Ways To Honor Caylee

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Knower of Things
Apr 7, 2011
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There's nothing any of us can do about the criminal case. It is over and done, forever.

However, rather than bemoaning the unfairness of it all (and I do think venting for a little while is healthy), the best way to heal is to find ways to honor Caylee and all the children who are lost/stolen/murdered.

Turn your passion to action!

1. Volunteer locally at a women's shelter.
2. Volunteer in some way that will help children.
3. Help national organizations that have been formed to find missing children (be it KlaasKids, Equisearch, K9 search units, or any multitude of others). They all need assistance.
4. Get involved with your state and improve your state's laws to protect children. Learn what can be done.
5. Teach your children accountability and be fully accountable yourself. Children learn from example.
6. Keep your compassion and empathy and help other families who have missing children. There are tons that do not have the notoriety of this case. Many are listed on Websleuths.
7. Keep a "pay it forward" mindset. One good act begets more good acts.

Take all the anger and hurt and channel it into something positive and constructive that will honor Caylee and all missing/hurt children.
There's nothing any of us can do about the criminal case. It is over and done, forever.

However, rather than bemoaning the unfairness of it all (and I do think venting for a little while is healthy), the best way to heal is to find ways to honor Caylee and all the children who are lost/stolen/murdered.

Turn your passion to action!

1. Volunteer locally at a women's shelter.
2. Volunteer in some way that will help children.
3. Help national organizations that have been formed to find missing children (be it KlaasKids, Equisearch, K9 search units, or any multitude of others). They all need assistance.
4. Get involved with your state and improve your state's laws to protect children. Learn what can be done.
5. Teach your children accountability and be fully accountable yourself. Children learn from example.
6. Keep your compassion and empathy and help other families who have missing children. There are tons that do not have the notoriety of this case. Many are listed on Websleuths.
7. Keep a "pay it forward" mindset. One good act begets more good acts.

Take all the anger and hurt and channel it into something positive and constructive that will honor Caylee and all missing/hurt children.


I sooo agree with what you have stated. Not a thing we can do about the verdict but I can control what I watch on TV and I certainly can control what I buy and who from. I refuse to let this verdict make me succumb to live in the depths of depression and darkness with the A's. I want to live in the light that radiated from Caylee.
There's nothing any of us can do about the criminal case. It is over and done, forever.

However, rather than bemoaning the unfairness of it all (and I do think venting for a little while is healthy), the best way to heal is to find ways to honor Caylee and all the children who are lost/stolen/murdered.

Turn your passion to action!

1. Volunteer locally at a women's shelter.
2. Volunteer in some way that will help children.
3. Help national organizations that have been formed to find missing children (be it KlaasKids, Equisearch, K9 search units, or any multitude of others). They all need assistance.
4. Get involved with your state and improve your state's laws to protect children. Learn what can be done.
5. Teach your children accountability and be fully accountable yourself. Children learn from example.
6. Keep your compassion and empathy and help other families who have missing children. There are tons that do not have the notoriety of this case. Many are listed on Websleuths.
7. Keep a "pay it forward" mindset. One good act begets more good acts.

Take all the anger and hurt and channel it into something positive and constructive that will honor Caylee and all missing/hurt children.

Two additional organizations that come to mind include:

Community Education Response Team

CERT trains citizens on how to cope and respond to major disasters.

National Citizens Police Academy Association

NCPAA connects citizens to police departments in hopes of strengthening the bond between the public and their local police department.
Call your local department of Children and Family Services. Ask them what are some non-profit organizations they contract with to help provide services to abused and neglected children. Donate or volunteer with those organizations. There are Caylees everywhere.
I guess at the end of the day there was no justice that could of ever been done that would of been enough for Caylee IMO; her life could never be brought back! So right now I have to let go and let God! I don't know what criminal activity her mom was involved in regarding her death, but if she really is the monster that some think she it will eventually catch up with her (ex OJ). In the mean time I have made sure to not forget about other exploited, murdered, and missing children! I am also telling others about this petition Caylee's LAw Petition that makes it a felony to not report a child missing in 48hrs!
Most of us are outraged at this verdict, but unfortunately there is nothing we can do about it. Instead of paying attention to FCA, we should redirect our attention to doing good to honor Caylee. Her death doesn't have to be in vain. I think Caylee's law is a great start, but we can do so much more. We can do a lot to dorwn out the evil with good.

Tricia posted this link to Mark Klass' campaign to help fund 5 search and rescue missions. I think we should make this our first cause to help him reach his goal. I already contributed what I could.

