Websleuths Is Being Accused....

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do you want the video clip of Jesse Grund? Let me get it for you. This is how Jesse's name even got brought up.
I have been reading WS for over a year but I have waited to reply. This did it.

Does this guy not realize that the entire family looks like a bunch of liars? Or that the grandma is covering her tracks and keeps getting caught in lies? SHE herself said on the 911 tape that the car smelled like "it had a damn dead body in it". For a week she has blamed it on a pizza. THAT's why we are targeting your friends. We are targeting Casey because she has the integrity of a flea. HER CHILD IS MISSING AND SHE IS TRYING TO BARGAIN FOR IMMUNITY. If she was such a stellar mom, she would not be sitting in jail and would be cooperating.

Of course your son is getting brought into this. He reported that he heard the child on the phone AFTER Casey claims she went missing. You are getting brought into it because you preach weird alien crazy nonsense on your PUBLIC profile. Expect ridicule because you are asking for it.

Seems to me that if this family would stay off myspace long enough to get on a plane and go to Atlanta (or where ever Grandma has received these "tips" from) more would be getting done. Most ppl would have been on a plane already!

Instead, Grandma seems to think that my prime time news should be filled with pictures of this child. I wouldn't mind watching, except that everytime this drama queen opens her mouth, I want to wretch.

We, the public, owe her NOTHING. The media owes her NOTHING. Don't tell us all to look and demand the news post this pic 24/7 because Grandma doesn't have the gonads to beat the truth out of her idiot daughter. Don't find the child. You aren't hurting the public. By sitting in jail and refusing to talk, Casey is hurting herself and her family. She is not hurting us.

And that, Mr. Grund, is my 2 cents.

Welcome My2Cents,

I am glad you finally posted...and what a post. I agree with everything.

Ok, standby my friends, I'll have a bit more info in a moment.
Dear Tricia,

The mother, as well as the maternal grandmother, of the missing child have insisted that the mother knows where the child is and that the only reason she has not spoken to police is because there have been significant 'threats'.

I would highly recommend passing along any threatening accusations made by anyone connected to the child to the FBI who are working on this case. They may wish to follow up.

Sincerely ~Truly

In My Opinion
Dear Tricia,

The mother, as well as the maternal grandmother, of the missing child have insisted that the mother knows where the child is and that the only reason she has not spoken to police is because there have been significant 'threats'.

I would highly recommend passing along any threatening accusations made by anyone connected to the child to the FBI who are working on this case. They may wish to follow up.R

Sincerely ~Truly


That is a great idea. Why would someone be more worried about us, after he posted all his crap on his own site, therefore he is a public figure, rather than trying to help.

Rather than threaten to sue me why not start a dialog with me.
Don't get it.
From blog:

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]It's also difficult for me to watch and listen to the bile being spewn by strangers and now PEOPLE I KNOW who hint at or come right out and accuse my son Jesse of having something to do with her disappearance. I cannot divulge any details now but when the story is revealed and all details are shared you WILL NOT BE ABLE TO RETRIEVE YOUR WORDS. At least the Phraisees didn't throw their stones. You've thrown yours and cannot retrieve them. I have to be honest and admit I went before the Lord about dealing with this either in lawsuits or some other "form" of justice had He gave me a choice. I could do it my way or He could do it His. I chose His and it's fair to tell you that EVERY HIDDEN THING is about to revealed in the lives of those who have thrown stones during this time. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]What I don't understand about this is, why can't whatever is going on be revealed?? There is an innocent child's life at stake here-it's not a game. So, reveal whatever it is already!!!

Hmmmm, evidently public posters aren't the only one's questioning his son's involvement. I think he should be more concerned that people he knows are pointing fingers, than about what the rest of us think.
Of course, I did make a thread concerning statements which there were discrepancies with things coming out in the media and in court hearings. I stand by that. I also asked that people post BOTH and their sources so we could see it. This had nothing to do with him that I am aware of.

Tricia, some did give him a hard time about his website and his religion. They were discussing his myspace site and content. I think we are free to express our opinions on his public forum.

I will go back and review if I said or did anything that caused him to add me to his blog...but I find it odd since I have been defending his son's statement right and left here.

Have I given opinions of Caylee's mother and grandmother? Absolutely I have! I don't recall giving any opinion on this person other than I thought they were the grandparents of the missing child due to what the maternal grandmother said on the stand and I misunderstood (according to others).

http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2407489&postcount=3 <post I made which concerned his family...but was following the exact words of the grandmother. I should not have titled it as Lie #2, but it contradicted at the time what I understood to be true. That all along in the press according to her...the father of the child was dead from a car accident. Then...under oath she said she believed it was this man's son. I guess the misunderstanding was in her wording of the past (according to others). She did believe it early on, but came to believe something else later.

