Dwntwnslim - doesn't understand why LE wasn't able to establish a link with people who had made contact with the victim(s) via craigslist or (backpage?) In 2008 craigslist was manually checking each post. First post in 2007 . . . other 3 in 2008.
Inspector Gadget asks how many craigslist responses (hits) per day does Dwntwnslim thinks these ads get. Dwntwnslim doesn't have that information.
Dwntwnslim asks how Truthspider thinks one person before it was mentioned in MSM
Truthspider claims he heard/saw it on CBS(?) and News 12(?) check the dates - his name was in MSM - Truthspider is not a psychic.
The Doctor that made phone call to Shannon Gilbert's Mother, denies making that initial phone call but admits making subsequent calls. Tricia reiterates no sleuthing of anyone unless name is MSM. Truthspider adamant his name was in MSM.
Tricia plans for all getting together to sing *advertiser censored*-by-ah (sic?)
Everyone was using go phones, maybe?
Also the cyber-stalker aspect fails in that at least three of the four GB4 used their bf/pimp/drivers phones or in some cases the dates were even set up through the driver/pimp/bf.