So post in this thread on what you plan on doing to honor Caylee's memory. It could be anything, big or small. Any contribution to help make this world a better place counts.
God Bless all you Posters and Good Moms out there. I think there is so much to learn by this case and it is not what Casey Anthony will do next! the Justice system needs a hard look at, money is tight and some people do not deserve a blank check from the state. This case should have been judged at mutli levels before it got to a DP stage. Jurors are not up for this responisbility. I read the ABC transcrpits of the summary of the jury and each transcript infered that these jurors had to decide how they felt about the death penalty. and if they could convict knowing this. This is a big part of why they were chosen, yet they are not responsible for this dp phase? they are not suppose to consider it. Can someone please explain this to me? it sounds like we set them up to think they would be responsible for the penalty phase. Really? it sounds like we are trying to have the most unadvised jury we can get? why is that?
I think these ideas are great. I donated to Klaas Kids in response. I wish the laws against children were as strict as drug possession and financial fraud. They don't seem to be misinterpreted or have "loopholes".
First, Madeleine74, your post was excellent! You helped to put this in perspective and to help us focus on ways to help us heal from all of this.

I have been having quite a bit of back trouble so I am pretty much confined to my bed or sofa. So, I have started writing to all the publishing companies and tv stations about publishing or producing materials that makes money off the death of Caylee.

In the thread Death Takes an Agent, Blonde Girl included email addresses and mailing addresses for publishing companies and tv. I made a hard copy of that list and started with emails. Today I started writing hard copies of letters to the executives of networks requesting that they not engage in any activity where the family or defense team would financially benefit. This is followed with statement that basically says, if you do decide to support any type of business transaction off the blood of this child I will stop watching their networks. I will also stop purchasing goods and services from anyone that advertises during any interviews, specials, etc.

Essentially, I use the same letter but change the names, addresses, etc. So, it's not that difficult to do, just time consuming. But, hey, I have the time and I am making good use of this down time and I am glad about that.

It's not much, but it is all I can do at this moment. As I regain my mobility, I hope to volunteer in the community. I really want to help in getting laws changed or passed regarding children's issues.

But, until then, I do not have places to go, or people to see, just lots of letters to write. So, I need to get back to it...

In looking at ways to better spend my time than following than news, I stumbled across a rather brutal (for lack of a better term) article...I am posting the link below the snippet...The title is called Life Coaching For Those Obsessed With the Casey Anthony Trial...Most of it was garbage in my opinion, and more than a bit condescending, but the one thing that did strike me was this portion of it:

"For example, if you are struggling to have children, it’s natural to feel frustrated when you perceive someone like Anthony has succeeded in that and squandered it. It’s understandably human to ask why and even have some confusion and/or resentment, but ultimately you have to know railing at a stranger to the level where your blood pressure is rising isn’t going to bring you a baby.

Ditto for all the other possibilities that have you getting so emotionally involved in one woman’s story.

There’s another way to go here.

Ideally, the fever pitch around the Casey Anthony trial could spur action for children in need. If there is time to watch hours of coverage and craft status updates, there is time to funnel the energy into something more productive. One Facebook friend posted a terrific suggestion -- get better acquainted with a Web site for missing kids.

That’s an easy, surface-level idea that requires only time on the Internet. But you can always take it up a notch. Write a check. Write regular checks if you can. Target causes that help make children’s health and well-being a priority.

Just Tell Director Vivian Farmery would be all too happy to let you release your frustration at the mistreatment of children by contributing to Just Tell, whose mission is, according to its Web site, “to educate and empower children and adults around the issue of childhood sexual abuse.”

Need I mention St. Jude’s Hospital? What better place to bring your compassion for children? No extra cash? They appreciate volunteers, too."

Read more: http://www.foxbusiness.com/personal-...#ixzz1S1LBSLkj

Imagine if all the posters here in this forum ( I am sure some if not many ALREADY DO) chose a charity of their choice and donated in some way to it. In some small way, in helping another child, we can honor Caylee. No, I didn't know Caylee, but she is an amalgam if you will of all the children murdered by their mothers that should have had an opportunity to live and love in this world....

Here is a great link to Top Rated Charities: http://www.charitywatch.org/toprated.html
I have found a charity that I want to help and in doing so, may help myself get over this travesty.

Just a thought....
I like this thread. :rocker: All of the suggestions are very good. I would like to add a suggestion: you can sponsor a child through an organisation.
After the school massacre in Chechnya, I was so horrified by what had happened to all those children. I felt like DOING something GOOD after such an evil deed, and it popped into my mind that I would sponsor a child. That at least one child in the world would benefit from this. So I went online, found an organisation, picked the first child that came up, and I have been sponsoring him ever since, he is now twelve.
I pay a small amount every month, and every time I pay, I send a thought to all the little kids who were killed in that massacre - and to my sponsor child, of course.
I think that is a good way of honoring and remembering.

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