Please know that I was not directing anything towards you. I wasn't accusing you of anything nor was saying you said anything wrong. I feel that they are involved as well, cindy moreso then she says she is.

I haven't read each and every post, but opinions are exempt from slander/libel. Unless there has been an out and out statement that the person murdered the child and it was done with malice, he has no basis for a law suit. No atty in the world would take a borderline case because there is not alot of money in a slander/libel case. It could even be questioned as to whether he is putting himself out there as a public figure, claiming to be a reverend, recruiting ppl to his "religion", and associating himself with the case via his myspace page. (Depending on Florida law).

There would have to be posts accusing him of a criminal act. It is one thing to say he did it and another to wonder if he had played a role in it (ex. "I wonder if he had a role in this?"

Everybody, just make sure that you state that something is your opinion! ex. "In my opinion, he looks like a mobster" or "in my opinion so and so is involved in the murder". None of these are my opinions, just examples.
To Jesse's father that is posting: I haven't even brought up your family or son in my postings here but if someone has some news or story that proves where Caylee is and what the true story is, please please please reveal it to the police and to the public. This needs to be put to rest. It should not be a secret or something you can't reveal. I do hope you and your family have at least revealed everything to Law Enforcement. I am going to assume you have done the right thing and have done that. At least that way maybe the case can come to an end. Personally I think 1 person only, Casey, is responsible for her poor baby that has gone missing. I believe she is dancing with Jesus which is about the only thing good in this case.

From blog:

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]It's also difficult for me to watch and listen to the bile being spewn by strangers and now PEOPLE I KNOW who hint at or come right out and accuse my son Jesse of having something to do with her disappearance. I cannot divulge any details now but when the story is revealed and all details are shared you WILL NOT BE ABLE TO RETRIEVE YOUR WORDS. At least the Phraisees didn't throw their stones. You've thrown yours and cannot retrieve them. I have to be honest and admit I went before the Lord about dealing with this either in lawsuits or some other "form" of justice had He gave me a choice. I could do it my way or He could do it His. I chose His and it's fair to tell you that EVERY HIDDEN THING is about to revealed in the lives of those who have thrown stones during this time.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]What I don't understand about this is, why can't whatever is going on be revealed?? There is an innocent child's life at stake here-it's not a game. So, reveal whatever it is already!!!

I haven't read each and every post, but opinions are exempt from slander/libel. Unless there has been an out and out statement that the person murdered the child and it was done with malice, he has no basis for a law suit. No atty in the world would take a borderline case because there is not alot of money in a slander/libel case. It could even be questioned as to whether he is putting himself out there as a public figure, claiming to be a reverend, recruiting ppl to his "religion", and associating himself with the case via his myspace page. (Depending on Florida law).

There would have to be posts accusing him of a criminal act. It is one thing to say he did it and another to wonder if he had played a role in it (ex. "I wonder if he had a role in this?"

Everybody, just make sure that you state that something is your opinion! ex. "In my opinion, he looks like a mobster" or "in my opinion so and so is involved in the murder". None of these are my opinions, just examples.

You are right my dear. The only problem is anyone can sue. He wouldn't win. It would be tossed because I would fight it tooth and nail of course. I'm hoping someone talks some sense into because all he will do is lose his money. And it would cost me money too.

He needs to get his priorities straight...IN MY OPINION...
Hello, Tricia!
Thank you for sharing this link.
I see that my nic is mentioned, but you can check - I did NOT post what this guy attributed to me. My posts are on this board and can be looked up.
I think this man is wrong to attack any posters. When a child or adult is missing, there should be no boundaries. Everyone and every side should be looked at. Sometimes it is not pretty. When someone is murdered, every angle also has to be looked at.
Jesse is mentioned in the affidavit. He is real. Even Cindy Anthony brought Jesse's name up at Casey's bail hearing. We have not done anything any differently in this case than in any others.
Personally, I find this man, Jesse Grund, Sr., offensive and judgemental. Thats just my personal opinion. I do not share his beliefs and do not want to hear his sermon. He even sounds threatening.
IF he feels the way he says he does, then this might not be the place for him.

I believe you my dear. No worries. Just keep on keeping on and keep posting. This sweet little angel needs to be found.
Doesn't ....I think or I believe qualify the statement as an opinion?

