Wayne Millard Murder Trial - Dellen Millard Charged With Murder - #3

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It's likely this preamble will take a little bit of time. The Crown is going to go through all of Sutherland's qualifications in detail to make sure its case is as strong as possible for when it comes to arguing his evidence should be included.
by Adam Carter 10:23 AM
re: DM's steam (?game account) profile. I wonder if the name :"dire need" was also changed WITH the picture change or was it always named as such. hmmm (DIR3N33D)

It was my understanding that DM had just set up that account with that picture in Nov 2012. I can recheck Falconers testimony for that.

ETA: Not sure where I got that impression because everything seems to indicate that he uploaded the picture between Nov 10-14 to an existing account. But there was nothing about the fact that he had two different accounts under the two different names.
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Crown Jill Cameron is having a rough time this morning with a cold, but is pushing through.
by Adam Carter 10:27 AM

Note** I'm having a rough time with Websleuths this morning but I'm pushing through too. :p
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We're now moving into his memberships and associations. Still not into the specific evidence connected to this case yet.
by Adam Carter 10:30 AM

Sutherland is also a member of the NRA.
by Adam Carter 10:31 AM

Sutherland says he's also been a lecturer, both inside and outside Toronto police. His qualifications list is quite long.
by Adam Carter 10:33 AM
Sutherland says he has been qualified to give opinion evidence in crime scene reconstruction in court seven times. Cameron is now running through those cases. In one, his qualifications and conclusions were challenged by the defence -- something like what is happening here.
by Adam Carter 10:39 AM

The fact that Sutherland has been previously qualified in court -- six times in Superior Court -- really strengthens the Crown's case to include his evidence here.
by Adam Carter 10:41 AM
Claroon, I'm assuming you're responding to my post and not Shaz14's post. I can only speak to my experience and my knowledge of anatomy and physiology. I don't know what examples on Google you are referring to....happy for you to share if you'd like me to offer comment/opinion though.

Thanks, just stuff I'd read during LB case. Won't take time to look now. Maybe depends on how long a person has been dead for fluid to come out of orifices.
No he did not suddenly turn to a life of crime and murder. There was a lot of incidents not as serious as murder, but he was doing things causing mischief for a long, long time.
He was doing missions, stealing a lot of things and had his so-called friends helping him.
Buying the eliminator with money from the company and I doubt getting approval from the father was misusing money from the company and he bought the eliminator to have a way to get rid of bodies.
DM was a criminal for a long time. I don't know how he could be in a relationship with JS. I think he hid his drug use and other things from her. She has been silent. I think she called off the engagement.
She is lucky she got him out of her life.
DM was destined to end up where he is , that is my opinion..

I totally agree with you. Wanted to respond this way to when I saw the other supposition about his breakup being a trigger. This was a progression of a sick mind, not a sudden turnabout of a good kid. IMO
I tried "shooting myself in the eye" tonight (obviously sans gun). Lying on my left side, left arm extended over the edge of the bed, right hand under chin ... angles were such that I could possibly shoot myself in the right eye, or possibly raise the gun to shoot from the upper right downward toward the left eye. There is no way I could bend either my left arm or left wrist low enough to point the barrel of a gun at a level where a bullet could enter the left eye with an upward trajectory. The mattress itself prevents the left arm/wrist/hand from being lowered far enough to line the barrel of a gun up with the left eye and the bullet in an upward trajectory.

Now what if you tried it with your head up using your right hand to lift you off the bed. Maybe the right arm ended up under his head because he had used it to lift himself up to get the gun in position and then fell on his hand after.
Sutherland says he has examined .32-calibre revolvers. "We do encounter 32s ... numerous revolvers." He says. "I have encountered them in the past." A .32-calibre revolver was used in this case. Sutherland also says he examined 128 guns in 2017 -- 11 of which were revolvers.
by Adam Carter 10:54 AM
During the first trial, I noted:
- Lisa was hired by DM in January 2012 to do the bookkeeping for Millardair and the properties (she had first met DM around 2001)
- her job was to keep track of expenses
- in Oct 2012, the company took out a loan for $3.7 million to buy equipment

Here's an article about her testimony:
Bosma trial: Millardair bookkeeper says money was “very tight”

Funny how in the Bosma trial, DM's lawyer argued that money wasn't tight and DM could afford anything he wanted, whereas now they will want to show that money woes led to WM killing himself.

