We the Jury! Deliberations

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jury sent fourth question at 1:05. Asking for autopsy photos and bath tub photos. Oh yeah!

Stacy St. Clair ‏@StacyStClair
#drewpeterson jury will get photos, judge says.

Stacy St. Clair ‏@StacyStClair
#drewpeterson jury also asks again for police report from staircase incident. Judge gives them handwritten statement Savio gave to police

That's a good question! :woohoo:

I'm really liking the questions the jury is asking.

Gotta run and pick up the kiddo from school shortly.

Am hoping for verdict either before 6pm or after 9pm. I promised the kiddo a movie this evening.
The jury is only now asking for autopsy photos? Weird, they seem to be deliberating back to front.
I think my thingy needs a lube job.

LMAO post of the day! :floorlaugh:
Finally caught up....following twitter too...I do hate the fact that Tru tv goes off at noon here :(

oh yeah, hoping for GUILTY!!!!
And he might hit on you.

:slap: Ewww, Livingthedream! Shame on you! That was just mean... :notgood: You're gonna scare her to death! :pillowfight2: God forbid he walks! (I'll be prayin for your safety regardless Stillblv! :please: Sounds like you live in a rather scarey place!!) Back to trying to catch up!
Stacy St. Clair ‏@StacyStClair
#drewpeterson jury in courtroom for reading of Pastor Schori and Harry Smith testimony. Reading has started w/ phone record stipulations
In Session Attorney Greenberg has made a lengthy argument, objecting to the fact that some evidence (such as photographs) are going back to the jury room, while other evidence (the transcripts) are being read to the jurors, but will not go back. The judge, however, is adamant that the transcripts should not go back, since they contained portions which one can clearly see have been redacted. Greenberg then finds case law which he believes supports his position, and the judge takes a brief recess to consider the issue.

I think if they would have let everything in they should have let in, I think the jury would have taken 3 minutes.

To include the story about the second wife's breaks failing on a rainy night after DP told her to leave the bar he owned early.
She rounded a curve and the car rolled and her face was smashed in and she was critically injured.
She never asked for anything in their divorce so I'm not clear why she still worked at the bar or why he'd have reason to kill her. Probably because she was done with him so he was done with her. Simple as that.

This story never comes up. I read it (CandyRose?) when the trial got underway and thought 'wow'!
I think IS is a little behind on their updates.
In Session Attorney Greenberg has made a lengthy argument, objecting to the fact that some evidence (such as photographs) are going back to the jury room, while other evidence (the transcripts) are being read to the jurors, but will not go back. The judge, however, is adamant that the transcripts should not go back, since they contained portions which one can clearly see have been redacted. Greenberg then finds case law which he believes supports his position, and the judge takes a brief recess to consider the issue.


well... it IS only 1400 CT correct? They still have plenty o daylight. (I am the glass is half full type... drives mr. nurse crazy! :lol:)
Stacy St. Clair ‏@StacyStClair
#drewpeterson jury now hearing a reading of Pastor Neil Schori testimony.

Craig Wall ‏@craigrwall
Jury back in court, court reporter finished reading cell phone record of #DrewPeterson calls to Kathleen Savio the weekend she died in 2004
In Session

The jurors and alternates are now back in the courtroom, and the court reporter starts by reading the stipulations which were previously agreed to regarding the phone call records of defendant Drew Peterson.

Those records reflect calls between Savio and Peterson on the weekend that she died (including calls from Peterson to Savio that were not answered). These records include calls made to/from both cell phones and land lines. The last call reflected is a March 1, 2004 call at 10:05 there was a 14 second call from Peterson’s land line to Savio’s cell phone.
I hope that the "top banana" DP had a good lunch. Wear that suit bro, and be smug....I have the feeling "top Banana" is not feeling so toppy top top now. Hee hee, squirm, worm.....
Stacy St. Clair ‏@StacyStClair
About five members of #drewpeterson jury - all men - took notes when read phone records. The rest sat passively.
In Session The court reporter now begins to read the transcript of witness Neil Schori, beginning with his direct examination. In his testimony, Schori says he met with Stacy Peterson at the Bolingbrook Starbucks, after she called. He saw her sitting by herself, on the patio, as he approached. “Stacy appeared to be nervous, tentative . . . I approached her and greeted her . . . I did all of my counseling out in the public . . . I never wanted to have any question of impropriety on my part.”
Would someone give us a link to HLN so that we can continue to follow this case, please? Thank you so much.

They're talking about the democratic convention - I'm sick of politics!
It's almost as aggravating a jury watch. :twocents:
Stacy St. Clair ‏@StacyStClair
During Schori reading five #drewpeterson jurors - four men and one woman - are taking notes. The rest just sitting there.
In Session “She withdrew physically and kind of into herself . . . she had tears streaming down her cheeks . . . she told me that one night she and Drew went to bed at the same time, and they both went to sleep. She woke up in the middle of the night, and she noticed Drew was not in bed with her . . . she did not find him in the house. She attempted to contact him by phone, and was unsuccessful . .. sometime later, in the early morning hours, she saw him standing near the washer and dryer, dressed in all black, carrying a bag . . . she said he removed his clothing, and took the contents of the bag and put all of that tin the washing machine . . . she walked over to the washing machine, and looked to see what was inside. And she saw some women’s clothing that she identified as not hers . . . he told her that soon the police would be wanting to sit down to interview her, and he told her what to say to the police . . . it took hours . . . she said that she lied [to the police] . . . she said that she lied on Drew’s behalf to the police . . . she continued to cry; she was very scared.”
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