I don't know if this was directed to Tricia or me? I don't know Florida law, but slander and libel are torts and vary by each state. The same basic rules apply to all, but each has subtle differences (such as what an opinion actually is). I'd keep it "in my opinion" to be on the safe side. Maybe Tricia knows more about the law as I am guessing she has received a letter or email from him stating his intents and has probably consulted a lawyer regarding the appropriate laws.
:eek: I cannot divulge any details now THIS PER HIS COMMENTS

He has knowlege or info more than we?
Hope the PD has it all as well.

He also prior said it made no sense for Casey to have lft her veh in a 24/7 lot with cameras. I think it was on the 23rd or 24th @ 9:47 PM approx.... So who had and left the vehicle, Cindy accused her own daughter of stealing it on the 911 tape released today.
I don't know if this was directed to Tricia or me? I don't know Florida law, but slander and libel are torts and vary by each state. The same basic rules apply to all, but each has subtle differences (such as what an opinion actually is). I'd keep it "in my opinion" to be on the safe side. Maybe Tricia knows more about the law as I am guessing she has received a letter or email from him stating his intents and has probably consulted a lawyer regarding the appropriate laws.
Thank you for answering.
Hi Everyone,

Unlike the wonderful members and posters in this forum, I have had very little time to follow this case.

This link was sent to me. I would like you all to read it and comment on it please.


I want to understand why this person ( I think it's Jessie's dad) feels the way he does.


Hi Tricia, I'm new to posting here on websleuths but I wanted to offer up my take on the situation. Based on the fact that Cindy stated she believed Jesse to be the father, many of us checked out Jesse's myspace. In his top friends we found his father. Some of the members commented on Mr. Grund's myspace page...I am not prepared to quote anyone but I recall that someone said they thought he looked like a mobster. Someone said the whole webpage seemed a little cult-ish to them. Someone said Mr. Grund looked like a popular TV character. These were all opinions - I don't recall anyone saying that he was involved with Caylee's disappearance, but the idea could very well have been tossed around. Mr. Grund's myspace page is not what would be considered "normal" IN MY OPINION - there are statements made and photos posted on his site which do not fall in line with MY personal beliefs. I chose not to comment on it here on websleuths because I don't feel that this is what this forum is for. If I think Mr. Grund is weird or his lifestyle is strange, what does that have to do with little Caylee? Nothing. So I chose not to comment.

I think what it comes down to is that Mr. Grund was upset, hurt and offended. I probably would be too if I were in his position. However that is just one thing that we don't have any control over. As long as this forum is public, there's always a chance that a victim, family member or friend is going to read something (someone's OPINION) that they do not like or that offends them. But if none of us spoke our opinions, or tossed out ideas.........what would be the purpose of this forum?

Although I didn't personally make any of the offensive comments about Mr. Grund, his son Jesse or their myspace pages.....I did offer up my apology to any friends and family who were offended by anything I might have said. I think that is the responsible thing to do and I certainly don't like the thought of adding to the pain that a victim (or their friends/family) may already be dealing with, but again......just my opinion!!

PS _ Thank you Tricia for this forum......the work that the members here are doing is fantastic!!!!
Just out of curiousity (and as ever always my opinion), I would like to respectfully inquire why the Rev. Grund targeted Websleuths? We are hardly the only public forum discussing this case (not sure of the rules about listing other sites, need to read the TOS for clarification). But I can say, in my opinion, we've been mild compared to some others I've read.
if you put a search in for 'jessie grund' websleuths is the first actual message board that comes up. maybe that's what led him here.
I apologize then for misunderstanding when you asked for comments and wondered what may have made this man feel as he did. And with that...I'm out of here. I have no tolerance for a site that allows innocent family members and friends of victims to be attacked and ridiculed.

Noone is being attacked or ridiculed here, certainly not that I have read. A wee girl is missing and possibly dead. We at Websleuths care about her and her whereabouts. We might get emotional but I have not seen or read anything that can bring about a lawsuit.

Goodbye Chilly Willy, you will not find a more honest and caring site than this one with people from all over coming together to help others and victims of crime.

Tricia, like SS says, check the thread about family discrepencies as I think most of the "opinions' and discrespencies are quoted there. I personally said that I am blown away that the Grandma claims in the 911 call that there is a smell of a dead body in the car but she missed telling Nancy Grace that very important piece of info esp. since Grandpa George was in LE for 10 years and knew what that smell was!
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