Yes, quite a comical point.
I agree with the article though, that a bookkeeper has access to daily business income and expenses. She would not necessarily know the full business plan, possible investors, personal investments or how the banks felt about loaning money--a standard practice for many businesses.
Adam Carter‏Verified account @AdamCarterCBC 12m12 minutes ago
"My duty is to deliver impartial, honest, full, frank and fair information ... as unbiased as I can," Sutherland says. #Millard

Adam Carter‏Verified account @AdamCarterCBC 12m12 minutes ago
Sutherland says to the best of his abilities, he removed any biases that would have existed when examining this case. #Millard

Adam Carter‏Verified account @AdamCarterCBC 11m11 minutes ago
We're now moving on to the evidence from this case specifically. #Millard
Adam Carter‏Verified account @AdamCarterCBC 10m10 minutes ago
Sutherland says he started looking into the case on Aug. 6 of 2014. He was asked to review autopsy photos and reports. #Millard

Adam Carter‏Verified account @AdamCarterCBC 9m9 minutes ago
Sutherland says he looked over the photos of Millard's bedroom, where his body was found. #Millard

Adam Carter‏Verified account @AdamCarterCBC 8m8 minutes ago
"A number of inconsistencies in this case presented themselves," Sutherland says. #Millard
Adam Carter‏Verified account @AdamCarterCBC 5m5 minutes ago
He says a "cylinder gap" impression was present on the pillow directly in front of Millard's face. "This one seemed different, and unexplainable." #Millard

Adam Carter‏Verified account @AdamCarterCBC 5m5 minutes ago
We're now seeing a close up of that "impression" the soot left on Millard's pillow. #Millard

Adam Carter‏Verified account @AdamCarterCBC 3m3 minutes ago
Two small oval shaped markings on the pillow are the cylinder gap impression. He calls these "ponderous." #Millard
Adam Carter‏Verified account @AdamCarterCBC 3m3 minutes ago
Sutherland is now going to explain some of these things on the gun itself -- he'll be holding it up, wearing gloves. Full disclosure, this is extremely technical so far. #Millard

Adam Carter‏Verified account @AdamCarterCBC 1m1 minute ago
He says there's a "top strap" -- the part above the gun's cylinder. "In this case here ... the cylinder gap gunshot residue is found above this top strap/barrel mark." #Millard

Adam Carter‏Verified account @AdamCarterCBC now37 seconds ago
"One would expect the cylinder gap to be below the top strap, if it was lying on its side," Sutherland says. #Millard

Adam Carter‏Verified account @AdamCarterCBC now32 seconds ago
"Mr. Millard's right hand was found below his face, with his left arm extended ... this would leave one to believe ... that the left hand was used in the discharging of this firearm." #Millard
It was my understanding that DM had just set up that account with that picture in Nov 2012. I can recheck Falconers testimony for that.

ETA: Not sure where I got that impression because everything seems to indicate that he uploaded the picture between Nov 10-14 to an existing account. But there was nothing about the fact that he had two different accounts under the two different names.

Okay I looked up the info myself and you can see that he changed the name and likely the profile pic on Nov 13, 2012 at 4:44pm. He had only been a member since Nov 11, 2012.


SteamID » DIR3N33D steam | STEAM_0:1:57604406 | 76561198075474541
Adam Carter‏Verified account @AdamCarterCBC 2m2 minutes ago
Sutherland says Millard's left arm is constricted by the right arm. He says if the gun was fired by the left arm, with his thumb on the trigger, the cylinder gap marking on the pillow "should be below, and not above." #Millard

Adam Carter‏Verified account @AdamCarterCBC 2m2 minutes ago
Sutherland says "it becomes very difficult for that constricted left hand to use that firearm." #Millard

Adam Carter‏Verified account @AdamCarterCBC 1m1 minute ago
Sutherland also points out there was no gunshot residue found on Millard's left hand. #Millard
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