important details were that DM stayed over at Smich's house for the one and only time ever, left his vehicle and phone there and also his credit card (to show that "he ordered a pizza") in case anyone checked, but in fact, took off for several hours in the middle of all this.

I think MM knew there was something underhand going on that night (although maybe not in detail) and she was told by Smich that if anyone asks, to verify that DM was there all night and that all three of them stayed in and ordered a pizza that he paid for. What she is saying now, is likely the truth, but it's not in her best interest to say she would have backed up DMs alibi at the time, or was even asked to.

Yes, she took drugs and found it exciting to be around guns (and the people who use them) at the time, but luckily got out of that mess, relatively unscathed. She is giving valuable insight as to what really happened that night, that no-one else (except Smich) can provide. I'm looking forward to cell phone evidence to prove he wasn't where he said he was that night.
Has anyone aside from myself thought he had an accomplice? Maybe ISHO himself? Perhaps that is who picked him up or where he got dropped off. I always thought he hired someone to do it. That LE noted marijuana smell in the lower level leads me to believe he may have been smoking down there in the preparatory phase--perhaps with someone. (IMO)
They smoked down there regularly, from what's been reported, and there was still marijuana in the basement when LE were there. Doesn't have to be recent activity to stink. That smell lingers... And, much like cigarette smoke, it's probably a lot more noticeable to those who don't partake on a regular basis.

While I have little doubt that at least MS knew of the 'mission' going on that night, I think DM acted alone. Highly doubtful that some gun-trafficking gangsta-wannabe is going to show up to see his wares in action, IMO.
Where did DM wash up afterwards? At Mark's, his house, the hangar, somewhere else? Did he wash his clothing or ditch it somewhere?
Not sure where he washed up but when he murdered TB he just had a change of clothes and then when he got home he just took a shower and washed his clothes in the washer. He even washed his satchel in the machine.
MB was divorced from Wayne years before. She'd have no claim on his estate even if the will hadn't been changed.

Inheriting Property - Ministry of the Attorney General

I’m curious to hear more of DMs financial situation as at Nov, 2012, in terms of possible motive for financial gain from WMs estate. During the prior two murder trials it was mentioned be bought the farm in 2011 for appx $800,000 cash iirc. I could be wrong but for some reason I thought he had a healthy net worth all along, perhaps an inheritance from the grandfather? I also wonder at what point in time did his father sign him on as 1/2 owner of MillardAir.

Because in this trial the prosecution didn’t deliver an opening statement, it seems we’re left with a lot of guessing as to what is their theory.
Has anyone aside from myself thought he had an accomplice? Maybe ISHO himself? Perhaps that is who picked him up or where he got dropped off. I always thought he hired someone to do it. That LE noted marijuana smell in the lower level leads me to believe he may have been smoking down there in the preparatory phase--perhaps with someone. (IMO)

He may have smoked down there in preparation but him and his friends smoked down there a lot, so I think it would have smelled like pot regardless. LE did mention that there was a leafy substance down there though.

That is in interesting thought that he may have had an accomplice. My understanding is that he really did take a cab that night though since the cab driver will testify soon.
the MM testimony was not as helpful as I expected. She was vague and not believable after all the lies. Hoping the judge picks up on all the DM lies as well. The dog question is a good one. DM may have buried himself with that screw up.

She supplied good info regarding him taking off to go to the store and leaving his credit card. In his testimony he made out like he was with his friend MS all evening IIRC. She also told about the dog and about the strange place he slept. Like who does that? It's odd.
Yes, not only waiting until his father finished the phone call to murder but waiting some more until he was sound asleep. Absolutely chilling.

I feel if we count backward from 11pm the 18 hours the coroner concluded (although I know they said there are other variables), he likely murdered WM at 5 am IMO.

“I noticed the left eye was absent,” Evans said, adding that the death occurred at least 18 hours before he completed his investigation at about 11 p.m. Court shown Dellen Millard’s police interview after father found dead | The Star
He may have smoked down there in preparation but him and his friends smoked down there a lot, so I think it would have smelled like pot regardless. LE did mention that there was a leafy substance down there though.

That is in interesting thought that he may have had an accomplice. My understanding is that he really did take a cab that night though since the cab driver will testify soon.

bbm did you see a list of witnesses verifying that?
Yes, I know, but WM was generous with her, giving her monthly support payments from the company, of about I think $5,000. per month, and she knew that when DM inherited everything, he would continue to take care of her. Things could have been much different, if a second wife were in the picture. DM would not have inherited everything then, and WM might not have wanted to be continue to be so generous to his former wife. IMO

Does anyone here know family law enough to answer this?
If MB. was awarded $5000/mo alimony, does it continue after WD's demise?
How could the estate ever be settled with this kind of liability outstanding to MB?
That's $60,000 per years for many years to come.
MB. would not be very happy if DM. killed the golden goose.
Does anyone know the law here?
If there will be more evidences supporting the MM testimony, the 1st will be sealed.

Probably no solid proof by the crown to put MS on stand too. Maybe sms messages were to encrypting to properly connect with the planning of the WM murder.
I wonder how it would have gone if the housekeeper HAD found WM in the morning?


I wonder if DM was counting on the housekeeper finding him? Interesting point. Say he was shot early in the day (coroner said possible dead 18 hrs by 11 pm) she should have seen him? Maybe didn't go in his room?

And if DM is right that she fed him at 5ish due to seeing food at his desk, doesn't seem to fit with the coroner's determination.
We have been assured that we're going to hear about how JS came to be there so we'll just have to be patient. It is notable that they lived not far from each other and JS's mother was a good friend to MB. I do not believe MB had any involvement but rather was used by her son to help with the 911 call and to display proper emotions when the first responders arrived since DM couldn't count on the housekeeper finding WM and reluctantly had to go "find" him himself.

I wonder how it would have gone if the housekeeper HAD found WM in the morning?

As an almost lifelong confidante (I think so!) WM would have had told her about the finally observed MRO license and all the more about finding back to his dear childhood friend, his cousin JC. So Dena would have known that he had no reason to despair and take his own life in such manner. She would have told that to LE in her horror and shock. IMO MOO
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